Esempio n. 1
        private void phase3()
            lbl1.Text       = "You walk into the corridor. It's getting darker and darker. You are surrounded by many locked doors. Suddenly a door opens, behind it there is a skeleton armed with an axe. In order to get out of the dark corridor you must kill the skeleton. You raise your sword and attack.";
            picturebx.Image = Properties.Resources.corridor;
            skeleton skel1 = new skeleton();

            phasenum = 3;
Esempio n. 2
        private void phase2()
            lbl1.Text       = "As you approach the entrance you hear cracking noises coming from above. Suddenly a skeleton falls from the ceiling right front of the castle entrance. You have no other choice than to fight him.";
            picturebx.Image = Properties.Resources.castle_door;
            skeleton skel1 = new skeleton();

            phasenum = 2;