public bool StartProcessing() { using (DataSet data = new DataSet()) { //clean data string[] datas = File.ReadAllLines(srcFile); string headLine = datas[0]; string newHeadlLine = headLine.Replace('"', ' '); TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(srcFile); tw.WriteLine(newHeadlLine); for (int i = 1; i < datas.Length; i++) { tw.WriteLine(datas[i]); } tw.Close(); if (!data.import_ascii(srcFile)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to import this file"); } Console.WriteLine("Data imported successfully"); Console.WriteLine(data.summary()); using (SearchOptions options = new SearchOptions(srcModel)) { Console.WriteLine("> Setting the search options"); //options.building_blocks_.Remove("a-b"); for (int i = 0; i < options.building_blocks_.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(options.building_blocks_[i]); } using(Connection conn = new Connection()){ try { // Console.WriteLine("> Connecting to a eureqa server at " + srcIP); if (!conn.connect(srcIP)) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to connect to server at " + srcIP); Console.WriteLine(@"Try running the eureqa_server binary provided with the Eureqa API (""server"" sub-directory) first."); throw new ApplicationException("Unable to connect to server at " + srcIP); } else HandleLastResult(conn, "Connection made", "Connected to server"); Console.WriteLine("> Querying the server systems information"); using (ServerInfo serv = new ServerInfo()) { if (!conn.query_server_info(serv)) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to recieve the server information"); throw new ApplicationException("Unable to recieve the server information"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Recieved server information successfully:"); Console.WriteLine(serv.summary()); } } Console.WriteLine("> Sending the data set to the server"); if (!conn.send_data_set(data)) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to transfer the data set"); throw new ArgumentException("Unable to transfer the data set"); } else HandleLastResult(conn, "Data set transferred"); Console.WriteLine("> Sending search options to the server"); if (!conn.send_options(options)) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to transfer the search options"); } else HandleLastResult(conn, "Search options transferred"); Console.WriteLine("> Telling server to start searching"); if (!conn.start_search()) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to send the start command"); throw new ApplicationException("Unable to send the start command"); } else HandleLastResult(conn, "Start command sent"); Console.WriteLine("> Monitoring the search progress"); Dictionary<float, Tuple<float, string>> fitSize = new Dictionary<float, Tuple<float, string>>(); ArrayList models = new ArrayList(); using (SearchProgress progress = new SearchProgress()) { using (SolutionFrontier bestSolutions = new SolutionFrontier()) { int c = 0; //string output; Console.WriteLine("Debug 1"); while (conn.query_progress(progress)) { //Console.WriteLine("> " + progress.summary()); Console.WriteLine("Debug 2"); using (var solution = progress.solution_) { Console.WriteLine("Debug 3"); if (bestSolutions.add(solution)) { Console.Write("New solution found:"); Console.WriteLine(solution.text_); } //output = " >> fitness >> " + solution.fitness_ + " >> size >> " + solution.complexity_ + " >> equation >> " + solution.text_; // Console.WriteLine(output); fitSize[solution.fitness_] = new Tuple<float,string>(solution.complexity_,solution.text_); //models.Add(solution.text_); } //Console.WriteLine(); //Console.WriteLine(bestSolutions.to_string()); //Console.WriteLine(); //Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1)); ++c; if (c > _loops) break; } } } var list = fitSize.Keys.ToList(); list.Sort(); using (TextWriter tw2 = new StreamWriter(saveModelPath)) { for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { tw2.WriteLine(fitSize[list[i]].Item2); Console.WriteLine(fitSize[list[i]].Item2); } //tw2.Close(); } } finally { conn.disconnect(); } } } } return true; }
public void Run(string srcFile, string srcModel, string srcIP) { using (DataSet data = new DataSet()) { string sourcePath = srcFile; //clean data string[] datas = File.ReadAllLines(sourcePath); string headLine = datas[0]; string newHeadlLine = headLine.Replace('"', ' '); TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(sourcePath); tw.WriteLine(newHeadlLine); for (int i = 1; i < datas.Length; i++) { tw.WriteLine(datas[i]); } tw.Close(); if (!data.import_ascii(sourcePath)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to import this file"); } Console.WriteLine("Data imported successfully"); Console.WriteLine(data.summary()); string model = srcModel; using (SearchOptions options = new SearchOptions(model)) { Console.WriteLine("> Setting the search options"); for (int i = 0; i < options.building_blocks_.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(options.building_blocks_[i]); } using (Connection conn = new Connection()) { try { // string ipServer = srcIP; Console.WriteLine("> Connecting to a eureqa server at " + ipServer); if (!conn.connect(ipServer)) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to connect to server"); Console.WriteLine(@"Try running the eureqa_server binary provided with the Eureqa API (""server"" sub-directory) first."); throw new ApplicationException("Cannot connect to the local server."); } else HandleLastResult(conn, "Connection made", "Connected to server"); using (ServerInfo serv = new ServerInfo()) { Console.WriteLine("> Querying the server systems information"); if (!conn.query_server_info(serv)) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to recieve the server information"); throw new ApplicationException("No info"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Recieved server information successfully:"); Console.WriteLine(serv.summary()); } } Console.WriteLine("> Sending the data set to the server"); if (!conn.send_data_set(data)) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to transfer the data set"); throw new ArgumentException("Cannot send data set"); } else HandleLastResult(conn, "Data set transferred"); Console.WriteLine("> Sending search options to the server"); if (!conn.send_options(options)) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to transfer the search options"); } else HandleLastResult(conn, "Search options transferred"); Console.WriteLine("> Telling server to start searching"); if (!conn.start_search()) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to send the start command"); throw new ApplicationException("Unable to send the start command"); } else HandleLastResult(conn, "Start command sent"); Console.WriteLine("> Monitoring the search progress"); Dictionary<float, float> fitSize = new Dictionary<float, float>(); ArrayList models = new ArrayList(); using (SearchProgress progress = new SearchProgress()) { using (SolutionFrontier bestSolutions = new SolutionFrontier()) { int c = 0; while (conn.query_progress(progress)) { Console.WriteLine("> " + progress.summary()); using (var solution = progress.solution_) { if (bestSolutions.add(solution)) { Console.Write("New solution found:"); Console.WriteLine(solution.text_); } Console.WriteLine(" >> fitness >> " + solution.fitness_ + " >> size " + solution.complexity_ + " equation " + solution.text_); fitSize[solution.fitness_] = solution.complexity_; models.Add(solution.text_); } //Console.WriteLine(); //Console.WriteLine(bestSolutions.to_string()); //Console.WriteLine(); //Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1)); ++c; if (c > 50000) break; } } } Console.ReadKey(); } finally { conn.disconnect(); } } } } }