private static int run(string[] args, Ice.Communicator communicator) { communicator.addValueFactory(MyValueFactory, "::Test::I"); communicator.addValueFactory(MyValueFactory, "::Test::J"); communicator.addValueFactory(MyValueFactory, "::Test::H"); communicator.getProperties().setProperty("TestAdapter.Endpoints", "default -p 12010"); Ice.ObjectAdapter adapter = communicator.createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter"); Ice.Object @object = new InitialI(adapter); adapter.add(@object, communicator.stringToIdentity("initial")); @object = new UnexpectedObjectExceptionTestI(); adapter.add(@object, communicator.stringToIdentity("uoet")); adapter.activate(); communicator.waitForShutdown(); return 0; }
static public int run(Ice.Communicator communicator) #endif { MyClassFactoryWrapper factoryWrapper = new MyClassFactoryWrapper(); communicator.addValueFactory(factoryWrapper.create, Test.MyClass.ice_staticId()); communicator.addValueFactory(MyInterfaceFactory, Test.MyInterfaceDisp_.ice_staticId()); Ice.InputStream @in; Ice.OutputStream @out; Write("testing primitive types... "); Flush(); { byte[] data = new byte[0]; @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); @in.destroy(); } { @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); @out.startEncapsulation(); @out.writeBool(true); @out.endEncapsulation(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @out.destroy(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); @in.startEncapsulation(); test(@in.readBool()); @in.endEncapsulation(); @in.destroy(); @in = Ice.Util.wrapInputStream(communicator, data); @in.startEncapsulation(); test(@in.readBool()); @in.endEncapsulation(); @in.destroy(); } { byte[] data = new byte[0]; @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); try { @in.readBool(); test(false); } catch (Ice.UnmarshalOutOfBoundsException) { } @in.destroy(); } { @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); @out.writeBool(true); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); test(@in.readBool()); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); @out.writeByte((byte)1); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); test(@in.readByte() == (byte)1); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); @out.writeShort((short)2); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); test(@in.readShort() == (short)2); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); @out.writeInt(3); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); test(@in.readInt() == 3); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); @out.writeLong(4); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); test(@in.readLong() == 4); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); @out.writeFloat((float)5.0); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); test(@in.readFloat() == (float)5.0); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); @out.writeDouble(6.0); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); test(@in.readDouble() == 6.0); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); @out.writeString("hello world"); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); test(@in.readString().Equals("hello world")); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("testing constructed types... "); Flush(); { @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.MyEnumHelper.write(@out, Test.MyEnum.enum3); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); test( == Test.MyEnum.enum3); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.SmallStruct s = new Test.SmallStruct(); = true; = (byte)1; = (short)2; s.i = 3; s.l = 4; s.f = (float)5.0; s.d = 6.0; s.str = "7"; s.e = Test.MyEnum.enum2; s.p = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("test:default")); s.ice_write(@out); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Test.SmallStruct s2 = new Test.SmallStruct(); s2.ice_read(@in); test(s2.Equals(s)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); OptionalClass o = new OptionalClass(); = true; = (byte)5; = 4; o.i = 3; @out.writeObject(o); @out.writePendingObjects(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); TestReadObjectCallback cb = new TestReadObjectCallback(); @in.readObject(cb); @in.readPendingObjects(); OptionalClass o2 = (OptionalClass)cb.obj; test( ==; test( ==; if(communicator.getProperties().getProperty("Ice.Default.EncodingVersion").Equals("1.0")) { test(!; test(!o2.i.HasValue); } else { test( ==; test(o2.i.Value == o.i.Value); } @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator, Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0); OptionalClass o = new OptionalClass(); = true; = 5; = 4; o.i = 3; @out.writeObject(o); @out.writePendingObjects(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data, Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0); TestReadObjectCallback cb = new TestReadObjectCallback(); @in.readObject(cb); @in.readPendingObjects(); OptionalClass o2 = (OptionalClass)cb.obj; test( ==; test( ==; test(!; test(!o2.i.HasValue); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { bool[] arr = { true, false, true, false }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Ice.BoolSeqHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); bool[] arr2 =; test(Compare(arr2, arr)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); bool[][] arrS = { arr, new bool[0], arr }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.BoolSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); bool[][] arr2S =; test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { byte[] arr = { (byte)0x01, (byte)0x11, (byte)0x12, (byte)0x22 }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Ice.ByteSeqHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); byte[] arr2 =; test(Compare(arr2, arr)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); byte[][] arrS = { arr, new byte[0], arr }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.ByteSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); byte[][] arr2S =; test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } #if !COMPACT && !SILVERLIGHT { Serialize.Small small = new Serialize.Small(); small.i = 99; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); @out.writeSerializable(small); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Serialize.Small small2 = (Serialize.Small)@in.readSerializable(); test(small2.i == 99); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } #endif { short[] arr = { (short)0x01, (short)0x11, (short)0x12, (short)0x22 }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Ice.ShortSeqHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); short[] arr2 =; test(Compare(arr2, arr)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); short[][] arrS = { arr, new short[0], arr }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.ShortSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); short[][] arr2S =; test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { int[] arr = { 0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22 }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Ice.IntSeqHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); int[] arr2 =; test(Compare(arr2, arr)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); int[][] arrS = { arr, new int[0], arr }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.IntSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); int[][] arr2S =; test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { long[] arr = { 0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22 }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Ice.LongSeqHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); long[] arr2 =; test(Compare(arr2, arr)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); long[][] arrS = { arr, new long[0], arr }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.LongSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); long[][] arr2S =; test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { float[] arr = { (float)1, (float)2, (float)3, (float)4 }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Ice.FloatSeqHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); float[] arr2 =; test(Compare(arr2, arr)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); float[][] arrS = { arr, new float[0], arr }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.FloatSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); float[][] arr2S =; test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { double[] arr = { (double)1, (double)2, (double)3, (double)4 }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Ice.DoubleSeqHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); double[] arr2 =; test(Compare(arr2, arr)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); double[][] arrS = { arr, new double[0], arr }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.DoubleSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); double[][] arr2S =; test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { string[] arr = { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Ice.StringSeqHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); string[] arr2 =; test(Compare(arr2, arr)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); string[][] arrS = { arr, new string[0], arr }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.StringSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); string[][] arr2S =; test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { Test.MyEnum[] arr = { Test.MyEnum.enum3, Test.MyEnum.enum2, Test.MyEnum.enum1, Test.MyEnum.enum2 }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.MyEnumSHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Test.MyEnum[] arr2 =; test(Compare(arr2, arr)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); Test.MyEnum[][] arrS = { arr, new Test.MyEnum[0], arr }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.MyEnumSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Test.MyEnum[][] arr2S =; test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } Test.SmallStruct[] smallStructArray = new Test.SmallStruct[3]; for (int i = 0; i < smallStructArray.Length; ++i) { smallStructArray[i] = new Test.SmallStruct(); smallStructArray[i].bo = true; smallStructArray[i].by = (byte)1; smallStructArray[i].sh = (short)2; smallStructArray[i].i = 3; smallStructArray[i].l = 4; smallStructArray[i].f = (float)5.0; smallStructArray[i].d = 6.0; smallStructArray[i].str = "7"; smallStructArray[i].e = Test.MyEnum.enum2; smallStructArray[i].p = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("test:default")); } Test.MyClass[] myClassArray = new Test.MyClass[4]; for (int i = 0; i < myClassArray.Length; ++i) { myClassArray[i] = new Test.MyClass(); myClassArray[i].c = myClassArray[i]; myClassArray[i].o = myClassArray[i]; myClassArray[i].s = new Test.SmallStruct(); myClassArray[i].s.e = Test.MyEnum.enum2; myClassArray[i].seq1 = new bool[] { true, false, true, false }; myClassArray[i].seq2 = new byte[] { (byte)1, (byte)2, (byte)3, (byte)4 }; myClassArray[i].seq3 = new short[] { (short)1, (short)2, (short)3, (short)4 }; myClassArray[i].seq4 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; myClassArray[i].seq5 = new long[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; myClassArray[i].seq6 = new float[] { (float)1, (float)2, (float)3, (float)4 }; myClassArray[i].seq7 = new double[] { (double)1, (double)2, (double)3, (double)4 }; myClassArray[i].seq8 = new string[] { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; myClassArray[i].seq9 = new Test.MyEnum[] { Test.MyEnum.enum3, Test.MyEnum.enum2, Test.MyEnum.enum1 }; myClassArray[i].seq10 = new Test.MyClass[4]; // null elements. myClassArray[i].d = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, Test.MyClass>(); myClassArray[i].d["hi"] = myClassArray[i]; } { @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.MyClassSHelper.write(@out, myClassArray); @out.writePendingObjects(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Test.MyClass[] arr2 =; @in.readPendingObjects(); test(arr2.Length == myClassArray.Length); for (int i = 0; i < arr2.Length; ++i) { test(arr2[i] != null); test(arr2[i].c == arr2[i]); test(arr2[i].o == arr2[i]); test(arr2[i].s.e == Test.MyEnum.enum2); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq1, myClassArray[i].seq1)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq2, myClassArray[i].seq2)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq3, myClassArray[i].seq3)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq4, myClassArray[i].seq4)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq5, myClassArray[i].seq5)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq6, myClassArray[i].seq6)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq7, myClassArray[i].seq7)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq8, myClassArray[i].seq8)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq9, myClassArray[i].seq9)); test(arr2[i].d["hi"].Equals(arr2[i])); } @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); Test.MyClass[][] arrS = { myClassArray, new Test.MyClass[0], myClassArray }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.MyClassSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Test.MyClass[][] arr2S =; test(arr2S.Length == arrS.Length); test(arr2S[0].Length == arrS[0].Length); test(arr2S[1].Length == arrS[1].Length); test(arr2S[2].Length == arrS[2].Length); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { Test.MyInterface i = new MyInterfaceI(); @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.MyInterfaceHelper.write(@out, i); @out.writePendingObjects(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Test.MyInterfaceHelper helper = new Test.MyInterfaceHelper(@in);; @in.readPendingObjects(); test(helper.value != null); } { @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.MyClass obj = new Test.MyClass(); obj.s = new Test.SmallStruct(); obj.s.e = Test.MyEnum.enum2; TestObjectWriter writer = new TestObjectWriter(obj); @out.writeObject(writer); @out.writePendingObjects(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); test(writer.called); factoryWrapper.setFactory(TestObjectFactory); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); TestReadObjectCallback cb = new TestReadObjectCallback(); @in.readObject(cb); @in.readPendingObjects(); test(cb.obj != null); test(cb.obj is TestObjectReader); TestObjectReader reader = (TestObjectReader)cb.obj; test(reader.called); test(reader.obj != null); test(reader.obj.s.e == Test.MyEnum.enum2); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); factoryWrapper.setFactory(null); } { @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.MyException ex = new Test.MyException(); Test.MyClass c = new Test.MyClass(); c.c = c; c.o = c; c.s = new Test.SmallStruct(); c.s.e = Test.MyEnum.enum2; c.seq1 = new bool[] { true, false, true, false }; c.seq2 = new byte[] { (byte)1, (byte)2, (byte)3, (byte)4 }; c.seq3 = new short[] { (short)1, (short)2, (short)3, (short)4 }; c.seq4 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; c.seq5 = new long[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; c.seq6 = new float[] { (float)1, (float)2, (float)3, (float)4 }; c.seq7 = new double[] { (double)1, (double)2, (double)3, (double)4 }; c.seq8 = new string[] { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; c.seq9 = new Test.MyEnum[] { Test.MyEnum.enum3, Test.MyEnum.enum2, Test.MyEnum.enum1 }; c.seq10 = new Test.MyClass[4]; // null elements. c.d = new Dictionary<string, Test.MyClass>(); c.d.Add("hi", c); ex.c = c; @out.writeException(ex); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); try { @in.throwException(); test(false); } catch (Test.MyException ex1) { test(ex1.c.s.e == c.s.e); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq1, c.seq1)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq2, c.seq2)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq3, c.seq3)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq4, c.seq4)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq5, c.seq5)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq6, c.seq6)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq7, c.seq7)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq8, c.seq8)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq9, c.seq9)); } catch (Ice.UserException) { test(false); } } { Dictionary<byte, bool> dict = new Dictionary<byte, bool>(); dict.Add((byte)4, true); dict.Add((byte)1, false); @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.ByteBoolDHelper.write(@out, dict); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Dictionary<byte, bool> dict2 =; test(Ice.CollectionComparer.Equals(dict2, dict)); } { Dictionary<short, int> dict = new Dictionary<short, int>(); dict.Add((short)1, 9); dict.Add((short)4, 8); @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.ShortIntDHelper.write(@out, dict); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Dictionary<short, int> dict2 =; test(Ice.CollectionComparer.Equals(dict2, dict)); } { Dictionary<long, float> dict = new Dictionary<long, float>(); dict.Add((long)123809828, (float)0.51f); dict.Add((long)123809829, (float)0.56f); @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.LongFloatDHelper.write(@out, dict); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Dictionary<long, float> dict2 =; test(Ice.CollectionComparer.Equals(dict2, dict)); } { Dictionary<string, string> dict = new Dictionary<string, string>(); dict.Add("key1", "value1"); dict.Add("key2", "value2"); @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.StringStringDHelper.write(@out, dict); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Dictionary<string, string> dict2 =; test(Ice.CollectionComparer.Equals(dict2, dict)); } { Dictionary<string, Test.MyClass> dict = new Dictionary<string, Test.MyClass>(); Test.MyClass c; c = new Test.MyClass(); c.s = new Test.SmallStruct(); c.s.e = Test.MyEnum.enum2; dict.Add("key1", c); c = new Test.MyClass(); c.s = new Test.SmallStruct(); c.s.e = Test.MyEnum.enum3; dict.Add("key2", c); @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.StringMyClassDHelper.write(@out, dict); @out.writePendingObjects(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Dictionary<string, Test.MyClass> dict2 =; @in.readPendingObjects(); test(dict2.Count == dict.Count); test(dict2["key1"].s.e == Test.MyEnum.enum2); test(dict2["key2"].s.e == Test.MyEnum.enum3); } { bool[] arr = { true, false, true, false }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); List<bool> l = new List<bool>(arr); Test.BoolListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); List<bool> l2 =; test(Compare(l, l2)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { byte[] arr = { (byte)0x01, (byte)0x11, (byte)0x12, (byte)0x22 }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); List<byte> l = new List<byte>(arr); Test.ByteListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); List<byte> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { Test.MyEnum[] arr = { Test.MyEnum.enum3, Test.MyEnum.enum2, Test.MyEnum.enum1, Test.MyEnum.enum2 }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); List<Test.MyEnum> l = new List<Test.MyEnum>(arr); Test.MyEnumListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); List<Test.MyEnum> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); List<Test.SmallStruct> l = new List<Test.SmallStruct>(smallStructArray); Test.SmallStructListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); List<Test.SmallStruct> l2 =; test(l2.Count == l.Count); for (int i = 0; i < l2.Count; ++i) { test(l2[i].Equals(smallStructArray[i])); } @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); List<Test.MyClass> l = new List<Test.MyClass>(myClassArray); Test.MyClassListHelper.write(@out, l); @out.writePendingObjects(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); List<Test.MyClass> l2 =; @in.readPendingObjects(); test(l2.Count == l.Count); for (int i = 0; i < l2.Count; ++i) { test(l2[i] != null); test(l2[i].c == l2[i]); test(l2[i].o == l2[i]); test(l2[i].s.e == Test.MyEnum.enum2); test(Compare(l2[i].seq1, l[i].seq1)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq2, l[i].seq2)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq3, l[i].seq3)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq4, l[i].seq4)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq5, l[i].seq5)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq6, l[i].seq6)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq7, l[i].seq7)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq8, l[i].seq8)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq9, l[i].seq9)); test(l2[i].d["hi"].Equals(l2[i])); } @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { Test.MyClassPrx[] arr = new Test.MyClassPrx[2]; arr[0] = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("zero")); arr[1] = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("one")); @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); List<Test.MyClassPrx> l = new List<Test.MyClassPrx>(arr); Test.MyClassProxyListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); List<Test.MyClassPrx> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { short[] arr = { (short)0x01, (short)0x11, (short)0x12, (short)0x22 }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); LinkedList<short> l = new LinkedList<short>(arr); Test.ShortLinkedListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); LinkedList<short> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { int[] arr = { 0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22 }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); LinkedList<int> l = new LinkedList<int>(arr); Test.IntLinkedListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); LinkedList<int> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { Test.MyEnum[] arr = { Test.MyEnum.enum3, Test.MyEnum.enum2, Test.MyEnum.enum1, Test.MyEnum.enum2 }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); LinkedList<Test.MyEnum> l = new LinkedList<Test.MyEnum>(arr); Test.MyEnumLinkedListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); LinkedList<Test.MyEnum> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); LinkedList<Test.SmallStruct> l = new LinkedList<Test.SmallStruct>(smallStructArray); Test.SmallStructLinkedListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); LinkedList<Test.SmallStruct> l2 =; test(l2.Count == l.Count); IEnumerator<Test.SmallStruct> e = l.GetEnumerator(); IEnumerator<Test.SmallStruct> e2 = l2.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext() && e2.MoveNext()) { test(e.Current.Equals(e2.Current)); } @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { long[] arr = { 0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22 }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Stack<long> l = new Stack<long>(arr); Test.LongStackHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Stack<long> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { float[] arr = { (float)1, (float)2, (float)3, (float)4 }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Stack<float> l = new Stack<float>(arr); Test.FloatStackHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Stack<float> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Stack<Test.SmallStruct> l = new Stack<Test.SmallStruct>(smallStructArray); Test.SmallStructStackHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Stack<Test.SmallStruct> l2 =; test(l2.Count == l.Count); IEnumerator<Test.SmallStruct> e = l.GetEnumerator(); IEnumerator<Test.SmallStruct> e2 = l2.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext() && e2.MoveNext()) { test(e.Current.Equals(e2.Current)); } @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { Test.MyClassPrx[] arr = new Test.MyClassPrx[2]; arr[0] = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("zero")); arr[1] = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("one")); @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Stack<Test.MyClassPrx> l = new Stack<Test.MyClassPrx>(arr); Test.MyClassProxyStackHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Stack<Test.MyClassPrx> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { double[] arr = { (double)1, (double)2, (double)3, (double)4 }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Queue<double> l = new Queue<double>(arr); Test.DoubleQueueHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Queue<double> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { string[] arr = { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Queue<string> l = new Queue<string>(arr); Test.StringQueueHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Queue<string> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Queue<Test.SmallStruct> l = new Queue<Test.SmallStruct>(smallStructArray); Test.SmallStructQueueHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Queue<Test.SmallStruct> l2 =; test(l2.Count == l.Count); IEnumerator<Test.SmallStruct> e = l.GetEnumerator(); IEnumerator<Test.SmallStruct> e2 = l2.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext() && e2.MoveNext()) { test(e.Current.Equals(e2.Current)); } @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { bool[] arr = { true, false, true, false }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.BoolCollection l = new Test.BoolCollection(arr); Test.BoolCollectionHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Test.BoolCollection l2 =; test(Compare(l, l2)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { int[] arr = { 0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22 }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.IntCollection l = new Test.IntCollection(arr); Test.IntCollectionHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Test.IntCollection l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { string[] arr = { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.StringCollection l = new Test.StringCollection(arr); Test.StringCollectionHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Test.StringCollection l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { Test.MyEnum[] arr = { Test.MyEnum.enum3, Test.MyEnum.enum2, Test.MyEnum.enum1, Test.MyEnum.enum2 }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.MyEnumCollection l = new Test.MyEnumCollection(arr); Test.MyEnumCollectionHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Test.MyEnumCollection l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.SmallStructCollection l = new Test.SmallStructCollection(smallStructArray); Test.SmallStructCollectionHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Test.SmallStructCollection l2 =; test(l2.Count == l.Count); IEnumerator<Test.SmallStruct> e = l.GetEnumerator(); IEnumerator<Test.SmallStruct> e2 = l2.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext() && e2.MoveNext()) { test(e.Current.Equals(e2.Current)); } @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.MyClassCollection l = new Test.MyClassCollection(myClassArray); Test.MyClassCollectionHelper.write(@out, l); @out.writePendingObjects(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Test.MyClassCollection l2 =; @in.readPendingObjects(); test(l2.Count == l.Count); for (int i = 0; i < l2.Count; ++i) { test(l2[i] != null); test(l2[i].c == l2[i]); test(l2[i].o == l2[i]); test(l2[i].s.e == Test.MyEnum.enum2); test(Compare(l2[i].seq1, l[i].seq1)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq2, l[i].seq2)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq3, l[i].seq3)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq4, l[i].seq4)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq5, l[i].seq5)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq6, l[i].seq6)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq7, l[i].seq7)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq8, l[i].seq8)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq9, l[i].seq9)); test(l2[i].d["hi"].Equals(l2[i])); } @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { string[] arr = { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; string[][] arrS = { arr, new string[0], arr }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); List<string[]> l = new List<string[]>(arrS); Test.StringSListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); List<string[]> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } { string[] arr = { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; string[][] arrS = { arr, new string[0], arr }; @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Stack<string[]> l = new Stack<string[]>(arrS); Test.StringSStackHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Stack<string[]> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); @out.destroy(); @in.destroy(); } #if !SILVERLIGHT { #if COMPACT SortedList<string, string> dict = new SortedList<string, string>(); #else SortedDictionary<string, string> dict = new SortedDictionary<string, string>(); #endif dict.Add("key1", "value1"); dict.Add("key2", "value2"); @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.SortedStringStringDHelper.write(@out, dict); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); IDictionary<string, string> dict2 =; test(Ice.CollectionComparer.Equals(dict2, dict)); } { Test.StringIntDCollection dict = new Test.StringIntDCollection(); dict.Add("key1", 1); dict.Add("key2", 2); @out = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); Test.StringIntDCollectionHelper.write(@out, dict); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, data); Test.StringIntDCollection dict2 =; test(Ice.CollectionComparer.Equals(dict2, dict)); } #endif WriteLine("ok"); #if !SILVERLIGHT return 0; #endif }
public static TestIntfPrx allTests(Ice.Communicator communicator, bool collocated) #endif { Write("testing stringToProxy... "); Flush(); Ice.ObjectPrx basePrx = communicator.stringToProxy("Test:default -p 12010 -t 2000"); test(basePrx != null); WriteLine("ok"); Write("testing checked cast... "); Flush(); TestIntfPrx testPrx = TestIntfPrxHelper.checkedCast(basePrx); test(testPrx != null); test(testPrx.Equals(basePrx)); WriteLine("ok"); Write("base as Object... "); Flush(); { Ice.Object o; SBase sb = null; try { o = testPrx.SBaseAsObject(); test(o != null); test(o.ice_id().Equals("::Test::SBase")); sb = (SBase) o; } catch(Exception) { test(false); } test(sb != null); test("")); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("base as Object (AMI)... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_SBaseAsObject().whenCompleted( (Ice.Object o) => { test(o != null); test(o.ice_id().Equals("::Test::SBase")); SBase sb = (SBase) o; test(sb != null); test("")); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("base as base... "); Flush(); { SBase sb; try { sb = testPrx.SBaseAsSBase(); test("")); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("base as base (AMI)... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_SBaseAsSBase().whenCompleted( (SBase sb) => { test("")); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("base with known derived as base... "); Flush(); { SBase sb; SBSKnownDerived sbskd = null; try { sb = testPrx.SBSKnownDerivedAsSBase(); test("")); sbskd = (SBSKnownDerived) sb; } catch(Exception) { test(false); } test(sbskd != null); test(sbskd.sbskd.Equals("SBSKnownDerived.sbskd")); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("base with known derived as base (AMI)... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_SBSKnownDerivedAsSBase().whenCompleted( (SBase sb) => { test("")); SBSKnownDerived sbskd = (SBSKnownDerived) sb; test(sbskd != null); test(sbskd.sbskd.Equals("SBSKnownDerived.sbskd")); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("base with known derived as known derived... "); Flush(); { SBSKnownDerived sbskd; try { sbskd = testPrx.SBSKnownDerivedAsSBSKnownDerived(); test(sbskd.sbskd.Equals("SBSKnownDerived.sbskd")); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("base with known derived as known derived (AMI)... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_SBSKnownDerivedAsSBSKnownDerived().whenCompleted( (SBSKnownDerived sbskd) => { test(sbskd.sbskd.Equals("SBSKnownDerived.sbskd")); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("base with unknown derived as base... "); Flush(); { SBase sb; try { sb = testPrx.SBSUnknownDerivedAsSBase(); test("")); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } if(testPrx.ice_getEncodingVersion().Equals(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0)) { try { SBase sb = testPrx.SBSUnknownDerivedAsSBaseCompact(); test("")); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } else { try { // // This test fails when using the compact format because the instance cannot // be sliced to a known type. // testPrx.SBSUnknownDerivedAsSBaseCompact(); test(false); } catch(Ice.NoValueFactoryException) { // Expected. } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("base with unknown derived as base (AMI)... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_SBSUnknownDerivedAsSBase().whenCompleted( (SBase sb) => { test("")); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); } if(testPrx.ice_getEncodingVersion().Equals(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0)) { // // This test succeeds for the 1.0 encoding. // Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_SBSUnknownDerivedAsSBaseCompact().whenCompleted( (SBase sb) => { test("")); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); } else { // // This test fails when using the compact format because the instance cannot // be sliced to a known type. // Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_SBSUnknownDerivedAsSBaseCompact().whenCompleted( (SBase sb) => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(ex is Ice.NoValueFactoryException); cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("unknown with Object as Object... "); Flush(); { try { Ice.Object o = testPrx.SUnknownAsObject(); test(!testPrx.ice_getEncodingVersion().Equals(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0)); test(o is Ice.UnknownSlicedObject); test((o as Ice.UnknownSlicedObject).getUnknownTypeId().Equals("::Test::SUnknown")); testPrx.checkSUnknown(o); } catch(Ice.NoValueFactoryException) { test(testPrx.ice_getEncodingVersion().Equals(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0)); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("unknown with Object as Object (AMI)... "); Flush(); { try { Callback cb = new Callback(); if(testPrx.ice_getEncodingVersion().Equals(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0)) { testPrx.begin_SUnknownAsObject().whenCompleted( (Ice.Object o) => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(ex.GetType().FullName.Equals("Ice.NoValueFactoryException")); cb.called(); }); } else { testPrx.begin_SUnknownAsObject().whenCompleted( (Ice.Object o) => { test(o is Ice.UnknownSlicedObject); test((o as Ice.UnknownSlicedObject).getUnknownTypeId().Equals("::Test::SUnknown")); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); } cb.check(); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("one-element cycle... "); Flush(); { try { B b = testPrx.oneElementCycle(); test(b != null); test(b.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test("")); test(b.pb == b); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("one-element cycle (AMI)... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_oneElementCycle().whenCompleted( (B b) => { test(b != null); test(b.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test("")); test(b.pb == b); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("two-element cycle... "); Flush(); { try { B b1 = testPrx.twoElementCycle(); test(b1 != null); test(b1.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test("")); B b2 = b1.pb; test(b2 != null); test(b2.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test("")); test(b2.pb == b1); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("two-element cycle (AMI)... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_twoElementCycle().whenCompleted( (B b1) => { test(b1 != null); test(b1.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test("")); B b2 = b1.pb; test(b2 != null); test(b2.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test("")); test(b2.pb == b1); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("known derived pointer slicing as base... "); Flush(); { try { B b1; b1 = testPrx.D1AsB(); test(b1 != null); test(b1.ice_id().Equals("::Test::D1")); test("")); test(b1.pb != null); test(b1.pb != b1); D1 d1 = (D1) b1; test(d1 != null); test(d1.sd1.Equals("D1.sd1")); test(d1.pd1 != null); test(d1.pd1 != b1); test(b1.pb == d1.pd1); B b2 = b1.pb; test(b2 != null); test(b2.pb == b1); test("")); test(b2.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("known derived pointer slicing as base (AMI)... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_D1AsB().whenCompleted( (B b1) => { test(b1 != null); test(b1.ice_id().Equals("::Test::D1")); test("")); test(b1.pb != null); test(b1.pb != b1); D1 d1 = (D1) b1; test(d1 != null); test(d1.sd1.Equals("D1.sd1")); test(d1.pd1 != null); test(d1.pd1 != b1); test(b1.pb == d1.pd1); B b2 = b1.pb; test(b2 != null); test(b2.pb == b1); test("")); test(b2.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("known derived pointer slicing as derived... "); Flush(); { try { D1 d1; d1 = testPrx.D1AsD1(); test(d1 != null); test(d1.ice_id().Equals("::Test::D1")); test("")); test(d1.pb != null); test(d1.pb != d1); B b2 = d1.pb; test(b2 != null); test(b2.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test("")); test(b2.pb == d1); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("known derived pointer slicing as derived (AMI)... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_D1AsD1().whenCompleted( (D1 d1) => { test(d1 != null); test(d1.ice_id().Equals("::Test::D1")); test("")); test(d1.pb != null); test(d1.pb != d1); B b2 = d1.pb; test(b2 != null); test(b2.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test("")); test(b2.pb == d1); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("unknown derived pointer slicing as base... "); Flush(); { try { B b2; b2 = testPrx.D2AsB(); test(b2 != null); test(b2.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test("")); test(b2.pb != null); test(b2.pb != b2); B b1 = b2.pb; test(b1 != null); test(b1.ice_id().Equals("::Test::D1")); test("")); test(b1.pb == b2); D1 d1 = (D1) b1; test(d1 != null); test(d1.sd1.Equals("D1.sd1")); test(d1.pd1 == b2); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("unknown derived pointer slicing as base (AMI)... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_D2AsB().whenCompleted( (B b2) => { test(b2 != null); test(b2.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test("")); test(b2.pb != null); test(b2.pb != b2); B b1 = b2.pb; test(b1 != null); test(b1.ice_id().Equals("::Test::D1")); test("")); test(b1.pb == b2); D1 d1 = (D1) b1; test(d1 != null); test(d1.sd1.Equals("D1.sd1")); test(d1.pd1 == b2); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("param ptr slicing with known first... "); Flush(); { try { B b1; B b2; testPrx.paramTest1(out b1, out b2); test(b1 != null); test(b1.ice_id().Equals("::Test::D1")); test("")); test(b1.pb == b2); D1 d1 = (D1) b1; test(d1 != null); test(d1.sd1.Equals("D1.sd1")); test(d1.pd1 == b2); test(b2 != null); test(b2.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); // No factory, must be sliced test("")); test(b2.pb == b1); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("param ptr slicing with known first (AMI)... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_paramTest1().whenCompleted( (B b1, B b2) => { test(b1 != null); test(b1.ice_id().Equals("::Test::D1")); test("")); test(b1.pb == b2); D1 d1 = (D1) b1; test(d1 != null); test(d1.sd1.Equals("D1.sd1")); test(d1.pd1 == b2); test(b2 != null); test(b2.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); // No factory, must be sliced test("")); test(b2.pb == b1); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("param ptr slicing with unknown first... "); Flush(); { try { B b2; B b1; testPrx.paramTest2(out b2, out b1); test(b1 != null); test(b1.ice_id().Equals("::Test::D1")); test("")); test(b1.pb == b2); D1 d1 = (D1) b1; test(d1 != null); test(d1.sd1.Equals("D1.sd1")); test(d1.pd1 == b2); test(b2 != null); test(b2.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); // No factory, must be sliced test("")); test(b2.pb == b1); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("param ptr slicing with unknown first (AMI)... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_paramTest2().whenCompleted( (B b2, B b1) => { test(b1 != null); test(b1.ice_id().Equals("::Test::D1")); test("")); test(b1.pb == b2); D1 d1 = (D1) b1; test(d1 != null); test(d1.sd1.Equals("D1.sd1")); test(d1.pd1 == b2); test(b2 != null); test(b2.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); // No factory, must be sliced test("")); test(b2.pb == b1); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("return value identity with known first... "); Flush(); { try { B p1; B p2; B ret = testPrx.returnTest1(out p1, out p2); test(ret == p1); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("return value identity with known first (AMI)... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_returnTest1().whenCompleted( (B r, B p1, B p2) => { test(r == p1); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("return value identity with unknown first... "); Flush(); { try { B p1; B p2; B ret = testPrx.returnTest2(out p1, out p2); test(ret == p1); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("return value identity with unknown first (AMI)... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_returnTest2().whenCompleted( (B r, B p1, B p2) => { test(r == p1); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("return value identity for input params known first... "); Flush(); { try { D1 d1 = new D1(); = ""; d1.sd1 = "D1.sd1"; D3 d3 = new D3(); d3.pb = d1; = ""; d3.sd3 = "D3.sd3"; d3.pd3 = d1; d1.pb = d3; d1.pd1 = d3; B b1 = testPrx.returnTest3(d1, d3); test(b1 != null); test("")); test(b1.ice_id().Equals("::Test::D1")); D1 p1 = (D1) b1; test(p1 != null); test(p1.sd1.Equals("D1.sd1")); test(p1.pd1 == b1.pb); B b2 = b1.pb; test(b2 != null); test("")); test(b2.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); // Sliced by server test(b2.pb == b1); try { D3 p3 = (D3) b2; test(false); D3 tmp = p3; p3 = tmp; // Stop compiler warning about unused variable. } catch(InvalidCastException) { } test(b1 != d1); test(b1 != d3); test(b2 != d1); test(b2 != d3); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("return value identity for input params known first (AMI)... "); Flush(); { D1 d1 = new D1(); = ""; d1.sd1 = "D1.sd1"; D3 d3 = new D3(); d3.pb = d1; = ""; d3.sd3 = "D3.sd3"; d3.pd3 = d1; d1.pb = d3; d1.pd1 = d3; B b1 = null; Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_returnTest3(d1, d3).whenCompleted( (B b) => { b1 = b; cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); test(b1 != null); test("")); test(b1.ice_id().Equals("::Test::D1")); D1 p1 = (D1) b1; test(p1 != null); test(p1.sd1.Equals("D1.sd1")); test(p1.pd1 == b1.pb); B b2 = b1.pb; test(b2 != null); test("")); test(b2.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); // Sliced by server test(b2.pb == b1); try { D3 p3 = (D3) b2; test(false); D3 tmp = p3; p3 = tmp; // Stop compiler warning about unused variable. } catch(InvalidCastException) { } test(b1 != d1); test(b1 != d3); test(b2 != d1); test(b2 != d3); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("return value identity for input params unknown first... "); Flush(); { try { D1 d1 = new D1(); = ""; d1.sd1 = "D1.sd1"; D3 d3 = new D3(); d3.pb = d1; = ""; d3.sd3 = "D3.sd3"; d3.pd3 = d1; d1.pb = d3; d1.pd1 = d3; B b1 = testPrx.returnTest3(d3, d1); test(b1 != null); test("")); test(b1.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); // Sliced by server try { D3 p1 = (D3) b1; test(false); D3 tmp = p1; p1 = tmp; // Stop compiler warning about unused variable. } catch(InvalidCastException) { } B b2 = b1.pb; test(b2 != null); test("")); test(b2.ice_id().Equals("::Test::D1")); test(b2.pb == b1); D1 p3 = (D1) b2; test(p3 != null); test(p3.sd1.Equals("D1.sd1")); test(p3.pd1 == b1); test(b1 != d1); test(b1 != d3); test(b2 != d1); test(b2 != d3); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("return value identity for input params unknown first (AMI)... "); Flush(); { D1 d1 = new D1(); = ""; d1.sd1 = "D1.sd1"; D3 d3 = new D3(); d3.pb = d1; = ""; d3.sd3 = "D3.sd3"; d3.pd3 = d1; d1.pb = d3; d1.pd1 = d3; B b1 = null; Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_returnTest3(d3, d1).whenCompleted( (B b) => { b1 = b; cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); test(b1 != null); test("")); test(b1.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); // Sliced by server try { D3 p1 = (D3) b1; test(false); D3 tmp = p1; p1 = tmp; // Stop compiler warning about unused variable. } catch(InvalidCastException) { } B b2 = b1.pb; test(b2 != null); test("")); test(b2.ice_id().Equals("::Test::D1")); test(b2.pb == b1); D1 p3 = (D1) b2; test(p3 != null); test(p3.sd1.Equals("D1.sd1")); test(p3.pd1 == b1); test(b1 != d1); test(b1 != d3); test(b2 != d1); test(b2 != d3); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("remainder unmarshaling (3 instances)... "); Flush(); { try { B p1; B p2; B ret = testPrx.paramTest3(out p1, out p2); test(p1 != null); test(" (p1 1)")); test(p1.pb == null); test(p1.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test(p2 != null); test(" (p2 1)")); test(p2.pb == null); test(p2.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test(ret != null); test(" (p2 2)")); test(ret.pb == null); test(ret.ice_id().Equals("::Test::D1")); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("remainder unmarshaling (3 instances) (AMI)... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_paramTest3().whenCompleted( (B ret, B p1, B p2) => { test(p1 != null); test(" (p1 1)")); test(p1.pb == null); test(p1.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test(p2 != null); test(" (p2 1)")); test(p2.pb == null); test(p2.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test(ret != null); test(" (p2 2)")); test(ret.pb == null); test(ret.ice_id().Equals("::Test::D1")); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("remainder unmarshaling (4 instances)... "); Flush(); { try { B b; B ret = testPrx.paramTest4(out b); test(b != null); test(" (1)")); test(b.pb == null); test(b.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test(ret != null); test(" (2)")); test(ret.pb == null); test(ret.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("remainder unmarshaling (4 instances) (AMI)... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_paramTest4().whenCompleted( (B ret, B b) => { test(b != null); test(" (1)")); test(b.pb == null); test(b.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test(ret != null); test(" (2)")); test(ret.pb == null); test(ret.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("param ptr slicing, instance marshaled in unknown derived as base... "); Flush(); { try { B b1 = new B(); = ""; b1.pb = b1; D3 d3 = new D3(); = ""; d3.pb = d3; d3.sd3 = "D3.sd3"; d3.pd3 = b1; B b2 = new B(); = ""; b2.pb = b1; B ret = testPrx.returnTest3(d3, b2); test(ret != null); test(ret.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test("")); test(ret.pb == ret); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("param ptr slicing, instance marshaled in unknown derived as base (AMI)... "); Flush(); { B b1 = new B(); = ""; b1.pb = b1; D3 d3 = new D3(); = ""; d3.pb = d3; d3.sd3 = "D3.sd3"; d3.pd3 = b1; B b2 = new B(); = ""; b2.pb = b1; B rv = null; Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_returnTest3(d3, b2).whenCompleted( (B b) => { rv = b; cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); test(rv != null); test(rv.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test("")); test(rv.pb == rv); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("param ptr slicing, instance marshaled in unknown derived as derived... "); Flush(); { try { D1 d11 = new D1(); = ""; d11.pb = d11; d11.sd1 = "D1.sd1(1)"; D3 d3 = new D3(); = ""; d3.pb = d3; d3.sd3 = "D3.sd3"; d3.pd3 = d11; D1 d12 = new D1(); = ""; d12.pb = d12; d12.sd1 = "D1.sd1(2)"; d12.pd1 = d11; B ret = testPrx.returnTest3(d3, d12); test(ret != null); test(ret.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test("")); test(ret.pb == ret); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("param ptr slicing, instance marshaled in unknown derived as derived (AMI)... "); Flush(); { D1 d11 = new D1(); = ""; d11.pb = d11; d11.sd1 = "D1.sd1(1)"; D3 d3 = new D3(); = ""; d3.pb = d3; d3.sd3 = "D3.sd3"; d3.pd3 = d11; D1 d12 = new D1(); = ""; d12.pb = d12; d12.sd1 = "D1.sd1(2)"; d12.pd1 = d11; B rv = null; Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_returnTest3(d3, d12).whenCompleted( (B b) => { rv = b; cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); test(rv != null); test(rv.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test("")); test(rv.pb == rv); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("sequence slicing... "); Flush(); { try { SS3 ss; { B ss1b = new B(); = ""; ss1b.pb = ss1b; D1 ss1d1 = new D1(); = ""; ss1d1.sd1 = "D1.sd1"; ss1d1.pb = ss1b; D3 ss1d3 = new D3(); = ""; ss1d3.sd3 = "D3.sd3"; ss1d3.pb = ss1b; B ss2b = new B(); = ""; ss2b.pb = ss1b; D1 ss2d1 = new D1(); = ""; ss2d1.sd1 = "D1.sd1"; ss2d1.pb = ss2b; D3 ss2d3 = new D3(); = ""; ss2d3.sd3 = "D3.sd3"; ss2d3.pb = ss2b; ss1d1.pd1 = ss2b; ss1d3.pd3 = ss2d1; ss2d1.pd1 = ss1d3; ss2d3.pd3 = ss1d1; SS1 ss1 = new SS1(); ss1.s = new BSeq(3); ss1.s.Add(ss1b); ss1.s.Add(ss1d1); ss1.s.Add(ss1d3); SS2 ss2 = new SS2(); ss2.s = new BSeq(3); ss2.s.Add(ss2b); ss2.s.Add(ss2d1); ss2.s.Add(ss2d3); ss = testPrx.sequenceTest(ss1, ss2); } test(ss.c1 != null); B ss1b2 = ss.c1.s[0]; B ss1d2 = ss.c1.s[1]; test(ss.c2 != null); B ss1d4 = ss.c1.s[2]; test(ss.c2 != null); B ss2b2 = ss.c2.s[0]; B ss2d2 = ss.c2.s[1]; B ss2d4 = ss.c2.s[2]; test(ss1b2.pb == ss1b2); test(ss1d2.pb == ss1b2); test(ss1d4.pb == ss1b2); test(ss2b2.pb == ss1b2); test(ss2d2.pb == ss2b2); test(ss2d4.pb == ss2b2); test(ss1b2.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test(ss1d2.ice_id().Equals("::Test::D1")); test(ss1d4.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test(ss2b2.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test(ss2d2.ice_id().Equals("::Test::D1")); test(ss2d4.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("sequence slicing (AMI)... "); Flush(); { SS3 ss = null; { B ss1b = new B(); = ""; ss1b.pb = ss1b; D1 ss1d1 = new D1(); = ""; ss1d1.sd1 = "D1.sd1"; ss1d1.pb = ss1b; D3 ss1d3 = new D3(); = ""; ss1d3.sd3 = "D3.sd3"; ss1d3.pb = ss1b; B ss2b = new B(); = ""; ss2b.pb = ss1b; D1 ss2d1 = new D1(); = ""; ss2d1.sd1 = "D1.sd1"; ss2d1.pb = ss2b; D3 ss2d3 = new D3(); = ""; ss2d3.sd3 = "D3.sd3"; ss2d3.pb = ss2b; ss1d1.pd1 = ss2b; ss1d3.pd3 = ss2d1; ss2d1.pd1 = ss1d3; ss2d3.pd3 = ss1d1; SS1 ss1 = new SS1(); ss1.s = new BSeq(); ss1.s.Add(ss1b); ss1.s.Add(ss1d1); ss1.s.Add(ss1d3); SS2 ss2 = new SS2(); ss2.s = new BSeq(); ss2.s.Add(ss2b); ss2.s.Add(ss2d1); ss2.s.Add(ss2d3); Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_sequenceTest(ss1, ss2).whenCompleted( (SS3 s) => { ss = s; cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); } test(ss.c1 != null); B ss1b3 = ss.c1.s[0]; B ss1d5 = ss.c1.s[1]; test(ss.c2 != null); B ss1d6 = ss.c1.s[2]; test(ss.c2 != null); B ss2b3 = ss.c2.s[0]; B ss2d5 = ss.c2.s[1]; B ss2d6 = ss.c2.s[2]; test(ss1b3.pb == ss1b3); test(ss1d6.pb == ss1b3); test(ss1d6.pb == ss1b3); test(ss2b3.pb == ss1b3); test(ss2d6.pb == ss2b3); test(ss2d6.pb == ss2b3); test(ss1b3.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test(ss1d5.ice_id().Equals("::Test::D1")); test(ss1d6.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test(ss2b3.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); test(ss2d5.ice_id().Equals("::Test::D1")); test(ss2d6.ice_id().Equals("::Test::B")); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("dictionary slicing... "); Flush(); { try { Dictionary<int, B> bin = new Dictionary<int, B>(); Dictionary<int, B> bout; Dictionary<int, B> ret; int i; for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { string s = "D1." + i.ToString(); D1 d1 = new D1(); = s; d1.pb = d1; d1.sd1 = s; bin[i] = d1; } ret = testPrx.dictionaryTest(bin, out bout); test(bout.Count == 10); for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { B b = bout[i * 10]; test(b != null); string s = "D1." + i.ToString(); test(; test(b.pb != null); test(b.pb != b); test(; test(b.pb.pb == b.pb); } test(ret.Count == 10); for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { B b = ret[i * 20]; test(b != null); string s = "D1." + (i * 20).ToString(); test(; test(b.pb == (i == 0 ? (B)null : ret[(i - 1) * 20])); D1 d1 = (D1) b; test(d1 != null); test(d1.sd1.Equals(s)); test(d1.pd1 == d1); } } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("dictionary slicing (AMI)... "); Flush(); { Dictionary<int, B> bin = new Dictionary<int, B>(); Dictionary<int, B> bout = null; Dictionary<int, B> rv = null; int i; for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { string s = "D1." + i.ToString(); D1 d1 = new D1(); = s; d1.pb = d1; d1.sd1 = s; bin[i] = d1; } Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_dictionaryTest(bin).whenCompleted( (Dictionary<int, B> r, Dictionary<int, B> b) => { rv = (Dictionary<int, B>)r; bout = (Dictionary<int, B>)b; cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); test(bout.Count == 10); for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { B b = bout[i * 10]; test(b != null); string s = "D1." + i.ToString(); test(; test(b.pb != null); test(b.pb != b); test(; test(b.pb.pb == b.pb); } test(rv.Count == 10); for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { B b = rv[i * 20]; test(b != null); string s = "D1." + (i * 20).ToString(); test(; test(b.pb == (i == 0 ? (B)null : rv[(i - 1) * 20])); D1 d1 = (D1) b; test(d1 != null); test(d1.sd1.Equals(s)); test(d1.pd1 == d1); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("base exception thrown as base exception... "); Flush(); { try { testPrx.throwBaseAsBase(); test(false); } catch(BaseException e) { test(e.GetType().FullName.Equals("Test.BaseException")); test(e.sbe.Equals("sbe")); test(e.pb != null); test("sb")); test(e.pb.pb == e.pb); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("base exception thrown as base exception (AMI)... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_throwBaseAsBase().whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { try { BaseException e = (BaseException)ex; test(e.sbe.Equals("sbe")); test(e.pb != null); test("sb")); test(e.pb.pb == e.pb); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("derived exception thrown as base exception... "); Flush(); { try { testPrx.throwDerivedAsBase(); test(false); } catch(DerivedException e) { test(e.GetType().FullName.Equals("Test.DerivedException")); test(e.sbe.Equals("sbe")); test(e.pb != null); test("sb1")); test(e.pb.pb == e.pb); test(e.sde.Equals("sde1")); test(e.pd1 != null); test("sb2")); test(e.pd1.pb == e.pd1); test(e.pd1.sd1.Equals("sd2")); test(e.pd1.pd1 == e.pd1); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("derived exception thrown as base exception (AMI)... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_throwDerivedAsBase().whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { try { DerivedException e = (DerivedException)ex; test(e.sbe.Equals("sbe")); test(e.pb != null); test("sb1")); test(e.pb.pb == e.pb); test(e.sde.Equals("sde1")); test(e.pd1 != null); test("sb2")); test(e.pd1.pb == e.pd1); test(e.pd1.sd1.Equals("sd2")); test(e.pd1.pd1 == e.pd1); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("derived exception thrown as derived exception... "); Flush(); { try { testPrx.throwDerivedAsDerived(); test(false); } catch(DerivedException e) { test(e.GetType().FullName.Equals("Test.DerivedException")); test(e.sbe.Equals("sbe")); test(e.pb != null); test("sb1")); test(e.pb.pb == e.pb); test(e.sde.Equals("sde1")); test(e.pd1 != null); test("sb2")); test(e.pd1.pb == e.pd1); test(e.pd1.sd1.Equals("sd2")); test(e.pd1.pd1 == e.pd1); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("derived exception thrown as derived exception (AMI)... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_throwDerivedAsDerived().whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { try { DerivedException e = (DerivedException)ex; test(e.sbe.Equals("sbe")); test(e.pb != null); test("sb1")); test(e.pb.pb == e.pb); test(e.sde.Equals("sde1")); test(e.pd1 != null); test("sb2")); test(e.pd1.pb == e.pd1); test(e.pd1.sd1.Equals("sd2")); test(e.pd1.pd1 == e.pd1); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("unknown derived exception thrown as base exception... "); Flush(); { try { testPrx.throwUnknownDerivedAsBase(); test(false); } catch(BaseException e) { test(e.GetType().FullName.Equals("Test.BaseException")); test(e.sbe.Equals("sbe")); test(e.pb != null); test("sb d2")); test(e.pb.pb == e.pb); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("unknown derived exception thrown as base exception (AMI)... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_throwUnknownDerivedAsBase().whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { try { BaseException e = (BaseException)ex; test(e.sbe.Equals("sbe")); test(e.pb != null); test("sb d2")); test(e.pb.pb == e.pb); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("forward-declared class... "); Flush(); { try { Forward f; testPrx.useForward(out f); test(f != null); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("forward-declared class (AMI)... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_useForward().whenCompleted( (Forward f) => { test(f != null); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("preserved classes... "); Flush(); // // Register a factory in order to substitute our own subclass of Preserved. This provides // an easy way to determine how many unmarshaled instances currently exist. // // TODO: We have to install this now (even though it's not necessary yet), because otherwise // the Ice run time will install its own internal factory for Preserved upon receiving the // first instance. // communicator.addValueFactory(PreservedFactoryI, Preserved.ice_staticId()); try { // // Server knows the most-derived class PDerived. // PDerived pd = new PDerived(); pd.pi = 3; = "preserved"; pd.pb = pd; PBase r = testPrx.exchangePBase(pd); PDerived p2 = r as PDerived; test(p2.pi == 3); test("preserved")); test(p2.pb == p2); } catch(Ice.OperationNotExistException) { } try { // // Server only knows the base (non-preserved) type, so the object is sliced. // PCUnknown pu = new PCUnknown(); pu.pi = 3; pu.pu = "preserved"; PBase r = testPrx.exchangePBase(pu); test(!(r is PCUnknown)); test(r.pi == 3); } catch(Ice.OperationNotExistException) { } try { // // Server only knows the intermediate type Preserved. The object will be sliced to // Preserved for the 1.0 encoding; otherwise it should be returned intact. // PCDerived pcd = new PCDerived(); pcd.pi = 3; pcd.pbs = new PBase[] { pcd }; PBase r = testPrx.exchangePBase(pcd); if(testPrx.ice_getEncodingVersion().Equals(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0)) { test(!(r is PCDerived)); test(r.pi == 3); } else { PCDerived p2 = r as PCDerived; test(p2.pi == 3); test(p2.pbs[0] == p2); } } catch(Ice.OperationNotExistException) { } try { // // Server only knows the intermediate type Preserved. The object will be sliced to // Preserved for the 1.0 encoding; otherwise it should be returned intact. // CompactPCDerived pcd = new CompactPCDerived(); pcd.pi = 3; pcd.pbs = new PBase[] { pcd }; PBase r = testPrx.exchangePBase(pcd); if(testPrx.ice_getEncodingVersion().Equals(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0)) { test(!(r is CompactPCDerived)); test(r.pi == 3); } else { CompactPCDerived p2 = r as CompactPCDerived; test(p2.pi == 3); test(p2.pbs[0] == p2); } } catch(Ice.OperationNotExistException) { } try { // // Send an object that will have multiple preserved slices in the server. // The object will be sliced to Preserved for the 1.0 encoding. // PCDerived3 pcd = new PCDerived3(); pcd.pi = 3; // // Sending more than 254 objects exercises the encoding for object ids. // pcd.pbs = new PBase[300]; int i; for(i = 0; i < 300; ++i) { PCDerived2 p2 = new PCDerived2(); p2.pi = i; p2.pbs = new PBase[] { null }; // Nil reference. This slice should not have an indirection table. p2.pcd2 = i; pcd.pbs[i] = p2; } pcd.pcd2 = pcd.pi; pcd.pcd3 = pcd.pbs[10]; PBase r = testPrx.exchangePBase(pcd); if(testPrx.ice_getEncodingVersion().Equals(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0)) { test(!(r is PCDerived3)); test(r is Preserved); test(r.pi == 3); } else { PCDerived3 p3 = r as PCDerived3; test(p3.pi == 3); for(i = 0; i < 300; ++i) { PCDerived2 p2 = p3.pbs[i] as PCDerived2; test(p2.pi == i); test(p2.pbs.Length == 1); test(p2.pbs[0] == null); test(p2.pcd2 == i); } test(p3.pcd2 == p3.pi); test(p3.pcd3 == p3.pbs[10]); } } catch(Ice.OperationNotExistException) { } try { // // Obtain an object with preserved slices and send it back to the server. // The preserved slices should be excluded for the 1.0 encoding, otherwise // they should be included. // Preserved p = testPrx.PBSUnknownAsPreserved(); testPrx.checkPBSUnknown(p); if(!testPrx.ice_getEncodingVersion().Equals(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0)) { (testPrx.ice_encodingVersion(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0) as TestIntfPrx).checkPBSUnknown(p); } } catch(Ice.OperationNotExistException) { } WriteLine("ok"); Write("preserved classes (AMI)... "); Flush(); { // // Server knows the most-derived class PDerived. // PDerived pd = new PDerived(); pd.pi = 3; = "preserved"; pd.pb = pd; Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_exchangePBase(pd).whenCompleted( (PBase r) => { PDerived p2 = (PDerived)r; test(p2.pi == 3); test("preserved")); test(p2.pb == p2); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); } { // // Server only knows the base (non-preserved) type, so the object is sliced. // PCUnknown pu = new PCUnknown(); pu.pi = 3; pu.pu = "preserved"; Callback cb = new Callback(); testPrx.begin_exchangePBase(pu).whenCompleted( (PBase r) => { test(!(r is PCUnknown)); test(r.pi == 3); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); cb.check(); } { // // Server only knows the intermediate type Preserved. The object will be sliced to // Preserved for the 1.0 encoding; otherwise it should be returned intact. // PCDerived pcd = new PCDerived(); pcd.pi = 3; pcd.pbs = new PBase[] { pcd }; Callback cb = new Callback(); if(testPrx.ice_getEncodingVersion().Equals(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0)) { testPrx.begin_exchangePBase(pcd).whenCompleted( (PBase r) => { test(!(r is PCDerived)); test(r.pi == 3); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); } else { testPrx.begin_exchangePBase(pcd).whenCompleted( (PBase r) => { PCDerived p2 = r as PCDerived; test(p2.pi == 3); test(p2.pbs[0] == p2); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); } cb.check(); } { // // Server only knows the intermediate type Preserved. The object will be sliced to // Preserved for the 1.0 encoding; otherwise it should be returned intact. // CompactPCDerived pcd = new CompactPCDerived(); pcd.pi = 3; pcd.pbs = new PBase[] { pcd }; Callback cb = new Callback(); if(testPrx.ice_getEncodingVersion().Equals(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0)) { testPrx.begin_exchangePBase(pcd).whenCompleted( (PBase r) => { test(!(r is CompactPCDerived)); test(r.pi == 3); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); } else { testPrx.begin_exchangePBase(pcd).whenCompleted( (PBase r) => { CompactPCDerived p2 = r as CompactPCDerived; test(p2.pi == 3); test(p2.pbs[0] == p2); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); } cb.check(); } { // // Send an object that will have multiple preserved slices in the server. // The object will be sliced to Preserved for the 1.0 encoding. // PCDerived3 pcd = new PCDerived3(); pcd.pi = 3; // // Sending more than 254 objects exercises the encoding for object ids. // pcd.pbs = new PBase[300]; for(int i = 0; i < 300; ++i) { PCDerived2 p2 = new PCDerived2(); p2.pi = i; p2.pbs = new PBase[] { null }; // Nil reference. This slice should not have an indirection table. p2.pcd2 = i; pcd.pbs[i] = p2; } pcd.pcd2 = pcd.pi; pcd.pcd3 = pcd.pbs[10]; Callback cb = new Callback(); if(testPrx.ice_getEncodingVersion().Equals(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0)) { testPrx.begin_exchangePBase(pcd).whenCompleted( (PBase r) => { test(!(r is PCDerived3)); test(r is Preserved); test(r.pi == 3); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); } else { testPrx.begin_exchangePBase(pcd).whenCompleted( (PBase r) => { PCDerived3 p3 = r as PCDerived3; test(p3.pi == 3); for(int i = 0; i < 300; ++i) { PCDerived2 p2 = p3.pbs[i] as PCDerived2; test(p2.pi == i); test(p2.pbs.Length == 1); test(p2.pbs[0] == null); test(p2.pcd2 == i); } test(p3.pcd2 == p3.pi); test(p3.pcd3 == p3.pbs[10]); cb.called(); }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); } cb.check(); } try { // // Obtain an object with preserved slices and send it back to the server. // The preserved slices should be excluded for the 1.0 encoding, otherwise // they should be included. // Preserved p = testPrx.PBSUnknownAsPreserved(); testPrx.checkPBSUnknown(p); if(!testPrx.ice_getEncodingVersion().Equals(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0)) { (testPrx.ice_encodingVersion(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0) as TestIntfPrx).checkPBSUnknown(p); } } catch(Ice.OperationNotExistException) { } WriteLine("ok"); Write("garbage collection for preserved classes... "); Flush(); try { // // Register a factory in order to substitute our own subclass of PNode. This provides // an easy way to determine how many unmarshaled instances currently exist. // communicator.addValueFactory((string id) => { if(id.Equals(PNode.ice_staticId())) { return new PNodeI(); } return null; }, PNode.ice_staticId()); // // Relay a graph through the server. // { PNode c = new PNode(); = new PNode(); = new PNode(); = c; test(PNodeI.counter == 0); PNode n = testPrx.exchangePNode(c); test(PNodeI.counter == 3); PNodeI.counter = 0; = null; } // // Obtain a preserved object from the server where the most-derived // type is unknown. The preserved slice refers to a graph of PNode // objects. // { test(PNodeI.counter == 0); Preserved p = testPrx.PBSUnknownAsPreservedWithGraph(); testPrx.checkPBSUnknownWithGraph(p); test(PNodeI.counter == 3); PNodeI.counter = 0; } // // Obtain a preserved object from the server where the most-derived // type is unknown. A data member in the preserved slice refers to the // outer object, so the chain of references looks like this: // // outer.slicedData.outer // { PreservedI.counter = 0; Preserved p = testPrx.PBSUnknown2AsPreservedWithGraph(); testPrx.checkPBSUnknown2WithGraph(p); test(PreservedI.counter == 1); PreservedI.counter = 0; } // // Throw a preserved exception where the most-derived type is unknown. // The preserved exception slice contains a class data member. This // object is also preserved, and its most-derived type is also unknown. // The preserved slice of the object contains a class data member that // refers to itself. // // The chain of references looks like this: // // ex.slicedData.obj.slicedData.obj // try { test(PreservedI.counter == 0); try { testPrx.throwPreservedException(); } catch(PreservedException) { test(PreservedI.counter == 1); } PreservedI.counter = 0; } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } catch(Ice.OperationNotExistException) { } WriteLine("ok"); #if SILVERLIGHT testPrx.shutdown(); #else return testPrx; #endif }
public static InitialPrx allTests(Ice.Communicator communicator) #endif { communicator.addValueFactory(MyValueFactory, "::Test::B"); communicator.addValueFactory(MyValueFactory, "::Test::C"); communicator.addValueFactory(MyValueFactory, "::Test::D"); communicator.addValueFactory(MyValueFactory, "::Test::E"); communicator.addValueFactory(MyValueFactory, "::Test::F"); communicator.addValueFactory(MyValueFactory, "::Test::I"); communicator.addValueFactory(MyValueFactory, "::Test::J"); communicator.addValueFactory(MyValueFactory, "::Test::H"); // Disable Obsolete warning/error #pragma warning disable 612, 618 communicator.addObjectFactory(new MyObjectFactory(), "TestOF"); #pragma warning restore 612, 618 Write("testing stringToProxy... "); Flush(); String @ref = "initial:default -p 12010"; Ice.ObjectPrx @base = communicator.stringToProxy(@ref); test(@base != null); WriteLine("ok"); Write("testing checked cast... "); Flush(); InitialPrx initial = InitialPrxHelper.checkedCast(@base); test(initial != null); test(initial.Equals(@base)); WriteLine("ok"); Write("getting B1... "); Flush(); B b1 = initial.getB1(); test(b1 != null); WriteLine("ok"); Write("getting B2... "); Flush(); B b2 = initial.getB2(); test(b2 != null); WriteLine("ok"); Write("getting C... "); Flush(); C c = initial.getC(); test(c != null); WriteLine("ok"); Write("getting D... "); Flush(); D d = initial.getD(); test(d != null); WriteLine("ok"); Write("checking consistency... "); Flush(); test(b1 != b2); //test(b1 != c); //test(b1 != d); //test(b2 != c); //test(b2 != d); //test(c != d); test(b1.theB == b1); test(b1.theC == null); test(b1.theA is B); test(((B) b1.theA).theA == b1.theA); test(((B) b1.theA).theB == b1); //test(((B)b1.theA).theC is C); // Redundant -- theC is always of type C test(((C) (((B) b1.theA).theC)).theB == b1.theA); test(b1.preMarshalInvoked); test(b1.postUnmarshalInvoked()); test(b1.theA.preMarshalInvoked); test(b1.theA.postUnmarshalInvoked()); test(((B)b1.theA).theC.preMarshalInvoked); test(((B)b1.theA).theC.postUnmarshalInvoked()); // More tests possible for b2 and d, but I think this is already // sufficient. test(b2.theA == b2); test(d.theC == null); WriteLine("ok"); Write("getting B1, B2, C, and D all at once... "); Flush(); B b1out; B b2out; C cout; D dout; initial.getAll(out b1out, out b2out, out cout, out dout); test(b1out != null); test(b2out != null); test(cout != null); test(dout != null); WriteLine("ok"); Write("checking consistency... "); Flush(); test(b1out != b2out); test(b1out.theA == b2out); test(b1out.theB == b1out); test(b1out.theC == null); test(b2out.theA == b2out); test(b2out.theB == b1out); test(b2out.theC == cout); test(cout.theB == b2out); test(dout.theA == b1out); test(dout.theB == b2out); test(dout.theC == null); test(dout.preMarshalInvoked); test(dout.postUnmarshalInvoked()); test(dout.theA.preMarshalInvoked); test(dout.theA.postUnmarshalInvoked()); test(dout.theB.preMarshalInvoked); test(dout.theB.postUnmarshalInvoked()); test(dout.theB.theC.preMarshalInvoked); test(dout.theB.theC.postUnmarshalInvoked()); WriteLine("ok"); Write("testing protected members... "); Flush(); E e = initial.getE(); test(e.checkValues()); System.Reflection.BindingFlags flags = System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance; test(!typeof(E).GetField("i", flags).IsPublic && !typeof(E).GetField("i", flags).IsPrivate); test(!typeof(E).GetField("s", flags).IsPublic && !typeof(E).GetField("s", flags).IsPrivate); F f = initial.getF(); test(f.checkValues()); test(f.e2.checkValues()); test(!typeof(F).GetField("e1", flags).IsPublic && !typeof(F).GetField("e1", flags).IsPrivate); test(typeof(F).GetField("e2", flags).IsPublic && !typeof(F).GetField("e2", flags).IsPrivate); WriteLine("ok"); Write("getting I, J and H... "); Flush(); I i = initial.getI(); test(i != null); I j = initial.getJ(); test(j != null && ((J)j) != null); I h = initial.getH(); test(h != null && ((H)h) != null); WriteLine("ok"); Write("getting D1... "); Flush(); D1 d1 = new D1(new A1("a1"), new A1("a2"), new A1("a3"), new A1("a4")); d1 = initial.getD1(d1); test("a1")); test("a2")); test("a3")); test("a4")); WriteLine("ok"); Write("throw EDerived... "); Flush(); try { initial.throwEDerived(); test(false); } catch(EDerived ederived) { test("a1")); test("a2")); test("a3")); test("a4")); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("setting I... "); Flush(); initial.setI(i); initial.setI(j); initial.setI(h); WriteLine("ok"); Write("testing sequences..."); Flush(); try { Base[] inS = new Base[0]; Base[] outS; Base[] retS; retS = initial.opBaseSeq(inS, out outS); inS = new Base[1]; inS[0] = new Base(new S(), ""); retS = initial.opBaseSeq(inS, out outS); test(retS.Length == 1 && outS.Length == 1); } catch(Ice.OperationNotExistException) { } WriteLine("ok"); Write("testing compact ID..."); Flush(); try { test(initial.getCompact() != null); } catch(Ice.OperationNotExistException) { } WriteLine("ok"); Write("testing UnexpectedObjectException..."); Flush(); @ref = "uoet:default -p 12010"; @base = communicator.stringToProxy(@ref); test(@base != null); UnexpectedObjectExceptionTestPrx uoet = UnexpectedObjectExceptionTestPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(@base); test(uoet != null); try { uoet.op(); test(false); } catch(Ice.UnexpectedObjectException ex) { test(ex.type.Equals("::Test::AlsoEmpty")); test(ex.expectedType.Equals("::Test::Empty")); } catch(System.Exception ex) { WriteLine(ex.ToString()); test(false); } WriteLine("ok"); // Disable Obsolete warning/error #pragma warning disable 612, 618 Write("testing getting ObjectFactory..."); Flush(); test(communicator.findObjectFactory("TestOF") != null); WriteLine("ok"); Write("testing getting ObjectFactory as ValueFactory..."); Flush(); test(communicator.findValueFactory("TestOF") != null); WriteLine("ok"); #pragma warning restore 612, 618 #if SILVERLIGHT initial.shutdown(); #else return initial; #endif }
public static ThrowerPrx allTests(Ice.Communicator communicator) #endif { #if SILVERLIGHT WriteLine("Ice.FactoryAssemblies: " + communicator.getProperties().getProperty("Ice.FactoryAssemblies")); #endif #if !SILVERLIGHT { Write("testing object adapter registration exceptions... "); Ice.ObjectAdapter first; try { first = communicator.createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter0"); } catch(Ice.InitializationException) { // Expected } communicator.getProperties().setProperty("TestAdapter0.Endpoints", "default"); first = communicator.createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter0"); try { communicator.createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter0"); test(false); } catch(Ice.AlreadyRegisteredException) { // Expected. } try { Ice.ObjectAdapter second = communicator.createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("TestAdapter0", "ssl -h foo -p 12011"); test(false); // // Quell mono error that variable second isn't used. // second.deactivate(); } catch(Ice.AlreadyRegisteredException) { // Expected } first.deactivate(); WriteLine("ok"); } { Write("testing servant registration exceptions... "); communicator.getProperties().setProperty("TestAdapter1.Endpoints", "default"); Ice.ObjectAdapter adapter = communicator.createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter1"); Ice.Object obj = new EmptyI(); adapter.add(obj, communicator.stringToIdentity("x")); try { adapter.add(obj, communicator.stringToIdentity("x")); test(false); } catch(Ice.AlreadyRegisteredException) { } try { adapter.add(obj, communicator.stringToIdentity("")); test(false); } catch(Ice.IllegalIdentityException e) { test("")); } try { adapter.add(null, communicator.stringToIdentity("x")); test(false); } catch(Ice.IllegalServantException) { } adapter.remove(communicator.stringToIdentity("x")); try { adapter.remove(communicator.stringToIdentity("x")); test(false); } catch(Ice.NotRegisteredException) { } adapter.deactivate(); WriteLine("ok"); } { Write("testing servant locator registration exceptions... "); communicator.getProperties().setProperty("TestAdapter2.Endpoints", "default"); Ice.ObjectAdapter adapter = communicator.createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter2"); Ice.ServantLocator loc = new ServantLocatorI(); adapter.addServantLocator(loc, "x"); try { adapter.addServantLocator(loc, "x"); test(false); } catch(Ice.AlreadyRegisteredException) { } adapter.deactivate(); WriteLine("ok"); } #endif { Write("testing object factory registration exception... "); communicator.addValueFactory( _ => { return null; }, "::x"); try { communicator.addValueFactory( _ => { return null; }, "::x"); test(false); } catch(Ice.AlreadyRegisteredException) { } WriteLine("ok"); } Write("testing stringToProxy... "); Flush(); String @ref = "thrower:default -p 12010"; Ice.ObjectPrx @base = communicator.stringToProxy(@ref); test(@base != null); WriteLine("ok"); Write("testing checked cast... "); Flush(); ThrowerPrx thrower = ThrowerPrxHelper.checkedCast(@base); test(thrower != null); test(thrower.Equals(@base)); WriteLine("ok"); Write("catching exact types... "); Flush(); try { thrower.throwAasA(1); test(false); } catch(A ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } try { thrower.throwAorDasAorD(1); test(false); } catch(A ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } try { thrower.throwAorDasAorD(- 1); test(false); } catch(D ex) { test(ex.dMem == - 1); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } try { thrower.throwBasB(1, 2); test(false); } catch(B ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } try { thrower.throwCasC(1, 2, 3); test(false); } catch(C ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); test(ex.cMem == 3); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("catching base types... "); Flush(); try { thrower.throwBasB(1, 2); test(false); } catch(A ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } try { thrower.throwCasC(1, 2, 3); test(false); } catch(B ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("catching derived types... "); Flush(); try { thrower.throwBasA(1, 2); test(false); } catch(B ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } try { thrower.throwCasA(1, 2, 3); test(false); } catch(C ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); test(ex.cMem == 3); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } try { thrower.throwCasB(1, 2, 3); test(false); } catch(C ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); test(ex.cMem == 3); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } WriteLine("ok"); if(thrower.supportsUndeclaredExceptions()) { Write("catching unknown user exception... "); Flush(); try { thrower.throwUndeclaredA(1); test(false); } catch(Ice.UnknownUserException) { } catch(Exception) { test(false); } try { thrower.throwUndeclaredB(1, 2); test(false); } catch(Ice.UnknownUserException) { } catch(Exception) { test(false); } try { thrower.throwUndeclaredC(1, 2, 3); test(false); } catch(Ice.UnknownUserException) { } catch(Exception) { test(false); } WriteLine("ok"); } if(thrower.ice_getConnection() != null) { Write("testing memory limit marshal exception..."); Flush(); try { thrower.throwMemoryLimitException(null); test(false); } catch(Ice.MemoryLimitException) { } catch(Exception) { test(false); } try { thrower.throwMemoryLimitException(new byte[20 * 1024]); // 20KB test(false); } catch(Ice.ConnectionLostException) { } catch(Exception) { test(false); } ThrowerPrx thrower2 = ThrowerPrxHelper.uncheckedCast( communicator.stringToProxy("thrower:default -p 12011")); try { thrower2.throwMemoryLimitException(new byte[2 * 1024 * 1024]); // 2MB (no limits) } catch(Ice.MemoryLimitException) { } ThrowerPrx thrower3 = ThrowerPrxHelper.uncheckedCast( communicator.stringToProxy("thrower:default -p 12012")); try { thrower3.throwMemoryLimitException(new byte[1024]); // 1KB limit test(false); } catch(Ice.ConnectionLostException) { } WriteLine("ok"); } Write("catching object not exist exception... "); Flush(); { Ice.Identity id = communicator.stringToIdentity("does not exist"); try { ThrowerPrx thrower2 = ThrowerPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(thrower.ice_identity(id)); thrower2.ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(Ice.ObjectNotExistException ex) { test(; } catch(Exception) { test(false); } } WriteLine("ok"); Write("catching facet not exist exception... "); Flush(); try { ThrowerPrx thrower2 = ThrowerPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(thrower, "no such facet"); try { thrower2.ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(Ice.FacetNotExistException ex) { test(ex.facet.Equals("no such facet")); } } catch(Exception) { test(false); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("catching operation not exist exception... "); Flush(); try { WrongOperationPrx thrower2 = WrongOperationPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(thrower); thrower2.noSuchOperation(); test(false); } catch(Ice.OperationNotExistException ex) { test(ex.operation.Equals("noSuchOperation")); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("catching unknown local exception... "); Flush(); try { thrower.throwLocalException(); test(false); } catch(Ice.UnknownLocalException) { } catch(Exception) { test(false); } try { thrower.throwLocalExceptionIdempotent(); test(false); } catch(Ice.UnknownLocalException) { } catch(Ice.OperationNotExistException) { } catch(Exception) { test(false); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("catching unknown non-Ice exception... "); Flush(); try { thrower.throwNonIceException(); test(false); } catch(Ice.UnknownException) { } catch(System.Exception) { test(false); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("testing asynchronous exceptions... "); Flush(); try { thrower.throwAfterResponse(); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } try { thrower.throwAfterException(); test(false); } catch(A) { } catch(Exception) { test(false); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("catching exact types with AMI mapping... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); thrower.begin_throwAasA(1).whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { test(exc is A); A ex = exc as A; test(ex.aMem == 1); cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } { Callback cb = new Callback(); thrower.begin_throwAorDasAorD(1).whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { try { throw exc; } catch(A ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(D ex) { test(ex.dMem == -1); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } { Callback cb = new Callback(); thrower.begin_throwAorDasAorD(-1).whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { try { throw exc; } catch(A ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(D ex) { test(ex.dMem == -1); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } { Callback cb = new Callback(); thrower.begin_throwBasB(1, 2).whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { try { throw exc; } catch(B ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } { Callback cb = new Callback(); thrower.begin_throwCasC(1, 2, 3).whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { try { throw exc; } catch(C ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); test(ex.cMem == 3); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("catching derived types with new AMI mapping... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); thrower.begin_throwBasA(1, 2).whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { try { throw exc; } catch(B ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } { Callback cb = new Callback(); thrower.begin_throwCasA(1, 2, 3).whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { try { throw exc; } catch(C ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); test(ex.cMem == 3); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } { Callback cb = new Callback(); thrower.begin_throwCasB(1, 2, 3).whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { try { throw exc; } catch(C ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); test(ex.cMem == 3); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); if(thrower.supportsUndeclaredExceptions()) { Write("catching unknown user exception with new AMI mapping... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); thrower.begin_throwUndeclaredA(1).whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { try { throw exc; } catch(Ice.UnknownUserException) { } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } { Callback cb = new Callback(); thrower.begin_throwUndeclaredB(1, 2).whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { try { throw exc; } catch(Ice.UnknownUserException) { } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } { Callback cb = new Callback(); thrower.begin_throwUndeclaredC(1, 2, 3).whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { try { throw exc; } catch(Ice.UnknownUserException) { } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); } Write("catching object not exist exception with new AMI mapping... "); Flush(); { Ice.Identity id = communicator.stringToIdentity("does not exist"); ThrowerPrx thrower2 = ThrowerPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(thrower.ice_identity(id)); Callback cb = new Callback(); thrower2.begin_throwAasA(1).whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { try { throw exc; } catch(Ice.ObjectNotExistException ex) { test(; } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("catching facet not exist exception with new AMI mapping... "); Flush(); { ThrowerPrx thrower2 = ThrowerPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(thrower, "no such facet"); Callback cb = new Callback(); thrower2.begin_throwAasA(1).whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { try { throw exc; } catch(Ice.FacetNotExistException ex) { test(ex.facet.Equals("no such facet")); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("catching operation not exist exception with new AMI mapping... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); WrongOperationPrx thrower4 = WrongOperationPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(thrower); thrower4.begin_noSuchOperation().whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { try { throw exc; } catch(Ice.OperationNotExistException ex) { test(ex.operation.Equals("noSuchOperation")); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("catching unknown local exception with new AMI mapping... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); thrower.begin_throwLocalException().whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { try { throw exc; } catch(Ice.UnknownLocalException) { } catch(Ice.OperationNotExistException) { } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } { Callback cb = new Callback(); thrower.begin_throwLocalExceptionIdempotent().whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { try { throw exc; } catch(Ice.UnknownLocalException) { } catch(Ice.OperationNotExistException) { } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("catching unknown non-Ice exception with new AMI mapping... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); thrower.begin_throwNonIceException().whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { try { throw exc; } catch(Ice.UnknownException) { } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); // ---------------------------------------- if(thrower.supportsUndeclaredExceptions()) { Write("catching unknown user exception with new AMI mapping... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); thrower.begin_throwUndeclaredA(1).whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { try { throw exc; } catch(Ice.UnknownUserException) { } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } { Callback cb = new Callback(); thrower.begin_throwUndeclaredB(1, 2).whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { try { throw exc; } catch(Ice.UnknownUserException) { } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } { Callback cb = new Callback(); thrower.begin_throwUndeclaredC(1, 2, 3).whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { try { throw exc; } catch(Ice.UnknownUserException) { } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); } Write("catching object not exist exception with new AMI mapping... "); Flush(); { Ice.Identity id = communicator.stringToIdentity("does not exist"); ThrowerPrx thrower2 = ThrowerPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(thrower.ice_identity(id)); Callback cb = new Callback(); thrower2.begin_throwAasA(1).whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { try { throw exc; } catch(Ice.ObjectNotExistException ex) { test(; } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("catching facet not exist exception with new AMI mapping... "); Flush(); { ThrowerPrx thrower2 = ThrowerPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(thrower, "no such facet"); Callback cb = new Callback(); thrower2.begin_throwAasA(1).whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { try { throw exc; } catch(Ice.FacetNotExistException ex) { test(ex.facet.Equals("no such facet")); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("catching operation not exist exception with new AMI mapping... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); WrongOperationPrx thrower4 = WrongOperationPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(thrower); thrower4.begin_noSuchOperation().whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { try { throw exc; } catch(Ice.OperationNotExistException ex) { test(ex.operation.Equals("noSuchOperation")); } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("catching unknown local exception with new AMI mapping... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); thrower.begin_throwLocalException().whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { try { throw exc; } catch(Ice.UnknownLocalException) { } catch(Ice.OperationNotExistException) { } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } { Callback cb = new Callback(); thrower.begin_throwLocalExceptionIdempotent().whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { try { throw exc; } catch(Ice.UnknownLocalException) { } catch(Ice.OperationNotExistException) { } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("catching unknown non-Ice exception with new AMI mapping... "); Flush(); { Callback cb = new Callback(); thrower.begin_throwNonIceException().whenCompleted( () => { test(false); }, (Ice.Exception exc) => { try { throw exc; } catch(Ice.UnknownException) { } catch(Exception) { test(false); } cb.called(); }); cb.check(); } WriteLine("ok"); #if SILVERLIGHT thrower.shutdown(); #else return thrower; #endif }