public override void OnInspectorGUI() { DrawDefaultInspector(); BVHRecorder bvhRecorder = (BVHRecorder)target; if (GUILayout.Button("Detect bones")) { bvhRecorder.getBones(); Debug.Log("Bone detection done."); } if (GUILayout.Button("Remove empty entries from bone list")) { bvhRecorder.cleanupBones(); Debug.Log("Cleaned up bones."); } if (GUILayout.Button("Clear recorded motion data")) { bvhRecorder.clearCapture(); Debug.Log("Cleared motion data."); } if (GUILayout.Button("Save motion to BVH file")) { try { bvhRecorder.saveBVH(); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogError("An error has occurred while saving the BVH file: " + ex); } } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { DrawDefaultInspector(); BVHRecorder bvhRecorder = (BVHRecorder)target; if (GUILayout.Button("Detect bones")) { bvhRecorder.getBones(); Debug.Log("Bone detection done."); } if (GUILayout.Button("Remove empty entries from bone list")) { bvhRecorder.cleanupBones(); Debug.Log("Cleaned up bones."); } if (GUILayout.Button("Clear recorded motion data")) { bvhRecorder.clearCapture(); Debug.Log("Cleared motion data."); } if (GUILayout.Button("Save motion to BVH file")) { try { bvhRecorder.saveBVH(); } catch { Debug.LogError("Motion data can only be saved while the scene is running."); } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { //Debug.Log(animator != null); //Debug.Log(videoPlayer != null); //Debug.Log(videoPlayer.frame); //Debug.Log(animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).length); if (has_begun_playing) { //if (animator != null) // Debug.Log("HII"); //if (!AnimatorIsPlaying() && !has_saved) // { // Debug.Log("Stopped!"); // recorder.capturing = false; // recorder.saveBVH(); // has_saved = true; // } //else if (videoPlayer != null) if (videoPlayer != null) { //Debug.Log(videoPlayer.frame); //Debug.Log(videoPlayer.frameCount); //Debug.Log(VideoHasStopped()); //Debug.Log(has_saved); //Debug.Log(VideoHasStopped() && !has_saved); if (VideoHasStopped() && !has_saved) { Debug.Log("Stopped!"); recorder.capturing = false; recorder.saveBVH(); has_saved = true; } } if (has_saved) { Application.Quit(); } } }
public void onRecord() { if (isRecording == false) { recorder = gameObject.AddComponent <BVHRecorder>(); var setting = AvatarList[avatars.value]; recorder.targetAvatar = setting.Avatar.GetComponent <Animator>(); recorder.scripted = true; recorder.blender = configurationSetting.Blender == 1; recorder.enforceHumanoidBones = configurationSetting.EnforceHumanoidBones == 1; recorder.getBones(); recorder.rootBone = setting.Avatar.JointPoints[PositionIndex.hip.Int()].Transform; recorder.buildSkeleton(); recorder.genHierarchy(); recorder.capturing = configurationSetting.Capturing == 1; if (configurationSetting.Capturing == 1) { recorder.frameRate = configurationSetting.CapturingFPS; } recorder.catchUp = configurationSetting.CatchUp == 1; isRecording = true; btnRecord.image.color =; btnRecord.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = "Recording"; btnRecord.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().color = Color.white; } else { isRecording = false; recorder.capturing = false; var extensions = new[] { new ExtensionFilter("BVH Files", "bvh"), }; var path = StandaloneFileBrowser.SaveFilePanel("SaveFile", "", "motion.bvh", extensions); if (path.Length != 0) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(path); = fi.DirectoryName; recorder.filename = fi.Name; recorder.saveBVH(); } recorder.clearCapture(); recorder = null; btnRecord.image.color = Color.white; btnRecord.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = "Record BVH"; btnRecord.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().color =; } }
void Update() { if (pos == null || boneT[0] == null) { return; } playTime += Time.deltaTime; if (saveMotion && recorder != null) { // ファイル出力の場合は1フレームずつ進める frame += 1; } else { frame = sFrame + (int)(playTime * 30.0f); // pos.txtは30fpsを想定 } if (frame > eFrame) { if (saveMotion && recorder != null) { if (!bvhSaved) { bvhSaved = true; if (saveBVHFilename != "") { string fullpath = Path.GetFullPath(saveBVHFilename); // = Path.GetDirectoryName(fullpath); // recorder.filename = Path.GetFileName(fullpath); = ""; recorder.filename = fullpath; recorder.overwrite = overwrite; recorder.saveBVH(); Debug.Log("Saved Motion(BVH) to " + recorder.lastSavedFile); } else { Debug.Log("<color=blue>Error! Save BVH Filename is empty.</color>"); } } } return; } nowFrame_readonly = frame; // Inspector表示用 if (showDebugCube) { UpdateCube(frame); // デバッグ用Cubeを表示する } Vector3[] nowPos = pos[frame]; // センターの移動と回転 Vector3 posForward = TriangleNormal(nowPos[7], nowPos[4], nowPos[1]); this.transform.position = rootRotation * nowPos[0] * scaleRatio + rootPosition + new Vector3(0, upPosition - hipHeight, 0); boneT[0].rotation = rootRotation * Quaternion.LookRotation(posForward) * initInv[0] * initRot[0]; // 各ボーンの回転 for (int i = 0; i < bones.Length; i++) { int b = bones[i]; int cb = childBones[i]; boneT[b].rotation = rootRotation * Quaternion.LookRotation(nowPos[b] - nowPos[cb], posForward) * initInv[b] * initRot[b]; } // 顔の向きを上げる調整。両肩を結ぶ線を軸として回転 boneT[8].rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(headAngle, boneT[11].position - boneT[14].position) * boneT[8].rotation; if (saveMotion && recorder != null) { recorder.captureFrame(); } }