public static void CreateStructure(string buildingName, RTSAgent constructingAgent, Rect playingArea) { Vector2d buildPoint = new Vector2d(constructingAgent.transform.position.x, constructingAgent.transform.position.z + 10); RTSAgent buildingTemplate = GameResourceManager.GetAgentTemplate(buildingName); if (buildingTemplate.MyAgentType == AgentType.Building && buildingTemplate.GetComponent <Structure>()) { // check that the Player has the resources available before allowing them to create a new structure if (!_cachedCommander.CachedResourceManager.CheckResources(buildingTemplate)) { Debug.Log("Not enough resources!"); } else { tempObject = Object.Instantiate(buildingTemplate.gameObject, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; if (tempObject) { _findingPlacement = true; SetTransparentMaterial(tempObject, GameResourceManager.AllowedMaterial); = buildingName; tempStructure = tempObject.GetComponent <Structure>(); if (tempStructure.StructureType == StructureType.Wall) { // walls require a little help since they are click and drag _constructingWall = true; tempStructure.IsOverlay = true; WallPositioningHelper.Setup(); } tempStructureBody = tempObject.GetComponent <UnityLSBody>().InternalBody; // structure size is 2 times the size of halfwidth & halfheight tempStructure.BuildSizeLow = (tempStructureBody.HalfWidth.CeilToInt() * 2); tempStructure.BuildSizeHigh = (tempStructureBody.HalfLength.CeilToInt() * 2); cachedAgent = constructingAgent; tempStructure.gameObject.transform.position = Positioning.GetSnappedPosition(buildPoint.ToVector3()); } } } }
//this should be in the controller... private void LoadRTSAgents(JsonTextReader reader) { if (reader == null) { return; } RTSAgents agents = GetComponentInChildren <RTSAgents>(); string currValue = "", type = ""; while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.Value != null) { if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.PropertyName) { currValue = (string)reader.Value; } else if (currValue == "Type") { type = (string)reader.Value; // need to create unit via commander controller... GameObject newObject = Instantiate(GameResourceManager.GetAgentTemplate(type).gameObject); RTSAgent agent = newObject.GetComponent <RTSAgent>(); ="(Clone)", "").Trim(); agent.LoadDetails(reader); agent.transform.parent = agents.transform; agent.SetCommander(this); agent.SetTeamColor(); } } else if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.EndArray) { return; } } }