コード例 #1
        public void Album_Update(AlbumItem item)
            using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
                //"item" is viewmodel object => to Entity object before update!
                Album updateitem = new Album
                    AlbumId      = item.AlbumId,
                    Title        = item.Title,
                    ArtistId     = item.ArtistId,
                    ReleaseYear  = item.ReleaseYear,
                    ReleaseLabel = item.ReleaseLabel

                //staging in local mem
                //at this point code will NOT have send to Database.

                context.Entry(updateitem).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;

                //commit to Database - on this command the item is shipped to entity deffinition validation then to context DB
                //entity instance will have new Pkey attached to the object
コード例 #2
        public void Album_Update(AlbumItem item)
            using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
                //due to the fact we have seperaated handling of our entities
                //from the data traansfer beteen webapp and class library
                //using viewmodel classes, we must create an instaance of the entity
                //and move the data from the viewmodel class to the entity instance

                Album updateItem = new Album
                    //Update needs a pkey value
                    AlbumId      = item.AlbumId,
                    Title        = item.Title,
                    ArtistId     = item.ArtistId,
                    ReleaseLabel = item.ReleaseLabel,
                    ReleaseYear  = item.ReleaseYear
                //Setup in local memory

                context.Entry(updateItem).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
                //commit to database
                //on this command you
                //  a)executee entity validtion annotation
                //  b)send local memory staging to the database for execution
                //after successful execution your entity instance will have the new pkey(identity) value
コード例 #3
        public void Album_Update(AlbumItem item)
            using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
                //Due to the fact that we have seperated the handling of our entities, from the data transfer between WebApp and Class library
                //  using the ViewModel classes, we MUST create an instance of the entity and move the data from the ViewModel class
                //  to the entity instance.
                Album updateItem = new Album
                    //for an update, you need to supply your pkey value
                    AlbumId      = item.AlbumId,
                    Title        = item.Title,
                    ArtistId     = item.ArtistId,
                    ReleaseYear  = item.ReleaseYear,
                    ReleaseLabel = item.ReleaseLabel

                //Setup in Local Memory

                context.Entry(updateItem).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;

                //Commit to database
                //On this command, you
                //  a) Execute entity validation annotation
                //  b) Send your local memory staging to the database for execution

コード例 #4
        public void Album_Update(AlbumItem item)
            using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
                //due to the fact that we have separated the handling of our entities
                // from the data transfer between web app and class library
                //using the viewmodel classes, we MUST create an instance
                //of the entity and move the data from the view model class to the entity instance.
                Album updateitem = new Album
                    //for an update, you need to supply a pkey value
                    AlbumId      = item.AlbumId,
                    Title        = item.Title,
                    ArtistId     = item.ArtistId,
                    ReleaseYear  = item.ReleaseYear,
                    ReleaseLabel = item.ReleaseLabel

                //setup in local memory

                context.Entry(updateitem).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;

                //commit to database
                //on this command you
                //A) execute entity validationm annotation
                // B) send your local memory staging to the database for execution
                // after a successful execution your entity instance will have the
                //      new pkey (identity) value

                //at this point, your identity instance has the new pkey value
コード例 #5
 public int Album_Update(Album item)
     using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
         context.Entry(item).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
         return(context.SaveChanges());   //returned is number of rows affected
コード例 #6

        public void DeleteTracks(string username, string playlistname, List <int> trackstodelete)
            using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
                //check to see if playlist exists
                //no:error msg
                //create a list of tracks to kept
                //remove the tracks in the incoming list
                //re-sequence the kept tracks
                List <string> errors = new List <string>();
                Playlist      exists = (from x in context.Playlists
                                        where x.Name.Equals(playlistname) && x.UserName.Equals(username)
                                        select x).FirstOrDefault();
                if (exists == null)
                    errors.Add("Play list does not exist.");
                    //find the songs to keep
                    var trackskept = context.PlaylistTracks
                                     .Where(tr => tr.Playlist.Name.Equals(playlistname) && tr.Playlist.UserName.Equals(username) && !trackstodelete.Any(tod => tod == tr.TrackId))
                                     .OrderBy(tr => tr.TrackNumber)
                                     .Select(tr => tr);
                    //remove the tracks to delete
                    PlaylistTrack item = null;
                    foreach (int deletetrackid in trackstodelete)
                        item = context.PlaylistTracks
                               .Where(tr => tr.Playlist.Name.Equals(playlistname) && tr.Playlist.UserName.Equals(username) && tr.TrackId == deletetrackid)
                               .Select(tr => tr).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (item != null)
                    int number = 1;
                    foreach (var track in trackskept)
                        track.TrackNumber = number;
                        context.Entry(track).Property(nameof(PlaylistTrack.TrackNumber)).IsModified = true;
コード例 #7

        public void DeleteTracks(string username, string playlistname, List <int> trackstodelete)
            using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
                //code to go here
                // find playlist

                var exists = (from x in context.Playlists
                              where x.UserName.Equals(username) &&
                              select x).FirstOrDefault();
                // check
                if (exists == null)
                    //null - msg
                    throw new Exception("Playlist has been removed from the file.");
                    // exists
                    //  find the tracks that will be kept
                    //    these tracks will be in set A but not in set B
                    var tracksKept = exists.PlaylistTracks
                                     .Where(tr => !trackstodelete.Any(td => td == tr.TrackId));
                    //  remove the unwanted tracks from the database
                    PlaylistTrack item = null;
                    foreach (var dtrackid in trackstodelete)
                        // find track instance to delete
                        item = exists.PlaylistTracks.Where(tr => tr.TrackId == dtrackid).Select(tr => tr).FirstOrDefault();
                        // check
                        if (item != null)
                            //   if its there then remove
                    // renumber the tracks that were kept by updating their
                    //  track numbers
                    int number = 1;
                    foreach (var tKept in tracksKept)
                        tKept.TrackNumber = number;
                        context.Entry(tKept).Property(y => y.TrackNumber).IsModified = true;

コード例 #8
 public void Album_Update(AlbumItem item)
     using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
         Album updateItem = new Album()
             AlbumId      = item.AlbumId,
             Title        = item.Title,
             ReleaseYear  = item.ReleaseYear,
             ArtistId     = item.ArtistId,
             ReleaseLabel = item.ReleaseLabel
         context.Entry(updateItem).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
コード例 #9
 public void Album_Update(AlbumItem item)
     using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
         Album newItem = new Album
             //pkey is identity, not needed
             AlbumId      = item.AlbumId,
             Title        = item.Title,
             ArtistId     = item.ArtistId,
             ReleaseLabel = item.ReleaseLabel,
             ReleaseYear  = item.ReleaseYear
         context.Entry(newItem).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
コード例 #10
 public void Albums_Update(AlbumViewModel item)
     using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
         Album info = new Album()
             AlbumId      = item.AlbumId,
             Title        = item.AlbumTitle,
             ArtistId     = item.ArtistId,
             ReleaseYear  = item.AlbumReleaseYear,
             ReleaseLabel = item.AlbumReleaseLabel
         context.Entry(info).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
 public void Tracks_Update(TrackViewModel item)
     using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
         Track info = new Track()
             TrackId      = item.TrackId,
             MediaTypeId  = item.TrackMediaTypeId,
             Name         = item.TrackName,
             Composer     = item.TrackComposer,
             Milliseconds = item.TrackMilliseconds,
             Bytes        = item.TrackBytes,
             UnitPrice    = item.TrackUnitPrice
         context.Entry(info).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
コード例 #12
 public void Album_Update(AlbumList item)
     using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
         //moving the data from the external ViewModel instance
         //  into an internal instance of the entity
         Album updateItem = new Album
             AlbumId      = item.AlbumId,
             Title        = item.Title,
             ArtistId     = item.ArtistId,
             ReleaseYear  = item.ReleaseYear,
             ReleaseLabel = item.ReleaseLabel
         context.Entry(updateItem).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
コード例 #13
 public void Album_Update(AlbumList item)
     using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
         //moving the data from the external viewmodel instance into an internal instance of the entity
         Album updateItem = new Album
             //Remember for an update, I need to supply the primary key
             AlbumId      = item.AlbumId,
             Title        = item.Title,
             ArtistId     = item.ArtistId,
             ReleaseYear  = item.ReleaseYear,
             ReleaseLabel = item.ReleaseLabel
         context.Entry(updateItem).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
コード例 #14
 public void Album_Update(AlbumItem item)
     using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
         //move the incoming viewmodel instance data into an instance
         //   of the internal entity
         Album newItem = new Album
             //pkey is needed for update to find the instance
             //   on the database
             AlbumId      = item.AlbumId,
             Title        = item.Title,
             ArtistId     = item.ArtistId,
             ReleaseYear  = item.ReleaseYear,
             ReleaseLabel = item.ReleaseLabel
         context.Entry(newItem).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
コード例 #15
        public void Albums_Update(AlbumItem item)
            using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
                //need to move the data from the viewmodel class into
                //  an entity instance BEFORE staging

                //on update you NEED to supply the table's pkey value
                Album entityItem = new Album
                    AlbumId      = item.AlbumId,
                    Title        = item.Title,
                    ArtistId     = item.ArtistId,
                    ReleaseYear  = item.ReleaseYear,
                    ReleaseLabel = item.ReleaseLabel

                //stagging is to local memory
                context.Entry(entityItem).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
                //commit is the action of sending your request to
                //    the database for action.
コード例 #16

        public void MoveTrack(string username, string playlistname, int trackid, int tracknumber, string direction)
            using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
                //code to go here
                // since data can be accessed by multiple individuals at the same time
                // your BLL method should do validation to ensure the data coming is appropriate

                var exists = context.Playlists.Where(x => x.UserName.Equals(username) &&
                                                     x.Name.Equals(playlistname)).Select(x => x).FirstOrDefault();
                // playlist no longer exists
                if (exists == null)
                    throw new Exception("Playlist has been removed from files.");
                    var movetrack = exists.PlaylistTracks.Where(x => x.TrackId == trackid).Select(x => x).FirstOrDefault();
                    //playlist track no longer exists
                    if (movetrack == null)
                        throw new Exception("Playlist track has been removed from files - Movetrack.");
                        PlaylistTrack othertrack = null;
                        // determine direction
                        if (direction.Equals("up"))
                            if (movetrack.TrackNumber == 1)
                                throw new Exception("Playlist track already at top.");
                                //setup for track movement
                                othertrack = (from x in exists.PlaylistTracks
                                              where x.TrackNumber == movetrack.TrackNumber - 1
                                              select x).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (othertrack == null)
                                    throw new Exception("Playlist tracks have been altered. Unable to Complete move");

                                    movetrack.TrackNumber  -= 1;
                                    othertrack.TrackNumber += 1;
                            if (movetrack.TrackNumber == exists.PlaylistTracks.Count)
                                throw new Exception("Playlist track already at last.");
                                //setup for track movement
                                othertrack = (from x in exists.PlaylistTracks
                                              where x.TrackNumber == movetrack.TrackNumber + 1
                                              select x).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (othertrack == null)
                                    throw new Exception("Playlist tracks have been altered. Unable to Complete move");

                                    movetrack.TrackNumber  += 1;
                                    othertrack.TrackNumber -= 1;
                        context.Entry(movetrack).Property(y => y.TrackNumber).IsModified  = true;
                        context.Entry(othertrack).Property(y => y.TrackNumber).IsModified = true;

コード例 #17

        public void DeleteTracks(string username, string playlistname, List <int> trackstodelete)
            //early var placeholders
            Playlist      playlistExist      = null;
            PlaylistTrack playlistTrackExist = null;
            int           tracknumber        = 0;

            using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(playlistname))
                    //no playlist name supplied -error out
                    //BusinessRuleException -- part of freecode -import
                    brokenrules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("playlist name is missing. unable to delete track",
                                                                       nameof(playlistname), playlistname));  //nameof not requires if specific
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
                    //no playlist name supplied -error out
                    //BusinessRuleException -- part of freecode -import
                    brokenrules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("username name is missing. unable to delete track",
                                                                       "username", username));
                if (trackstodelete.Count == 0)
                    //no playlist name supplied -error out
                    //BusinessRuleException -- part of freecode -import
                    brokenrules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("tracks to delete. unable to delete track",
                                                                       "track count", trackstodelete.Count.ToString()));
                playlistExist = (from x in context.Playlists
                                 where x.Name == playlistname && x.UserName == username
                                 select x).FirstOrDefault();
                if (playlistExist == null)
                    //broken rule
                    brokenrules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("playlist no exist",
                                                                       nameof(playlistname), playlistname));
                    //good data
                    //list all tracks that are to be kept
                    //compare lists of delete to list of kept
                    var trackskept = from x in context.PlaylistTracks
                                     where x.Playlist.Name == playlistname && x.Playlist.UserName == username && !trackstodelete.Any(tod => tod == x.TrackId)
                                     orderby x.TrackNumber
                                     select x;
                    //remove the desired track refrences
                    PlaylistTrack item = null;

                    foreach (var deleterecord in trackstodelete)
                        item = (from x in context.PlaylistTracks
                                where x.Playlist.Name == playlistname && x.Playlist.UserName == username && x.TrackId == deleterecord
                                orderby x.TrackNumber
                                select x).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (item != null)

                            //stage via parent.nav.remove()
                    //resequence the kept tracks
                    // option - use a list and update the records of the list
                    //option - delete all children records and re-add only the new kept records list

                    tracknumber = 1;
                    foreach (var track in trackskept)
                        track.TrackNumber = tracknumber;
                        context.Entry(track).Property(nameof(PlaylistTrack.TrackNumber)).IsModified = true;

                    if (brokenrules.Count > 0)
                        throw new BusinessRuleCollectionException("Track removal concerns", brokenrules);
コード例 #18

        public void MoveTrack(MoveTrackItem movetrack)
            using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
                //inital value errorchecking
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(movetrack.PlaylistName))
                    //no playlist name supplied -error out
                    //BusinessRuleException -- part of freecode -import
                    brokenrules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("playlist name is missing. unable to delete track",
                                                                       nameof(movetrack.PlaylistName), movetrack.PlaylistName));  //nameof not requires if specific
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(movetrack.UserName))
                    //no playlist name supplied -error out
                    //BusinessRuleException -- part of freecode -import
                    brokenrules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("username name is missing. unable to delete track",
                                                                       "username", movetrack.UserName));
                if (movetrack.TrackID <= 0)
                    brokenrules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("trackID no bueno",
                                                                       "trackID", movetrack.TrackID.ToString()));
                if (movetrack.TrackNumber <= 0)
                    brokenrules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("trackID no bueno",
                                                                       "track Number", movetrack.TrackNumber.ToString()));

                Playlist exist = (from x in context.Playlists
                                  where x.Name == movetrack.PlaylistName && x.UserName == movetrack.UserName
                                  select x).FirstOrDefault();
                if (exist == null)
                    //broken rule
                    brokenrules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("playlist no exist",
                                                                       nameof(movetrack.PlaylistName), movetrack.PlaylistName));
                    //check if track exists on the database
                    PlaylistTrack trackexists = (from x in context.PlaylistTracks
                                                 x.Playlist.Name == movetrack.PlaylistName
                                                 x.Playlist.UserName == movetrack.UserName
                                                 x.TrackId == movetrack.TrackID

                                                 select x).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (trackexists == null)
                        //broken rule
                        brokenrules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("playlist track no exist",
                                                                           nameof(movetrack.TrackID), movetrack.TrackNumber.ToString()));  //should lookup name.
                        //move it up or move it down
                        if (movetrack.Direction == "up")
                            //check to see if at top - != 1
                            if (trackexists.TrackNumber != 1)
                                // do the move
                                //get adjacent track
                                PlaylistTrack othertrack = (from x in context.PlaylistTracks
                                                            where x.Playlist.Name == movetrack.PlaylistName
                                                            x.Playlist.UserName == movetrack.UserName
                                                            x.TrackNumber == trackexists.TrackNumber - 1
                                                            select x).FirstOrDefault();
                                //check other track exists
                                if (othertrack != null)
                                    //good to swap
                                    //swap is a matter of changing the track Number Values
                                    context.Entry(trackexists).Property(nameof(PlaylistTrack.TrackNumber)).IsModified = true;
                                    context.Entry(othertrack).Property(nameof(PlaylistTrack.TrackNumber)).IsModified  = true;
                                    //broken rule
                                    brokenrules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("track to swap is missing",
                                                                                       nameof(othertrack.Track.Name), othertrack.Track.Name));
                                //broken rule
                                brokenrules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("playlist track already #1, refresh display",
                                                                                   nameof(movetrack.PlaylistName), trackexists.Track.Name));
                            int trackcountonexist = (from x in context.Playlists
                                                     where x.Name == movetrack.PlaylistName && x.UserName == movetrack.UserName
                                                     select x).FirstOrDefault().PlaylistTracks.ToList().Count();
                            trackcountonexist++; //lazy loader bullshi......
                            //check to see if at Bottom - != count of the existing playlist
                            if (trackexists.TrackNumber != trackcountonexist--)
                                // do the move
                                //get adjacent track
                                PlaylistTrack othertrack = (from x in context.PlaylistTracks
                                                            where x.Playlist.Name == movetrack.PlaylistName
                                                            x.Playlist.UserName == movetrack.UserName
                                                            x.TrackNumber == trackexists.TrackNumber + 1
                                                            select x).FirstOrDefault();
                                //check other track exists
                                if (othertrack != null)
                                    //good to swap
                                    //swap is a matter of changing the track Number Values
                                    context.Entry(trackexists).Property(nameof(PlaylistTrack.TrackNumber)).IsModified = true;
                                    context.Entry(othertrack).Property(nameof(PlaylistTrack.TrackNumber)).IsModified  = true;
                                    //broken rule
                                    brokenrules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("track to swap is missing",
                                                                                       nameof(othertrack.Track.Name), othertrack.Track.Name));
                                //broken rule
                                brokenrules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("playlist track already #1, refresh display",
                                                                                   nameof(movetrack.PlaylistName), trackexists.Track.Name));

                //resequence the kept tracks
                // option - use a list and update the records of the list
                //option - delete all children records and re-add only the new kept records list
                if (brokenrules.Count > 0)
                    throw new BusinessRuleCollectionException("Track movement concerns", brokenrules);
コード例 #19
        }     //eom

        public void MoveTrack(string username, string playlistname, int trackid, int tracknumber, string direction)
            using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
                //code to go here
                //check to see if the playlist exists
                //no:error exception
                ////up:check if on the top
                /////yes:error exception
                /////no:find record above(tracknumber -1)
                /////above record tracknumber modified to tracknumber +1
                /////selected tracknumber modified to tracknumber-1
                ///////down:check if on the bottom
                /////yes:error exception
                /////no:find record below(tracknumber +1)
                /////below record tracknumber modified to tracknumber -1
                /////selected tracknumber modified to tracknumber+1
                //stage record update

                List <string> errors     = new List <string>();//use for businessrule exception
                PlaylistTrack moveTrack  = null;
                PlaylistTrack otherTrack = null;
                Playlist      exists     = (from x in context.Playlists
                                            where x.Name.Equals(playlistname) && x.UserName.Equals(username)
                                            select x).FirstOrDefault();
                if (exists == null)
                    errors.Add("Playlist does not exist.");
                    moveTrack = (from x in context.PlaylistTracks
                                 where x.Playlist.Name.Equals(playlistname) && x.Playlist.UserName.Equals(username) && x.TrackId == trackid
                                 select x).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (moveTrack == null)
                        errors.Add("Playlist track does not exist");
                        if (direction.Equals("up"))
                            //this means the tracknumber of the selected track will decrease
                            //prep for move, check if the track is at the top of the list
                            if (moveTrack.TrackNumber == 1)
                                errors.Add("Song on play list already at the top.");
                                otherTrack = (from x in context.PlaylistTracks
                                              where x.TrackNumber == (moveTrack.TrackNumber - 1) && x.Playlist.Name.Equals(playlistname) && x.Playlist.UserName.Equals(username)
                                              select x).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (otherTrack == null)
                                    errors.Add("Missing required other song track record.");
                                    moveTrack.TrackNumber  -= 1;
                                    otherTrack.TrackNumber += 1;
                            if (moveTrack.TrackNumber == exists.PlaylistTracks.Count)
                                errors.Add("Song on play list already at the bottom.");
                                otherTrack = (from x in context.PlaylistTracks
                                              where x.TrackNumber == (tracknumber + 1) && x.Playlist.Name.Equals(playlistname) && x.Playlist.UserName.Equals(username)
                                              select x).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (otherTrack == null)
                                    errors.Add("Missing required other song track record.");
                                    moveTrack.TrackNumber  += 1;
                                    otherTrack.TrackNumber -= 1;
                if (errors.Count > 0)
                    throw new BusinessRuleException("Move Track", errors);
                    //1)you can stage an update to alter the entire entity(CRUD)
                    //2)You can stage an update to an entity referencing JUST the property to be modified
                    //in this example (b) will be used
                    context.Entry(moveTrack).Property("TrackNumber").IsModified = true;
                    context.Entry(otherTrack).Property(nameof(PlaylistTrack.TrackNumber)).IsModified = true;
コード例 #20

        public void DeleteTracks(string username, string playlistname, List <int> trackstodelete)
            using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
                Playlist playlistExists = null;
                int      tracknumber    = 0;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(playlistname))
                    //there is a data error
                    //setting up an error message:
                    brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("Playlist name is missing. Unable to add track.",
                                                                       nameof(playlistname), playlistname));
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
                    //there is a data error
                    //setting up an error message:
                    brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("User name is missing. Unable to remove track(s)",
                                                                       "User Name", username));

                if (trackstodelete.Count == 0)
                    //there is a data error
                    //setting up an error message:
                    brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <int>("Playlist name is missing. Unable to remove track(s)",
                                                                    "Track list count", 0));
                playlistExists = (from x in context.Playlists
                                  where x.Name.Equals(playlistname) &&
                                  select x).FirstOrDefault();

                if (playlistExists == null)
                    brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("Playlist does not exist.",
                                                                       nameof(playlistname), playlistname));
                    //list of all tracks that are to be kept
                    var trackskept = context.PlaylistTracks
                                     .Where(x => x.Playlist.Name.Equals(playlistname) &&
                                            x.Playlist.UserName.Equals(username) &&
                                            !trackstodelete.Any(tod => tod == x.TrackId))
                                     .OrderBy(x => x.TrackNumber)
                                     .Select(x => x);

                    //remove the desired tracks
                    PlaylistTrack item = null;
                    foreach (var deleterecord in trackstodelete)  //tracksids to delete
                        //getting a single record
                        item = context.PlaylistTracks
                               .Where(x => x.Playlist.Name.Equals(playlistname) &&
                                      x.Playlist.UserName.Equals(username) &&
                                      x.TrackId == deleterecord)
                               .Select(x => x).FirstOrDefault();
                        //stage (parent.navproperty.Remove()
                        if (item != null)

                    //re-sequence the kept tracks

                    //Option A) use a list and update the records of the list.
                    //Option B) delete all children records and re-add only the necessary kept records.

                    //within this example, you will see how to update specific column(s) of a record. (OptionA)
                    tracknumber = 1;
                    foreach (var track in trackskept)
                        track.TrackNumber = tracknumber;
                        //Stage the update
                        context.Entry(track).Property(nameof(PlaylistTrack.TrackNumber)).IsModified = true;
                if (brokenRules.Count > 0)
                    throw new BusinessRuleCollectionException("Track Removal Concerns:", brokenRules);
コード例 #21

        public void MoveTrack(MoveTrackItem movetrack)
            int numberoftracks = 0;

            using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(movetrack.PlaylistName))
                    //there is a data error
                    //setting up an error message
                    brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("Playlist name is missing. Unable to remove track(s)",
                                                                       "Playlist Name", movetrack.PlaylistName));
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(movetrack.UserName))
                    //there is a data error
                    //setting up an error message
                    brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("User name is missing. Unable to remove track(s)",
                                                                       "User Name", movetrack.UserName));
                if (movetrack.TrackID <= 0)
                    brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <int>("Invalid track identifier. Unable to remove track(s)",
                                                                    "Track Identifier", movetrack.TrackID));
                if (movetrack.TrackNumber <= 0)
                    brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <int>("Invalid track number. Unable to remove track(s)",
                                                                    "Track Number", movetrack.TrackNumber));
                Playlist exist = (from x in context.Playlists
                                  where x.Name.Equals(movetrack.PlaylistName) &&
                                  select x).FirstOrDefault();
                if (exist == null)
                    brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("Playlist does not exist.",
                                                                       nameof(MoveTrackItem.PlaylistName), movetrack.PlaylistName));
                    //due to the way that LInq executes in your program as a "lazy loader"
                    //we need to query directly the number of tracks in the playlist
                    numberoftracks = (context.PlaylistTracks
                                      .Where(x => x.Playlist.Name.Equals(movetrack.PlaylistName) && x.Playlist.UserName.Equals(movetrack.UserName))
                                      .Select(x => x)).Count();

                    //check to see if the desired track exists on the database
                    PlaylistTrack trackexist = (from x in context.PlaylistTracks
                                                where x.Playlist.Name.Equals(movetrack.PlaylistName) &&
                                                x.Playlist.UserName.Equals(movetrack.UserName) &&
                                                x.TrackId == movetrack.TrackID
                                                select x).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (trackexist == null)
                        brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("Playlist track does not exist.",
                                                                           nameof(MoveTrackItem.PlaylistName), movetrack.PlaylistName));
                        //decide the logic depending on direction
                        if (movetrack.Direction.Equals("up"))
                            //not at top
                            if (trackexist.TrackNumber == 1)
                                brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("Playlist track already at the top. Refresh your display.",
                                                                                   nameof(Track.Name), trackexist.Track.Name));
                                //do the move
                                //get the adjacent track
                                PlaylistTrack othertrack = (from x in context.PlaylistTracks
                                                            where x.Playlist.Name.Equals(movetrack.PlaylistName) &&
                                                            x.Playlist.UserName.Equals(movetrack.UserName) &&
                                                            x.TrackNumber == trackexist.TrackNumber - 1
                                                            select x).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (othertrack == null)
                                    brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("Playlist track to swap seems to be missing. Refresh your display.",
                                                                                       nameof(MoveTrackItem.PlaylistName), movetrack.PlaylistName));
                                    //good to swap
                                    //the swap is a matter of changing the tracknumber values
                                    trackexist.TrackNumber -= 1;
                                    othertrack.TrackNumber += 1;

                                    context.Entry(trackexist).Property(nameof(PlaylistTrack.TrackNumber)).IsModified = true;
                                    context.Entry(othertrack).Property(nameof(PlaylistTrack.TrackNumber)).IsModified = true;
                            //not at bottom
                            if (trackexist.TrackNumber == numberoftracks)
                                brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("Playlist track already at the bottom. Refresh your display.",
                                                                                   nameof(Track.Name), trackexist.Track.Name));
                                //do the move
                                //get the adjacent track
                                PlaylistTrack othertrack = (from x in context.PlaylistTracks
                                                            where x.Playlist.Name.Equals(movetrack.PlaylistName) &&
                                                            x.Playlist.UserName.Equals(movetrack.UserName) &&
                                                            x.TrackNumber == trackexist.TrackNumber + 1
                                                            select x).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (othertrack == null)
                                    brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("Playlist track to swap seems to be missing. Refresh your display.",
                                                                                       nameof(MoveTrackItem.PlaylistName), movetrack.PlaylistName));
                                    //good to swap
                                    //the swap is a matter of changing the tracknumber values
                                    trackexist.TrackNumber += 1;
                                    othertrack.TrackNumber -= 1;

                                    context.Entry(trackexist).Property(nameof(PlaylistTrack.TrackNumber)).IsModified = true;
                                    context.Entry(othertrack).Property(nameof(PlaylistTrack.TrackNumber)).IsModified = true;

                if (brokenRules.Count > 0)
                    throw new BusinessRuleCollectionException("Track Movement Concerns:", brokenRules);
コード例 #22
        }     //eom

        public void MoveTrack(string username, string playlistname, int trackid, int tracknumber, string direction)
            using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
                //check to see if the playlist exsits
                //no: error exception
                //      check to see if song exists
                //      no: error exception
                //      yes:
                //          up
                //          check to see if the song is at the top
                //              yes: error exception
                //              no:
                //                  move record 4; above record 3
                //                  find record above (tracknumber -1)
                //                  change above tracknumber (increment)
                //                  move track tracknumber (decrement)
                //          down
                //          check to see if the song is at the bottom
                //              yes: error exception
                //              no:
                //                  move record 4; below record 5
                //                  find record below (tracknumber +1)
                //                  change below tracknumber (decrement)
                //                  move track tracknumber (increment)
                //can I stage/commit
                //no: throw the exception (BRE)
                //    stage updates
                //    commit

                PlaylistTrack moveTrack  = null;
                PlaylistTrack otherTrack = null;
                List <string> errors     = new List <string>(); // this is to be used by BusinessRuleException cast
                //.FirstOrDefault() returns the first instance matching the criteria or null
                Playlist exists = (from x in context.Playlists
                                   where x.Name.Equals(playlistname) &&
                                   select x).FirstOrDefault();
                if (exists == null)
                    errors.Add("Play list does not exist");
                    moveTrack = (from x in context.PlaylistTracks
                                 where x.Playlist.Name.Equals(playlistname) &&
                                 x.Playlist.UserName.Equals(username) &&
                                 x.TrackId == trackid
                                 select x).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (moveTrack == null)
                        errors.Add("Play list track does not exist");
                        if (direction.Equals("up"))
                            //this means the tracknumber on the selected track
                            //      will decrease (track 4 -> 3)

                            //prep for move, check if the track is at the top
                            if (moveTrack.TrackNumber == 1)
                                errors.Add("Play list track already at the top.");
                                //manipulate the actal records
                                otherTrack = (from x in context.PlaylistTracks
                                              where x.Playlist.Name.Equals(playlistname) &&
                                              x.Playlist.UserName.Equals(username) &&
                                              x.TrackNumber == (moveTrack.TrackNumber - 1)
                                              select x).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (otherTrack == null)
                                    errors.Add("Missng required othe song track record.");
                                    moveTrack.TrackNumber  -= 1;
                                    otherTrack.TrackNumber += 1;
                            //this means the tracknumber on the selected track
                            //      will increase (track 4 -> 5)

                            //prep for move, check if the track is at the bottom
                            int songcount = (from x in context.PlaylistTracks
                                             where x.Playlist.Name.Equals(playlistname) &&
                                             select x).Count();
                            if (moveTrack.TrackNumber == songcount)
                                errors.Add("Play list track already at the bottom.");
                                //manipulate the actal records
                                otherTrack = (from x in context.PlaylistTracks
                                              where x.Playlist.Name.Equals(playlistname) &&
                                              x.Playlist.UserName.Equals(username) &&
                                              x.TrackNumber == (moveTrack.TrackNumber + 1)
                                              select x).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (otherTrack == null)
                                    errors.Add("Missng required othe song track record.");
                                    moveTrack.TrackNumber  += 1;
                                    otherTrack.TrackNumber -= 1;
                //check to see if an error has occured, if so throw
                if (errors.Count > 0)
                    throw new BusinessRuleException("Move Track", errors);
                    //these are updates
                    //a) you can stage an update to alter the entire entity (CRUD)
                    //b) you can stage an update to an entity referencing JUST the property
                    //      to be modified
                    //in this example do stage (b)
                    context.Entry(moveTrack).Property("TrackNumber").IsModified = true;
                    context.Entry(otherTrack).Property(nameof(PlaylistTrack.TrackNumber)).IsModified = true;
コード例 #23

        public void DeleteTracks(string username, string playlistname, List <int> trackstodelete)
            using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
                //check to see if the playlist exists
                //   no: msg
                //   yes:
                //       create a list of tracks to kept (need to know which records to renumber)
                //       remove the tracks in the incoming list (multiple deletes)
                //       re-sequence the kept tracks (update)
                //       commit
                List <string> errors = new List <string>(); // this is to be used by BusinessRuleException cast
                //.FirstOrDefault() returns the first instance matching the criteria or null
                Playlist exists = (from x in context.Playlists
                                   where x.Name.Equals(playlistname) &&
                                   select x).FirstOrDefault();
                if (exists == null)
                    errors.Add("Play list does not exist");
                    //find tracks to keep
                    //used .Any technique of list a vs list b
                    //could this also be done with .Exclude()
                    var trackskept = context.PlaylistTracks
                                     .Where(tr => tr.Playlist.Name.Equals(playlistname) &&
                                            tr.Playlist.UserName.Equals(username) &&
                                            !trackstodelete.Any(tod => tod == tr.TrackId))
                                     .OrderBy(tr => tr.TrackNumber)
                                     .Select(tr => tr);
                    //remove the tracks listed in trackstodelete
                    PlaylistTrack item = null;
                    foreach (int deletetrackid in trackstodelete)
                        item = context.PlaylistTracks
                               .Where(tr => tr.Playlist.Name.Equals(playlistname) &&
                                      tr.Playlist.UserName.Equals(username) &&
                                      tr.TrackId == deletetrackid)
                               .Select(tr => tr).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (item != null)
                            //stage the removal

                    //don't care if the remaining tracknumbers are 1,4,5,8,10
                    //renumber 1(1),2(4),3(5),4(8),5(10)
                    int number = 1;
                    foreach (var track in trackskept)
                        track.TrackNumber = number;
                        //stage update
                        context.Entry(track).Property(nameof(PlaylistTrack.TrackNumber)).IsModified = true;
                if (errors.Count > 0)
                    throw new BusinessRuleException("Remove Tracks", errors);
コード例 #24
        }     //eom

        public void MoveTrack(string username, string playlistname, int trackid, int tracknumber, string direction)
            using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
                //check to see if the playlist exists
                //no:   error exception
                //  Check to see if song exists
                //  no:     error exception
                //  yes:
                ////      //up:
                ////      //check to see if song is at the top
                ////      //yes:    error exception
                ////     // no:
                ////          //find record above (tracknumber-1
                ////          //change above record tracknumber modified to tracknumber + 1
                ////          //selected record tracnumber modified to tracknumbere - 1
                ////      //down:
                ////          //check to see if song is at the botom
                ////      //yes:    error exception
                ////      //no:
                ////          //find record above (tracknumber+1
                ////          //change above record tracknumber modified to tracknumber - 1
                ////          //selected record tracnumber modified to tracknumbere + 1
                ////stage records
                PlaylistTrack moveTrack  = null;
                PlaylistTrack otherTrack = null;

                List <string> errors = new List <string>(); //for use by BusinessRuleException
                Playlist      exists = (from x in context.Playlists
                                        where x.Name.Equals(playlistname) &&
                                        select x).FirstOrDefault();
                //if not
                if (exists == null)
                    errors.Add("Playlist does not exist");
                    moveTrack = (from x in context.PlaylistTracks
                                 where x.Playlist.Name.Equals(playlistname) &&
                                 x.Playlist.UserName.Equals(username) &&
                                 x.TrackId == trackid
                                 select x).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (moveTrack == null)
                        errors.Add("Playlist track does not exist");
                        if (direction.Equals("up"))         //Move Uo
                            //this means the track number of the selectred track
                            //  will decrease (track 4 => 3)

                            //preparation for move, check if the track is at the top of the list
                            if (moveTrack.TrackNumber == 1)
                                errors.Add("song on playlist already at the top");
                                //Manipulation of the actual records
                                //the following test conditions identify the playlistID value
                                // x.Playlist.Name.Equals(playlistname)
                                // x.Playlist.UserName.Equals(username)
                                otherTrack = (from x in exists.PlaylistTracks
                                              where x.TrackNumber == tracknumber - 1 &&
                                              x.Playlist.Name.Equals(playlistname) &&
                                              select x).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (otherTrack == null)
                                    errors.Add("Missing required  other song record.");
                                    moveTrack.TrackNumber  -= 1;
                                    otherTrack.TrackNumber += 1;
                        else                               //Move Down
                            if (moveTrack.TrackNumber == exists.PlaylistTracks.Count)
                                errors.Add("song on playlist already at the bottom");
                                //Manipulation of the actual records
                                //(track 4->5)
                                otherTrack = (from x in exists.PlaylistTracks
                                              where x.TrackNumber == tracknumber + 1 &&
                                              x.Playlist.Name.Equals(playlistname) &&
                                              select x).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (otherTrack == null)
                                    errors.Add("Missing required  other song record.");
                                    moveTrack.TrackNumber  += 1;
                                    otherTrack.TrackNumber -= 1;
                if (errors.Count > 0)
                    throw new BusinessRuleException("Move Track", errors);
                    //stage changes
                    //a)you can stage an update to alter the entire entity
                    //b) you can stage an update to an entity referencing JUST the property
                    //      to be modified
                    //in this example B will be used
                    context.Entry(moveTrack).Property("TrackNumber").IsModified = true;
                    context.Entry(otherTrack).Property(nameof(PlaylistTrack.TrackNumber)).IsModified = true;
コード例 #25

        public void DeleteTracks(string username, string playlistname, List <int> trackstodelete)
            Playlist playlistExist = null;
            //PlaylistTrack playlisttrackExist = null;
            int trackNumber = 0;

            using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
                //code to go here

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(playlistname))
                    //there is a data error
                    //setting up an error message
                    //brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException<datatype>("my message", //nameof("fieldnameinerror"), fieldnameinerror));
                    brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("playlist name is missing, Unable to add track", "Playlist Name", playlistname));
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
                    brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("username is missing, Unable to add a track", "User Name", username));
                if (trackstodelete.Count == 0)
                    brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <int>("No tracks we selected. Unable to remove track(s)", "Track list count", 0));

                playlistExist = context.Playlists.Where(x => x.Name.Equals(playlistname) && x.UserName.Equals(username)).FirstOrDefault();

                if (playlistExist == null)
                    brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("playlist does not exist", nameof(playlistname), playlistname));
                    //list of all tracks to be kept

                    var trackskept = context.PlaylistTracks.Where(x => x.Playlist.UserName.Equals(username) && x.Playlist.Name.Equals(trackNumber) && !trackstodelete.Any(tod => tod == x.TrackId)).OrderBy(x => x.TrackNumber).Select(x => x).ToList();

                    //remove the desired tracks

                    PlaylistTrack item = null;
                    foreach (var deleteRecord in trackstodelete)
                        item = context.PlaylistTracks.Where(x => x.Playlist.UserName.Equals(username) && x.Playlist.Name.Equals(trackNumber) && x.TrackId == deleteRecord).FirstOrDefault();

                        //stage (parent.navproperty.remove)
                        if (item != null)

                    //re-sequence the list
                    //option a) use a list and update the records of the list
                    //option b) to delete all children records and re add onl the necessary kept records

                    //Within this example, you'll see an update specific columns of a records(option a)

                    trackNumber = 1;

                    foreach (var track in trackskept)
                        track.TrackNumber = trackNumber;
                        //stage a single field to be updated
                        context.Entry(track).Property(nameof(PlaylistTrack.TrackNumber)).IsModified = true;
                if (brokenRules.Count > 0)
                    throw new BusinessRuleCollectionException("Track Removal concerns: ", brokenRules);
コード例 #26

        public void MoveTrack(MoveTrackItem moveTrack)
            using (var context = new ChinookSystemContext())
                //code to go here

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(moveTrack.PlaylistName))
                    //there is a data error
                    //setting up an error message
                    //brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException<datatype>("my message", //nameof("fieldnameinerror"), fieldnameinerror));
                    brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("playlist name is missing, Unable to add track", "Playlist Name", moveTrack.PlaylistName));
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(moveTrack.UserName))
                    brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("username is missing, Unable to add a track", "User Name", moveTrack.UserName));

                if (moveTrack.TrackId <= 0)
                    brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <int>("Invalid track identifier, Unable to move a track", "Track Identifier", moveTrack.TrackId));

                if (moveTrack.TrackNumber <= 0)
                    brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <int>("Invalid track number, Unable to move a track(s)", "Track Number", moveTrack.TrackNumber));

                Playlist exist = context.Playlists.Where(x => x.Name.Equals(moveTrack.PlaylistName) && x.UserName.Equals(moveTrack.UserName)).FirstOrDefault();

                if (exist == null)
                    brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("playlist does not exist", nameof(MoveTrackItem.PlaylistName), moveTrack.PlaylistName));
                    //list of all tracks to be kept

                    PlaylistTrack trackExist = context.PlaylistTracks.Where(x => x.Playlist.Name.Equals(moveTrack.PlaylistName) && x.TrackId == moveTrack.TrackId && x.Playlist.UserName.Equals(moveTrack.UserName) && x.TrackNumber == moveTrack.TrackNumber).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (trackExist == null)
                        brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("track name does not exist", "Track Name", moveTrack.PlaylistName));
                        if (moveTrack.Direction.Equals("up"))
                            if (trackExist.TrackNumber == 1)
                                brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("playlist trac k already on the top.Refresh your display", nameof(Track.Name), trackExist.Track.Name));
                                //do tthe moeve

                                //get the adajacent track

                                PlaylistTrack otherTrack = context.PlaylistTracks.Where(x => x.Playlist.Name.Equals(moveTrack.PlaylistName) && x.Playlist.UserName.Equals(moveTrack.UserName) && x.TrackNumber == (trackExist.TrackNumber - 1)).Select(x => x).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (otherTrack == null)
                                    brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("playlist to swap seems to be missing.Refresh your display", nameof(MoveTrackItem.PlaylistName), moveTrack.PlaylistName));
                                    //good to swap
                                    //the swap is a mattter of changing track number value



                                    context.Entry(trackExist).Property(nameof(PlaylistTrack.TrackNumber)).IsModified = true;

                                    context.Entry(otherTrack).Property(nameof(PlaylistTrack.TrackNumber)).IsModified = true;
                            if (moveTrack.Direction.Equals("down"))
                                var play = context.PlaylistTracks.Where(x => x.Playlist.Name.Equals(moveTrack.PlaylistName) && x.Playlist.UserName.Equals(moveTrack.UserName)).Count();
                                if (trackExist.TrackNumber == play)
                                    brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("playlist track already on the bottom.Refresh your display", nameof(Track.Name), trackExist.Track.Name));
                                    //do tthe moeve

                                    //get the adajacent track

                                    PlaylistTrack otherTrack = context.PlaylistTracks.Where(x => x.Playlist.Name.Equals(moveTrack.PlaylistName) && x.Playlist.UserName.Equals(moveTrack.UserName) && x.TrackNumber == (trackExist.TrackNumber + 1)).Select(x => x).FirstOrDefault();
                                    if (otherTrack == null)
                                        brokenRules.Add(new BusinessRuleException <string>("playlist to swap seems to be missing.Refresh your display", nameof(MoveTrackItem.PlaylistName), moveTrack.PlaylistName));
                                        //good to swap
                                        //the swap is a mattter of changing track number value



                                        context.Entry(trackExist).Property(nameof(PlaylistTrack.TrackNumber)).IsModified = true;

                                        context.Entry(otherTrack).Property(nameof(PlaylistTrack.TrackNumber)).IsModified = true;
                    }    //remove the desired tracks

                    if (brokenRules.Count > 0)
                        throw new BusinessRuleCollectionException("Track Move concerns: ", brokenRules);