private void SetGameRulesFromSeed(int seed) { // Apply the seed. Random.InitState(seed); Debug.Log("Generating Rules From Seed: " + seed); //////////////// First create the terrain types, looping through each possible sprite. TerrainType.terrainTypes = new List <TerrainType> (); foreach (var sprite in Resources.LoadAll <Sprite>("Terrain")) { // Loop through a set of colours for this sprite. There will be one terrain type per sprite / colour combination. foreach (Color color in GenerateRandomColours(NTerrainColours, 0.85f, 0.55f)) { TerrainType.GenerateNewTerrainType(sprite, color); } } /////////////// Generate the creature types by looping through each creature sprite. CreatureType.creatureTypes = new List <CreatureType> (); foreach (Sprite sprite in Resources.LoadAll <Sprite> ("Creatures")) { // Loop through a set of colours for this sprite. There will be one creature type per sprite / colour combination. foreach (Color color in GenerateRandomColours(NCreatureColours, 0.85f, 0.9f)) { CreatureType.GenerateNewCreatureType(sprite, color); } } // Now for each creature generate its stance with each other creature. foreach (CreatureType creatureType in CreatureType.creatureTypes) { creatureType.GenerateStancesWithOtherCreatures(); } /////////////// Genearte BASIC items. ItemType.itemTypes = new List <ItemType> (); // First create the basic items. Sprite[] sprites = Resources.LoadAll <Sprite> ("Items/Basic"); List <ItemType> basicItems = new List <ItemType> (); for (int i = 0; i < sprites.Length * 3; i++) { basicItems.Add(ItemType.GenerateNewBasicItemType()); } // Now sort the basic items by rarity, rarist first. basicItems.Sort(((ItemType x, ItemType y) => { if (x.rarity < y.rarity) { return(1); } return(-1); })); // Now sort the creatures by rarity, rarist first. CreatureType.creatureTypes.Sort(((CreatureType x, CreatureType y) => { if (x.diff < y.diff) { return(1); } return(-1); })); // Loop throug each creature. for (int i = 0; i < CreatureType.creatureTypes.Count; i++) { // If there is an ith creature, assign the ith item type as its drop type. This will give the rarist items to the most powerfull creatures. CreatureType.creatureTypes [i].itemTypeDropped = basicItems [i]; // Give this item a sprite and colour which "matches" the creature's. string spriteName = CreatureType.creatureTypes [i]; basicItems [i].sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite> ("Items/Basic/" + spriteName); basicItems [i].color = CreatureType.creatureTypes [i].color; basicItems [i].color.a = 0.8f; } // Loop through unassigned item types, however do it by sprite / colour. Sprite[] itemSprites = Resources.LoadAll <Sprite>("Items/Basic"); int itemAt = CreatureType.creatureTypes.Count; for (int spriteAt = CreatureType.creatureTypes.Count / 3; spriteAt < itemSprites.Length; spriteAt++) { foreach (Color color in GenerateRandomColours(3, 0.85f, 0.9f)) { // This item will spawn naturally in a world. Pick a terrain type for it to spawn in. TerrainType tt = TerrainType.terrainTypes [Random.Range(0, TerrainType.terrainTypes.Count)]; tt.itemsFoundHere.Add(basicItems [itemAt]); // Set the colour and texture. basicItems [itemAt].sprite = itemSprites [spriteAt]; basicItems [itemAt].color = color; basicItems [itemAt].color.a = 0.8f; // Increase the item index. itemAt += 1; } } /////////////// Genearte CRAFTED items. CraftingRecipe.craftingRecipes = new List <CraftingRecipe> (); // Loop through sprites. foreach (Sprite sprite in Resources.LoadAll <Sprite>("Items/Crafted")) { // Loop through colours. foreach (var color in GenerateRandomColours(3, 0.85f, 0.9f)) { // Create a crafted item wit the sprite and colours. ItemType it = ItemType.GenerateNewCraftedItemType(sprite, color); // Generate the two crafting recipes for the item. CraftingRecipe.BuildRecipeFor(it, basicItems); CraftingRecipe.BuildRecipeFor(it, basicItems); } } // Reset Random Seed. Random.InitState(System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond); Debug.Log("Rules created with " + TerrainType.terrainTypes.Count + " terrain types, " + CreatureType.creatureTypes.Count + " creature types, " + ItemType.itemTypes.Count + " item types, and " + CraftingRecipe.craftingRecipes.Count + " crafting recipes."); }