public virtual void AddPacketInfo(Packet packet) { packet.AddUInt32(Id); packet.AddByte((byte)ClassType); packet.AddUInt16(Type); packet.AddByte(Lvl); packet.AddFloat((float)Hp); packet.AddFloat((float)Stats.MaxHp); packet.AddUInt16(Count); }
private void GetCityHasApBonus(Session session, Packet packet) { ICity city; uint cityId; try { cityId = packet.GetUInt32(); } catch (Exception) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.Unexpected); return; } locker.Lock(cityId, out city).Do(() => { if (city == null) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.ObjectNotFound); return; } var reply = new Packet(packet); reply.AddByte((byte)(city.AlignmentPoint >= 75m ? 1 : 0)); session.Write(reply); }); }
public bool AccountCreate(string uName, string pass, string realName, string location, string email, string HDDSerial, out AccountReply result) { result = AccountReply.THIS_IS_WRONG; if (!m_client.ConnectedAndInitialized || !Initialized) return false; Packet builder = new Packet(PacketFamily.Account, PacketAction.Create); //eoserv doesn't care... builder.AddShort(1337); builder.AddByte(42); builder.AddBreakString(uName); builder.AddBreakString(pass); builder.AddBreakString(realName); builder.AddBreakString(location); builder.AddBreakString(email); builder.AddBreakString(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()); builder.AddBreakString(HDDSerial); if (!m_client.SendPacket(builder) || !m_account_responseEvent.WaitOne(Constants.ResponseTimeout)) return false; result = m_account_reply; return true; }
private void ListAll(Session session, Packet packet) { locker.Lock(session.Player).Do(() => { if (!session.Player.IsInTribe) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.TribesmanNotPartOfTribe); return; } var reply = new Packet(packet); var strongholds = strongholdManager.StrongholdsForTribe(session.Player.Tribesman.Tribe).ToList(); reply.AddInt16((short)strongholds.Count); foreach (var stronghold in strongholds) { reply.AddUInt32(stronghold.ObjectId); reply.AddString(stronghold.Name); reply.AddByte(stronghold.Lvl); reply.AddUInt32(stronghold.PrimaryPosition.X); reply.AddUInt32(stronghold.PrimaryPosition.Y); } session.Write(reply); }); }
private static void Run() { socketAwaitablePool = new SocketAwaitablePool(50); blockingBufferManager = new BlockingBufferManager(1000, 50); while (true) { try { var policySession = Connect(); policySession.SendAsyncImmediatelly(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("<policy-file-request/>\n")).Wait(); var newSession = Connect(); var loginPacket = new Packet(Command.Login); loginPacket.AddInt16(0); // version loginPacket.AddInt16(0); // revision loginPacket.AddByte(0); loginPacket.AddString("1234"); loginPacket.AddString(""); newSession.SendAsyncImmediatelly(loginPacket.GetBytes()).Wait(); policySession.Socket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); policySession.Socket.Close(); newSession.Socket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); newSession.Socket.Close(); } catch (Exception) { } } }
public void SendChat(string channelName, ChatType type, uint playerId, string playerName, IDictionary <AchievementTier, byte> achievements, bool distinguish, string message) { logger.Info("[{0} {1}] {3} {2}:{4}", SystemClock.Now, channel, playerName, playerId, message); byte goldAchievements; achievements.TryGetValue(AchievementTier.Gold, out goldAchievements); byte silverAchievements; achievements.TryGetValue(AchievementTier.Silver, out silverAchievements); byte bronzeAchievements; achievements.TryGetValue(AchievementTier.Bronze, out bronzeAchievements); var chatPacket = new Packet(Command.Chat); chatPacket.AddByte((byte)type); chatPacket.AddByte(goldAchievements); chatPacket.AddByte(silverAchievements); chatPacket.AddByte(bronzeAchievements); chatPacket.AddByte((byte)(distinguish ? 1 : 0)); chatPacket.AddUInt32(playerId); chatPacket.AddString(playerName); chatPacket.AddString(message); if (logger.IsDebugEnabled) { logger.Debug("Sending chat to {0} players", channel.SubscriberCount(channelName)); } channel.Post(channelName, chatPacket); }
public void SendSystemChat(string messageId, params string[] messageArgs) { Packet chatPacket = new Packet(Command.SystemChat); chatPacket.AddString(messageId); chatPacket.AddByte((byte)messageArgs.Length); foreach (var messageArg in messageArgs) { chatPacket.AddString(messageArg); } channel.Post("/GLOBAL", chatPacket); }
public void TribeUpdate() { if (!Global.Current.FireEvents) { return; } var packet = new Packet(Command.TribeChannelUpdate); packet.AddUInt32(Tribesman == null ? 0 : Tribesman.Tribe.Id); packet.AddUInt32(TribeRequest); packet.AddByte((byte)(Tribesman == null ? 0 : tribesman.Rank.Id)); channel.Post(PlayerChannel, packet); }
private void HideNewUnitsUpdate(ICity city) { if (!ShouldUpdate(city)) { return; } channel.Post(GetChannelName(city), () => { var packet = new Packet(Command.CityHideNewUnitsUpdate); packet.AddUInt32(city.Id); packet.AddByte(city.HideNewUnits ? (byte)1 : (byte)0); return(packet); }); }
private void TechnologiesTechnologyAdded(ICity city, TechnologyEventArgs args) { if (!ShouldUpdate(city)) { return; } channel.Post(GetChannelName(city), () => { var packet = new Packet(Command.TechAdded); packet.AddUInt32(city.Id); packet.AddUInt32(args.Technology.OwnerLocation == EffectLocation.City ? 0 : args.Technology.OwnerId); packet.AddUInt32(args.Technology.Type); packet.AddByte(args.Technology.Level); return(packet); }); }
private void RadiusUpdateEvent(ICity city) { if (!ShouldUpdate(city)) { return; } regionManager.UpdateObject(city.MainBuilding, city.MainBuilding.PrimaryPosition.X, city.MainBuilding.PrimaryPosition.Y); channel.Post(GetChannelName(city), () => { var packet = new Packet(Command.CityRadiusUpdate); packet.AddUInt32(city.Id); packet.AddByte(city.Radius); return(packet); }); }
public void SendSystemChat(IChannelListener session, string messageId, params string[] messageArgs) { if (session == null) { return; } Packet chatPacket = new Packet(Command.SystemChat); chatPacket.AddString(messageId); chatPacket.AddByte((byte)messageArgs.Length); foreach (var messageArg in messageArgs) { chatPacket.AddString(messageArg); } session.OnPost(chatPacket); }
private void GetMiniMapRegion(Session session, Packet packet) { var reply = new Packet(packet); byte regionSubscribeCount; try { regionSubscribeCount = packet.GetByte(); } catch (Exception) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.Unexpected); return; } reply.AddByte(regionSubscribeCount); for (uint i = 0; i < regionSubscribeCount; ++i) { ushort regionId; try { regionId = packet.GetUInt16(); } catch (Exception) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.Unexpected); return; } MiniMapRegion region; if (!world.Regions.MiniMapRegions.TryGetMiniMapRegion(regionId, out region)) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.Unexpected); return; } reply.AddUInt16(regionId); reply.AddBytes(region.GetCityBytes()); } session.Write(reply); }
private void UpdateClients() { try { while (!this.ResetEvent.Wait(200)) { try { var descriptors = this.ConnectedClients.ToArray(); if (descriptors.Length == 0) { continue; } Packet p = new Packet(); List <TcpClient> sockets = new List <TcpClient>(); p.AddUInt16((ushort)descriptors.Length); foreach (ClientDescriptor descriptor in descriptors) { sockets.Add(descriptor.TcpClient); p.AddString(descriptor.PlayerName); p.AddUInt32(descriptor.PlayerID); p.AddUInt16(descriptor.PlayerLevel); p.AddUInt16((ushort)descriptor.Location.X); p.AddUInt16((ushort)descriptor.Location.Y); p.AddByte((byte)descriptor.Location.Z); } p.AddLength(); foreach (TcpClient tc in sockets) { if (!tc.Connected) { continue; } p.Send(tc); } } catch { } } } catch { } }
private void GetName(Session session, Packet packet) { var reply = new Packet(packet); byte count; uint[] strongholdIds; try { count = packet.GetByte(); strongholdIds = new uint[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { strongholdIds[i] = packet.GetUInt32(); } } catch (Exception) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.Unexpected); return; } reply.AddByte(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { uint strongholdId = strongholdIds[i]; IStronghold stronghold; if (!strongholdManager.TryGetStronghold(strongholdIds[i], out stronghold)) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.Unexpected); return; } reply.AddUInt32(strongholdId); reply.AddString(stronghold.Name); } session.Write(reply); }
private void GetName(Session session, Packet packet) { var reply = new Packet(packet); byte count; uint[] tribeIds; try { count = packet.GetByte(); tribeIds = new uint[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { tribeIds[i] = packet.GetUInt32(); } } catch (Exception) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.Unexpected); return; } reply.AddByte(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { uint tribeId = tribeIds[i]; ITribe tribe; if (!world.TryGetObjects(tribeId, out tribe)) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.Unexpected); return; } reply.AddUInt32(tribeId); reply.AddString(tribe.Name); } session.Write(reply); }
private void GetCityUsername(Session session, Packet packet) { var reply = new Packet(packet); byte count; uint[] cityIds; try { count = packet.GetByte(); cityIds = new uint[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { cityIds[i] = packet.GetUInt32(); } } catch (Exception) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.Unexpected); return; } reply.AddByte(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { uint cityId = cityIds[i]; ICity city; if (!world.TryGetObjects(cityId, out city)) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.Unexpected); return; } reply.AddUInt32(cityId); reply.AddString(city.Name); } session.Write(reply); }
private void GetUsername(Session session, Packet packet) { var reply = new Packet(packet); byte count; uint[] playerIds; try { count = packet.GetByte(); playerIds = new uint[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { playerIds[i] = packet.GetUInt32(); } } catch (Exception) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.Unexpected); return; } reply.AddByte(count); foreach (var playerId in playerIds) { IPlayer player; if (!world.Players.TryGetValue(playerId, out player)) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.Unexpected); return; } reply.AddUInt32(player.PlayerId); reply.AddString(player.Name); } session.Write(reply); }
private void Login(Session session, Packet packet) { IPlayer player; short clientVersion; short clientRevision; LoginHandlerMode loginMode; string playerName; string loginKey; try { clientVersion = packet.GetInt16(); clientRevision = packet.GetInt16(); loginMode = (LoginHandlerMode)packet.GetByte(); playerName = packet.GetString(); loginKey = packet.GetString(); } catch (Exception) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.Unexpected); session.CloseSession(); return; } if (clientVersion <= Config.client_min_version && clientRevision < Config.client_min_revision) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.ClientOldVersion); session.CloseSession(); return; } LoginResponseData loginResponseData; var loginResult = loginHandler.Login(loginMode, playerName, loginKey, out loginResponseData); if (loginResult != Error.Ok) { ReplyError(session, packet, loginResult); session.CloseSession(); return; } // If we are under admin only mode then kick out non admin if (Config.server_admin_only && loginResponseData.Player.Rights == PlayerRights.Basic) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.UnderMaintenance); session.CloseSession(); return; } //Create the session id that will be used for the calls to the web server string sessionId; if (Config.server_admin_always && !Config.server_production) { sessionId = loginResponseData.Player.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); loginResponseData.Player.Rights = PlayerRights.Bureaucrat; } else { SHA1 sha = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(); byte[] hash = sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(loginResponseData.Player.Id + Config.database_salt + DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks + Config.Random.Next())); sessionId = BitConverter.ToString(hash).Replace("-", String.Empty); } lock (loginLock) { bool newPlayer = !world.Players.TryGetValue(loginResponseData.Player.Id, out player); //If it's a new player then add him to our session if (newPlayer) { logger.Info(string.Format("Creating new player {0}({1}) IP: {2}", playerName, loginResponseData.Player.Id, session.RemoteIP)); player = playerFactory.CreatePlayer(loginResponseData.Player.Id, SystemClock.Now, SystemClock.Now, playerName, string.Empty, loginResponseData.Player.Rights, sessionId); if (!world.Players.TryAdd(player.PlayerId, player)) { session.CloseSession(); return; } } else { player.Name = playerName; } logger.Info(string.Format("Player login in {0}({1}) IP: {2}", player.Name, player.PlayerId, session.RemoteIP)); } locker.Lock(args => { var lockedPlayer = (IPlayer)args[0]; return(lockedPlayer.IsInTribe ? new ILockable[] { lockedPlayer.Tribesman.Tribe } : new ILockable[0]); }, new object[] { player }, player).Do(() => { // If someone is already connected as this player, kick them off potentially if (player.Session != null) { player.Session.CloseSession(); player.Session = null; // Kick people off who are spamming logins if (SystemClock.Now.Subtract(player.LastLogin).TotalMilliseconds < 1500) { session.CloseSession(); return; } } // Setup session references session.Player = player; player.HasTwoFactorAuthenticated = null; player.TwoFactorSecretKey = loginResponseData.Player.TwoFactorSecretKey; player.Session = session; player.SessionId = sessionId; player.Rights = loginResponseData.Player.Rights; player.LastLogin = SystemClock.Now; player.Banned = loginResponseData.Player.Banned; player.Achievements.Clear(); player.Achievements.AddRange(loginResponseData.Achievements); player.ThemePurchases.Clear(); player.ThemePurchases.AddRange(loginResponseData.ThemePurchases); dbManager.Save(player); // If player was banned then kick his ass out if (loginResponseData.Player.Banned) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.Banned); session.CloseSession(); return; } var reply = new Packet(packet); reply.Option |= (ushort)Packet.Options.Compressed; reply.AddString(Config.welcome_motd); //Player Info reply.AddUInt32(player.PlayerId); reply.AddString(player.PlayerHash); reply.AddUInt32(player.TutorialStep); reply.AddBoolean(player.SoundMuted); reply.AddBoolean(player.Rights >= PlayerRights.Admin); reply.AddString(sessionId); reply.AddString(player.Name); reply.AddInt32(Config.newbie_protection); reply.AddInt32(loginResponseData.Player.Balance); reply.AddUInt32(UnixDateTime.DateTimeToUnix(player.Created.ToUniversalTime())); reply.AddInt32(player.Tribesman == null ? 0 : tribeManager.GetIncomingList(player.Tribesman.Tribe).Count()); reply.AddInt16((short)(player.Tribesman == null ? 0 : player.Tribesman.Tribe.AssignmentCount)); //Server time reply.AddUInt32(UnixDateTime.DateTimeToUnix(DateTime.UtcNow.ToUniversalTime())); //Server rate reply.AddString(Config.seconds_per_unit.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); // If it's a new player we send simply a 1 which means the client will need to send back a city name // Otherwise, we just send the whole login info if (player.GetCityCount() == 0) { reply.AddByte(1); } else { reply.AddByte(0); PacketHelper.AddLoginToPacket(session, themeManager, reply); SubscribeDefaultChannels(session, session.Player); } session.Write(reply); // Restart any city actions that may have been stopped due to inactivity foreach (var city in player.GetCityList() .Where(city => city.Worker.PassiveActions.Values.All(x => x.Type != ActionType.CityPassive))) { city.Worker.DoPassive(city, actionFactory.CreateCityPassiveAction(city.Id), false); } }); }
public bool CharacterCreate(byte gender, byte hairStyle, byte hairColor, byte race, string name, out CharacterReply reply, out CharacterRenderData[] data) { data = null; reply = CharacterReply.THIS_IS_WRONG; if (!m_client.ConnectedAndInitialized || !Initialized) return false; Packet builder = new Packet(PacketFamily.Character, PacketAction.Create); builder.AddShort(255); builder.AddShort(gender); builder.AddShort(hairStyle); builder.AddShort(hairColor); builder.AddShort(race); builder.AddByte(255); builder.AddBreakString(name); if (!m_client.SendPacket(builder) || !m_character_responseEvent.WaitOne(Constants.ResponseTimeout)) return false; reply = m_character_reply; if (reply == CharacterReply.THIS_IS_WRONG || m_character_data == null || m_character_data.Length == 0) return false; data = m_character_data; return true; }
public static void HandleRemove(Packet packet, IClient client, bool fromQueue) { /*short deleteId = */packet.GetShort(); int id = packet.GetShort(); if (id < 0 || id > client.Account.Characters.Count) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Login character ID out of range"); Character deleteMe = client.Account.Characters[id]; client.Account.Characters.Remove(deleteMe); deleteMe.Delete(); client.Account.Store(); client.Server.Database.Commit(); Packet reply = new Packet(PacketFamily.Character, PacketAction.Reply); reply.AddShort((short)CharacterReply.Deleted); reply.AddChar((byte)client.Account.Characters.Count); reply.AddByte(1); // TODO: What is this? reply.AddBreak(); // TODO: Some kind of character list packet builder int i = 0; foreach (Character character in client.Account.Characters) { reply.AddBreakString(character.Name); reply.AddInt(i++); reply.AddChar(character.Level); reply.AddChar((byte)character.Gender); reply.AddChar(character.HairStyle); reply.AddChar(character.HairColor); reply.AddChar((byte)character.Skin); reply.AddChar((byte)character.Admin); reply.AddShort((short)(character.Boots != null ? character.Boots.Data.special1 : 0)); reply.AddShort((short)(character.Armor != null ? character.Armor.Data.special1 : 0)); reply.AddShort((short)(character.Hat != null ? character.Hat.Data.special1 : 0)); reply.AddShort((short)(character.Shield != null ? character.Shield.Data.special1 : 0)); reply.AddShort((short)(character.Weapon != null ? character.Weapon.Data.special1 : 0)); reply.AddBreak(); } client.Send(reply); }
public static void HandleCreate(Packet packet, IClient client, bool fromQueue) { short createId = packet.GetShort(); Gender gender = (Gender)packet.GetShort(); short hairStyle = packet.GetShort(); short hairColor = packet.GetShort(); Skin skin = (Skin)packet.GetShort(); packet.GetByte(); string name = packet.GetBreakString().ToLower(); if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Gender), gender)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Invalid gender on character creation (" + gender + ")"); // TODO: Make these configurable if (hairStyle < 1 || hairStyle > 20 || hairColor < 0 || hairColor > 9) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Hair parameters out of range on character creation (" + hairStyle + ", " + hairColor + ")"); if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Skin), skin)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Invalid skin on character creation (" + skin + ")"); Packet reply = new Packet(PacketFamily.Character, PacketAction.Reply); // TODO: Make this configurable if (client.Account.Characters.Count >= 3) { reply.AddShort((short)CharacterReply.Full); client.Send(reply); return; } if (!Character.ValidName(name)) { reply.AddShort((short)CharacterReply.NotApproved); client.Send(reply); return; } // TODO: Make a CharacterExists function var checkCharacter = from Character c in client.Server.Database.Container where == name select 1; if (checkCharacter.Count() != 0) { reply.AddShort((short)CharacterReply.Exists); client.Send(reply); return; } Character newCharacter = new Character(client.Server, client, name, gender, (byte)hairStyle, (byte)hairColor, skin); client.Account.Characters.Add(newCharacter); newCharacter.Store(); client.Account.Store(); client.Server.Database.Commit(); reply.AddShort((short)CharacterReply.OK); reply.AddChar((byte)client.Account.Characters.Count); reply.AddByte(1); // TODO: What is this? reply.AddBreak(); // TODO: Some kind of character list packet builder int i = 0; foreach (Character character in client.Account.Characters) { reply.AddBreakString(character.Name); reply.AddInt(i++); reply.AddChar(character.Level); reply.AddChar((byte)character.Gender); reply.AddChar(character.HairStyle); reply.AddChar(character.HairColor); reply.AddChar((byte)character.Skin); reply.AddChar((byte)character.Admin); reply.AddShort((short)(character.Boots != null ? character.Boots.Data.special1 : 0)); reply.AddShort((short)(character.Armor != null ? character.Armor.Data.special1 : 0)); reply.AddShort((short)(character.Hat != null ? character.Hat.Data.special1 : 0)); reply.AddShort((short)(character.Shield != null ? character.Shield.Data.special1 : 0)); reply.AddShort((short)(character.Weapon != null ? character.Weapon.Data.special1 : 0)); reply.AddBreak(); } client.Send(reply); }
private void StructureInfo(Session session, Packet packet) { ICity city; IStructure structure; uint cityId; uint objectId; try { cityId = packet.GetUInt32(); objectId = packet.GetUInt32(); } catch (Exception) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.Unexpected); return; } locker.Lock(cityId, objectId, out city, out structure).Do(() => { if (city == null || structure == null) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.ObjectNotFound); return; } var reply = new Packet(packet); reply.AddUInt16(structure.Stats.Base.Type); reply.AddByte(structure.Stats.Base.Lvl); if (session.Player == structure.City.Owner) { reply.AddUInt16(structure.Stats.Labor); reply.AddUInt16((ushort)structure.Stats.Hp); foreach (var prop in propertyFactory.GetProperties(structure.Type)) { switch (prop.Type) { case DataType.Byte: reply.AddByte((byte)prop.GetValue(structure)); break; case DataType.UShort: reply.AddUInt16((ushort)prop.GetValue(structure)); break; case DataType.UInt: reply.AddUInt32((uint)prop.GetValue(structure)); break; case DataType.String: reply.AddString((string)prop.GetValue(structure)); break; case DataType.Int: reply.AddInt32((int)prop.GetValue(structure)); break; case DataType.Float: reply.AddFloat((float)prop.GetValue(structure)); break; } } } else { foreach (var prop in propertyFactory.GetProperties(structure.Type, Visibility.Public)) { switch (prop.Type) { case DataType.Byte: reply.AddByte((byte)prop.GetValue(structure)); break; case DataType.UShort: reply.AddUInt16((ushort)prop.GetValue(structure)); break; case DataType.UInt: reply.AddUInt32((uint)prop.GetValue(structure)); break; case DataType.String: reply.AddString((string)prop.GetValue(structure)); break; case DataType.Int: reply.AddInt32((int)prop.GetValue(structure)); break; case DataType.Float: reply.AddFloat((float)prop.GetValue(structure)); break; } } } session.Write(reply); }); }
//255 means use character's current location public bool DropItem(short id, int amount, byte x = 255, byte y = 255) { if (!m_client.ConnectedAndInitialized || !Initialized) return false; Packet pkt = new Packet(PacketFamily.Item, PacketAction.Drop); pkt.AddShort(id); pkt.AddInt(amount); if (x == 255 && y == 255) { pkt.AddByte(x); pkt.AddByte(y); } else { pkt.AddChar(x); pkt.AddChar(y); } return m_client.SendPacket(pkt); }
private void GetRegion(Session session, Packet packet) { var reply = new Packet(packet); reply.Option |= (ushort)Packet.Options.Compressed; ushort regionId; byte regionSubscribeCount; try { regionSubscribeCount = packet.GetByte(); if (regionSubscribeCount > 15) { throw new Exception("Too many regions requested"); } } catch (Exception) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.Unexpected); return; } reply.AddByte(regionSubscribeCount); for (uint i = 0; i < regionSubscribeCount; ++i) { try { regionId = packet.GetUInt16(); } catch (Exception) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.Unexpected); return; } var region = world.Regions.GetRegion(regionId); if (region == null) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.Unexpected); return; } reply.AddUInt16(regionId); reply.AddBytes(region.GetObjectBytes()); world.Regions.SubscribeRegion(session, regionId); } byte regionUnsubscribeCount; try { regionUnsubscribeCount = packet.GetByte(); if (regionUnsubscribeCount > 15) { throw new Exception("Too many unsubscribe regions"); } } catch (Exception) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.Unexpected); return; } for (uint i = 0; i < regionUnsubscribeCount; ++i) { try { regionId = packet.GetUInt16(); } catch (Exception) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.Unexpected); return; } world.Regions.UnsubscribeRegion(session, regionId); } if (channel.SubscriptionCount(session) > 30) { session.CloseSession(); } else { session.Write(reply); } }
private void Subscribe(Session session, Packet packet) { uint battleId; try { battleId = packet.GetUInt32(); } catch (Exception) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.Unexpected); return; } IBattleManager battleManager; if (!world.TryGetObjects(battleId, out battleManager)) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.BattleNotViewable); return; } CallbackLock.CallbackLockHandler lockHandler = delegate { var toBeLocked = new List <ILockable>(); toBeLocked.AddRange(battleManager.LockList); return(toBeLocked.ToArray()); }; locker.Lock(lockHandler, null, session.Player).Do(() => { IEnumerable <string> errorParams; var canWatchBattle = battleManager.CanWatchBattle(session.Player, out errorParams); if (!Config.battle_instant_watch && canWatchBattle != Error.Ok) { packet = ReplyError(session, packet, canWatchBattle, false); packet.AddByte((byte)errorParams.Count()); foreach (var errorParam in errorParams) { packet.AddString(errorParam); } session.Write(packet); return; } var reply = new Packet(packet); reply.AddByte((byte)battleManager.Location.Type); reply.AddUInt32(battleManager.Location.Id); reply.AddString(battleManager.Location.GetName()); reply.AddUInt32(battleManager.Round); // Battle properties PacketHelper.AddBattleProperties(battleManager.ListProperties(), reply); PacketHelper.AddToPacket(battleManager.Attackers, reply); PacketHelper.AddToPacket(battleManager.Defenders, reply); try { Global.Current.Channel.Subscribe(session, "/BATTLE/" + battleManager.BattleId); } catch (DuplicateSubscriptionException) { } session.Write(reply); }); }
private bool processByte(Packet p, byte b) { if (b != kDelimiter && p.State == PacketState.WaitForInitialDelimiter) { return false; } if (b == kDelimiter) { if(p.State == PacketState.WaitForInitialDelimiter) { p.State = PacketState.WaitForFinalDelimiter; } else if(p.State == PacketState.WaitForFinalDelimiter && p.GetData().Length != 0) { return true; } return false; } if (b == kEscape) { p.State = PacketState.EscapeNextByte; return false; } if (p.State == PacketState.EscapeNextByte) { p.AddByte((byte)(b ^ (1 << 5))); p.State = PacketState.WaitForFinalDelimiter; } else { p.AddByte(b); } return false; }
private void GetTroopInfo(Session session, Packet packet) { ICity city; ITroopObject troop; uint cityId; uint objectId; try { cityId = packet.GetUInt32(); objectId = packet.GetUInt32(); } catch (Exception) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.Unexpected); return; } locker.Lock(cityId, objectId, out city, out troop).Do(() => { if (city == null || troop == null || troop.Stub == null) { ReplyError(session, packet, Error.ObjectNotFound); return; } var reply = new Packet(packet); reply.AddUInt16(troop.Stub.TroopId); if (city.Owner == session.Player) { reply.AddByte(troop.Stats.AttackRadius); reply.AddFloat((float)troop.Stats.Speed); reply.AddUInt32(troop.TargetX); reply.AddUInt32(troop.TargetY); var template = new Dictionary <ushort, IBaseUnitStats>(); reply.AddByte(troop.Stub.FormationCount); foreach (var formation in troop.Stub) { reply.AddByte((byte)formation.Type); reply.AddByte((byte)formation.Count); foreach (var kvp in formation) { reply.AddUInt16(kvp.Key); reply.AddUInt16(kvp.Value); template[kvp.Key] = city.Template[kvp.Key]; } } reply.AddUInt16((ushort)template.Count); IEnumerator <KeyValuePair <ushort, IBaseUnitStats> > templateIter = template.GetEnumerator(); while (templateIter.MoveNext()) { KeyValuePair <ushort, IBaseUnitStats> kvp = templateIter.Current; reply.AddUInt16(kvp.Key); reply.AddByte(kvp.Value.Lvl); } } session.Write(reply); }); }
private void UpdateClients() { try { while (!this.ResetEvent.Wait(200)) { try { var descriptors = this.ConnectedClients.ToArray(); if (descriptors.Length == 0) continue; Packet p = new Packet(); List<TcpClient> sockets = new List<TcpClient>(); p.AddUInt16((ushort)descriptors.Length); foreach (ClientDescriptor descriptor in descriptors) { sockets.Add(descriptor.TcpClient); p.AddString(descriptor.PlayerName); p.AddUInt32(descriptor.PlayerID); p.AddUInt16(descriptor.PlayerLevel); p.AddUInt16((ushort)descriptor.Location.X); p.AddUInt16((ushort)descriptor.Location.Y); p.AddByte((byte)descriptor.Location.Z); } p.AddLength(); foreach (TcpClient tc in sockets) { if (!tc.Connected) continue; p.Send(tc); } } catch { } } } catch { } }