Esempio n. 1
        public static void DrawRectangle(int length, int width, Vector3 position, int xoffset = 0, int yoffset = 0)
            Vector3 SW = Vector3.Zero, SE = Vector3.Zero, NW = Vector3.Zero, NE = Vector3.Zero;
            SW = new Vector3(position.X - (length / 2) + xoffset, position.Y - (width / 2) + yoffset, 0f);
            SE = new Vector3(position.X + (length / 2) + xoffset, position.Y - (width / 2) + yoffset, 0f);
            NW = new Vector3(position.X - (length / 2) + xoffset, position.Y + (width / 2) + yoffset, 0f);
            NE = new Vector3(position.X + (length / 2) + xoffset, position.Y + (width / 2) + yoffset, 0f);

            Drawing.DrawLine(SW.WorldToScreen(), SE.WorldToScreen(), 3, drawColor);
            Drawing.DrawLine(SW.WorldToScreen(), NW.WorldToScreen(), 3, drawColor);
            Drawing.DrawLine(NW.WorldToScreen(), NE.WorldToScreen(), 3, drawColor);
            Drawing.DrawLine(NE.WorldToScreen(), SE.WorldToScreen(), 3, drawColor);
Esempio n. 2
        //if onSpellCast was used then the spells end position is the direction the caster is facing extended to max range. IE: xerath q, velkoz r
        public static void DrawLinearSkillshot(Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 endPosition, float width, float missileSpeed, float range, float collisionCount)
            if (collisionCount != 0 && collisionCount != int.MaxValue)
                List<Obj_AI_Base> enemiesThatWillBeHit = new List<Obj_AI_Base>();
                //get if unit(s) will be hit by spell if so get the info.CollisionCount's units position and set it as the end position
                foreach(Obj_AI_Base enemy in EntityManager.Enemies.Where(a=>!a.IsDead &&a.Distance(startPosition) <= range))
                    if (Prediction.Position.Collision.LinearMissileCollision(enemy, startPosition.To2D(), endPosition.To2D(), missileSpeed, (int)width, 0))

                enemiesThatWillBeHit.OrderByDescending(a => a.Distance(startPosition));
                if(enemiesThatWillBeHit.Count() >= collisionCount)
                    endPosition = enemiesThatWillBeHit[(int)collisionCount - 1].Position;

            Vector3 northernMostPoint = (startPosition.Y >= endPosition.Y) ? startPosition : endPosition;
            Vector3 southernMostPoint =  (startPosition.Y >= endPosition.Y) ? endPosition : startPosition;

            Vector3 betweenVector = new Vector3(northernMostPoint.X - southernMostPoint.X, northernMostPoint.Y - southernMostPoint.Y, 0f);
            Vector2 betweenVector2 = new Vector2(betweenVector.Y, -betweenVector.X);
            double Length = Math.Sqrt(betweenVector2.X * betweenVector2.X + betweenVector2.Y * betweenVector2.Y); //Thats length of perpendicular
            Vector2 NewVector = new Vector2((float)(betweenVector2.X / Length), (float)(betweenVector2.Y / Length)); //Now N is normalized perpendicular

            Vector3 NEPoint = new Vector3(southernMostPoint.X + NewVector.X * (width / 2), southernMostPoint.Y + NewVector.Y * (width / 2), startPosition.Z);
            Vector3 NWPoint = new Vector3(southernMostPoint.X - NewVector.X * (width / 2), southernMostPoint.Y - NewVector.Y * (width / 2), startPosition.Z);
            Vector3 SEPoint = new Vector3(northernMostPoint.X + NewVector.X * (width / 2), northernMostPoint.Y + NewVector.Y * (width / 2), startPosition.Z);
            Vector3 SWPoint = new Vector3(northernMostPoint.X - NewVector.X * (width / 2), northernMostPoint.Y - NewVector.Y * (width / 2), startPosition.Z);
            Drawing.DrawLine(NEPoint.WorldToScreen(), NWPoint.WorldToScreen(), 3, drawColor);
            Drawing.DrawLine(SEPoint.WorldToScreen(), SWPoint.WorldToScreen(), 3, drawColor);
            Drawing.DrawLine(NEPoint.WorldToScreen(), SEPoint.WorldToScreen(), 3, drawColor);
            Drawing.DrawLine(NWPoint.WorldToScreen(), SWPoint.WorldToScreen(), 3, drawColor);
Esempio n. 3
 private static void DrawRangeLines()
     if (!Spells.Any(s => s.IsLearned)) return;
     uint[] maxrange = { Spells.Where(s => s.IsLearned).Max(s => s.Range) };
     if (maxrange[0] == 0)
             foreach (var ss in Spells.Where(s => s.IsLearned).Cast<Spell.Skillshot>().Where(ss => ss.Width > maxrange[0]))
                 maxrange[0] = (uint)ss.Width;
         catch (Exception)
             // ignored
     foreach (
         var hero in
                 e => e.Distance(Player) < maxrange[0] && !e.IsDead && e.IsValid && e.IsVisible && e.IsValidTarget(maxrange[0])))
         var spellranges = new Dictionary<uint, List<SpellSlot>>();
         var s = from spell in Spells where spell.IsLearned select spell.Range;
         var spells = s.ToList();
         foreach (var spell in spells)
             var range = (uint)0;
             if (spell > 0)
                 range = spell;
                     var ss = (Spell.Skillshot)Spells.Find(sp => sp.Range == spell);
                     range = (uint)ss.Width;
                 catch (Exception)
                     // ignored
             if (range < 50) continue;
             if (range > hero.Distance(Player))
                 if (spellranges.ContainsKey((uint)hero.Distance(Player)))
                         Spells.Find(sp => sp.Range == spell).Slot);
                         new List<SpellSlot> { Spells.Find(sp => sp.Range == spell).Slot });
             else if (spellranges.ContainsKey(range))
                 spellranges[range].Add(Spells.Find(sp => sp.Range == spell).Slot);
                     new List<SpellSlot> { Spells.Find(sp => sp.Range == spell).Slot });
         var i = 0;
         var lastloc = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
         foreach (var range in spellranges)
             var angle = Math.Atan2(hero.Position.Y - Player.Position.Y, hero.Position.X - Player.Position.X);
             var sin = (Math.Sin(angle) * (range.Key - 20)) + Player.Position.Y;
             var cosin = (Math.Cos(angle) * (range.Key - 20)) + Player.Position.X;
             var location = new Vector3((float)cosin, (float)sin, Player.Position.Z);
             if (i == 0)
                 Drawing.DrawLine(Player.Position.WorldToScreen(), location.WorldToScreen(), 2, Color.Red);
                 sin = (Math.Sin(angle) * (range.Key)) + Player.Position.Y;
                 cosin = (Math.Cos(angle) * (range.Key)) + Player.Position.X;
                 location = new Vector3((float)cosin, (float)sin, Player.Position.Z);
                 if (Spells.Find(sp => range.Value.Contains(sp.Slot)).IsReady())
                     new Circle
                         Color = Color.Chartreuse,
                         Radius = 20,
                         BorderWidth = 1f
                     new Circle
                         Color = Color.Firebrick,
                         Radius = 20,
                         BorderWidth = 1f
                 string text = "";
                 text = range.Value.Aggregate(text, (current, spell) => current + spell);
                 Drawing.DrawText(location.WorldToScreen().X, location.WorldToScreen().Y - (float)7.5,
                     text, 15);
                 sin = (Math.Sin(angle) * (range.Key + 20)) + Player.Position.Y;
                 cosin = (Math.Cos(angle) * (range.Key + 20)) + Player.Position.X;
                 lastloc = new Vector3((float)cosin, (float)sin, Player.Position.Z);
                 Drawing.DrawLine(lastloc.WorldToScreen(), location.WorldToScreen(), 2, Color.Red);
                 sin = (Math.Sin(angle) * (range.Key)) + Player.Position.Y;
                 cosin = (Math.Cos(angle) * (range.Key)) + Player.Position.X;
                 location = new Vector3((float)cosin, (float)sin, Player.Position.Z);
                 if (Spells.Find(sp => range.Value.Contains(sp.Slot)).IsReady())
                     new Circle()
                         Color = Color.Chartreuse,
                         Radius = 20,
                         BorderWidth = 2f
                     new Circle()
                         Color = Color.Firebrick,
                         Radius = 20,
                         BorderWidth = 2f
                 string text = "";
                 text = range.Value.Aggregate(text, (current, spell) => current + spell);
                 Drawing.DrawText(location.WorldToScreen().X, location.WorldToScreen().Y - (float)7.5,
                     text, 15);
                 sin = (Math.Sin(angle) * (range.Key + 20)) + Player.Position.Y;
                 cosin = (Math.Cos(angle) * (range.Key + 20)) + Player.Position.X;
                 lastloc = new Vector3((float)cosin, (float)sin, Player.Position.Z);
Esempio n. 4
        private static void DrawLineIfWallBetween(Vector3 startPos, Obj_AI_Base target)
             Vector3 endPos = YasuoCalcs.GetDashingEnd(target);
             List<Vector3> inbetweenPoints = new List<Vector3>();
             Vector2 wallStartPosition = Vector2.Zero;
             Vector2 wallEndPosition = Vector2.Zero;
             //get every point between yasuo's position and the end position of the dash extended to a range of 1000. 
             //1 point is every 1/100 of total length
             for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
                 inbetweenPoints.Add(startPos.Extend(startPos.Extend(endPos, 1000), i* (startPos.Distance(startPos.Extend(endPos, 1000)) / 100)).To3D());
             //for every point in the list of points, find the beginning and the end of the wal
             foreach (Vector2 vec in inbetweenPoints)
                 if (vec.IsWall())
                     if (wallStartPosition == Vector2.Zero)
                         wallStartPosition = vec;
                 else if (wallEndPosition == Vector2.Zero && wallStartPosition != Vector2.Zero)
                     wallEndPosition = vec;

            //draw the wall in the color blue
            if (wallStartPosition != Vector2.Zero && wallEndPosition != Vector2.Zero)
                 double wallWidth = Math.Round(wallStartPosition.Distance(wallEndPosition)),
                    distanceToWall = Math.Round(startPos.Distance(wallStartPosition)),
                    totalDistance = Math.Round(wallStartPosition.Distance(wallEndPosition) + startPos.Distance(wallStartPosition)),
                    monsterDist = Math.Round(target.Position.Distance(wallStartPosition));

                Drawing.DrawLine(wallStartPosition.To3D().WorldToScreen(), wallEndPosition.To3D().WorldToScreen(), 10, System.Drawing.Color.Black);

                //if the end point of yasuos dash brings him at least halfway between the two points (closer to the wall end than to the walls beginning)
                //and the wall has to be thinner than yasuo's total dash range. TESTED THIS TO CONFIRM IT WORKS
                //if (endPos.Distance(wallEndPosition) < endPos.Distance(wallStartPosition) && wallStartPosition.Distance(wallEndPosition) <= Program.E.Range)
                if (totalDistance <= 630)
                    Drawing.DrawLine(startPos.WorldToScreen(), startPos.Extend(endPos, 1000).To3D().WorldToScreen(), 3, System.Drawing.Color.Green);
                    Drawing.DrawLine(startPos.WorldToScreen(), startPos.Extend(endPos, 1000).To3D().WorldToScreen(), 3, System.Drawing.Color.Red);
                Drawing.DrawText(wallStartPosition.To3D().WorldToScreen(), System.Drawing.Color.Purple, wallStartPosition.Distance(wallEndPosition).ToString(), 15);
                Drawing.DrawText(startPos.Extend(endPos, 1000).To3D().WorldToScreen(), System.Drawing.Color.Purple, (wallStartPosition.Distance(wallEndPosition) + startPos.Distance(wallStartPosition)).ToString(), 15);
                Drawing.DrawCircle(endPos, 50, System.Drawing.Color.White);
Esempio n. 5
 public static void DrawTargetedSpell(Vector3 startPosition, GameObject target)
     Drawing.DrawLine(startPosition.WorldToScreen(), target.Position.WorldToScreen(), 10, drawColor);
Esempio n. 6
 public static void DrawTargetedSpell(Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 endPosition)
     Drawing.DrawLine(startPosition.WorldToScreen(), endPosition.WorldToScreen(), 10, drawColor);