コード例 #1
            private bool DeserializeEntity(uint serverTick, ref DataStreamReader dataStream, ref DeserializeData data)
                if (data.targetArchLen == 0)
                    data.curPos = dataStream.GetBitsRead();
                    if (data.statCount > 0)
                        int statType = (int)data.targetArch;
                        netStats[statType * 3 + 4] = netStats[statType * 3 + 4] + data.statCount;
                        netStats[statType * 3 + 5] = netStats[statType * 3 + 5] + (uint)(data.curPos - data.startPos);
                        netStats[statType * 3 + 6] = netStats[statType * 3 + 6] + data.uncompressedCount;

                    data.startPos          = data.curPos;
                    data.statCount         = 0;
                    data.uncompressedCount = 0;
                    data.targetArch    = dataStream.ReadPackedUInt(compressionModel);
                    data.targetArchLen = dataStream.ReadPackedUInt(compressionModel);


                if (data.baselineLen == 0)
                    data.baselineTick  = serverTick - dataStream.ReadPackedUInt(compressionModel);
                    data.baselineTick2 = serverTick - dataStream.ReadPackedUInt(compressionModel);
                    data.baselineTick3 = serverTick - dataStream.ReadPackedUInt(compressionModel);
                    data.baselineLen   = dataStream.ReadPackedUInt(compressionModel);
                    if (data.baselineTick3 != serverTick &&
                        (data.baselineTick3 == data.baselineTick2 || data.baselineTick2 == data.baselineTick))
                        UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Received invalid snapshot baseline from server");


                int  ghostId         = (int)dataStream.ReadPackedUInt(compressionModel);
                uint serverSpawnTick = 0;
                if (data.baselineTick == serverTick)
                    serverSpawnTick = dataStream.ReadPackedUInt(compressionModel);
                var   typeData        = GhostTypeCollection[(int)data.targetArch];
                int   changeMaskUints = GhostCollectionSystem.ChangeMaskArraySizeInUInts(typeData.ChangeMaskBits);
                int   snapshotOffset;
                int   snapshotSize = typeData.SnapshotSize;
                byte *baselineData = (byte *)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(snapshotSize, 16, Allocator.Temp);
                UnsafeUtility.MemClear(baselineData, snapshotSize);
                Entity gent;
                DynamicBuffer <SnapshotDataBuffer> snapshotDataBuffer;
                SnapshotData snapshotDataComponent;
                byte *       snapshotData;
                bool         existingGhost = ghostEntityMap.TryGetValue(ghostId, out gent);
                if (existingGhost && snapshotDataBufferFromEntity.HasComponent(gent) && ghostFromEntity[gent].ghostType == data.targetArch)
                    snapshotDataBuffer = snapshotDataBufferFromEntity[gent];
                    if (snapshotDataBuffer.Length != snapshotSize * GhostSystemConstants.SnapshotHistorySize)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Invalid snapshot buffer size");
                    snapshotData                      = (byte *)snapshotDataBuffer.GetUnsafePtr();
                    snapshotDataComponent             = snapshotDataFromEntity[gent];
                    snapshotDataComponent.LatestIndex = (snapshotDataComponent.LatestIndex + 1) % GhostSystemConstants.SnapshotHistorySize;
                    snapshotDataFromEntity[gent]      = snapshotDataComponent;
                    if (data.baselineTick != serverTick)
                        for (int bi = 0; bi < snapshotDataBuffer.Length; bi += snapshotSize)
                            if (*(uint *)(snapshotData + bi) == data.baselineTick)
                                UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(baselineData, snapshotData + bi, snapshotSize);

                        if (*(uint *)baselineData == 0)
                            return(false); // Ack desync detected

                    if (data.baselineTick3 != serverTick)
                        byte *baselineData2 = null;
                        byte *baselineData3 = null;
                        for (int bi = 0; bi < snapshotDataBuffer.Length; bi += snapshotSize)
                            if (*(uint *)(snapshotData + bi) == data.baselineTick2)
                                baselineData2 = snapshotData + bi;

                            if (*(uint *)(snapshotData + bi) == data.baselineTick3)
                                baselineData3 = snapshotData + bi;

                        if (baselineData2 == null || baselineData3 == null)
                            return(false); // Ack desync detected
                        snapshotOffset = GhostCollectionSystem.SnapshotSizeAligned(4 + changeMaskUints * 4);
                        var predictor = new GhostDeltaPredictor(serverTick, data.baselineTick, data.baselineTick2, data.baselineTick3);
                        for (int comp = 0; comp < typeData.NumComponents; ++comp)
                            int compIdx = GhostComponentIndex[typeData.FirstComponent + comp].ComponentIndex;
                            if (snapshotOffset + GhostComponentCollection[compIdx].SnapshotSize > snapshotSize)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("Snapshot buffer overflow during predict");
                            GhostComponentCollection[compIdx].PredictDelta.Ptr.Invoke((IntPtr)(baselineData + snapshotOffset), (IntPtr)(baselineData2 + snapshotOffset), (IntPtr)(baselineData3 + snapshotOffset), ref predictor);
                            snapshotOffset += GhostCollectionSystem.SnapshotSizeAligned(GhostComponentCollection[compIdx].SnapshotSize);
                    if (existingGhost)
                        // The ghost entity map is out of date, clean it up
                        if (ghostFromEntity.HasComponent(gent) && ghostFromEntity[gent].ghostType != data.targetArch)
                            UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Received a ghost with an invalid ghost type");
                        UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Found a ghost in the ghost map which does not have an entity connected to it. This can happen if you delete ghost entities on the client.");
                    if (data.baselineTick != serverTick)
                        // If the server specifies a baseline for a ghost we do not have that is an error

                    var ghostSpawnBuffer = ghostSpawnBufferFromEntity[ghostSpawnEntity];
                    snapshotDataBuffer = snapshotDataBufferFromEntity[ghostSpawnEntity];
                    var snapshotDataBufferOffset = snapshotDataBuffer.Length;
                    ghostSpawnBuffer.Add(new GhostSpawnBuffer {
                        GhostType = (int)data.targetArch, GhostID = ghostId, DataOffset = snapshotDataBufferOffset, ClientSpawnTick = serverTick, ServerSpawnTick = serverSpawnTick
                    snapshotDataBuffer.ResizeUninitialized(snapshotDataBufferOffset + snapshotSize);
                    snapshotData = (byte *)snapshotDataBuffer.GetUnsafePtr() + snapshotDataBufferOffset;
                    UnsafeUtility.MemClear(snapshotData, snapshotSize);
                    snapshotDataComponent = new SnapshotData {
                        SnapshotSize = snapshotSize, LatestIndex = 0
                int maskOffset = 0;
                snapshotOffset          = GhostCollectionSystem.SnapshotSizeAligned(4 + changeMaskUints * 4);
                snapshotData           += snapshotSize * snapshotDataComponent.LatestIndex;
                *(uint *)(snapshotData) = serverTick;
                uint *changeMask = (uint *)(snapshotData + 4);
                for (int cm = 0; cm < changeMaskUints; ++cm)
                    changeMask[cm] = dataStream.ReadPackedUIntDelta(((uint *)(baselineData + 4))[cm], compressionModel);
                for (int comp = 0; comp < typeData.NumComponents; ++comp)
                    int compIdx = GhostComponentIndex[typeData.FirstComponent + comp].ComponentIndex;
                    if (maskOffset + GhostComponentCollection[compIdx].ChangeMaskBits > typeData.ChangeMaskBits || snapshotOffset + GhostComponentCollection[compIdx].SnapshotSize > snapshotSize)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Snapshot buffer overflow during deserialize");
                    GhostComponentCollection[compIdx].Deserialize.Ptr.Invoke((IntPtr)(snapshotData + snapshotOffset), (IntPtr)(baselineData + snapshotOffset), ref dataStream, ref compressionModel, (IntPtr)changeMask, maskOffset);
                    snapshotOffset += GhostCollectionSystem.SnapshotSizeAligned(GhostComponentCollection[compIdx].SnapshotSize);
                    maskOffset     += GhostComponentCollection[compIdx].ChangeMaskBits;

                if (data.baselineTick == serverTick)

                if (typeData.IsGhostGroup != 0)
                    var groupLen = dataStream.ReadPackedUInt(compressionModel);
                    for (var i = 0; i < groupLen; ++i)
                        if (!DeserializeEntity(serverTick, ref dataStream, ref data))