protected override void Awake() { base.Awake(); character_list.Add(this); rigid = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); selectable = GetComponent <Selectable>(); destruct = GetComponent <Destructible>(); buildable = GetComponent <Buildable>(); unique_id = GetComponent <UniqueID>(); colliders = GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>(); avoid_side = Random.value < 0.5f ? 1f : -1f; facing = transform.forward; use_navmesh = move_enabled && use_navmesh; move_target = transform.position; move_target_avoid = transform.position; destruct.onDamaged += OnDamaged; destruct.onDeath += OnDeath; if (buildable != null) { buildable.onBuild += OnBuild; } foreach (Collider collide in colliders) { float size = collide.bounds.extents.magnitude; if (size > bounds_extent.magnitude) { bounds_extent = collide.bounds.extents; bounds_center_offset = - transform.position; } } }
void Awake() { station_list.Add(this); select = GetComponent <Selectable>(); buildable = GetComponent <Buildable>(); select.onUse += OnUse; }
public void CancelBuilding() { if (current_buildable != null) { Destroy(current_buildable.gameObject); current_buildable = null; current_build_data = null; build_callback = null; clicked_build = false; } }
public void CompleteBuilding(Vector3 pos) { CraftData item = current_crafting; if (item != null && current_buildable != null && (!build_pay_cost || CanCraft(item, true))) { current_buildable.SetBuildPositionTemporary(pos); //Set to position to test the condition, before applying it if (current_buildable.CheckIfCanBuild()) { current_buildable.SetBuildPosition(pos); character.FaceTorward(pos); if (build_pay_cost) { PayCraftingCost(item); } Buildable buildable = current_buildable; buildable.FinishBuild(); character.Data.AddCraftCount(; UnityAction <Buildable> bcallback = build_callback; current_buildable = null; current_build_data = null; build_callback = null; clicked_build = false; character.StopAutoMove(); PlayerUI.Get(character.player_id)?.CancelSelection(); TheAudio.Get().PlaySFX("craft", buildable.build_audio); if (onBuild != null) { onBuild.Invoke(buildable); } if (bcallback != null) { bcallback.Invoke(buildable); } character.TriggerAction(1f); } } }
protected override void Awake() { base.Awake(); plant_list.Add(this); selectable = GetComponent <Selectable>(); buildable = GetComponent <Buildable>(); destruct = GetComponent <Destructible>(); unique_id = GetComponent <UniqueID>(); selectable.onDestroy += OnDeath; buildable.onBuild += OnBuild; if (data != null) { nb_stages = Mathf.Max(data.growth_stage_prefabs.Length, 1); } }
public void CraftConstructionBuildMode(ConstructionData item, bool pay_craft_cost = true, UnityAction <Buildable> callback = null) { if (!pay_craft_cost || CanCraft(item)) { CancelCrafting(); Construction construction = Construction.CreateBuildMode(item, transform.position + transform.forward * 1f); current_buildable = construction.GetBuildable(); current_buildable.StartBuild(character); current_build_data = item; clicked_build = false; build_pay_cost = pay_craft_cost; build_callback = callback; build_timer = 0f; } }
public void CraftPlantBuildMode(PlantData plant, int stage, bool pay_craft_cost = true, UnityAction <Buildable> callback = null) { if (!pay_craft_cost || CanCraft(plant)) { CancelCrafting(); Plant aplant = Plant.CreateBuildMode(plant, transform.position, stage); current_buildable = aplant.GetBuildable(); current_buildable.StartBuild(character); current_build_data = plant; clicked_build = false; build_pay_cost = pay_craft_cost; build_callback = callback; build_timer = 0f; } }
protected override void Awake() { base.Awake(); construct_list.Add(this); selectable = GetComponent <Selectable>(); buildable = GetComponent <Buildable>(); destruct = GetComponent <Destructible>(); unique_id = GetComponent <UniqueID>(); buildable.onBuild += OnBuild; if (selectable != null) { selectable.onDestroy += OnDeath; } }
void Awake() { firepit_list.Add(this); select = GetComponent <Selectable>(); construction = GetComponent <Construction>(); buildable = GetComponent <Buildable>(); unique_id = GetComponent <UniqueID>(); heat_source = GetComponent <HeatSource>(); if (fire_fx) { fire_fx.SetActive(false); } if (fuel_model) { fuel_model.SetActive(false); } }
//Check if overlaping another object (cant build) public bool CheckIfOverlap() { List <Collider> overlap_colliders = new List <Collider>(); LayerMask olayer = obstacle_layer & ~floor_layer; //Remove floor layer from obstacles //Check collision with bounding box foreach (Collider collide in colliders) { Collider[] over = Physics.OverlapBox(transform.position, collide.bounds.extents, Quaternion.identity, olayer); foreach (Collider overlap in over) { if (!overlap.isTrigger) { overlap_colliders.Add(overlap); } } } //Check collision with radius (includes triggers) if (build_obstacle_radius > 0.01f) { Collider[] over = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, build_obstacle_radius, olayer); overlap_colliders.AddRange(over); } //Check collision list foreach (Collider overlap in overlap_colliders) { if (overlap != null) { //Dont overlap with player and dont overlap with itself PlayerCharacter player = overlap.GetComponent <PlayerCharacter>(); Buildable buildable = overlap.GetComponentInParent <Buildable>(); if (player == null && buildable != this) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
private void Update() { if (TheGame.Get().IsPaused()) { return; } if (IsDead()) { return; } //Save position Data.position = GetPosition(); //Controls PlayerControls controls = PlayerControls.Get(player_id); //Stop sleep if (is_action || IsMoving() || sleep_target == null) { StopSleep(); } //Activate Selectable when near Vector3 move_dir = auto_move_target - transform.position; if (auto_move && !is_action && auto_move_select != null && move_dir.magnitude < auto_move_select.use_range) { auto_move = false; auto_move_select.Use(this, auto_move_target); auto_move_select = null; } //Finish construction when near clicked spot Buildable current_buildable = character_craft.GetCurrentBuildable(); if (auto_move && !is_action && character_craft.ClickedBuild() && current_buildable != null && move_dir.magnitude < current_buildable.build_distance) { auto_move = false; character_craft.StartCraftBuilding(auto_move_target); } //Stop move & drop when near clicked spot if (auto_move && !is_action && move_dir.magnitude < moving_threshold * 2f) { auto_move = false; character_inventory.DropItem(auto_move_drop_inventory, auto_move_drop); } //Stop attacking if target cant be attacked anymore (tool broke, or target died...) if (!character_combat.CanAttack(auto_move_attack)) { auto_move_attack = null; } //Ride animal if (is_riding) { if (riding_animal == null || riding_animal.IsDead()) { StopRide(); return; } transform.position = riding_animal.GetRideRoot(); transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(riding_animal.transform.forward, Vector3.up); } //Controls if (IsControlsEnabled() && !is_action) { //Check if panel is focused KeyControlsUI ui_controls = KeyControlsUI.Get(player_id); bool panel_focus = controls.gamepad_controls && ui_controls != null && ui_controls.IsPanelFocus(); if (!panel_focus) { //Press Action button if (controls.IsPressAction()) { if (character_craft.CanBuild()) { character_craft.StartCraftBuilding(); } else if (!panel_focus) { InteractWithNearest(); } } //Press attack if (Combat.can_attack && controls.IsPressAttack()) { AttackNearest(); } //Press jump if (character_jump != null && controls.IsPressJump()) { character_jump.Jump(); } } if (controls.IsPressUISelect()) { if (character_craft.CanBuild()) { character_craft.StartCraftBuilding(); } } } //Stop riding if (is_riding && (controls.IsPressJump() || controls.IsPressAction() || controls.IsPressUICancel())) { StopRide(); } }
void Start() { active_model.SetActive(true); triggered_model.SetActive(false); buildable = GetComponent <Buildable>(); }
private void OnBuild(Buildable construction) { animator.SetTrigger(build_anim); }