public async Task PurgeRole(string roleName) { IUser user = Context.User; IRole role = (user as IGuildUser).Guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == roleName); await role.DeleteAsync(); await ReplyAsync($"Deleted role {role.Name}"); }
public async Task DeleteRoleAsync( [Remainder] [Summary("The pingable role to delete.")] IRole role) { await _designatedRoleService.RemoveDesignatedRoleAsync(Context.Guild.Id, role.Id, DesignatedRoleType.Pingable); await role.DeleteAsync(); await ReplyAsync($"Deleted role {Format.Bold(role.Name)}."); }
private async Task DeleteGameRoleAndVoiceChannel(SocketGuild guild, IRole gameRole, SocketGuildUser user) { await user.RemoveRoleAsync(gameRole); if (!guild.Users.Where(x => x != user).Any(x => x.Roles.Contains(gameRole))) // raderar { SocketVoiceChannel channel = guild.VoiceChannels.Where(x => x.ToString().Equals(gameRole.Name) && x.Bitrate == 96000).FirstOrDefault(); await gameRole.DeleteAsync(); await channel.DeleteAsync(); } }
public async Task DeleteRole([Remainder] IRole role) { var guser = (IGuildUser)Context.User; if (Context.User.Id != guser.Guild.OwnerId && guser.GetRoles().Max(x => x.Position) <= role.Position) { return; } await role.DeleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); await ReplyConfirmLocalizedAsync("dr", Format.Bold(role.Name)).ConfigureAwait(false); }
public async Task RemoveColorAsync() { IRole _role = Context.Guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == $"USER-{Context.User.Id}"); if (_role != null) { await ReplyAsync($"Removed your color role. Use `g.colorrole` `{_role.Color.R.ToString("X2") + _role.Color.G.ToString("X2") + _role.Color.B.ToString("X2")}` to get your color back."); await _role.DeleteAsync(); } else { await ReplyAsync($"You don't have a color role. Use `g.colorrole` `ffffff` to get one."); } }
public async Task DeleteRole([Remainder] IRole targetRole) { if (!Context.Guild.Roles.Contains(targetRole)) { await ReplyAsync("Cannot delete that role - It does not exist. Quite frankly Discord.NET should have barfed before this so if you're seeing this something broke."); return; } if (!_roleIds.Any(x => Context.Guild.Roles.Any(y => y.Id == x))) { await ReplyAsync("Cannot delete that role - it is not a marker role."); return; } _roleIds.Remove(targetRole.Id); await targetRole.DeleteAsync(); await ReplyAsync($"Deleted and unregistered role `{targetRole.Name}`."); }
public async Task DeleteMentionGroup([Remainder] IRole role) { if (!await IsJoinableGroup(role.Id)) { await ReplyAsync($"Cannot delete group \"{role.Name}\" as it is not a custom mention group."); } else if (Context.Guild.Users.Any(u => !u.IsBot && u.Roles.Select(r => r.Id).Contains(role.Id))) { await ReplyAsync($"There are currently members part of the group \"{role.Name}\". Only mention groups without members can be deleted."); } else { var db = new AwsDbContext(); var dbRoleObj = new MentionRole(); dbRoleObj.RoleId = role.Id; await db.Delete(dbRoleObj); await role.DeleteAsync(); await ReplyAsync($"Mention group deleted successfully."); } }
public async Task RoleDelete(SocketGuild server, IRole role, SocketChannel channel = null, bool outputMessages = false) { // Define variables string output; // Initialise variables output = ""; try { output += $"Role {role.Name} deleted."; await role.DeleteAsync(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); return; } if (channel != null && outputMessages) { await ReplyAsync(output); } }
public async Task clear() { Console.WriteLine(Context.Message.Author.Username); if (Context.Message.Author.Username == "hex") { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(Context.Message.Author.Mention + " Clearing all objects..."); //iterate through groups and delete everything ArrayList groups = (ArrayList)SaveGroup.get(); int count = groups.Count; if (count != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Group group = (Group)groups[i]; //delete group role IRole role = group.getRole(); Console.WriteLine("Role: " + role); //group role can not exist try { await role.DeleteAsync(); } catch (Exception e) { } //delete creator role IRole creatorRole = group.getCreatorRole(); Console.WriteLine("Creator Role: " + creatorRole); await creatorRole.DeleteAsync(); //delete group channel RestVoiceChannel channel = group.getChannel(); Console.WriteLine("Channel: " + channel); //channel can not exist try { await channel.DeleteAsync(); } catch (Exception e) { } //Store empty group object ArrayList()); } await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(Context.Message.Author.Mention + " Cleared succesfully!"); } else { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(Context.Message.Author.Mention + " Nothing to clear."); } } else { //INVALID USER await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(Context.Message.Author.Mention + " Error: You are not my creator..."); } }
public async Task TempArrestAsync([RequireBotHierarchy("arrest")][RequireInvokerHierarchy("arrest")] SocketGuildUser user, string timeout = null, [Remainder] string reason = null) { IRole role = await modRolesDatabase.PrisonerRole.GetPrisonerRoleAsync(Context.Guild) ?? await CreatePrisonerRoleAsync(); if (user.Roles.Contains(role)) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Our security team has informed us that {user.Nickname ?? user.Username} is already held captive."); return; } ITextChannel channel = await modRolesDatabase.PrisonerChannel.GetPrisonerChannelAsync(Context.Guild) ?? await CreateGuantanamoAsync(role); List <SocketRole> roles = user.Roles.ToList(); roles.Remove(Context.Guild.EveryoneRole); roles.RemoveAll(x => x.IsManaged); await Task.WhenAll ( modRolesDatabase.UserRoles.SaveUserRolesAsync(roles, user), user.RemoveRolesAsync(roles), user.AddRoleAsync(role), modRolesDatabase.Prisoners.RecordPrisonerAsync(user) ); bool isTimeout = double.TryParse(timeout, out double minutes); EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder() .WithColor(new Color(255, 61, 24)) .WithDescription($"{user.Mention} has been sent to Guantanamo Bay{(timeout != null && isTimeout ? $" for {timeout} {(minutes == 1 ? "minute" : "minutes")}" : "")}."); EmbedFieldBuilder reasonField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() .WithIsInline(false) .WithName("Reason") .WithValue($"{reason ?? "*No reason necessary*"}"); embed.AddField(reasonField); await Task.WhenAll ( Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed: embed.Build()), ArrestModLog.SendToModLogAsync(Context.User as SocketGuildUser, user, timeout, reason) ); if (isTimeout) { await Task.Delay((int)(minutes * 60 * 1000)); role = Context.Guild.GetRole(role.Id); if (!user.Roles.Contains(role)) { return; } await Task.WhenAll ( user.AddRolesAsync(roles), user.RemoveRoleAsync(role), modRolesDatabase.UserRoles.RemoveUserRolesAsync(user), modRolesDatabase.Prisoners.RemovePrisonerAsync(user) ); List <Task> cmds = !await modRolesDatabase.Prisoners.HasPrisoners(Context.Guild) ? new List <Task>() { channel?.DeleteAsync(), role?.DeleteAsync(), modRolesDatabase.PrisonerChannel.RemovePrisonerChannelAsync(Context.Guild), modRolesDatabase.PrisonerRole.RemovePrisonerRoleAsync(Context.Guild) } : new List <Task>(); cmds.Add(FreeModLog.SendToModLogAsync(Context.Guild.CurrentUser, user)); await Task.WhenAll(cmds); } }
public async Task StartRemindersAsync() { var dbGuild = _database.Guild; var channel = _client.GetChannel(dbGuild.WarChannelId) as SocketTextChannel; var guild = channel.Guild; IRole warRole = null; while (true) { try { var currentWar = await _clash.GetCurrentWarAsync(dbGuild.ClanTag); if (currentWar is null || currentWar.State == WarState.Default || currentWar.State == WarState.Ended) { await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10), _maintenanceCts.Token); continue; } async Task RunRemindersAsync(bool hasMatched) { TimeSpan threshold; if (hasMatched) { currentWar = await _clash.GetCurrentWarAsync(dbGuild.ClanTag); threshold = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - currentWar.StartTime; } else { threshold = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - currentWar.PreparationTime; } if (threshold < TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60)) { if (!hasMatched) { warRole = await WarMatchAsync(channel, dbGuild, guild, currentWar); var startTime = currentWar.StartTime - DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; await Task.Delay(startTime, _maintenanceCts.Token); } await channel.SendMessageAsync($"{warRole?.Mention} war has started!"); _warTcs.SetResult(true); var beforeEnd = currentWar.EndTime - DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddHours(1); await Task.Delay(beforeEnd, _maintenanceCts.Token); currentWar = await _clash.GetCurrentWarAsync(dbGuild.ClanTag); await NeedToAttackAsync(channel, dbGuild.GuildMembers, currentWar); await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromHours(1).Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10))); currentWar = await _clash.GetCurrentWarAsync(dbGuild.ClanTag); await WarEndedAsync(channel, dbGuild.GuildMembers, currentWar); await warRole.DeleteAsync(); } } switch (currentWar.State) { case WarState.Preparation: await RunRemindersAsync(false); break; case WarState.InWar: await RunRemindersAsync(true); break; } await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10), _maintenanceCts.Token); } catch (TaskCanceledException) { await channel.SendMessageAsync("Maintenance break"); try { await Task.Delay(-1, _noMaintenanceCts.Token); } catch (TaskCanceledException) { } await channel.SendMessageAsync("Maintenance ended"); } catch (Exception ex) { await _logger.LogAsync(Source.Reminder, Severity.Error, string.Empty, ex); } finally { _warTcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously); } } }