コード例 #1
        private float3 GetTangent(int index, float fractionAlongPath)
            float3 p0, p1, p2, p3;

            GetSplineSectionInternal(index, out p0, out p1, out p2, out p3);

            return(CatmullRom.GetTangent(p0, p1, p2, p3, fractionAlongPath));
コード例 #2
    private void CatmullRomTest(MyVector3 posA, MyVector3 posB, MyVector3 handleA, MyVector3 handleB)
        CatmullRom catmullRomCurve = new CatmullRom(posA, posB, handleA, handleB);

        //Store the interpolated values so we later can display them
        List <Vector3> positions = new List <Vector3>();
        List <Vector3> tangents  = new List <Vector3>();
        List <float>   tValues   = new List <float>();

        //Loop between 0 and 1 in steps, where 1 step is minimum
        //So if steps is 5 then the line will be cut in 5 sections
        int steps = 5;

        float stepSize = 1f / (float)steps;

        float t = 0f;

        //+1 becuase wa also have to include the first point
        for (int i = 0; i < steps + 1; i++)

            MyVector3 interpolatedPos = CatmullRom.GetPosition(posA, posB, handleA, handleB, t);


            MyVector3 interpolatedTangent = CatmullRom.GetTangent(posA, posB, handleA, handleB, t);



            t += stepSize;

        List <InterpolationTransform> transforms = InterpolationTransform.GetTransforms_RotationMinimisingFrame(catmullRomCurve, tValues, MyVector3.Up);

        //DisplayInterpolation.DisplayCurve(positions, useRandomColor: true);
        DisplayInterpolation.DisplayCurve(positions, Color.black);

        //The actual curve for comparison
        DisplayInterpolation.DisplayCurve(catmullRomCurve, Color.gray);

        //The control points
        //The start and end values and the handle points
        DisplayInterpolation.DisplayHandle(handleA.ToVector3(), posA.ToVector3());
        DisplayInterpolation.DisplayHandle(handleB.ToVector3(), posB.ToVector3());

        //Other stuff
        //DisplayInterpolation.DisplayDirections(positions, tangents, 1f, Color.blue);

        DisplayInterpolation.DisplayOrientations(transforms, 1f);
コード例 #3
            public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, ref Spawner thisSpawner)
                if (thisSpawner.delaySpawn > 0)
                    RoadSection rs = RoadSections[thisSpawner.RoadIndex];
                    Interlocked.Increment(ref vehicleUID);

                    float backOfVehiclePos  = thisSpawner.Time - rs.vehicleHalfLen;
                    float frontOfVehiclePos = thisSpawner.Time + rs.vehicleHalfLen;

                    int occupationIndexStart = math.max(0,
                                                        (int)(math.floor(backOfVehiclePos * rs.occupationLimit)));
                    int occupationIndexEnd = math.min(rs.occupationLimit - 1,
                                                      (int)(math.floor(frontOfVehiclePos * rs.occupationLimit)));

                    if (!Occupied(occupationIndexStart, occupationIndexEnd, thisSpawner.RoadIndex,
                        int   vehiclePoolIndex   = GetSpawnVehicleIndex(ref thisSpawner.random, thisSpawner.poolSpawn);
                        float speedMult          = VehiclePool[vehiclePoolIndex].VehicleSpeed;
                        float speedRangeSelected = thisSpawner.random.NextFloat(0.0f, 1.0f);
                        float initialSpeed       = 0.0f;

                        var vehicleEntity = EntityCommandBuffer.Instantiate(index, VehiclePool[vehiclePoolIndex].VehiclePrefab);
                        EntityCommandBuffer.SetComponent(index, vehicleEntity, new VehiclePathing
                            vehicleId          = vehicleUID,
                            RoadIndex          = thisSpawner.RoadIndex, LaneIndex = (byte)thisSpawner.LaneIndex,
                            WantedLaneIndex    = (byte)thisSpawner.LaneIndex, speed = initialSpeed,
                            speedRangeSelected = speedRangeSelected, speedMult = speedMult,
                            targetSpeed        = initialSpeed, curvePos = thisSpawner.Time,
                            random             = new Unity.Mathematics.Random(thisSpawner.random.NextUInt(1, uint.MaxValue))
                        var heading = CatmullRom.GetTangent(rs.p0, rs.p1, rs.p2, rs.p3, 0.0f);

                        EntityCommandBuffer.SetComponent(index, vehicleEntity, new VehicleTargetPosition {
                            IdealPosition = thisSpawner.Position
                        EntityCommandBuffer.SetComponent(index, vehicleEntity, new VehiclePhysicsState {
                            Position = thisSpawner.Position, Heading = heading, SpeedMult = speedMult

                    var speedInverse = 1.0f / thisSpawner.minSpeed;

                    thisSpawner.delaySpawn = (int)Constants.VehicleLength + thisSpawner.random.NextInt((int)(speedInverse * 10.0f), (int)(speedInverse * 120.0f));
コード例 #4
            public void Execute(ref VehiclePathing p, ref VehicleTargetPosition pos, [ReadOnly] ref VehiclePhysicsState physicsState)
                var rs = RoadSections[p.RoadIndex];

                float3 c0 = CatmullRom.GetPosition(rs.p0, rs.p1, rs.p2, rs.p3, p.curvePos);
                float3 c1 = CatmullRom.GetTangent(rs.p0, rs.p1, rs.p2, rs.p3, p.curvePos);
                float3 c2 = CatmullRom.GetConcavity(rs.p0, rs.p1, rs.p2, rs.p3, p.curvePos);

                float curveSpeed = length(c1);

                pos.IdealPosition = c0;
                pos.IdealSpeed    = p.speed;

                if (lengthsq(physicsState.Position - c0) < kMaxTetherSquared)
                    p.curvePos += Constants.VehicleSpeedFudge / rs.arcLength * p.speed / curveSpeed * DeltaTimeSeconds;