コード例 #1
    RectTransform panelTransform; // The transform component of the panel

    #endregion Fields

    #region Methods

     * Add a single turn effect to this effect panel and update the UI
     * Arguments
     * - TurnEffect newEffect - The effect to add
    public void AddTurnEffect(Effect newEffect)
        GameObject box; // Box to instantiate
        EffectBoxScript boxScript; // The script attached to the box

        box = Instantiate<GameObject>(BoxPrefab); // Instantiate UI element
        box.GetComponent<RectTransform>().SetParent(panelTransform); // Set the parent
        box.GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchorMax = new Vector2(1, 1);
        box.GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchorMin = new Vector2(1, 1);
        box.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = newEffect.GetIcon(); // Set the icon
        box.GetComponent<EffectToolTipScript>().EffectToolTipPanelObject = EffectToolTipPanel;
        box.GetComponent<EffectToolTipScript>().EffectToolTipTextObject = EffectToolTipPanelText;
        box.GetComponent<EffectToolTipScript>().AttachEffectText(newEffect.GetDescription()); // Give description

        boxes.Add(box); // Add this game object to the list of boxs
        boxScript = box.GetComponent<EffectBoxScript>(); // Get Box Script
        boxScript.AddEffect(newEffect); // Add the turn effect to the box