public double MinimizeOneStep(Matrix parameters)
            // initial value of the function; callee knows the size of the returned vector
            var errorVector = function(parameters);
            var error = errorVector.Dot(errorVector);

            // Jacobian; callee knows the size of the returned matrix
            var J = jacobianFunction(parameters);

            // J'*J
            var JtJ = new Matrix(parameters.Size, parameters.Size);
            //JtJ.MultATA(J, J); // this is the big calculation that could be parallelized
            JtJ.MultATAParallel(J, J);
            //Console.WriteLine("JtJ: J size {0}x{1} {2}ms", J.Rows, J.Cols, stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            // J'*error
            var JtError = new Matrix(parameters.Size, 1);
            JtError.MultATA(J, errorVector); // error vector must be a column vector
            //Console.WriteLine("JtError: errorVector size {0}x{1} {2}ms", errorVector.Rows, errorVector.Cols, stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            // allocate some space
            var JtJaugmented = new Matrix(parameters.Size, parameters.Size);
            var JtJinv = new Matrix(parameters.Size, parameters.Size);
            var delta = new Matrix(parameters.Size, 1);
            var newParameters = new Matrix(parameters.Size, 1);

            // find a value of lambda that reduces error
            double lambda = initialLambda;
            while (true)
                // augment J'*J: J'*J += lambda*(diag(J))
                for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Size; i++)
                    JtJaugmented[i, i] = (1.0 + lambda) * JtJ[i, i];

                //WriteMatrixToFile(errorVector, "errorVector");
                //WriteMatrixToFile(J, "J");
                //WriteMatrixToFile(JtJaugmented, "JtJaugmented");
                //WriteMatrixToFile(JtError, "JtError");

                // solve for delta: (J'*J + lambda*(diag(J)))*delta = J'*error
                delta.Mult(JtJinv, JtError);

                // new parameters = parameters - delta [why not add?]
                newParameters.Sub(parameters, delta);

                // evaluate function, compute error
                var newErrorVector = function(newParameters);
                double newError = newErrorVector.Dot(newErrorVector);

                // if error is reduced, divide lambda by 10
                bool improvement;
                if (newError < error)
                    lambda /= lambdaIncrement;
                    improvement = true;
                else // if not, multiply lambda by 10
                    lambda *= lambdaIncrement;
                    improvement = false;

                // termination criteria:
                // reduction in error is too small
                var diff = new Matrix(errorVector.Size, 1);
                diff.Sub(errorVector, newErrorVector);
                double diffSq = diff.Dot(diff);
                double errorDelta = Math.Sqrt(diffSq / error);

                if (errorDelta < minimumReduction)
                    state = States.ReductionStepTooSmall;

                // lambda is too big
                if (lambda > maximumLambda)
                    state = States.LambdaTooLarge;

                // change in parameters is too small [not implemented]

                // if we made an improvement, accept the new parameters
                if (improvement)
                    error = newError;

                // if we meet termination criteria, break
                if (state != States.Running)

            rmsError = Math.Sqrt(error / errorVector.Size);
            return rmsError;
Esempio n. 2
        static public void PlaneFit(IList<Matrix> X, out Matrix R, out Matrix t, out Matrix d2)
            int n = X.Count;

            var mu = new Matrix(3, 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            mu.Scale(1f / (float)n);

            var A = new Matrix(3, 3);
            var xc = new Matrix(3, 1);
            var M = new Matrix(3, 3);
            for (int i = 0; i < X.Count; i++)
                var x = X[i];
                xc.Sub(x, mu);
                M.Outer(xc, xc);
            var V = new Matrix(3, 3);
            var d = new Matrix(3, 1);
            A.Eig(V, d); // eigenvalues in ascending order

            // arrange in descending order so that z = 0
            var V2 = new Matrix(3, 3);
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                V2[i, 2] = V[i, 0];
                V2[i, 1] = V[i, 1];
                V2[i, 0] = V[i, 2];

            d2 = new Matrix(3, 1);
            d2[2] = d[0];
            d2[1] = d[1];
            d2[0] = d[2];

            R = new Matrix(3, 3);

            if (R.Det3x3() < 0)

            t = new Matrix(3, 1);
            t.Mult(R, mu);

            // eigenvalues are the sum of squared distances in each direction
            // i.e., min eigenvalue is the sum of squared distances to the plane = d2[2]

            // compute the distance to the plane by transforming to the plane and take z-coordinate:
            // xPlane = R*x + t; distance = xPlane[2]
Esempio n. 3
        public double MinimizeOneStep(Matrix parameters)
            // initial value of the function; callee knows the size of the returned vector
            var errorVector = function(parameters);
            var error       = errorVector.Dot(errorVector);

            // Jacobian; callee knows the size of the returned matrix
            var J = jacobianFunction(parameters);

            // J'*J
            var JtJ = new Matrix(parameters.Size, parameters.Size);

            //JtJ.MultATA(J, J); // this is the big calculation that could be parallelized
            JtJ.MultATAParallel(J, J);
            //Console.WriteLine("JtJ: J size {0}x{1} {2}ms", J.Rows, J.Cols, stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            // J'*error
            var JtError = new Matrix(parameters.Size, 1);

            JtError.MultATA(J, errorVector); // error vector must be a column vector
            //Console.WriteLine("JtError: errorVector size {0}x{1} {2}ms", errorVector.Rows, errorVector.Cols, stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            // allocate some space
            var JtJaugmented  = new Matrix(parameters.Size, parameters.Size);
            var JtJinv        = new Matrix(parameters.Size, parameters.Size);
            var delta         = new Matrix(parameters.Size, 1);
            var newParameters = new Matrix(parameters.Size, 1);

            // find a value of lambda that reduces error
            double lambda = initialLambda;

            while (true)
                // augment J'*J: J'*J += lambda*(diag(J))
                for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Size; i++)
                    JtJaugmented[i, i] = (1.0 + lambda) * JtJ[i, i];

                //WriteMatrixToFile(errorVector, "errorVector");
                //WriteMatrixToFile(J, "J");
                //WriteMatrixToFile(JtJaugmented, "JtJaugmented");
                //WriteMatrixToFile(JtError, "JtError");

                // solve for delta: (J'*J + lambda*(diag(J)))*delta = J'*error
                delta.Mult(JtJinv, JtError);

                // new parameters = parameters - delta [why not add?]
                newParameters.Sub(parameters, delta);

                // evaluate function, compute error
                var    newErrorVector = function(newParameters);
                double newError       = newErrorVector.Dot(newErrorVector);

                // if error is reduced, divide lambda by 10
                bool improvement;
                if (newError < error)
                    lambda     /= lambdaIncrement;
                    improvement = true;
                else // if not, multiply lambda by 10
                    lambda     *= lambdaIncrement;
                    improvement = false;

                // termination criteria:
                // reduction in error is too small
                var diff = new Matrix(errorVector.Size, 1);
                diff.Sub(errorVector, newErrorVector);
                double diffSq     = diff.Dot(diff);
                double errorDelta = Math.Sqrt(diffSq / error);

                if (errorDelta < minimumReduction)
                    state = States.ReductionStepTooSmall;

                // lambda is too big
                if (lambda > maximumLambda)
                    state = States.LambdaTooLarge;

                // change in parameters is too small [not implemented]

                // if we made an improvement, accept the new parameters
                if (improvement)
                    error = newError;

                // if we meet termination criteria, break
                if (state != States.Running)

            rmsError = Math.Sqrt(error / errorVector.Size);
Esempio n. 4
        static public void PlaneFit(IList <Matrix> X, out Matrix R, out Matrix t, out Matrix d2)
            int n = X.Count;

            var mu = new Matrix(3, 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            mu.Scale(1f / (float)n);

            var A  = new Matrix(3, 3);
            var xc = new Matrix(3, 1);
            var M  = new Matrix(3, 3);

            for (int i = 0; i < X.Count; i++)
                var x = X[i];
                xc.Sub(x, mu);
                M.Outer(xc, xc);
            var V = new Matrix(3, 3);
            var d = new Matrix(3, 1);

            A.Eig(V, d); // eigenvalues in ascending order

            // arrange in descending order so that z = 0
            var V2 = new Matrix(3, 3);

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                V2[i, 2] = V[i, 0];
                V2[i, 1] = V[i, 1];
                V2[i, 0] = V[i, 2];

            d2    = new Matrix(3, 1);
            d2[2] = d[0];
            d2[1] = d[1];
            d2[0] = d[2];

            R = new Matrix(3, 3);

            if (R.Det3x3() < 0)

            t = new Matrix(3, 1);
            t.Mult(R, mu);

            // eigenvalues are the sum of squared distances in each direction
            // i.e., min eigenvalue is the sum of squared distances to the plane = d2[2]

            // compute the distance to the plane by transforming to the plane and take z-coordinate:
            // xPlane = R*x + t; distance = xPlane[2]
Esempio n. 5
        public static double PlaneFit(IList<Matrix> points, out Matrix X, out double D)
            X = new Matrix(3, 1);

            var mu = new RoomAliveToolkit.Matrix(3, 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
            mu.Scale(1f / (float)points.Count);

            var A = new RoomAliveToolkit.Matrix(3, 3);
            var pc = new RoomAliveToolkit.Matrix(3, 1);
            var M = new RoomAliveToolkit.Matrix(3, 3);
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                var p = points[i];
                pc.Sub(p, mu);
                M.Outer(pc, pc);

            var V = new RoomAliveToolkit.Matrix(3, 3);
            var d = new RoomAliveToolkit.Matrix(3, 1);
            A.Eig(V, d); // TODO: replace with 3x3 version?


            double minEigenvalue = Double.MaxValue;
            int minEigenvaluei = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if (d[i] < minEigenvalue)
                    minEigenvalue = d[i];
                    minEigenvaluei = i;

            X.CopyCol(V, minEigenvaluei);

            D = -X.Dot(mu);

            // min eigenvalue is the sum of squared distances to the plane
            // signed distance is: double distance = X.Dot(point) + D;

            return minEigenvalue;