コード例 #1
        public void MarkCurrentVersion(ListView list, string type)
            // Check our current versions version
            if (DosUtils.DirectoryExist(DeploymentDirectory + "\\" + type + "\\" + DeploymentTarget))
                VersionNode current = this.CreateVersionNode(DeploymentTarget, DeploymentDirectory + "\\" + type + "\\" + DeploymentTarget);

                if (current != null)
                    //this.bCheckOverride = true;
                    // Walk all the items of this list and check or bold the items that match
                    foreach (ListViewItem item in list.Items)
                        // Get our version node from this item
                        VersionNode target = (VersionNode)item.Tag;

                        if (string.Compare(target.Name, current.Name, true) == 0 &&
                            target.MajorVersion == current.MajorVersion &&
                            target.MinorVersion == current.MinorVersion)
                            item.ForeColor = Color.DarkGreen;
                            item.Font      = new Font(item.Font.FontFamily, item.Font.Size, FontStyle.Bold);
                            item.Checked   = true;

                    //this.bCheckOverride = false;
コード例 #2
 private void BrowseWorkspaceDirectory_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
     if (this.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK)
         if (!DosUtils.DirectoryExist(this.BrowseTargetTextBox.Text))
             if (!DosUtils.DirectoryCreate(this.BrowseTargetTextBox.Text))
                 MOG_Prompt.PromptMessage("Create local Workspace", "Could not create target directory(" + this.BrowseTargetTextBox.Text + ")!");
                 e.Cancel = true;
コード例 #3
        static public string Checkout(string project, string directory, string toolsPath)
            string command   = "";
            string target    = "";
            string output    = "";
            string arguments = "";

            target = string.Concat(directory, "\\", project);

            // Check if the target directory exists
            if (DosUtils.DirectoryExist(target))
                if (MessageBox.Show("Target directory already exists!  Checkout will delete current data!  Do you want to continue?", "Checkout", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No)

            // Create dir
            Environment.CurrentDirectory = directory;

            command   = string.Concat(toolsPath, "\\cvs.bat");
            arguments = string.Concat(directory, " checkout ", project);

            // Run the command
            Process p = new Process();

            p.StartInfo.FileName  = command;
            p.StartInfo.Arguments = arguments;

            catch (Exception e)
                MOG_Report.ReportMessage("SpawnDosCommand Error", String.Concat("Could not waitForExit (", e.Message, ")"), e.StackTrace, MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.CRITICAL);


コード例 #4
        private bool SyncDirectories(string fullFilename, string filePattern, string targetString)
            // Copy Files

            // Make sure our target directory exists.
            if (!DosUtils.DirectoryExist(fullFilename))
                switch (MOG_REPORT.ShowMessageBox("Platform Sync", "Attempted to sync (" + fullFilename + ") but could not find it! \n What should we do?", MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore))
                case DialogResult.Ignore:

                case DialogResult.Retry:
                    goto CheckDirectory;

                case DialogResult.Abort:

            // Walk all the directories
            DirectoryInfo[] dirs = DosUtils.DirectoryGetList(fullFilename, "*.*");
            if (dirs != null && dirs.Length > 0)
                foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in dirs)
                    string targetDirectory = dir.FullName.ToLower().Replace(mSourcePath, mSyncRoot);

                    // Copy the files in this directory
                    if (!SyncDirectories(dir.FullName, filePattern, targetDirectory))

                // Now do the files in this directory
                return(SyncFiles(fullFilename, filePattern));
                return(SyncFiles(fullFilename, filePattern));
コード例 #5
ファイル: ListForm.cs プロジェクト: MOGwareSupport/MOG
        /// <summary>
        /// Save out this report
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void ListSaveButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            string ReportDir = MOG_ControllerProject.GetUser().GetUserPath() + "\\Reports";
            string FileName  = CreateUniqueFilename(ReportDir, "Untitled.rep");

            if (!DosUtils.DirectoryExist(ReportDir))

            ListSaveFileDialog.InitialDirectory = ReportDir;
            ListSaveFileDialog.FileName         = FileName;

            if (ListSaveFileDialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
コード例 #6
        private void Purge_Worker(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            BackgroundWorker worker      = sender as BackgroundWorker;
            List <string>    args        = e.Argument as List <string>;
            string           projName    = args[0];
            string           iniFilename = args[1];

            // open the ini file
            MOG_Ini ini = new MOG_Ini(iniFilename);

            if (ini != null)
                bool bFailed = false;

                // Attempt to remove the project
                if (DosUtils.DirectoryExist(MOG_ControllerSystem.GetSystemDeletedProjectsPath() + "\\" + projName))
                    if (!DosUtils.DirectoryDeleteFast(MOG_ControllerSystem.GetSystemDeletedProjectsPath() + "\\" + projName))
                        Utils.ShowMessageBoxExclamation("Can't purge " + projName + ", probably because of a sharing violation", "Project Removal Failure");
                        bFailed = true;

                if (!bFailed)
                    // make sure projName is a deleted project
                    if (ini.SectionExist(projName + ".Deleted"))
                        // Remove the project from the list of deleted projects
                        ini.RemoveString("Projects.Deleted", projName);
                        ini.RemoveSection(projName + ".Deleted");




コード例 #7
        public void DownloadSkins()
            if (DosUtils.DirectoryExist(MOG.MOG_Main.GetExecutablePath() + "\\Skin") == false)
                DosUtils.DirectoryCreate(MOG.MOG_Main.GetExecutablePath() + "\\Skin");

            string sourcePath = MOG.CONTROLLER.CONTROLLERSYSTEM.MOG_ControllerSystem.GetSystemRepositoryPath() + "\\Updates\\Skins";
            string targetPath = MOG.MOG_Main.GetExecutablePath() + "\\Skin";

            if (DosUtils.DirectoryExist(sourcePath))
                // Copy all the files down
                FileInfo [] files = DosUtils.FileGetList(sourcePath, "*.*");
                foreach (FileInfo file in files)
                    DosUtils.FileCopyModified(file.FullName, targetPath + "\\" + file.Name);
コード例 #8
        private void DeployCheckedItems_Worker(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            BackgroundWorker   worker              = sender as BackgroundWorker;
            List <object>      args                = e.Argument as List <object>;
            List <VersionNode> versionNodes        = args[0] as List <VersionNode>;
            string             deploymentDirectory = args[1] as string;
            string             deploymentTarget    = args[2] as string;

            // We are going to attemp to copy all check clients to their respective deployment directories
            for (int i = 0; i < versionNodes.Count && !worker.CancellationPending; i++)
                VersionNode target = versionNodes[i];

                // Set our current directory in the subDirectory of this versions type
                string deployTarget = target.Type + "\\" + deploymentTarget;

                // Clear out any previous deployment
                if (DosUtils.DirectoryExist(deploymentDirectory + "\\" + deployTarget))
                    worker.ReportProgress(i * 100 / versionNodes.Count, "Removing previous (" + target.Type + ") build");

                    if (!DosUtils.DirectoryDelete(deploymentDirectory + "\\" + deployTarget))
                        throw new Exception(DosUtils.GetLastError());

                worker.ReportProgress(i * 100 / versionNodes.Count, "Copying new(" + target.Type + ") build named:" + target.Name);

                // Copy our new deployment
                if (!DosUtils.DirectoryCopyFast(target.SourceDirectory, deploymentDirectory + "\\" + deployTarget, true))
                    throw new Exception(DosUtils.GetLastError());

                worker.ReportProgress(i * 100 / versionNodes.Count, target.Type + " named:" + target.Name + " has been deployed!");
コード例 #9
        /// <summary> InitializeAssetIcons
        /// Loads all the bmp's specified in the asset declarations
        /// in the Project.ini files.  Each bmp is added to a
        /// list allong with its key added to a corresponding list
        /// for later searching.
        /// </summary>
        static public void AssetIconInitialize()
            // Check to see if our project is loaded
            if (!MOG_ControllerProject.IsProject())

            // Only allow population of the images array once
            if (mAssetTypes.Count > 0)

            // Add the active item icon first
            // Get the image
            if (DosUtils.FileExist(string.Concat(MOG_ControllerSystem.GetSystem().GetSystemToolsPath(), "\\Images\\SelectIcon.bmp")))
                // Get the group image
                Image myImage = new Bitmap(string.Concat(MOG_ControllerSystem.GetSystem().GetSystemToolsPath(), "\\Images\\SelectIcon.bmp"));

                // Add the image and the type to the arrayLists

            // Open the project.ini
            MOG_Ini ini = new MOG_Ini(MOG_ControllerProject.GetProject().GetProjectConfigFilename());

            // Walk through all the assets
            for (int x = 0; x < ini.CountKeys("Assets"); x++)
                // Get the asset name
                string imageName = ini.GetString(ini.GetKeyNameByIndex("Assets", x), "Icon");
                // Check if we have an image?
                if (imageName.Length > 0)
                    string assetKey = ini.GetKeyNameByIndex("Assets", x).ToLower();
                    LoadIcon(imageName, ini.GetKeyNameByIndex("Assets", x).ToLower());

                    // Check for a lock image
                    string lockImageName     = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imageName) + "_locked";
                    string lockFullImageName = imageName.Replace(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imageName), lockImageName);
                    LoadIcon(lockFullImageName, assetKey + "_locked");

                    // Check for a ReadLock image
                    lockImageName     = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imageName) + "_readlocked";
                    lockFullImageName = imageName.Replace(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imageName), lockImageName);
                    LoadIcon(lockFullImageName, assetKey + "_readlocked");

            if (DosUtils.FileExist(string.Concat(MOG_ControllerSystem.GetSystem().GetSystemToolsPath(), "\\Images\\Group.bmp")))
                // Get the group image
                Image myImage = new Bitmap(string.Concat(MOG_ControllerSystem.GetSystem().GetSystemToolsPath(), "\\Images\\Group.bmp"));

                // Add the image and the type to the arrayLists

            mAssetTypeImages.TransparentColor = Color.Magenta;

            // Initialize state icons
            if (DosUtils.DirectoryExist(MOG_ControllerSystem.GetSystem().GetSystemToolsPath() + "\\Images\\States"))
                FileInfo [] stateImages = DosUtils.FileGetList(MOG_ControllerSystem.GetSystem().GetSystemToolsPath() + "\\Images\\States", "*.bmp");

                foreach (FileInfo stateImage in stateImages)
                    LoadRawIcon(mStateTypeImages, mStateTypes, stateImage.FullName, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(stateImage.Name));
コード例 #10
        public guiSound(MogMainForm handle, SplashForm SplashScreen, string configFilename, string soundClass)
            mTheme          = soundClass;
            mHandle         = handle;
            mSoundAvailable = true;


            // Load the sound ini
            string iniPath    = Application.StartupPath;
            string configFile = string.Concat(iniPath, "\\", configFilename);

            if (DosUtils.FileExist(configFile))
                mConfig    = new MOG_Ini(configFile);
                mSoundPath = string.Concat(iniPath, "\\ClientSounds");

                // Update the sound menu with the scheme choices
                if (mConfig.SectionExist("Themes"))
                    // Add a menuItem for each them found in the ini
                    for (int i = 0; i < mConfig.CountKeys("Themes"); i++)
                        // Assign the click event to each menu item
                        ToolStripMenuItem item = new ToolStripMenuItem(mConfig.GetKeyNameByIndexSLOW("Themes", i));
                        item.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.SoundMenu_OnClick);

                        // Set the check mark on the theme that pass passed in to the constructor
                        if (string.Compare(item.Text, mTheme, true) == 0)
                            item.Checked = true;

                        // Add th menu item

                    // Setup default theme
                    if (mTheme == null)
                        if (mHandle.themeToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems.Count > 0)
                            mTheme = mHandle.themeToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems[0].Text;
                            ToolStripMenuItem defaultTheme = mHandle.themeToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems[0] as ToolStripMenuItem;
                            defaultTheme.Checked = true;

                // Get our current sounds version
                if (mConfig.SectionExist("Version"))
                    mVersion = Convert.ToInt32(mConfig.GetString("SoundsVersion", "Version"));
                    mVersion = 0;

                // Get all default sounds
                if (mConfig.SectionExist("SOUNDS"))
                    string SourceSoundPath = MOG_ControllerSystem.GetSystemRepositoryPath() + "\\" + mConfig.GetString("Sounds", "Root");
                    // Make sure we have a current sound directory
                    if (!DosUtils.DirectoryExist(mSoundPath))

                    // Make sure we have all the needed sounds
                    if (DosUtils.FileExist(string.Concat(SourceSoundPath, "\\version.ini")))
                        MOG_Ini soundVersion = new MOG_Ini(string.Concat(SourceSoundPath, "\\version.ini"));

                        int sourceVersion = Convert.ToInt32(soundVersion.GetString("SoundsVersion", "Version"));

                        if (sourceVersion > mVersion)
                            // Update all our sounds
                            foreach (FileInfo file in DosUtils.FileGetList(SourceSoundPath, "*.wav"))
                                string target = string.Concat(mSoundPath, "\\", file.Name);
                                if (DosUtils.FileCopyModified(file.FullName, target))
                                    SplashScreen.updateSplashNoStep("UPDATING: " + file.Name, 0);

                            // Update our version number
                            mConfig.PutString("SoundsVersion", "Version", sourceVersion.ToString());

            // Set the main theme to be the same as this private version
            mHandle.mSoundScheme = mTheme;