internal override void OnTrigger() { base.OnTrigger(); Vector3 ori; if (this.EntityAct.TargetList.Count != 0 && this.EntityAct.TargetList[0] != null) { Entity target = this.EntityAct.TargetList[0]; ori = target.Position - this.Entity.Position; } else if (this.EntityAct.TargetPos != { ori = this.EntityAct.TargetPos - this.Entity.Position; } else { return; } ori.y = 0; if (ori.magnitude <= 0.01) { return; } GOEActorEntity actorEntity = this.Entity as GOEActorEntity; if (actorEntity != null && actorEntity.RotateSmooth) { actorEntity.StartSmoothRotation(Quaternion.LookRotation(ori.normalized), TotalTime); return; } this.Entity.Orientation = ori.normalized; }
protected override void onLoadPost() { _animator = GameObject.GetComponent <Animator>(); animation = GameObject.GetComponent <Animation>(); if (AutoPlaySubAnimation) { Transform[] trans = GameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(); foreach (Transform tran in trans) { if (tran.gameObject == GameObject) { continue; } if (tran.gameObject.GetComponent <Animation>() != null && tran.gameObject.GetComponent <Animation>().GetClipCount() > 1) { GOEActorEntity part = this.AddActorAttach(, tran.parent) as GOEActorEntity; part.IsVirtual = true; part.Rotation = tran.localRotation; part.GameObject = tran.gameObject; } } } string sname = GetAniName(_standAni); if (animation != null && animation[sname] != null && !animation[sname].enabled) { CrossFade(_standAni); } base.onLoadPost(); }
public void getNearestPoint(Vector3 end, out Vector3 pos, IDetourSender actor) { GOEActorEntity Actor = actor as GOEActorEntity; if (dirs.Count == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { double an = Math.PI * 15 * i / 180; Vector3 dir =; dir.x = (float)Math.Cos(an) * 5; dir.z = (float)Math.Sin(an) * 5; dirs.Add(dir); } } pos =; for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { Vector3 dir = dirs[i]; //Vector3 start = new Vector3(end.x - dir.x, end.y, end.z - dir.z); Vector3 tem; GetRaycast(Actor, end - dir, end, out tem); if (Vector3.Distance(end, tem) < Vector3.Distance(pos, end)) { pos = tem; } if (Vector3.Distance(end, tem) <= 2) { break; } } }
internal override void OnTrigger() { base.OnTrigger(); GOEActorEntity act = this.Entity as GOEActorEntity; bool has1 = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Animation1); bool has2 = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Animation2); bool has3 = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Animation3); if (EntityAct.ActSpeed != 1) { act.AnimationSpeed = EntityAct.ActSpeed; } if (has1) { //只与部分动作融合(跑步) if (IsAnimationBlend && act.CheckBlendAnim()) { if (act.PlayBlend(Animation1, BlendWeight, act.BlendPoint)) { bBlend = true; } } else { act.Stop(); if (!has2) { act.CrossFade(Animation1, crossfadeTime, PlayMode.StopSameLayer, !DoNotReturnToStand); } else { act.CrossFade(Animation1, crossfadeTime, PlayMode.StopSameLayer, false); } } } if (has2) { if (!has3) { act.PlayQueued(Animation2, QueueMode.CompleteOthers, PlayMode.StopSameLayer, !DoNotReturnToStand); } else { act.PlayQueued(Animation2); } } if (has3) { act.PlayQueued(Animation3, QueueMode.CompleteOthers, PlayMode.StopSameLayer, !DoNotReturnToStand); } if (IsNextAnimationNoCrossfade) { act.NextAnimationNoCrossfade = true; } this.Enable = false; }
internal override void OnDestroy() { base.OnDestroy(); GOEActorEntity act = this.Entity as GOEActorEntity; if (bBlend) { act.ClearBlend(Animation1, act.BlendPoint); } if (EntityAct.ActSpeed != 1) { act.AnimationSpeed = 1; } }
public bool CrossFade(string name, float fadeLength = 0.3F, PlayMode mode = PlayMode.StopSameLayer, bool backToStand = true) { if (nextAnimNoCrossFade) { nextAnimNoCrossFade = false; PlayAnimation(name, mode, backToStand); return(true); } if (this.GameObject == null || animation == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { return(false); } name = GetAniName(name); AnimationClip animClip = animation.GetClip(name); if (animClip == null) { _waitAni = name; string animName = name + ANIM_SUFFIX; GOERoot.ResMgrImp.GetAsset(animName, (string cbName, UnityEngine.Object cbObject) => { OnLoadAnim(name, cbObject); if (_waitAni == name) { _CrossFade(name, fadeLength, mode, backToStand); } }); } else { _CrossFade(name, fadeLength, mode, backToStand); } foreach (Entity ent in mAttaches) { if (ent is GOEActorEntity) { GOEActorEntity ae = ent as GOEActorEntity; if (!ae.IsVirtual) { continue; } ae.CrossFade(name, fadeLength, mode, backToStand); } } return(true); }
public void PlayAnimation(string name, PlayMode mode = PlayMode.StopSameLayer, bool backToStand = false, float time = 0f) { if (this.GameObject == null || animation == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { return; } name = GetAniName(name); if (this.ResStatus != ResStatus.OK) { return; } AnimationClip animClip = animation.GetClip(name); if (animClip == null) { _waitAni = name; string animName = name + ANIM_SUFFIX; GOERoot.ResMgrImp.GetAsset(animName, (string cbName, UnityEngine.Object cbObject) => { OnLoadAnim(name, cbObject); if (_waitAni == name) { _PlayAnimation(name, mode, backToStand, time); } }); } else { _PlayAnimation(name, mode, backToStand, time); } foreach (Entity ent in mAttaches) { if (ent is GOEActorEntity) { GOEActorEntity ae = ent as GOEActorEntity; if (!ae.IsVirtual) { continue; } ae.PlayAnimation(name, mode, backToStand, time); } } }
public void CrossFadeQueued(string name, float fadeLength = 0.3F, UnityEngine.QueueMode queue = QueueMode.CompleteOthers, UnityEngine.PlayMode mode = PlayMode.StopSameLayer, bool backToStand = false) { if (this.GameObject == null || animation == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { return; } name = GetAniName(name); if (nextAnimNoCrossFade) { nextAnimNoCrossFade = false; PlayQueued(name, queue, mode, backToStand); return; } foreach (Entity ent in mAttaches) { if (ent is GOEActorEntity) { GOEActorEntity ae = ent as GOEActorEntity; if (!ae.IsVirtual) { continue; } ae.CrossFadeQueued(name, fadeLength, queue, mode); } } AnimationClip animClip = animation.GetClip(name); if (animClip == null) { string animName = name + ANIM_SUFFIX; GOERoot.ResMgrImp.GetAsset(animName, (string cbName, UnityEngine.Object cbObject) => { OnLoadAnim(name, cbObject); }); return; //Debug.LogError("CrossFadeQueued must make sure that the animation clip is on the character, animation is -> " + name); } animation.CrossFadeQueued(name, fadeLength, queue, mode); setAniSpeed(name); appendStand(backToStand); }