コード例 #1
        protected TreeNode CreateSyncTargetTreeNode(MOG_DBSyncTargetInfo info, string platform)
            bool ableToGetSourceFileAssetLinks = false;

            string       currentVersionStamp = info.mVersion;
            MOG_Filename tempFilename        = MOG_Filename.CreateAssetName(info.mAssetClassification, info.mAssetPlatform, info.mAssetLabel);
            MOG_Filename assetRealFile       = MOG_ControllerRepository.GetAssetBlessedVersionPath(tempFilename, currentVersionStamp);

            // Create node with FocusLevel that does not plug into the BaseLeafTreeView
            TreeNode    node = new TreeNode(info.FilenameOnly, new TreeNode[] { new TreeNode(Blank_Node_Text) });
            Mog_BaseTag tag  = new Mog_BaseTag(node, assetRealFile.GetEncodedFilename(), RepositoryFocusLevel.Classification, true);

            node.Name = tempFilename.GetAssetFullName();
            tag.AttachedSyncTargetInfo = info;
            node.Tag = tag;

            string gamedataFilePath;

            if (ableToGetSourceFileAssetLinks)
                gamedataFilePath = assetRealFile.GetEncodedFilename() + "\\Files.Imported\\" + info.mSyncTargetFile;
                gamedataFilePath = assetRealFile.GetEncodedFilename() + "\\Files.Imported\\" + info.FilenameOnly;

            //This is either a file or an asset
            SetImageIndices(node, base.GetAssetFileImageIndex(gamedataFilePath));

コード例 #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Add group or object to the database
		/// </summary>
		private bool AddGroupToDatabase(string addCandidate, MOG_Filename packageAsset)
			// Are we platform generic?
			bool success = true;

			if (packageAsset.GetAssetPlatform() == "All")
				string packageVersion = MOG_DBAssetAPI.GetAssetVersion(packageAsset);
				if (packageVersion.Length > 0)
					success = MOG_DBPackageAPI.AddPackageGroupName(packageAsset, packageVersion, addCandidate, MOG_ControllerProject.GetUser().GetUserName());

			// We are platform generic, loop through all platforms then
			ArrayList platforms = MOG_ControllerProject.GetProject().GetPlatforms();
			for (int p = 0; p < platforms.Count && success; p++)
				MOG_Platform platform = (MOG_Platform)platforms[p];

				// Set this package to be platform specific for this platform name
				packageAsset = MOG_Filename.CreateAssetName(packageAsset.GetAssetClassification(), platform.mPlatformName, packageAsset.GetAssetLabel());
				string packageVersion = MOG_DBAssetAPI.GetAssetVersion(packageAsset);
				if (packageVersion.Length > 0)
					// Add to the database
					success &= MOG_DBPackageAPI.AddPackageGroupName(packageAsset, packageVersion, addCandidate, MOG_ControllerProject.GetUser().GetUserName());

			return success;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepare a drag object to recieve any driped items from the package tree
        /// </summary>
        private DataObject PrepareDragObject(TreeView tree, TreeNode node)
            // failsafe for unpopulated package lists
            if (tree.Nodes.Count <= 0)

            // Create our list holders
            ArrayList    packages = new ArrayList();
            MOG_Filename package  = new MOG_Filename(node.Text);

            // Get the package names
            if (package.GetAssetPlatform().Length == 0)
                // We need to make a new MOG_Filename with a valid platform
                // To do this we need to get to the class, label and desired platform
                string classification = FindClassification(node);
                string packgePath     = IsolatePackagePath(node.FullPath, classification);

                if (packgePath.Length > 0)
                    package = MOG_Filename.CreateAssetName(classification, "All", packgePath);

                    // Add the platforms
                    foreach (MOG_Platform platform in MOG_ControllerProject.GetProject().GetPlatforms())
                        package = MOG_Filename.CreateAssetName(classification, platform.mPlatformName, packgePath);
                    MOG_Prompt.PromptMessage("Create package name", "Could not locate pachage path in package(" + node.FullPath + ")");

            if (packages.Count > 0)
                // Create a new Data object for the send
                return(new DataObject("Package", packages));

コード例 #4
ファイル: PackageCreator.cs プロジェクト: MOGwareSupport/MOG
        private bool IsInformationValid()
            if (this.PackageNameTextBox.BackColor == Color.Tomato)
                MOG_Prompt.PromptResponse("Package name missing", "Please specify a name for the new package.");

            if (MOG_ControllerProject.DoesAssetExists(MOG_Filename.CreateAssetName(Classification, Platform, PackageName)))
                MOG_Prompt.PromptResponse("Package name not unique", "This package already exists, please specify a unique package name and try again.");

            if (this.ClassificationTextBox.BackColor == Color.Tomato)
                MOG_Prompt.PromptResponse("Classification missing", "Please select a classification for the new package.");

            if (SyncTargetTextBox.Enabled &&
                SyncTargetTextBox.BackColor == Color.Tomato)
                MOG_Prompt.PromptResponse("Sync target missing", "Please select a sync target for the new package.");

            // Check if this package is missing an extension?
            if (Path.GetExtension(PackageName).Length == 0)
                // Check if we are also missing a defined DefaultPackageFileExtension?
                MOG_Properties tempProperties = new MOG_Properties(Classification);
                if (tempProperties.DefaultPackageFileExtension.Length == 0)
                    if (MOG_Prompt.PromptResponse("Warning - Missing extension", "This package does not have an extension.  Most eninges require extensions on packages.\n\nDo you want to continue without and extenstion?", "", MOG.PROMPT.MOGPromptButtons.YesNo, MOG.PROMPT.MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.ALERT) == MOG.PROMPT.MOGPromptResult.No)

            if (this.PlatformCombo.BackColor == Color.Tomato)
                MOG_Prompt.PromptResponse("Invalid Platform", "Please select a valid platform for the new package.");

コード例 #5
        private void ExpandSyncTargetAssetNode(TreeNode gamedataNode, string platform)
            Mog_BaseTag gamedataTag = (Mog_BaseTag)gamedataNode.Tag;

            // If we have valid data...
            if (gamedataTag.AttachedSyncTargetInfo != null)
                // Key is gamedataFilename, Value is gamedataFilenameOnly
                MOG_DBSyncTargetInfo gamedataInfo = gamedataTag.AttachedSyncTargetInfo;
                string       currentVersionStamp  = gamedataInfo.mVersion;
                MOG_Filename tempFilename         = MOG_Filename.CreateAssetName(gamedataInfo.mAssetClassification, gamedataInfo.mAssetPlatform, gamedataInfo.mAssetLabel);
                MOG_Filename assetRealFile        = MOG_ControllerRepository.GetAssetBlessedVersionPath(tempFilename, currentVersionStamp);

                // Add the asset this gamedata file is associated with under the oldGamedataNode
                TreeNode assetNode = new TreeNode(assetRealFile.GetAssetFullName(), new TreeNode[] { new TreeNode(Blank_Node_Text) });
                assetNode.Tag  = new Mog_BaseTag(assetNode, assetRealFile.GetEncodedFilename(), LeafFocusLevel.RepositoryItems, true);
                assetNode.Name = assetRealFile.GetAssetFullName();
                SetImageIndices(assetNode, GetAssetFileImageIndex(assetRealFile.GetEncodedFilename()));
コード例 #6
        private static void ImportRemainingItems_Worker(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;
            List <Object>    args   = e.Argument as List <Object>;

            List <ImportFile> remainingItems = args[0] as List <ImportFile>;
            bool      useExtension           = (bool)args[1];
            string    classification         = args[2] as string;
            string    platform      = args[3] as string;
            ArrayList propertyArray = args[4] as ArrayList;

            int itemCount = 0;

            foreach (ImportFile remainingItem in remainingItems)
                // Create the MOG asset name
                string       assetLabel = useExtension ? DosUtils.PathGetFileName(remainingItem.mImportFilename) : DosUtils.PathGetFileNameWithoutExtension(remainingItem.mImportFilename);
                MOG_Filename multiFile  = MOG_Filename.CreateAssetName(classification, platform, assetLabel);

                // Create our import file list
                ArrayList multiInFiles = new ArrayList();

                string message = "Importing:\n" +
                                 "     " + classification + "\n" +
                                 "     " + Path.GetFileName(remainingItem.mImportFilename);
                worker.ReportProgress(itemCount++ *100 / remainingItems.Count, message);

                // Import the asset
                MOG_ControllerAsset.CreateAsset(multiFile, "", multiInFiles, null, propertyArray, false, false);

                // Check if the user canceled things?
                if (worker.CancellationPending)
コード例 #7
ファイル: PackageCreator.cs プロジェクト: MOGwareSupport/MOG
        private void btnCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (IsInformationValid())
                string[] platforms = Platform.Split(",".ToCharArray());
                // Make sure there was something specified before we do anything
                if (platforms.Length > 0)
                    bool bPromptUser     = true;
                    bool bCreatePackage  = true;
                    bool bRebuildPackage = false;

                    foreach (string platform in platforms)
                        // Create the new package name
                        MOG_Filename assetName = MOG_Filename.CreateAssetName(Classification, platform.Trim(), PackageName);

                        // Check if we should prompt the user?
                        if (bPromptUser)
                            // Don't bother the user again
                            bPromptUser = false;

                            // Check if this was a platform specific package?
                            if (assetName.IsPlatformSpecific())
                                // Check if there are ANY assiciated assets with this new platform-specific package?
                                if (MOG_ControllerPackage.GetAssociatedAssetsForPackage(assetName).Count > 0)
                                    // Prompt the user if they wish to automatically populate this new platform-specific packages?
                                    string message = "Whenever new platform-specific packages are created, they sometimes need to be populated if existing package assignments exist.\n\n" +
                                                     "MOG has detected this to be the case and recommends you to automatically populated this package.";
                                    MOGPromptResult result = MOG_Prompt.PromptResponse("Automatically populate this new platform-specific package?", message, MOGPromptButtons.YesNo);
                                    switch (result)
                                    case MOGPromptResult.Yes:
                                        bCreatePackage  = true;
                                        bRebuildPackage = true;

                                    case MOGPromptResult.No:
                                        bCreatePackage  = true;
                                        bRebuildPackage = false;

                                    case MOGPromptResult.Cancel:
                                        bCreatePackage  = false;
                                        bRebuildPackage = false;

                        // Check if we should create the package?
                        if (bCreatePackage)
                            MOG_Filename newPackage = MOG_ControllerProject.CreatePackage(assetName, SyncTarget);
                            if (newPackage != null)
                                // Post the new package into the project
                                mAssetName = newPackage;
                                string jobLabel = "NewPackageCreated." + MOG_ControllerSystem.GetComputerName() + "." + MOG_Time.GetVersionTimestamp();
                                MOG_ControllerProject.PostAssets(MOG_ControllerProject.GetProjectName(), MOG_ControllerProject.GetBranchName(), jobLabel);

                                // Check if we should rebuild the package?
                                if (bRebuildPackage)
                                    jobLabel = "PopulateNewPackage." + MOG_ControllerSystem.GetComputerName() + "." + MOG_Time.GetVersionTimestamp();
                                    // Schedule the rebuild command
                                    MOG_ControllerPackage.RebuildPackage(assetName, jobLabel);
                                    // Start the job

                                // Well, this is a bit of a hack but was the easiest and safest way to ensure unique JobIDs...
                                // JobIDs are only accurate to the microsecond so lets sleep for a very short time.

                                // Setting the dialog's result will automatically close the dialog since we proceeded to create the package
                                DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
コード例 #8
		private void MogControl_PackageTreeView_AfterLabelEdit(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.NodeLabelEditEventArgs e)
			// Encapsulate all of this in a try-catch, since we don't want to crash MOG
				if (!CheckLabelEdit(e))

				// Disable further label editing
				e.Node.TreeView.LabelEdit = false;

				// Find our parent package
				TreeNode package = FindPackage(e.Node);

				TreeNode parent = e.Node.Parent;

				string nodeText = e.Node.Text.ToLower();
				ArrayList packagePlatforms = GetPackageLabelEditPlatforms(e, ref nodeText);

				// Switch base on what our nodeText was before the user editted it
				switch (nodeText.ToLower())
				case "newgroup":
					#region new-group
					if (package != null)
						// Get the new edited label name
						//string groupName = e.Label;

						MOG_Filename packageAsset = new MOG_Filename(((Mog_BaseTag)package.Tag).FullFilename);

						string groupName = GetQualifiedGroupName(e, package);

						// If we have a duplicate, do not add it
						if (ValidateNodeIsNotDuplicate(e.Node.Parent, groupName) == true)
							MOG_Prompt.PromptResponse("Duplicate Entry!", "The group, " + groupName + ", "
								+ "already exists!  Group not added.");

						// Add group to Database
						if (!AddGroupToDatabase(groupName, packageAsset))
							// We need to clean up the unsuccessfull add to the database

							// Show error
							MOG_Prompt.PromptMessage("Create group", "We were unable to add this group to the database. Aborting");

						AttachValidatedTagToNewObjectOrGroup(package, e.Node, PackageNodeTypes.Group);
						// Go ahead and select our node
						e.Node.TreeView.SelectedNode = e.Node;
					#endregion newgroup
				case "(newpackageobject)":
					#region new-package-object
					if (package != null)
						// Get the new edited label name
						string objectName = e.Label;
						e.Node.Text = "(" + objectName + ")";

						// If we have a duplicate, do not add it
						if (ValidateNodeIsNotDuplicate(e.Node.Parent, e.Node.Text) == true)
							MOG_Prompt.PromptResponse("Duplicate Entry!", "The object, (" + objectName + "), "
								+ "already exists!  Package object not added.");

						MOG_Filename packageAsset = new MOG_Filename(((Mog_BaseTag)package.Tag).FullFilename);

						string groupPath = GetQualifiedGroupName(e, package);

						// Add group to Database
						if (!AddGroupToDatabase(groupPath, packageAsset))
							// We need to clean up the unsuccessfull add to the database

							// Show error
							MOG_Prompt.PromptMessage("Create object", "We were unable to add this object to the database. Aborting");
							e.CancelEdit = true;
							AttachValidatedTagToNewObjectOrGroup(package, e.Node, PackageNodeTypes.Object);
							// Go ahead and select our node
							e.Node.TreeView.SelectedNode = e.Node;
					#endregion new-package-object
				case "newpackage":
					#region new-package
					// Get the new package name
					string nodeFullname = MOG_Filename.JoinClassificationString(e.Node.FullPath, e.Label);

					// Construct a valid filename
					MOG_Filename[] packages = new MOG_Filename[packagePlatforms.Count];
					bool duplicateExists = false;
					string duplicates = "";
					for (int i = 0; i < packages.Length && i < packagePlatforms.Count; ++i)
						MOG_Filename packageName = MOG_Filename.CreateAssetName(e.Node.Parent.FullPath, (string)packagePlatforms[i], e.Label);
						packages[i] = packageName;
						// If we have a duplicate package, store 
						if ((duplicateExists |= ValidateNodeIsNotDuplicate(e.Node.Parent, packageName.GetAssetName())) == true)
							duplicates += packageName + "\r\n";

					// If we had duplicates, warn user and exit
					if (duplicateExists)
						MOG_Prompt.PromptResponse("Duplicate Entry(ies) Detected!", "The following were already exist:\r\n\r\n"
							+ duplicates);

					// If we did not get a ValidPackageName (or the user decided to abort...)
					foreach (MOG_Filename packageName in packages)
						if (!ValidatePackageExtension(e, packageName))

					bool problemAdding = false;
					string packageErrorPrompt = "Did not complete package add for the following: \r\n";

					// Go backwards through our packages (so we can get the right platforms.
					for (int i = packages.Length - 1; i > -1; --i)
						MOG_Filename packageName = packages[i];
						// Did we get a valid package name?
						if (packageName != null)
							// Create the package
							MOG_Filename createdPackage = CreatePackageForPlatform(e, packageName, parent);

							// If the user cancelled some part of the process or we had an error...
							if (createdPackage == null)
								// Remove the node
								packageErrorPrompt += "\t" + packageName + ".";
								problemAdding = true;

							TreeNode newPackageNode;

							// For our first platform, we've already got a node, use it...
							if (i == 0)
								e.Node.Text = createdPackage.GetAssetName();
								newPackageNode = e.Node;
							// For subsequent platforms, add a new node...
								newPackageNode = e.Node.Parent.Nodes.Add(createdPackage.GetAssetName());

							// Now that we've got our initial information, add our tag
							newPackageNode.Tag = new Mog_BaseTag(newPackageNode, createdPackage.GetEncodedFilename(), this.FocusForAssetNodes, true);
							((Mog_BaseTag)newPackageNode.Tag).PackageNodeType = PackageNodeTypes.Package;
							((Mog_BaseTag)newPackageNode.Tag).PackageFullName = createdPackage.GetAssetFullName();
							SetImageIndices(newPackageNode, GetAssetFileImageIndex(createdPackage.GetEncodedFilename()));

					// If we had a problem, let the user know and remove our package
					if (problemAdding)
						MOG_Prompt.PromptMessage("Unable to Add Package(s)",
						foreach (MOG_Filename packageName in packages)
					else // Else, we were OK, so go ahead and select this node...
						e.Node.TreeView.SelectedNode = e.Node;

						foreach (MOG_Filename packageName in packages)
							// Add this package to the list of newly added packages

						// Fire the after package create event
						if (AfterPackageCreate != null)
							AfterPackageCreate(this, EventArgs.Empty);
					#endregion new-package
			catch (Exception ex)
				MOG_Report.ReportMessage("TreeNode Error!", "Error committing change to package, group, or package object label:\n" + ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, MOG.PROMPT.MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.ERROR);
				if (e.Node != null)
コード例 #9
		/// <summary>
		/// Remove a Group or Package Object from the database
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="removeCandidate">Full path of Group or Object with 
		/// '/' as delimiter, starting from package name.</param>
		/// <param name="packageAsset">The Asset that is the Package</param>
		/// <param name="platformGeneric">
		/// Whether or not this is a platform Generic operation.  
		/// This is where the "Show Platform Specific" checkbox would 
		/// plug in from the PackageManagementTreeView
		/// </param>
		/// <returns>Bool indicating success/failure</returns>
		public bool RemoveGroupFromDatabase(string removeCandidate, MOG_Filename packageAsset)
				bool success = true;

				// Get the current version of this package
				string packageVersion = MOG_DBAssetAPI.GetAssetVersion(packageAsset);

				// Check to see if any assets reference this
				if (MOG_DBPackageAPI.GetAllAssetsInPackageGroup(packageAsset, packageVersion, removeCandidate).Count == 0)
					// If all is ok, remove it from the database
					success &= MOG_DBPackageAPI.RemovePackageGroupName(packageAsset, packageVersion, removeCandidate, MOG_ControllerProject.GetUser().GetUserName());
					throw (new Exception("Cannot remove object or group that is used by active assets!"));

				// Are we platform generic?
				if (String.Compare(packageAsset.GetAssetPlatform(), "All", true) == 0)
					// We are platform generic, loop through all platforms then
					ArrayList platforms = MOG_ControllerProject.GetProject().GetPlatforms();
					for (int p = 0; p < platforms.Count; p++)
						MOG_Platform platform = (MOG_Platform)platforms[p];

						// Set this package to be platform specific for this platform name
						packageAsset = MOG_Filename.CreateAssetName(packageAsset.GetAssetClassification(), platform.mPlatformName, packageAsset.GetAssetLabel());
						packageVersion = MOG_DBAssetAPI.GetAssetVersion(packageAsset);
						if (packageVersion.Length > 0)
							// Check to see if any assets reference this
							if (MOG_DBPackageAPI.GetAllAssetsInPackageGroup(packageAsset, packageVersion, removeCandidate).Count == 0)
								// If all is ok, remove it from the database
								success &= MOG_DBPackageAPI.RemovePackageGroupName(packageAsset, packageVersion, removeCandidate, MOG_ControllerProject.GetUser().GetUserName());
								throw (new Exception("Cannot remove object or group that is used by active assets!"));

				return success;
			catch (Exception e)
				// Get the current version of this package
				string packageVersion = MOG_DBAssetAPI.GetAssetVersion(packageAsset);

				// See if we can report to the user about why this node could not be deleted
				ArrayList assignedAssets = MOG_DBPackageAPI.GetAllAssetsInPackageGroup(packageAsset, packageVersion, removeCandidate);

				if (assignedAssets != null)
					// Walk all associated assets and make a list
					string assets = "";
					foreach (MOG_Filename assetName in assignedAssets)
						if (assets.Length == 0)
							assets = assetName.GetEncodedFilename();
							assets = assets + "\n" + assetName.GetEncodedFilename();

					// Tell the user
					MOG_Prompt.PromptMessage("Remove node", "Cannot remove this node because the following assets are assigned to it:\n\n" + assets);
					// This must have been another problem
					MOG_Prompt.PromptMessage("Remove node", "Cannot remove this node.\nMessage\n" + e.Message);

			return false;
コード例 #10
        private string FixName(string name, ImportFile fullFilename, ref ArrayList properties)
            string newName = null;
            bool   succeed = false;
            bool   cancel  = false;

            // Have we previously specified whether or not to apply changes to all names?
            if (mOkToAll == false)
                // Looks like we need to fix up the name...
                ImportAssetTreeForm mImportForm = new ImportAssetTreeForm(fullFilename);

                // Keep trying until we either fix the name or we cancel.
                while (!succeed && !cancel)
                    // Show BlessDialog as a modal dialog and determine if DialogResult = OK.
                    DialogResult rc = mImportForm.DialogResult;

                    // Save our extension settings for multi import
                    mShowExtensions = mImportForm.MOGShowExtensions;

                    // Check dialog results
                    if (rc == DialogResult.Cancel)
                        // This means the user clicked cancel
                        cancel = true;
                        if (rc == DialogResult.Yes)
                            // This is the OkToAll button
                            mOkToAll = true;

                        // Construct the new name based on the dialog fields
                        newName = mImportForm.GetFixedAssetName();

                        // Always check each name to make sure it worked...
                        succeed = CheckName(newName);
                        if (succeed)

                            // Set previous settings for future imports
                            mPreviousProperties = new ArrayList();
                            mPreviousClassifiaton = mImportForm.FinalAssetName.GetAssetClassification();
                            mPreviousPlatform     = mImportForm.FinalAssetName.GetAssetPlatform();
                // Since the OkToAll button was previously selected, just fix this name the same way w/o asking
                // Make sure to create mog names that match our previous settings of 'Extension' or 'No Extension'
                if (mShowExtensions)
                    name = DosUtils.PathGetFileName(fullFilename.mImportFilename);
                    name = DosUtils.PathGetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullFilename.mImportFilename);

                MOG_Filename newAssetName = MOG_Filename.CreateAssetName(mPreviousClassifiaton, mPreviousPlatform, name);
                newName = newAssetName.GetAssetFullName();

                // Always check each name to make sure it worked...
                succeed = CheckName(newName);
                if (succeed == false)
                    // Wow, this current name failed after a previous one succeeded...force the dialog to display agian.
                    mOkToAll = false;
                    newName  = FixName(name, fullFilename, ref properties);
                    // Load previous properties set on earlier imports
