コード例 #1
        public void GivenInvalidArgumentsForNewValue_ThenExceptionIsThrown()
            var protocol = ProtocolFactory.CreateTest();
            var dataset  = new DataSet(protocol);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => dataset.AddValue(new ValueDescriptor {
                Reference = "a"
            }, 1));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => dataset.AddValue((ValueDescriptor)null, 1));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => dataset.AddValue((string)null, 1));
コード例 #2
        public void WithCountAsAggregation_GivenOneNullValues_ThenItCanBeExcludedFromCount()
            var protocol = new ProtocolDescriptor {
                Reference = "Aggregation test"
            var section = protocol.Sections.Add("Test");

            section.Values.Add(new ValueDescriptor {
                Reference = "a", PreferredAggregation = AggregationMode.Count

            var dataset1 = new DataSet(protocol);

            dataset1.AddValue("a", 10);

            var dataset2 = new DataSet(protocol);

            dataset2.AddValue("a", null);

            // Null value is included in count
            var aggregator = new DataSetAggregator(protocol);
            var result     = aggregator.Accumulate(dataset1, dataset2).Calculate();

            Assert.Equal(2, result["a"].Value);

            // Null value is excluded from count
            aggregator.Options = AggregationOptions.Default | AggregationOptions.ExcludeNullValuesFromCount;
            result             = aggregator.Accumulate(dataset1, dataset2).Calculate();
            Assert.Equal(1, result["a"].Value);
コード例 #3
        public void GivenValidationWithDependencies_ThenItIsCalculatedCorrectly(int a, int b)
            var protocol = ProtocolFactory.CreateTest();
            var section  = protocol.Sections.First();

            section.Values.Add(new ValueDescriptor {
                Reference = "a"
            section.Values.Add(new ValueDescriptor {
                Reference = "b", ValidIfExpression = "this < a"

            var dataset = new DataSet(protocol);

            dataset.AddValue("a", a);
            dataset.AddValue("b", b);

            Assert.Equal(b < a ? 0 : 1, dataset.Issues.Count);
コード例 #4
        public void GivenExpressionWithThisKeyword_ThenItIsSynonimOfCurrentValueId()
            var protocol = ProtocolFactory.CreateTest();
            var section  = protocol.Sections.First();

            section.Values.Add(new ValueDescriptor {
                Reference = "a", ValidIfExpression = "this == 1 and this == a"
            section.Values.Add(new ValueDescriptor {
                Reference = "b", ValidIfExpression = "this == 2 and this == b"

            var dataset = new DataSet(protocol);

            dataset.AddValue("a", 1);
            dataset.AddValue("b", 2);

            Assert.Equal(0, dataset.Issues.Count);
コード例 #5
        public void WhenStoreValidValue_ThenItCanBeRead()
            var protocol = ProtocolFactory.CreateTest();
            var a        = new ValueDescriptor {
                Reference = "a"
            var b = new ValueDescriptor {
                Reference = "b"


            var dataset = new DataSet(protocol);

            dataset.AddValue(a, 1.0);
            dataset.AddValue("b", 2.0);

            Assert.Equal(1.0, Convert.ToDouble(dataset["a"].Value));
            Assert.Equal(2.0, Convert.ToDouble(dataset["b"].Value));
コード例 #6
        public void GivenExternalValue_WhenInvalid_ThenAddError()
            var protocol = ProtocolFactory.CreateTest();
            var section  = protocol.Sections.First();

            section.Values.Add(new ValueDescriptor {
                Reference = "a", ValidIfExpression = "this > 5"

            var dataset = new DataSet(protocol);

            dataset.AddValue("a", 1);

            Assert.Equal(1, dataset.Issues.Count(x => x.Item.Reference == "a" && x.Severity == IssueSeverity.ValidationError));
            Assert.Equal(1, dataset.Issues.Count);
コード例 #7
        public void GivenValue_WhenAlertedAndInvalid_ThenThereAreIssuesForBoth()
            var protocol = ProtocolFactory.CreateTest();
            var section  = protocol.Sections.First();

            section.Values.Add(new ValueDescriptor {
                Reference = "a", WarningIfExpression = "this > 3", ValidIfExpression = "this < 5"

            var dataset = new DataSet(protocol);

            dataset.AddValue("a", 6);

            Assert.Equal(1, dataset.Issues.Count(x => x.Severity == IssueSeverity.ValidationError));
            Assert.Equal(1, dataset.Issues.Count(x => x.Severity == IssueSeverity.Warning));
            Assert.Equal(2, dataset.Issues.Count);
コード例 #8
        public void GivenExpressionWithRequired_ThenItIsTrueIfValueExists()
            var protocol = ProtocolFactory.CreateTest();
            var section  = protocol.Sections.First();

            section.Values.Add(new ValueDescriptor {
                Reference = "a", ValidIfExpression = "required"

            var dataset = new DataSet(protocol);

            Assert.Equal(1, dataset.Issues.Count);

            dataset = new DataSet(protocol);
            dataset.AddValue("a", 1);
            Assert.Equal(0, dataset.Issues.Count);
コード例 #9
        public void GivenInvalidExternalValuesAndDependantCalculatedValue_ThenDependantValueIsNotCalculated()
            var protocol = ProtocolFactory.CreateTest();
            var section  = protocol.Sections.First();

            section.Values.Add(new ValueDescriptor {
                Reference = "a", ValidIfExpression = "this < 5"
            section.Values.Add(new ValueDescriptor {
                Reference = "b", CalculatedValueExpression = "a * 2", ValidIfExpression = "this < 10"

            var dataset = new DataSet(protocol);

            dataset.AddValue("a", 5);

            Assert.Equal(1, dataset.Issues.Count(x => x.Item.Reference == "a" && x.Severity == IssueSeverity.ValidationError));
            Assert.Equal(1, dataset.Issues.Count);
コード例 #10
        public void GivenCalculatedValueWithValidation_ThenValidationIsApplied()
            var protocol = ProtocolFactory.CreateTest();
            var section  = protocol.Sections.First();

            section.Values.Add(new ValueDescriptor {
                Reference = "a", ValidIfExpression = "this < 5"
            section.Values.Add(new ValueDescriptor {
                Reference = "b", CalculatedValueExpression = "a * 2", ValidIfExpression = "this < 6"

            // 4 is valid for a but it will fail validation for b. Another test will ensure that validation for
            // b is not even evaluated if validation for a isn't passed.
            var dataset = new DataSet(protocol);

            dataset.AddValue("a", 4);

            Assert.Equal(1, dataset.Issues.Count(x => x.Item.Reference == "b" && x.Severity == IssueSeverity.ValidationError));
            Assert.Equal(1, dataset.Issues.Count);
コード例 #11
        public void WithNoAggregation_ThenCustomAggregationFunctionCanBeUsed()
            var protocol = new ProtocolDescriptor {
                Reference = "Aggregation test"
            var section = protocol.Sections.Add("Test");

            section.Values.Add(new ValueDescriptor
                Reference             = "a",
                PreferredAggregation  = AggregationMode.None,
                AggregationExpression = @"sequence
                                            let('mean', average(values)),
                                            let('n', count(values) - 1),
                                            sqrt(sum(values, pow(value - mean, 2)) / n)

            var dataset1 = new DataSet(protocol);

            dataset1.AddValue("a", 10);

            var dataset2 = new DataSet(protocol);

            dataset2.AddValue("a", 20);

            var aggregator = new DataSetAggregator(protocol);
            var result     = aggregator.Accumulate(dataset1, dataset2).Calculate();

            if (result.Issues.HasErrors)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Join("\n", result.Issues.Select(x => x.Message)));

            Assert.Equal(7.07, (double)result["a"].Value, 2);
コード例 #12
        public void WithSumAsAggregation_ThenNullValuesEqualToZero()
            var protocol = new ProtocolDescriptor {
                Reference = "Aggregation test"
            var section = protocol.Sections.Add("Test");

            section.Values.Add(new ValueDescriptor {
                Reference = "a", PreferredAggregation = AggregationMode.Sum

            var dataset1 = new DataSet(protocol);

            dataset1.AddValue("a", 10);

            var dataset2 = new DataSet(protocol);

            dataset2.AddValue("a", null);

            var aggregator = new DataSetAggregator(protocol);
            var result     = aggregator.Accumulate(dataset1, dataset2).Calculate();

            Assert.Equal(10.0, result["a"].Value);
コード例 #13
        public void WithCountAsAggregation_GivenDoubleValues()
            var protocol = new ProtocolDescriptor {
                Reference = "Aggregation test"
            var section = protocol.Sections.Add("Test");

            section.Values.Add(new ValueDescriptor {
                Reference = "a", PreferredAggregation = AggregationMode.Count

            var dataset1 = new DataSet(protocol);

            dataset1.AddValue("a", 10);

            var dataset2 = new DataSet(protocol);

            dataset2.AddValue("a", 5);

            var aggregator = new DataSetAggregator(protocol);
            var result     = aggregator.Accumulate(dataset1, dataset2).Calculate();

            Assert.Equal(2, result["a"].Value);
コード例 #14
        public void WhenCalculatedValueDependsOnValuesWithDefaultAndExternalValues_ThenItIsCalculatedCorrectly()
            var protocol = ProtocolFactory.CreateTest();
            var section  = protocol.Sections.First();

            section.Values.Add(new ValueDescriptor {
                Reference = "a"
            section.Values.Add(new ValueDescriptor {
                Reference = "b", DefaultValueExpression = "2 + 2"
            section.Values.Add(new ValueDescriptor {
                Reference = "c", CalculatedValueExpression = "a + b"

            var dataset = new DataSet(protocol);

            dataset.AddValue("a", 2.0);

            Assert.Equal(2.0, Convert.ToDouble(dataset["a"].Value));
            Assert.Equal(4.0, Convert.ToDouble(dataset["b"].Value));
            Assert.Equal(6.0, Convert.ToDouble(dataset["c"].Value));