private static void DoExpTweenEnd() { if ((_expTweenRect != null) && (_expLTD != null)) { _expTweenRect.sizeDelta = new Vector2(_expTo * 327.6f, _expTweenRect.sizeDelta.y); _expLTD.cancel(); _expLTD = null; _expTweenRect = null; } if (_continueBtn != null) { _continueBtn.CustomSetActive(true); _continueBtn = null; } if (_lvUpGrade > 1) { CUIEvent event3 = new CUIEvent { m_eventID = enUIEventID.Settle_OpenLvlUp }; event3.m_eventParams.tag = ((int)_lvUpGrade) - 1; event3.m_eventParams.tag2 = (int)_lvUpGrade; CUIEvent uiEvent = event3; Singleton <CUIEventManager> .GetInstance().DispatchUIEvent(uiEvent); } _lvUpGrade = 0; }
IEnumerator timeBasedTesting() { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); lt1.cancel(); LeanTween.cancel(cube2); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); LeanTest.debug("CANCEL TWEEN LTDESCR", LeanTween.isTweening(cube1) == false); LeanTest.debug("CANCEL TWEEN LEANTWEEN", LeanTween.isTweening(cube2) == false); }
public static void DoCoinTweenEnd() { if ((_coinLTD != null) && (_coinTweenText != null)) { _coinTweenText.text = string.Format("+{0}", _coinTo.ToString("N0")); if (Singleton <BattleStatistic> .GetInstance().multiDetail != null) { CUICommonSystem.AppendMultipleText(_coinTweenText, CUseable.GetMultiple(ref Singleton <BattleStatistic> .GetInstance().multiDetail, 0, -1)); } _coinLTD.cancel(); _coinLTD = null; _coinTweenText = null; } if (_continueBtn != null) { _continueBtn.CustomSetActive(true); _continueBtn = null; } }
void cycleThroughExamples() { if (exampleIter == 0) { int iter = (int)timingType + 1; if (iter > (int)TimingType.Length) { iter = 0; } timingType = (TimingType)iter; useEstimatedTime = timingType == TimingType.IgnoreTimeScale; Time.timeScale = useEstimatedTime ? 0 : 1f; // pause the Time Scale to show the effectiveness of the useEstimatedTime feature (this is very usefull with Pause Screens) if (timingType == TimingType.HalfTimeScale) { Time.timeScale = 0.5f; } if (timingType == TimingType.VariableTimeScale) { descrTimeScaleChange = LeanTween.value(gameObject, 0.01f, 10.0f, 3f).setOnUpdate((float val) => { //Debug.Log("timeScale val:"+val); Time.timeScale = val; }).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInQuad).setUseEstimatedTime(true).setRepeat(-1); } else { Debug.Log("cancel variable time"); if (descrTimeScaleChange != null) { descrTimeScaleChange.cancel(); } } } gameObject.BroadcastMessage(exampleFunctions[exampleIter]); // Debug.Log("cycleThroughExamples time:"+Time.time + " useEstimatedTime:"+useEstimatedTime); float delayTime = 1.1f; LeanTween.delayedCall(gameObject, delayTime, cycleThroughExamples).setUseEstimatedTime(useEstimatedTime); exampleIter = exampleIter + 1 >= exampleFunctions.Length ? 0 : exampleIter + 1; }
private void stopLeanTween() { leantweenLT.cancel(this.gameObject); }
IEnumerator timeBasedTesting() { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); Time.timeScale = 0.25f; float tweenTime = 0.2f; float start = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; bool onUpdateWasCalled = false; LeanTween.moveX(cube1, -5f, tweenTime).setOnUpdate((float val) => { onUpdateWasCalled = true; }).setOnComplete(() => { float end = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; float diff = end - start; LeanTest.expect(Mathf.Abs(tweenTime * (1f / Time.timeScale) - diff) < 0.05f, "SCALED TIMING DIFFERENCE", "expected to complete in roughly 0.8f but completed in " + diff); LeanTest.expect(Mathf.Approximately(cube1.transform.position.x, -5f), "SCALED ENDING POSITION", "expected to end at -5f, but it ended at " + cube1.transform.position.x); LeanTest.expect(onUpdateWasCalled, "ON UPDATE FIRED"); }); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f)); Time.timeScale = 1f; // Groups of tweens testing groupTweens = new LTDescr[1200]; groupGOs = new GameObject[groupTweens.Length]; groupTweensCnt = 0; int descriptionMatchCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < groupTweens.Length; i++) { GameObject cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); Destroy(cube.GetComponent(typeof(BoxCollider)) as Component); cube.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, i * 3); = "c" + i; groupGOs[i] = cube; groupTweens[i] = LeanTween.move(cube, transform.position + * 3f, 0.6f).setOnComplete(groupTweenFinished); if (LeanTween.description(groupTweens[i].id).trans == groupTweens[i].trans) { descriptionMatchCount++; } } LeanTween.delayedCall(gameObject, 0.82f, groupTweensFinished); LeanTest.expect(descriptionMatchCount == groupTweens.Length, "GROUP IDS MATCH"); LeanTest.expect(LeanTween.maxSearch <= groupTweens.Length + 5, "MAX SEARCH OPTIMIZED", "maxSearch:" + LeanTween.maxSearch); LeanTest.expect(LeanTween.isTweening() == true, "SOMETHING IS TWEENING"); // resume item before calling pause should continue item along it's way float previousXlt4 = cube4.transform.position.x; lt4 = LeanTween.moveX(cube4, 5.0f, 1.1f).setOnComplete(() => { LeanTest.expect(cube4 != null && previousXlt4 != cube4.transform.position.x, "RESUME OUT OF ORDER", "cube4:" + cube4 + " previousXlt4:" + previousXlt4 + " cube4.transform.position.x:" + (cube4 != null ? cube4.transform.position.x : 0)); }); lt4.resume(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); int countBeforeCancel = LeanTween.tweensRunning; lt1.cancel(); LeanTest.expect(countBeforeCancel == LeanTween.tweensRunning, "CANCEL AFTER RESET SHOULD FAIL", "expected " + countBeforeCancel + " but got " + LeanTween.tweensRunning); LeanTween.cancel(cube2); int tweenCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < groupTweens.Length; i++) { if (LeanTween.isTweening(groupGOs[i])) { tweenCount++; } if (i % 3 == 0) { LeanTween.pause(groupGOs[i]); } else if (i % 3 == 1) { groupTweens[i].pause(); } else { LeanTween.pause(groupTweens[i].id); } } LeanTest.expect(tweenCount == groupTweens.Length, "GROUP ISTWEENING", "expected " + groupTweens.Length + " tweens but got " + tweenCount); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); tweenCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < groupTweens.Length; i++) { if (i % 3 == 0) { LeanTween.resume(groupGOs[i]); } else if (i % 3 == 1) { groupTweens[i].resume(); } else { LeanTween.resume(groupTweens[i].id); } if (i % 2 == 0 ? LeanTween.isTweening(groupTweens[i].id) : LeanTween.isTweening(groupGOs[i])) { tweenCount++; } } LeanTest.expect(tweenCount == groupTweens.Length, "GROUP RESUME"); LeanTest.expect(LeanTween.isTweening(cube1) == false, "CANCEL TWEEN LTDESCR"); LeanTest.expect(LeanTween.isTweening(cube2) == false, "CANCEL TWEEN LEANTWEEN"); int ltCount = 0; GameObject[] allGos = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject[]; foreach (GameObject go in allGos) { if ( == "~LeanTween") { ltCount++; } } LeanTest.expect(ltCount == 1, "RESET CORRECTLY CLEANS UP"); }
IEnumerator timeBasedTesting() { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); // Groups of tweens testing groupTweens = new LTDescr[300]; groupGOs = new GameObject[groupTweens.Length]; groupTweensCnt = 0; int descriptionMatchCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < groupTweens.Length; i++) { GameObject cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); Destroy(cube.GetComponent(typeof(BoxCollider)) as Component); cube.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, i * 3); = "c" + i; groupGOs[i] = cube; groupTweens[i] = LeanTween.move(cube, transform.position + * 3f, 0.6f).setOnComplete(groupTweenFinished); if (LeanTween.description(groupTweens[i].id).trans == groupTweens[i].trans) { descriptionMatchCount++; } } LeanTween.delayedCall(0.82f, groupTweensFinished); LeanTest.debug("GROUP IDS MATCH", descriptionMatchCount == groupTweens.Length); LeanTest.debug("MAX SEARCH OPTIMIZED", LeanTween.maxSearch <= groupTweens.Length + 5, "maxSearch:" + LeanTween.maxSearch); LeanTest.debug("SOMETHING IS TWEENING", LeanTween.isTweening() == true); // resume item before calling pause should continue item along it's way float previousXLT3 = cube3.transform.position.x; lt3 = LeanTween.moveX(cube3, 5.0f, 1.1f); lt3.resume(); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); lt1.cancel(); LeanTween.cancel(cube2); int tweenCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < groupTweens.Length; i++) { if (LeanTween.isTweening(groupGOs[i])) { tweenCount++; } if (i % 3 == 0) { LeanTween.pause(groupGOs[i]); } else if (i % 3 == 1) { groupTweens[i].pause(); } else { LeanTween.pause(groupTweens[i].id); } } LeanTest.debug("GROUP ISTWEENING", tweenCount == groupTweens.Length, "expected " + groupTweens.Length + " tweens but got " + tweenCount); LeanTest.debug("RESUME OUT OF ORDER", previousXLT3 != cube3.transform.position.x, "previousXLT3:" + previousXLT3 + " cube3.transform.position.x:" + cube3.transform.position.x); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); tweenCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < groupTweens.Length; i++) { if (i % 3 == 0) { LeanTween.resume(groupGOs[i]); } else if (i % 3 == 1) { groupTweens[i].resume(); } else { LeanTween.resume(groupTweens[i].id); } if (i % 2 == 0 ? LeanTween.isTweening(groupTweens[i].id) : LeanTween.isTweening(groupGOs[i])) { tweenCount++; } } LeanTest.debug("GROUP RESUME", tweenCount == groupTweens.Length); LeanTest.debug("CANCEL TWEEN LTDESCR", LeanTween.isTweening(cube1) == false); LeanTest.debug("CANCEL TWEEN LEANTWEEN", LeanTween.isTweening(cube2) == false); Time.timeScale = 0.25f; float start = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; LeanTween.moveX(cube1, -5f, 0.2f).setOnComplete(() => { float end = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; float diff = end - start; LeanTest.debug("SCALED TIMING diff:" + diff, Mathf.Abs(0.8f - diff) < 0.05f, "expected to complete in 0.8f but completed in " + diff); LeanTest.debug("SCALED ENDING POSITION", Mathf.Approximately(cube1.transform.position.x, -5f), "expected to end at -5f, but it ended at " + cube1.transform.position.x); }); }
public void StopMotion() { isPlayingAnimation = false; if (descrRootPosition != null) { descrRootPosition.cancel(); descrRootPosition = null; } if (descrRootRotation != null) { descrRootRotation.cancel(); descrRootRotation = null; } if (descrChest != null) { descrChest.cancel(); descrChest = null; } if (descrNeck != null) { descrNeck.cancel(); descrNeck = null; } if (descrHead != null) { descrHead.cancel(); descrHead = null; } if (descrThighL != null) { descrThighL.cancel(); descrThighL = null; } if (descrThighR != null) { descrThighR.cancel(); descrThighR = null; } if (descrShinL != null) { descrShinL.cancel(); descrShinL = null; } if (descrShinR != null) { descrShinR.cancel(); descrShinR = null; } if (descrFootL != null) { descrFootL.cancel(); descrFootL = null; } if (descrFootR != null) { descrFootR.cancel(); descrFootR = null; } if (descrShoulderL != null) { descrShoulderL.cancel(); descrShoulderL = null; } if (descrShoulderR != null) { descrShoulderR.cancel(); descrShoulderR = null; } if (descrUpperArmL != null) { descrUpperArmL.cancel(); descrUpperArmL = null; } if (descrUpperArmR != null) { descrUpperArmR.cancel(); descrUpperArmR = null; } if (descrForearmL != null) { descrForearmL.cancel(); descrForearmL = null; } if (descrForearmR != null) { descrForearmR.cancel(); descrForearmR = null; } if (descrHandL != null) { descrHandL.cancel(); descrHandL = null; } if (descrHandR != null) { descrHandR.cancel(); descrHandR = null; } }