public void Interact() { Transform player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <Transform>(); if (open) { Close(); Debug.Log("Close local"); if (linkedDoorActive != null) { Debug.Log("Linked not null: " + linkedDoorActive.ID); linkedDoorActive.Close(); } } else { clockwise = Vector3.Dot(player.position - transform.position, transform.right) > 0; linkedDoorActive = clockwise ? linkedDoorClockwise : linkedDoorAnticlockwise; Open(); if (linkedDoorActive != null) { linkedDoorActive.clockwise = clockwise; linkedDoorActive.linkedDoorActive = clockwise ? linkedDoorActive.linkedDoorClockwise : linkedDoorActive.linkedDoorAnticlockwise; linkedDoorActive.Open(); } } }
//! Actions for when the State starts. /*! Set the Camera inside the state to be Active, overlaying the Main Camera used at InGameState, * does the animation to open the cupboard left door and enable the UI Canvas. */ public override void OnStartRun() { //GameObject.Find ("Journal").GetComponent<JournalController> ().checkJournalItem (0); cameraState.gameObject.SetActive(true); HudText.SetText(""); leftDoor.Open(); canvasUI.GetComponent <Canvas>().enabled = true; //UIScrollList.transform.parent.GetComponent<ScrollRect>().verticalScrollbar.value = 1; }
//! Actions for when the State starts. /*! Set the Camera inside the state to be Active, overlaying the Main Camera used at InGameState, * does the animation to open the cupboard left door and enable the UI Canvas. */ public override void OnStartRun() { cameraState.gameObject.SetActive(true); HudText.SetText(""); leftDoor.Open(); canvasUI.GetComponent <Canvas>().enabled = true; //UIScrollList.transform.parent.GetComponent<ScrollRect>().verticalScrollbar.value = 1; }