internal static void BipedPose(GameObject go, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[] bones) { AvatarBipedMapper.BipedPose(go.transform, true); Quaternion rotation = AvatarSetupTool.AvatarComputeOrientation(bones); go.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Inverse(rotation) * go.transform.rotation; AvatarSetupTool.MakeCharacterPositionValid(bones); }
public static void DrawSkeleton(Transform reference, Dictionary <Transform, bool> actualBones, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[] bones, Handles.BoneRenderer boneRenderer) { // it can happen when the avatar tool is in edit mode and the user exit the tool in an unsual way // new scene // delete GO // press play if (reference == null || actualBones == null) { return; } sPoseError = false; Bounds meshBounds = new Bounds(); Renderer[] renderers = reference.root.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(); if (renderers != null) { foreach (Renderer renderer in renderers) { meshBounds.Encapsulate(renderer.bounds.min); meshBounds.Encapsulate(renderer.bounds.max); } } Quaternion orientation = Quaternion.identity; if (bones != null) { orientation = AvatarSetupTool.AvatarComputeOrientation(bones); } boneRenderer.ClearInstances(); DrawSkeletonSubTree(actualBones, bones, orientation, reference, meshBounds, boneRenderer); boneRenderer.Render(); Camera camera = Camera.current; if (sPoseError && camera != null) { GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(; style.normal.textColor =; style.wordWrap = false; style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; style.fontSize = 20; GUIContent content = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Character is not in T pose"); Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(content, style); rect.x = 30; rect.y = 30; //camera.pixelHeight; Handles.BeginGUI(); GUI.Label(rect, content, style); Handles.EndGUI(); } }
internal static void BipedPose(GameObject go, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[] bones) { BipedPose(go.transform, true); // Orient Biped Quaternion rot = AvatarSetupTool.AvatarComputeOrientation(bones); go.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Inverse(rot) * go.transform.rotation; // Move Biped feet to ground plane AvatarSetupTool.MakeCharacterPositionValid(bones); }
public static void DrawSkeleton(Transform reference, Dictionary <Transform, bool> actualBones, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[] bones) { if ((Object)reference == (Object)null || actualBones == null) { return; } AvatarSkeletonDrawer.sPoseError = false; Bounds bounds = new Bounds(); Renderer[] componentsInChildren = reference.root.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(); if (componentsInChildren != null) { foreach (Renderer renderer in componentsInChildren) { bounds.Encapsulate(renderer.bounds.min); bounds.Encapsulate(renderer.bounds.max); } } Quaternion orientation = Quaternion.identity; if (bones != null) { orientation = AvatarSetupTool.AvatarComputeOrientation(bones); } AvatarSkeletonDrawer.DrawSkeletonSubTree(actualBones, bones, orientation, reference, bounds); Camera current = Camera.current; if (!AvatarSkeletonDrawer.sPoseError || !((Object)current != (Object)null)) { return; } GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(; style.normal.textColor =; style.wordWrap = false; style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; style.fontSize = 20; GUIContent content = new GUIContent("Character is not in T pose"); Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(content, style); rect.x = 30f; rect.y = 30f; Handles.BeginGUI(); GUI.Label(rect, content, style); Handles.EndGUI(); }
public static void DrawSkeleton(Transform reference, Dictionary <Transform, bool> actualBones, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[] bones) { if (!(reference == null) && actualBones != null) { AvatarSkeletonDrawer.sPoseError = false; Bounds bounds = default(Bounds); Renderer[] componentsInChildren = reference.root.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(); if (componentsInChildren != null) { Renderer[] array = componentsInChildren; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Renderer renderer = array[i]; bounds.Encapsulate(renderer.bounds.min); bounds.Encapsulate(renderer.bounds.max); } } Quaternion orientation = Quaternion.identity; if (bones != null) { orientation = AvatarSetupTool.AvatarComputeOrientation(bones); } AvatarSkeletonDrawer.DrawSkeletonSubTree(actualBones, bones, orientation, reference, bounds); Camera current = Camera.current; if (AvatarSkeletonDrawer.sPoseError && current != null) { GUIStyle gUIStyle = new GUIStyle(; gUIStyle.normal.textColor =; gUIStyle.wordWrap = false; gUIStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; gUIStyle.fontSize = 20; GUIContent content = new GUIContent("Character is not in T pose"); Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(content, gUIStyle); rect.x = 30f; rect.y = 30f; Handles.BeginGUI(); GUI.Label(rect, content, gUIStyle); Handles.EndGUI(); } } }
public static void DrawSkeleton(Transform reference, Dictionary <Transform, bool> actualBones, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[] bones) { if ((reference != null) && (actualBones != null)) { sPoseError = false; Bounds bounds = new Bounds(); Renderer[] componentsInChildren = reference.root.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(); if (componentsInChildren != null) { foreach (Renderer renderer in componentsInChildren) { bounds.Encapsulate(renderer.bounds.min); bounds.Encapsulate(renderer.bounds.max); } } Quaternion identity = Quaternion.identity; if (bones != null) { identity = AvatarSetupTool.AvatarComputeOrientation(bones); } DrawSkeletonSubTree(actualBones, bones, identity, reference, bounds); Camera current = Camera.current; if (sPoseError && (current != null)) { GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle( { normal = { textColor = }, wordWrap = false, alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, fontSize = 20 }; GUIContent content = new GUIContent("Character is not in T pose"); Rect position = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(content, style); position.x = 30f; position.y = 30f; Handles.BeginGUI(); GUI.Label(position, content, style); Handles.EndGUI(); } } }
public Dictionary <int, Transform> MapBones(Transform root) { InitGlobalMappingData(); Dictionary <int, Transform> mapping = new Dictionary <int, Transform>(); // Perform body mapping { m_Orientation = Quaternion.identity; m_MappingData = s_MappingDataBody; m_MappingIndexOffset = 0; m_BoneMatchDict.Clear(); BoneMatch rootMatch = new BoneMatch(null, root, m_MappingData[0]); m_TreatDummyBonesAsReal = false; MapBonesFromRootDown(rootMatch, mapping); // There are 15 required bones. If we mapped less than that, check if we can do better. if (mapping.Count < 15) { m_TreatDummyBonesAsReal = true; MapBonesFromRootDown(rootMatch, mapping); } // Check if character has correct alignment if (mapping.ContainsKey((int)HumanBodyBones.LeftUpperLeg) && mapping.ContainsKey((int)HumanBodyBones.RightUpperLeg) && mapping.ContainsKey((int)HumanBodyBones.LeftUpperArm) && mapping.ContainsKey((int)HumanBodyBones.RightUpperArm)) { m_Orientation = AvatarSetupTool.AvatarComputeOrientation( mapping[(int)HumanBodyBones.LeftUpperLeg].position, mapping[(int)HumanBodyBones.RightUpperLeg].position, mapping[(int)HumanBodyBones.LeftUpperArm].position, mapping[(int)HumanBodyBones.RightUpperArm].position); // If not standard aligned, try to map again with correct alignment assumptions if (Vector3.Angle(m_Orientation * Vector3.up, Vector3.up) > 20 || Vector3.Angle(m_Orientation * Vector3.forward, Vector3.forward) > 20) { if (kDebug) { Debug.Log("*** Mapping with new computed orientation"); } mapping.Clear(); m_BoneMatchDict.Clear(); MapBonesFromRootDown(rootMatch, mapping); } } // For models that don't have meshes, all bones are marked valid; even the root. // So we use this to check if this model has meshes or not. bool modelHasMeshes = !(m_ValidBones.ContainsKey(root) && m_ValidBones[root] == true); // Fix up hips to be valid bone closest to the root // For models with meshes, valid bones further up are mapped to part of the mesh (otherwise they wouldn't be valid). // For models with no meshes we don't know which transforms are valid bones and which aren't // so we skip this step and use the found hips bone as-is. if (modelHasMeshes && mapping.Count > 0 && mapping.ContainsKey((int)HumanBodyBones.Hips)) { while (true) { Transform parent = mapping[(int)HumanBodyBones.Hips].parent; if (parent != null && parent != rootMatch.bone && m_ValidBones.ContainsKey(parent) && m_ValidBones[parent] == true) { mapping[(int)HumanBodyBones.Hips] = parent; } else { break; } } } // Move upper chest to chest if no chest was found if (!mapping.ContainsKey((int)HumanBodyBones.Chest) && mapping.ContainsKey((int)HumanBodyBones.UpperChest)) { mapping.Add((int)HumanBodyBones.Chest, mapping[(int)HumanBodyBones.UpperChest]); mapping.Remove((int)HumanBodyBones.UpperChest); } } int kMinFingerBones = 3; Quaternion bodyOrientation = m_Orientation; // Perform left hand mapping if (mapping.ContainsKey((int)HumanBodyBones.LeftHand)) { Transform lowerArm = mapping[(int)HumanBodyBones.LeftLowerArm]; Transform hand = mapping[(int)HumanBodyBones.LeftHand]; // Use reference orientation based on lower arm for mapping hand m_Orientation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(bodyOrientation * -Vector3.right, hand.position - lowerArm.position) * bodyOrientation; m_MappingData = s_LeftMappingDataHand; m_MappingIndexOffset = (int)HumanBodyBones.LeftThumbProximal; m_BoneMatchDict.Clear(); BoneMatch rootMatch = new BoneMatch(null, lowerArm, m_MappingData[0]); m_TreatDummyBonesAsReal = true; int mappingCountBefore = mapping.Count; MapBonesFromRootDown(rootMatch, mapping); // If we only mapped 2 finger bones or less, then cancel mapping of fingers if (mapping.Count < mappingCountBefore + kMinFingerBones) { for (int i = (int)HumanBodyBones.LeftThumbProximal; i <= (int)HumanBodyBones.LeftLittleDistal; i++) { mapping.Remove(i); } } } // Perform right hand mapping if (mapping.ContainsKey((int)HumanBodyBones.RightHand)) { Transform lowerArm = mapping[(int)HumanBodyBones.RightLowerArm]; Transform hand = mapping[(int)HumanBodyBones.RightHand]; // Use reference orientation based on lower arm for mapping hand m_Orientation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(bodyOrientation * Vector3.right, hand.position - lowerArm.position) * bodyOrientation; m_MappingData = s_RightMappingDataHand; m_MappingIndexOffset = (int)HumanBodyBones.RightThumbProximal; m_BoneMatchDict.Clear(); BoneMatch rootMatch = new BoneMatch(null, lowerArm, m_MappingData[0]); m_TreatDummyBonesAsReal = true; int mappingCountBefore = mapping.Count; MapBonesFromRootDown(rootMatch, mapping); // If we only mapped 2 finger bones or less, then cancel mapping of fingers if (mapping.Count < mappingCountBefore + kMinFingerBones) { for (int i = (int)HumanBodyBones.RightThumbProximal; i <= (int)HumanBodyBones.RightLittleDistal; i++) { mapping.Remove(i); } } } return(mapping); }
public Dictionary <int, Transform> MapBones(Transform root) { AvatarAutoMapper.InitGlobalMappingData(); Dictionary <int, Transform> mapping = new Dictionary <int, Transform>(); this.m_Orientation = Quaternion.identity; this.m_MappingData = AvatarAutoMapper.s_MappingDataBody; this.m_MappingIndexOffset = 0; this.m_BoneMatchDict.Clear(); AvatarAutoMapper.BoneMatch rootMatch1 = new AvatarAutoMapper.BoneMatch((AvatarAutoMapper.BoneMatch)null, root, this.m_MappingData[0]); this.m_TreatDummyBonesAsReal = false; this.MapBonesFromRootDown(rootMatch1, mapping); if (mapping.Count < 15) { this.m_TreatDummyBonesAsReal = true; this.MapBonesFromRootDown(rootMatch1, mapping); } if (mapping.ContainsKey(1) && mapping.ContainsKey(2) && (mapping.ContainsKey(13) && mapping.ContainsKey(14))) { this.m_Orientation = AvatarSetupTool.AvatarComputeOrientation(mapping[1].position, mapping[2].position, mapping[13].position, mapping[14].position); if ((double)Vector3.Angle(this.m_Orientation * Vector3.up, Vector3.up) > 20.0 || (double)Vector3.Angle(this.m_Orientation * Vector3.forward, Vector3.forward) > 20.0) { if (AvatarAutoMapper.kDebug) { Debug.Log((object)"*** Mapping with new computed orientation"); } mapping.Clear(); this.m_BoneMatchDict.Clear(); this.MapBonesFromRootDown(rootMatch1, mapping); } } if ((!this.m_ValidBones.ContainsKey(root) ? 0 : (this.m_ValidBones[root] ? 1 : 0)) == 0 && mapping.Count > 0 && mapping.ContainsKey(0)) { while (true) { Transform parent = mapping[0].parent; if ((UnityEngine.Object)parent != (UnityEngine.Object)null && (UnityEngine.Object)parent != (UnityEngine.Object)rootMatch1.bone && (this.m_ValidBones.ContainsKey(parent) && this.m_ValidBones[parent])) { mapping[0] = parent; } else { break; } } } int num = 3; Quaternion orientation = this.m_Orientation; if (mapping.ContainsKey(17)) { Transform bone = mapping[15]; Transform transform = mapping[17]; this.m_Orientation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(orientation * -Vector3.right, transform.position - bone.position) * orientation; this.m_MappingData = AvatarAutoMapper.s_LeftMappingDataHand; this.m_MappingIndexOffset = 24; this.m_BoneMatchDict.Clear(); AvatarAutoMapper.BoneMatch rootMatch2 = new AvatarAutoMapper.BoneMatch((AvatarAutoMapper.BoneMatch)null, bone, this.m_MappingData[0]); this.m_TreatDummyBonesAsReal = true; int count = mapping.Count; this.MapBonesFromRootDown(rootMatch2, mapping); if (mapping.Count < count + num) { for (int key = 24; key <= 38; ++key) { mapping.Remove(key); } } } if (mapping.ContainsKey(18)) { Transform bone = mapping[16]; Transform transform = mapping[18]; this.m_Orientation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(orientation * Vector3.right, transform.position - bone.position) * orientation; this.m_MappingData = AvatarAutoMapper.s_RightMappingDataHand; this.m_MappingIndexOffset = 39; this.m_BoneMatchDict.Clear(); AvatarAutoMapper.BoneMatch rootMatch2 = new AvatarAutoMapper.BoneMatch((AvatarAutoMapper.BoneMatch)null, bone, this.m_MappingData[0]); this.m_TreatDummyBonesAsReal = true; int count = mapping.Count; this.MapBonesFromRootDown(rootMatch2, mapping); if (mapping.Count < count + num) { for (int key = 39; key <= 53; ++key) { mapping.Remove(key); } } } return(mapping); }
public Dictionary <int, Transform> MapBones(Transform root) { AvatarAutoMapper.InitGlobalMappingData(); Dictionary <int, Transform> dictionary = new Dictionary <int, Transform>(); this.m_Orientation = Quaternion.identity; this.m_MappingData = AvatarAutoMapper.s_MappingDataBody; this.m_MappingIndexOffset = 0; this.m_BoneMatchDict.Clear(); AvatarAutoMapper.BoneMatch boneMatch = new AvatarAutoMapper.BoneMatch(null, root, this.m_MappingData[0]); this.m_TreatDummyBonesAsReal = false; this.MapBonesFromRootDown(boneMatch, dictionary); if (dictionary.Count < 15) { this.m_TreatDummyBonesAsReal = true; this.MapBonesFromRootDown(boneMatch, dictionary); } if (dictionary.ContainsKey(1) && dictionary.ContainsKey(2) && dictionary.ContainsKey(13) && dictionary.ContainsKey(14)) { this.m_Orientation = AvatarSetupTool.AvatarComputeOrientation(dictionary[1].position, dictionary[2].position, dictionary[13].position, dictionary[14].position); if (Vector3.Angle(this.m_Orientation * Vector3.up, Vector3.up) > 20f || Vector3.Angle(this.m_Orientation * Vector3.forward, Vector3.forward) > 20f) { if (AvatarAutoMapper.kDebug) { Debug.Log("*** Mapping with new computed orientation"); } dictionary.Clear(); this.m_BoneMatchDict.Clear(); this.MapBonesFromRootDown(boneMatch, dictionary); } } bool flag = !this.m_ValidBones.ContainsKey(root) || !this.m_ValidBones[root]; if (flag && dictionary.Count > 0 && dictionary.ContainsKey(0)) { while (true) { Transform parent = dictionary[0].parent; if (!(parent != null) || !(parent != boneMatch.bone) || !this.m_ValidBones.ContainsKey(parent) || !this.m_ValidBones[parent]) { break; } dictionary[0] = parent; } } int num = 3; Quaternion orientation = this.m_Orientation; if (dictionary.ContainsKey(17)) { Transform transform = dictionary[15]; Transform transform2 = dictionary[17]; this.m_Orientation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(orientation * -Vector3.right, transform2.position - transform.position) * orientation; this.m_MappingData = AvatarAutoMapper.s_LeftMappingDataHand; this.m_MappingIndexOffset = 24; this.m_BoneMatchDict.Clear(); AvatarAutoMapper.BoneMatch rootMatch = new AvatarAutoMapper.BoneMatch(null, transform, this.m_MappingData[0]); this.m_TreatDummyBonesAsReal = true; int count = dictionary.Count; this.MapBonesFromRootDown(rootMatch, dictionary); if (dictionary.Count < count + num) { for (int i = 24; i <= 38; i++) { dictionary.Remove(i); } } } if (dictionary.ContainsKey(18)) { Transform transform3 = dictionary[16]; Transform transform4 = dictionary[18]; this.m_Orientation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(orientation * Vector3.right, transform4.position - transform3.position) * orientation; this.m_MappingData = AvatarAutoMapper.s_RightMappingDataHand; this.m_MappingIndexOffset = 39; this.m_BoneMatchDict.Clear(); AvatarAutoMapper.BoneMatch rootMatch2 = new AvatarAutoMapper.BoneMatch(null, transform3, this.m_MappingData[0]); this.m_TreatDummyBonesAsReal = true; int count2 = dictionary.Count; this.MapBonesFromRootDown(rootMatch2, dictionary); if (dictionary.Count < count2 + num) { for (int j = 39; j <= 53; j++) { dictionary.Remove(j); } } } return(dictionary); }
public Dictionary <int, Transform> MapBones(Transform root) { InitGlobalMappingData(); Dictionary <int, Transform> mapping = new Dictionary <int, Transform>(); this.m_Orientation = Quaternion.identity; this.m_MappingData = s_MappingDataBody; this.m_MappingIndexOffset = 0; this.m_BoneMatchDict.Clear(); BoneMatch rootMatch = new BoneMatch(null, root, this.m_MappingData[0]); this.m_TreatDummyBonesAsReal = false; this.MapBonesFromRootDown(rootMatch, mapping); if (mapping.Count < 15) { this.m_TreatDummyBonesAsReal = true; this.MapBonesFromRootDown(rootMatch, mapping); } if ((mapping.ContainsKey(1) && mapping.ContainsKey(2)) && (mapping.ContainsKey(13) && mapping.ContainsKey(14))) { this.m_Orientation = AvatarSetupTool.AvatarComputeOrientation(mapping[1].position, mapping[2].position, mapping[13].position, mapping[14].position); if ((Vector3.Angle((Vector3)(this.m_Orientation * Vector3.up), Vector3.up) > 20f) || (Vector3.Angle((Vector3)(this.m_Orientation * Vector3.forward), Vector3.forward) > 20f)) { if (kDebug) { Debug.Log("*** Mapping with new computed orientation"); } mapping.Clear(); this.m_BoneMatchDict.Clear(); this.MapBonesFromRootDown(rootMatch, mapping); } } if ((!(!this.m_ValidBones.ContainsKey(root) ? false : this.m_ValidBones[root]) && (mapping.Count > 0)) && mapping.ContainsKey(0)) { while (true) { Transform parent = mapping[0].parent; if (((parent == null) || (parent == rootMatch.bone)) || (!this.m_ValidBones.ContainsKey(parent) || !this.m_ValidBones[parent])) { break; } mapping[0] = parent; } } int num = 3; Quaternion orientation = this.m_Orientation; if (mapping.ContainsKey(0x11)) { Transform bone = mapping[15]; Transform transform3 = mapping[0x11]; this.m_Orientation = Quaternion.FromToRotation((Vector3)(orientation * -Vector3.right), transform3.position - bone.position) * orientation; this.m_MappingData = s_LeftMappingDataHand; this.m_MappingIndexOffset = 0x18; this.m_BoneMatchDict.Clear(); BoneMatch match2 = new BoneMatch(null, bone, this.m_MappingData[0]); this.m_TreatDummyBonesAsReal = true; int count = mapping.Count; this.MapBonesFromRootDown(match2, mapping); if (mapping.Count < (count + num)) { for (int i = 0x18; i <= 0x26; i++) { mapping.Remove(i); } } } if (mapping.ContainsKey(0x12)) { Transform transform4 = mapping[0x10]; Transform transform5 = mapping[0x12]; this.m_Orientation = Quaternion.FromToRotation((Vector3)(orientation * Vector3.right), transform5.position - transform4.position) * orientation; this.m_MappingData = s_RightMappingDataHand; this.m_MappingIndexOffset = 0x27; this.m_BoneMatchDict.Clear(); BoneMatch match3 = new BoneMatch(null, transform4, this.m_MappingData[0]); this.m_TreatDummyBonesAsReal = true; int num4 = mapping.Count; this.MapBonesFromRootDown(match3, mapping); if (mapping.Count >= (num4 + num)) { return(mapping); } for (int j = 0x27; j <= 0x35; j++) { mapping.Remove(j); } } return(mapping); }