public void DownloadSkins() { if (DosUtils.DirectoryExist(MOG.MOG_Main.GetExecutablePath() + "\\Skin") == false) { DosUtils.DirectoryCreate(MOG.MOG_Main.GetExecutablePath() + "\\Skin"); } string sourcePath = MOG.CONTROLLER.CONTROLLERSYSTEM.MOG_ControllerSystem.GetSystemRepositoryPath() + "\\Updates\\Skins"; string targetPath = MOG.MOG_Main.GetExecutablePath() + "\\Skin"; if (DosUtils.DirectoryExist(sourcePath)) { // Copy all the files down FileInfo [] files = DosUtils.FileGetList(sourcePath, "*.*"); foreach (FileInfo file in files) { DosUtils.FileCopyModified(file.FullName, targetPath + "\\" + file.Name); } } }
public guiSound(MogMainForm handle, SplashForm SplashScreen, string configFilename, string soundClass) { mTheme = soundClass; mHandle = handle; mSoundAvailable = true; InitializeSoundEngine(); // Load the sound ini string iniPath = Application.StartupPath; string configFile = string.Concat(iniPath, "\\", configFilename); if (DosUtils.FileExist(configFile)) { mConfig = new MOG_Ini(configFile); mSoundPath = string.Concat(iniPath, "\\ClientSounds"); // Update the sound menu with the scheme choices if (mConfig.SectionExist("Themes")) { // Add a menuItem for each them found in the ini for (int i = 0; i < mConfig.CountKeys("Themes"); i++) { // Assign the click event to each menu item ToolStripMenuItem item = new ToolStripMenuItem(mConfig.GetKeyNameByIndexSLOW("Themes", i)); item.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.SoundMenu_OnClick); // Set the check mark on the theme that pass passed in to the constructor if (string.Compare(item.Text, mTheme, true) == 0) { item.Checked = true; } // Add th menu item mHandle.themeToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems.Add(item); } // Setup default theme if (mTheme == null) { if (mHandle.themeToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems.Count > 0) { mTheme = mHandle.themeToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems[0].Text; ToolStripMenuItem defaultTheme = mHandle.themeToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems[0] as ToolStripMenuItem; defaultTheme.Checked = true; } } } // Get our current sounds version if (mConfig.SectionExist("Version")) { mVersion = Convert.ToInt32(mConfig.GetString("SoundsVersion", "Version")); } else { mVersion = 0; } // Get all default sounds if (mConfig.SectionExist("SOUNDS")) { string SourceSoundPath = MOG_ControllerSystem.GetSystemRepositoryPath() + "\\" + mConfig.GetString("Sounds", "Root"); // Make sure we have a current sound directory if (!DosUtils.DirectoryExist(mSoundPath)) { DosUtils.DirectoryCreate(mSoundPath); } // Make sure we have all the needed sounds if (DosUtils.FileExist(string.Concat(SourceSoundPath, "\\version.ini"))) { MOG_Ini soundVersion = new MOG_Ini(string.Concat(SourceSoundPath, "\\version.ini")); int sourceVersion = Convert.ToInt32(soundVersion.GetString("SoundsVersion", "Version")); if (sourceVersion > mVersion) { // Update all our sounds foreach (FileInfo file in DosUtils.FileGetList(SourceSoundPath, "*.wav")) { string target = string.Concat(mSoundPath, "\\", file.Name); if (DosUtils.FileCopyModified(file.FullName, target)) { SplashScreen.updateSplashNoStep("UPDATING: " + file.Name, 0); } } // Update our version number mConfig.PutString("SoundsVersion", "Version", sourceVersion.ToString()); mConfig.Save(); } } } } // Set the main theme to be the same as this private version mHandle.mSoundScheme = mTheme; }