static void Main(string[] args) { BlackJackGame myGame = new BlackJackGame( ); WriteLine("Welcome to BlackJack! Each player will start with 100 coins. Increase your wealth by beating the dealer!"); while (true) { Write("Enter number of players: "); string response = ReadLine( ); WriteLine( ); if (int.TryParse(response, out int val)) { if (val >= 1 && val <= 8) { myGame.NumberOfPlayers = val; break; } } Write("Players should be between 1 and 8. (inclusive) "); } myGame.CreatePlayers( ); bool wantsToPlay = true; int numberOfRounds = 1; do { WriteLine($"This is round {numberOfRounds}."); myGame.CollectBets( ); WriteLine("Dealing the first card "); myGame.DealRound( ); WriteLine("Dealing the second card "); myGame.DealRound( ); myGame.MainRound( ); myGame.DealerRound( ); myGame.CompareToDealer( ); myGame.EndRound( ); if (!myGame.CheckGame( )) { WriteLine("All players are out!!"); break; } myGame.ResetDeck( ); WriteLine("Enter 'stop' if you would like to stop playing. Otherwise, enter anything else."); wantsToPlay = ReadLine( ).Equals("stop") ? false : true; numberOfRounds++; }while(wantsToPlay); myGame.EndGame( ); }