コード例 #1
    public NiteGUI(NiteController niteController)
        //depth_Thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.updateusermap));
        //image_Thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.updatergbimage));
        this.niteController = niteController;

//		// Setting the Kinect in certain angle
//		this.startAngle = 2000;
//		this.kinectDevice = new CLNUIDevice(startAngle);

        // Init depth & label map related stuff
        usersMapSize      = NiteWrapper.GetDepthWidth() * NiteWrapper.GetDepthHeight();
        usersLblTex       = new Texture2D(NiteWrapper.GetDepthWidth(), NiteWrapper.GetDepthHeight());
        usersMapColors    = new Color[usersMapSize];
        usersMapRect      = new Rect(Screen.width - usersLblTex.width / 2, Screen.height - usersLblTex.height / 2, usersLblTex.width / 2, usersLblTex.height / 2);
        usersLabelMap     = new short[usersMapSize];
        usersDepthMap     = new short[usersMapSize];
        usersHistogramMap = new float[5000];

        // Init camera image stuff
        RGBwidth         = NiteWrapper.getRGBWidth();
        RGBheight        = NiteWrapper.getRGBHeight();
        image            = new short[RGBwidth * RGBheight * 3];
        usersImageTex    = new Texture2D(RGBwidth, RGBheight);
        usersImageColors = new Color[usersMapSize];
        usersImageRect   = new Rect(Screen.width - usersImageTex.width / 2, Screen.height - usersImageTex.height / 2, usersImageTex.width / 2, usersImageTex.height / 2);

        bg            = GameObject.Find("Background Image").GetComponent <GUITexture>();
        bg.pixelInset = new Rect(-Screen.width / 2, -Screen.height / 2, Screen.width, Screen.height);

        stateIcon = Resources.Load("lookingUser") as Texture2D;
コード例 #2
    public void UpdateRgbImage()
//		if (image_Thread.ThreadState == ThreadState.Suspended) {
//			image_Thread.Resume();
//		}

        Marshal.Copy(NiteWrapper.getRGB(), image, 0, RGBwidth * RGBheight * 3);
        int p = 0;
        int flipIndex;

        int usersMapSize = 640 * 480;

        for (int i = 0; i < usersMapSize; i++)
            flipIndex = usersMapSize - i - 1;
            Color c = new Color((float)image[p++] / 255f, (float)image[p++] / 255f, (float)image[p++] / 255f);
            usersImageColors[flipIndex] = c;

        bg.texture = usersImageTex;

        double I = NiteWrapper.getIntensity(niteController.getCurrentUser());

        total_intensity       -= intensity[p_intensity];
        total_intensity       += I;
        intensity[p_intensity] = I;
        p_intensity            = (p_intensity > 8)? 0 : p_intensity + 1;

        Light light = GameObject.Find("Point light").GetComponent <Light>();

        light.intensity             = 1 * (float)(total_intensity / 10.0);
        niteController.strIntensity = "user = "******", intensity = " + I;
コード例 #3
    void OnUserLost(uint UserId)
        Debug.Log(String.Format("[{0}] User lost", UserId));
        calibratedUser = false;

        Debug.Log("Starting to look for users");
        NiteWrapper.StartLookingForUsers(NewUser, CalibrationStarted, CalibrationFailed, CalibrationSuccess, UserLost);

        gui.stateIcon = Resources.Load("lookingUser") as Texture2D;
コード例 #4
    public void Update()
        //update the skeleton, depth-, and rgb image
        if (!calibratedUser)

        List <Rig> destroyedRigs = new List <Rig>();

        //update the rigs controlled by this controller
        foreach (Rig rig in registeredRigs)
            Vector3    position;
            Quaternion rotation;

            // Check if rig still exists:
            if (rig.riggedObject != null)
                // Update body location
                if (GetJointPosition(NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint.TORSO_CENTER, out position))
                    rig.jointMapping[NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint.TORSO_CENTER].position = position;

                // Update the rotation for each joint
                foreach (KeyValuePair <NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint, Transform> pair in rig.jointMapping)
                    if (GetJointOrientation(pair.Key, out rotation))
                        pair.Value.rotation = rotation * rig.referenceOrientation[pair.Key];

                // Update joint positions
                foreach (KeyValuePair <NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint, Transform> pair in rig.jointMapping)
                    if (GetJointPosition(pair.Key, out position))
                        pair.Value.position = position;
        foreach (Rig rig in destroyedRigs)
コード例 #5
ファイル: Nite.cs プロジェクト: masohail/cve-kinect
    void Update()
        // Next NITE frame

        // update the visual user map

        // update avatars
        foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, SoldierAvatar> pair in calibratedUsers)
コード例 #6
    public bool GetJointPosition(NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint joint, out Vector3 position)
        if (kinectConnect && calibratedUser)
            NiteWrapper.SkeletonJointTransformation trans = new NiteWrapper.SkeletonJointTransformation();
            NiteWrapper.GetJointTransformation(calibratedUserId, joint, ref trans);

            // Nite gives position in mm convert to Unity unit = meters
            position = new Vector3(trans.pos.x / 1000.0F, trans.pos.y / 1000.0F, trans.pos.z / 1000.0F);
            return(trans.pos.confidence > confidenceThreshold);
            position = new Vector3(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
コード例 #7
    public bool GetJointOrientation(NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint joint, out Quaternion rotation)
        if (kinectConnect && calibratedUser)
            NiteWrapper.SkeletonJointTransformation trans = new NiteWrapper.SkeletonJointTransformation();
            NiteWrapper.GetJointTransformation(calibratedUserId, joint, ref trans);

            Vector3 worldZVec = new Vector3(trans.ori.m02, trans.ori.m12, trans.ori.m22);
            Vector3 worldYVec = new Vector3(trans.ori.m01, trans.ori.m11, trans.ori.m21);
            rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(worldZVec, worldYVec);
            return(trans.ori.confidence > confidenceThreshold);
            rotation = Quaternion.identity;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Nite.cs プロジェクト: masohail/cve-kinect
    void Start()
        uint rc = NiteWrapper.Init(new StringBuilder(".\\OpenNI.xml"));

        if (rc != 0)
            Debug.Log(String.Format("Error initing OpenNI: {0}", Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(NiteWrapper.GetStatusString(rc))));

        // Init depth & label map related stuff
        usersMapSize      = NiteWrapper.GetDepthWidth() * NiteWrapper.GetDepthHeight();
        usersLblTex       = new Texture2D(NiteWrapper.GetDepthWidth(), NiteWrapper.GetDepthHeight());
        usersMapColors    = new Color[usersMapSize];
        usersMapRect      = new Rect(Screen.width - usersLblTex.width / 2, Screen.height - usersLblTex.height / 2, usersLblTex.width / 2, usersLblTex.height / 2);
        usersLabelMap     = new short[usersMapSize];
        usersDepthMap     = new short[usersMapSize];
        usersHistogramMap = new float[5000];

        // text
        caption = GameObject.Find("GUI Text").guiText;

        // init our avatar controllers
        soldiers    = new SoldierAvatar[2];
        soldiers[0] = new SoldierAvatar(GameObject.Find("Soldier1"));
        //soldiers[1] = new SoldierAvatar(GameObject.Find("Soldier2")); // This line was removed so we can have 1 soldier without errors

        // init user lists - one will contain all users, the second will contain only calibrated & mapped users
        allUsers        = new List <uint>();
        calibratedUsers = new Dictionary <uint, SoldierAvatar>();

        // init user callbacks
        NewUser            = new NiteWrapper.UserDelegate(OnNewUser);
        CalibrationStarted = new NiteWrapper.UserDelegate(OnCalibrationStarted);
        CalibrationFailed  = new NiteWrapper.UserDelegate(OnCalibrationFailed);
        CalibrationSuccess = new NiteWrapper.UserDelegate(OnCalibrationSuccess);
        UserLost           = new NiteWrapper.UserDelegate(OnUserLost);

        // Start looking
        NiteWrapper.StartLookingForUsers(NewUser, CalibrationStarted, CalibrationFailed, CalibrationSuccess, UserLost);
        Debug.Log("Waiting for users to calibrate");

        // set default smoothing
コード例 #9
ファイル: Nite.cs プロジェクト: masohail/cve-kinect
    void TransformBone(uint userId, NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint joint, Transform dest)
        NiteWrapper.SkeletonJointTransformation trans = new NiteWrapper.SkeletonJointTransformation();
        NiteWrapper.GetJointTransformation(userId, joint, ref trans);

        // only modify joint if confidence is high enough in this frame
        if (trans.ori.confidence > 0.5)
            // Z coordinate in OpenNI is opposite from Unity. We will create a quat
            // to rotate from OpenNI to Unity (relative to initial rotation)
            Vector3    worldZVec     = new Vector3(trans.ori.m02, -trans.ori.m12, trans.ori.m22);
            Vector3    worldYVec     = new Vector3(-trans.ori.m01, trans.ori.m11, -trans.ori.m21);
            Quaternion jointRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(worldZVec, worldYVec);

            Quaternion newRotation = jointRotation * initialRotations[(int)joint];

            // Some smoothing
            dest.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(dest.rotation, newRotation, Time.deltaTime * 20);
コード例 #10
ファイル: Nite.cs プロジェクト: masohail/cve-kinect
    void OnCalibrationSuccess(uint UserId)
        Debug.Log(String.Format("[{0}] Calibration success", UserId));

        // Associate this user to an unused soldier avatar
        for (int i = 0; i < soldiers.Length; i++)
            if (!calibratedUsers.ContainsValue(soldiers[i]))
                calibratedUsers.Add(UserId, soldiers[i]);

        // Should we stop looking for users?
        if (calibratedUsers.Count == soldiers.Length)
            Debug.Log("Stopping to look for users");
コード例 #11
ファイル: Nite.cs プロジェクト: masohail/cve-kinect
    void OnUserLost(uint UserId)
        Debug.Log(String.Format("[{0}] User lost", UserId));

        // If this was one of our calibrated users, mapped to an avatar
        if (calibratedUsers.ContainsKey(UserId))
            // reset the avatar and remove from list

            // Should we start looking for users again?
            if (calibratedUsers.Count < soldiers.Length)
                Debug.Log("Starting to look for users");
                NiteWrapper.StartLookingForUsers(NewUser, CalibrationStarted, CalibrationFailed, CalibrationSuccess, UserLost);

        // remove from global users list
コード例 #12
ファイル: Nite.cs プロジェクト: masohail/cve-kinect
    void OnGUI()
        if (calibratedUsers.Count < soldiers.Length)
            GUI.DrawTexture(usersMapRect, usersLblTex);
            caption.text = String.Format("Waiting for {0} more users to calibrate...", soldiers.Length - calibratedUsers.Count);
            caption.text = "All users calibrated";

        foreach (uint userId in allUsers)
            float progress = NiteWrapper.GetUserPausePoseProgress(userId);
            if (NiteWrapper.GetUserPausePoseProgress(userId) > 0.0)
                caption.text = String.Format("[User {0}] Pause pose progress: {1}", userId, progress);
コード例 #13
    public NiteController(NewUserCallback onNewUser)
        // initialize the Kinect
        uint rc = NiteWrapper.Init(new StringBuilder(".\\OpenNI.xml"));

        if (rc != 0)
            Debug.Log(String.Format("Error initializing OpenNI: {0}", Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(NiteWrapper.GetStatusString(rc))));
            kinectConnect = true;

        // init user callbacks
        NewUser            = new NiteWrapper.UserDelegate(OnNewUser);
        CalibrationStarted = new NiteWrapper.UserDelegate(OnCalibrationStarted);
        CalibrationFailed  = new NiteWrapper.UserDelegate(OnCalibrationFailed);
        CalibrationSuccess = new NiteWrapper.UserDelegate(OnCalibrationSuccess);
        UserLost           = new NiteWrapper.UserDelegate(OnUserLost);

        // Start looking
        NiteWrapper.StartLookingForUsers(NewUser, CalibrationStarted, CalibrationFailed, CalibrationSuccess, UserLost);
        Debug.Log("Waiting for users to calibrate");

        // set default smoothing

        // set new user callback
        this.onNewUser = onNewUser;

        // initialize gui
        gui = new NiteGUI(this);

        // initialize list of rigs to animate
        registeredRigs = new List <Rig>();
コード例 #14
	// Rotate the spine of the avatar to the direction of the main fly arm.
	void RotateSpineInFlight(uint userId, NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint joint) {
		NiteWrapper.SkeletonJointTransformation trans = new NiteWrapper.SkeletonJointTransformation();
        NiteWrapper.GetJointTransformation(userId, joint, ref trans);

		// Smooth spine rotation, but currently results in a buggy avatar.
		//spine.forward = Vector3.SmoothDamp(spine.forward, -mainFlyArm.right, ref velocity, smoothTime);
		// Instant spine rotation to the direction of the main fly arm.
		spine.forward = -mainFlyArm.right;
コード例 #15
	// This function moves the avatar around according to the movement of the user relative to the kinect.
	void MoveBone(uint userId, NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint joint, Transform dest) {
		NiteWrapper.SkeletonJointTransformation trans = new NiteWrapper.SkeletonJointTransformation();
		NiteWrapper.GetJointTransformation(userId, joint, ref trans);

		// Save the first position of the user relative to the kinect once it stopped flying.
		if (firstMoveAfterFlight == true)
			kinectOffsetPosition = new Vector3(trans.pos.x/1000, trans.pos.y/1000 -1, -trans.pos.z/1000);

		// The position of the avatar is based on the characterPosition (i.e. the position where the avatar
		// has flown to) and the movement around the initial position of the user after flight (kinectOffsetPosition)
		// relative to the kinect.
		dest.position = characterPosition - kinectOffsetPosition + new Vector3(trans.pos.x/1000, trans.pos.y/1000 -1, -trans.pos.z/1000);
コード例 #16
	// Retrieves the latest rotation information from the kinect.
    void RotateBone(uint userId, NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint joint, Transform dest) {
        NiteWrapper.SkeletonJointTransformation trans = new NiteWrapper.SkeletonJointTransformation();
        NiteWrapper.GetJointTransformation(userId, joint, ref trans);

        // Only modify joint if confidence is high enough in this frame.
		// We set it to 0 since we always want the latest rotation information.
        if (trans.ori.confidence > 0.0) {
            // Z coordinate in OpenNI is opposite from Unity. We will create a quaternion
            // to rotate from OpenNI to Unity (relative to initial rotation).
            Vector3 worldZVec = new Vector3(-trans.ori.m02, -trans.ori.m12, trans.ori.m22);
            Vector3 worldYVec = new Vector3(trans.ori.m01, trans.ori.m11, -trans.ori.m21);
            Quaternion jointRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(worldZVec, worldYVec);

			Quaternion newRotation = jointRotation * initialRotations[(int)joint];

            // Smoothing results in a shaky avatar, but might be useful if it is made to work.
			// dest.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(dest.rotation, newRotation, Time.deltaTime * 20);
			dest.rotation = newRotation;
コード例 #17
ファイル: Nite.cs プロジェクト: guozanhua/KinectDressingRoom
	public bool GetJointPosition(NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint joint, out Vector3 position) {
		if (kinectConnect && calibratedUser) {
			NiteWrapper.SkeletonJointTransformation trans = new NiteWrapper.SkeletonJointTransformation();
        	NiteWrapper.GetJointTransformation(calibratedUserId, joint, ref trans);
			// Nite gives position in mm convert to Unity unit = meters
			position = new Vector3(trans.pos.x/1000.0F, trans.pos.y/1000.0F, trans.pos.z/1000.0F);
			return (trans.pos.confidence > confidenceThreshold);
		else {
			position = new Vector3(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
			return false;
コード例 #18
ファイル: Nite.cs プロジェクト: guozanhua/KinectDressingRoom
	public bool GetJointOrientation(NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint joint, out Quaternion rotation) {
		if (kinectConnect && calibratedUser) {
			NiteWrapper.SkeletonJointTransformation trans = new NiteWrapper.SkeletonJointTransformation();
        	NiteWrapper.GetJointTransformation(calibratedUserId, joint, ref trans);
            Vector3 worldZVec = new Vector3(trans.ori.m02, trans.ori.m12, trans.ori.m22);
            Vector3 worldYVec = new Vector3(trans.ori.m01, trans.ori.m11, trans.ori.m21);
            rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(worldZVec, worldYVec);
			return (trans.ori.confidence > confidenceThreshold);
		else {
			rotation = Quaternion.identity;
			return false;
コード例 #19
ファイル: Nite.cs プロジェクト: masohail/cve-kinect
    void UpdateUserMap()
        // copy over the maps
        Marshal.Copy(NiteWrapper.GetUsersLabelMap(), usersLabelMap, 0, usersMapSize);
        Marshal.Copy(NiteWrapper.GetUsersDepthMap(), usersDepthMap, 0, usersMapSize);

        // we will be flipping the texture as we convert label map to color array
        int flipIndex, i;
        int numOfPoints = 0;

        Array.Clear(usersHistogramMap, 0, usersHistogramMap.Length);

        // calculate cumulative histogram for depth
        for (i = 0; i < usersMapSize; i++)
            // only calculate for depth that contains users
            if (usersLabelMap[i] != 0)
        if (numOfPoints > 0)
            for (i = 1; i < usersHistogramMap.Length; i++)
                usersHistogramMap[i] += usersHistogramMap[i - 1];
            for (i = 0; i < usersHistogramMap.Length; i++)
                usersHistogramMap[i] = 1.0f - (usersHistogramMap[i] / numOfPoints);

        // create the actual users texture based on label map and depth histogram
        for (i = 0; i < usersMapSize; i++)
            flipIndex = usersMapSize - i - 1;
            if (usersLabelMap[i] == 0)
                usersMapColors[flipIndex] = Color.clear;
                // create a blending color based on the depth histogram
                Color c = new Color(usersHistogramMap[usersDepthMap[i]], usersHistogramMap[usersDepthMap[i]], usersHistogramMap[usersDepthMap[i]], 0.9f);
                switch (usersLabelMap[i] % 4)
                case 0:
                    usersMapColors[flipIndex] = Color.red * c;

                case 1:
                    usersMapColors[flipIndex] = Color.green * c;

                case 2:
                    usersMapColors[flipIndex] = Color.blue * c;

                case 3:
                    usersMapColors[flipIndex] = Color.magenta * c;

コード例 #20
ファイル: Nite.cs プロジェクト: masohail/cve-kinect
 void OnApplicationQuit()
コード例 #21
    void OnCalibrationSuccess(uint UserId)
        Debug.Log(String.Format("[{0}] Calibration success", UserId));
        calibratedUser   = true;
        calibratedUserId = UserId;

        //Rotate Kinect so center of mass is in the middle
        //CLNUIDevice device = gui.kinectDevice;

        Debug.Log("Stopping to look for users");

        int size   = 0;
        int length = 0;

        double[] girth = new double[16];

        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
            IntPtr raw_data = NiteWrapper.getFatness((int)UserId, i, ref size, ref length, ref girth[i]);
            int[]  data     = new int[size];
            Marshal.Copy(raw_data, data, 0, size);
            sizeData[i] = data;
            diameter[i] = (float)length / 1000.0F;           //convert from mm to m

        double[] chest_g = { girth[12], girth[13], girth[14], girth[15] };
        bool     done    = false;

        while (!done)
            done = true;
            for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                if (chest_g[i - 1] > chest_g[i])
                    double temp = chest_g[i];
                    chest_g[i]     = chest_g[i - 1];
                    chest_g[i - 1] = temp;
                    done           = false;

        double ChestGirth = chest_g[0] / 10;

        if (ChestGirth < 70)
            clothSize = ChestGirth + " is too small!";
        else if (ChestGirth < 78)
            clothSize = "XXS : extra extra small (" + ChestGirth + ")";
        else if (ChestGirth < 86)
            clothSize = "XS : extra small (" + ChestGirth + ")";
        else if (ChestGirth < 94)
            clothSize = "S : small (" + ChestGirth + ")";
        else if (ChestGirth < 102)
            clothSize = "M : medium (" + ChestGirth + ")";
        else if (ChestGirth < 110)
            clothSize = "L : large (" + ChestGirth + ")";
        else if (ChestGirth < 118)
            clothSize = "XL : extra large (" + ChestGirth + ")";
        else if (ChestGirth < 129)
            clothSize = "XXL : extra extra large (" + ChestGirth + ")";
        else if (ChestGirth < 141)
            clothSize = "3XL : extra extra extra large (" + ChestGirth + ")";
            clothSize = "too large! (" + ChestGirth + ")";



        gui.stateIcon = Resources.Load("calibrated") as Texture2D;
コード例 #22
	public Vector3 left, right; // 3d world positions of hands
	public HandPositions (NiteWrapper.SkeletonJointTransformation leftHand, NiteWrapper.SkeletonJointTransformation rightHand) {
		left = new Vector3(leftHand.pos.x, leftHand.pos.y, leftHand.pos.z);
		right = new Vector3(rightHand.pos.x, rightHand.pos.y, rightHand.pos.z);
コード例 #23
ファイル: Nite.cs プロジェクト: hongyaoxu/UnityWrapper
    void TransformBone(uint userId, NiteWrapper.SkeletonJoint joint, Transform dest)
        NiteWrapper.SkeletonJointTransformation trans = new NiteWrapper.SkeletonJointTransformation();
        NiteWrapper.GetJointTransformation(userId, joint, ref trans);

        // only modify joint if confidence is high enough in this frame
        if (trans.ori.confidence > 0.5)
            // Z coordinate in OpenNI is opposite from Unity. We will create a quat
            // to rotate from OpenNI to Unity (relative to initial rotation)
            Vector3 worldZVec = new Vector3(-trans.ori.m02, -trans.ori.m12, trans.ori.m22);
            Vector3 worldYVec = new Vector3(trans.ori.m01, trans.ori.m11, -trans.ori.m21);
            Quaternion jointRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(worldZVec, worldYVec);

            Quaternion newRotation = jointRotation * initialRotations[(int)joint];

            // Some smoothing
            dest.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(dest.rotation, newRotation, Time.deltaTime * 20);