public static void AddNodeTransform(Part p, AttachNode attachNode) { Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(attachNode.orientation, Vector3.up); if (attachNode.nodeType == AttachNode.NodeType.Surface) { rotation = Quaternion.Inverse(rotation); } if (attachNode.nodeTransform == null) { Transform nodeTransform = new GameObject("KASNodeTransf").transform; nodeTransform.parent = p.transform; nodeTransform.localPosition = attachNode.position; nodeTransform.localRotation = rotation; attachNode.nodeTransform = nodeTransform; } else { attachNode.nodeTransform.localPosition = attachNode.position; attachNode.nodeTransform.localRotation = rotation; KAS_Shared.DebugLog("AddTransformToAttachNode - Node : " + + " already have a nodeTransform, only update"); } }
public override void OnPartUnpack() { base.OnPartUnpack(); if (grabbed) { if (!evaHolderPart) { if (evaHolderVesselName != null && evaHolderVesselName != "") { Vessel vess = KAS_Shared.GetVesselByName(evaHolderVesselName); if (vess) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("OnPartUnpack(EvaGrab) - Re-set grab after load on : " + evaHolderVesselName); Grab(vess); } else { GameEvents.onCrewBoardVessel.Remove(new EventData <GameEvents.FromToAction <Part, Part> > .OnEvent(this.OnCrewBoardVessel)); evaHolderVesselName = null; evaHolderPart = null; grabbed = false; } } } else if (grab_pending) { grabbed = false; Grab(this.vessel); grab_pending = false; } } }
private IEnumerator WaitAndSendMsg(Part partToAttach, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Part toPart = null) { while (!partToAttach.rigidbody) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("WaitAndAttach(Pointer) - Waiting rigidbody to initialize..."); yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate()); } if (toPart) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("WaitAndAttach(Pointer) - Rigidbody initialized, setting velocity..."); partToAttach.rigidbody.velocity = toPart.rigidbody.velocity; partToAttach.rigidbody.angularVelocity = toPart.rigidbody.angularVelocity; KAS_Shared.DebugLog("WaitAndAttach(Pointer) - Waiting velocity to apply by waiting 0.1 seconds..."); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); partToAttach.transform.position = position; partToAttach.transform.rotation = rotation; partToAttach.SendMessage("OnAttachPart", toPart, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } else { partToAttach.transform.position = position; partToAttach.transform.rotation = rotation; partToAttach.SendMessage("OnAttachStatic", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } }
private void MotorGoTo(float angle) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("MotorGoTo(Rotor) - Go to angle : " + angle); if (!KAS_Shared.RequestPower(this.part, powerDrain)) { return; }; if (! {; } rotorGoingTo = true; hingeJnt.useSpring = true; hingeJnt.useMotor = false; hingeJnt.useLimits = hasLimit; rotorActivated = true; JointSpring spr = new JointSpring(); spr.spring = spring; spr.targetPosition = angle; spr.damper = damper; hingeJnt.spring = spr; }
public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node) { base.OnLoad(node); if (node.HasNode("FIXEDATTACH")) { ConfigNode FxNode = node.GetNode("FIXEDATTACH"); KAS_Shared.DebugLog("OnLoad(Core) Loading fixed joint info from save..."); FixedAttach.savedPartID = FxNode.GetValue("connectedPartID").ToString(); FixedAttach.savedVesselID = FxNode.GetValue("connectedVesselID").ToString(); FixedAttach.savedBreakForce = float.Parse(FxNode.GetValue("breakForce")); attachMode.FixedJoint = true; } if (node.HasNode("DOCKEDVESSEL") && node.HasValue("dockedPartID")) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("OnLoad(Core) Loading docked info from save..."); this.vesselInfo = new DockedVesselInfo(); this.vesselInfo.Load(node.GetNode("DOCKEDVESSEL")); dockedPartID = node.GetValue("dockedPartID").ToString(); attachMode.Docked = true; } if (node.HasValue("StaticJoint")) { attachMode.StaticJoint = true; } }
public void OnPartUnpack() { if (grabbed) { if (!evaHolderPart) { if (evaHolderVesselName != null && evaHolderVesselName != "") { Vessel vess = KAS_Shared.GetVesselByName(evaHolderVesselName); if (vess) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("OnPartUnpack(EvaGrab) - Re-set grab after load on : " + evaHolderVesselName); Grab(vess); } else { evaHolderVesselName = null; evaHolderPart = null; grabbed = false; } } } else { if (!physicJoint) { this.part.rigidbody.isKinematic = true; } } } }
public void AttachStatic(float breakForce = 10) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("JointToStatic(Base) Create kinematic rigidbody"); if (StaticAttach.connectedGameObject) { Destroy(StaticAttach.connectedGameObject); } GameObject obj = new GameObject("KASBody"); obj.AddComponent <Rigidbody>(); obj.rigidbody.isKinematic = true; obj.transform.position = this.part.transform.position; obj.transform.rotation = this.part.transform.rotation; StaticAttach.connectedGameObject = obj; KAS_Shared.DebugLog("JointToStatic(Base) Create fixed joint on the kinematic rigidbody"); if (StaticAttach.fixedJoint) { Destroy(StaticAttach.fixedJoint); } FixedJoint CurJoint = this.part.gameObject.AddComponent <FixedJoint>(); CurJoint.breakForce = breakForce; CurJoint.breakTorque = breakForce; CurJoint.connectedBody = obj.rigidbody; StaticAttach.fixedJoint = CurJoint; attachMode.StaticJoint = true; }
public void RefreshCtrlState() { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("RefreshCtrlState(Rotor)"); if (controlActivated) { if (controlInverted) { controlField = "Enabled(Inverted)"; } else { controlField = "Enabled"; } } else { if (controlInverted) { controlField = "Disabled(Inverted)"; } else { controlField = "Disabled"; } } }
public void AttachFixed(Part srcPart, Part tgtPart, float breakForce) { attachMode.FixedJoint = true; FixedAttach.srcPart = srcPart; FixedAttach.tgtPart = tgtPart; if (!srcPart.packed && !tgtPart.packed) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("AttachFixed(Core) Create fixed joint on " + srcPart.partInfo.title + " with " + tgtPart.partInfo.title); if (FixedAttach.fixedJoint) { Destroy(FixedAttach.fixedJoint); } FixedAttach.fixedJoint = srcPart.gameObject.AddComponent <FixedJoint>(); FixedAttach.fixedJoint.connectedBody = tgtPart.rb; FixedAttach.fixedJoint.breakForce = breakForce; FixedAttach.fixedJoint.breakTorque = breakForce; } else { SetCreateJointOnUnpack(true); KAS_Shared.DebugWarning("AttachFixed(Core) Cannot create fixed joint as part(s) is packed," + " delaying to unpack..."); } }
/// <summary>Starts physics handling on the object.</summary> /// <remarks>The object is expected to not have rigidbody. The one will be added with the proper /// mass and velocity settings. Parent transform of the physics object will be set top /// <c>null</c>, and it will become an idependent object.</remarks> /// <param name="physicObj">Game object to attach physics to. In normal case it's never a part's /// gameobject.</param> /// <param name="mass">Mass of the rigidbody.</param> /// <param name="delayPhysics">If default or <c>false</c> then new object gets parent's velocity /// immediately. Otherwise, the rigidbody is created as kinematic and velocity is sync'ed in the /// next <c>FixedUpdate()</c> call.</param> public void StartPhysics(GameObject physicObj, float mass, bool delayPhysics = false) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("StartPhysics(PhysicChild)"); if (this.physicObj == null) { this.physicObj = physicObj; physicObjRb = physicObj.AddComponent <Rigidbody>(); physicObjRb.mass = mass; physicObjRb.useGravity = false; if (delayPhysics) { physicObjRb.isKinematic = true; StartCoroutine(WaitAndPromoteToPhysic()); } else { physicObjRb.velocity = part.Rigidbody.velocity; physicObjRb.angularVelocity = part.Rigidbody.angularVelocity; physicObj.transform.parent = null; } } else { KAS_Shared.DebugWarning("StartPhysics(PhysicChild) Physic already started! Ignore."); } }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); if (state == StartState.Editor || state == StartState.None) { return; } Events["ContextMenuRetract"].guiName = "Retract (" + KASAddonControlKey.telescopicRetractKey + ")"; Events["ContextMenuExtend"].guiName = "Extend (" + KASAddonControlKey.telescopicExtendKey + ")"; KAS_Shared.createFXSound(this.part, fxSndMotorStart, motorStartSndPath, false); KAS_Shared.createFXSound(this.part, fxSndMotor, motorSndPath, true); KAS_Shared.createFXSound(this.part, fxSndMotorStop, motorStopSndPath, false); KAS_Shared.createFXSound(this.part, fxSndSection, sectionSndPath, false); LoadSections(); if (savedSectionsLocalPos.Count > 0) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("OnStart(TelescopicArm) - Re-set section position from save"); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, SectionInfo> section in sections) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("OnStart(TelescopicArm) - Move section " + section.Key + " to local position : " + section.Value.savedLocalPos); section.Value.transform.position = this.part.transform.TransformPoint(section.Value.savedLocalPos); } } }
private void UpdateAttachControl() { if (KASAddonPointer.isRunning) { if ( Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse1) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse2) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return) || Input.GetKeyDown(attachKey.ToLower()) ) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("Cancel key pressed, stop eva attach mode"); KASAddonPointer.StopPointer(); } } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(attachKey.ToLower())) { KASModuleGrab grabbedModule = KAS_Shared.GetGrabbedPartModule(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel); if (grabbedModule) { if (grabbedModule.attachOnPart || grabbedModule.attachOnEva || grabbedModule.attachOnStatic) { KASAddonPointer.StartPointer(grabbedModule.part, KASAddonPointer.PointerMode.MoveAndAttach, grabbedModule.attachOnPart, grabbedModule.attachOnEva, grabbedModule.attachOnStatic, grabbedModule.attachMaxDist, grabbedModule.part.transform, grabbedModule.attachSendMsgOnly); } } } }
/// <summary>Overriden from MonoBehavior.</summary> void OnDestroy() { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("OnDestroy(PhysicChild)"); if (physicObjRb != null) { StopPhysics(); } }
public virtual void OnPartUnpack() { if (attachMode.StaticJoint) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("OnVesselGoOffRails(Core) Re-attach static object"); AttachStatic(); } }
internal bool GrabPending() { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("GrabPending - Preparing To Grab part :" +; evaHolderVesselName = this.vessel.vesselName; evaHolderPart = this.vessel.rootPart; grabbed = grab_pending = true; return(true); }
void OnCrewBoardVessel(GameEvents.FromToAction <Part, Part> fromToAction) { if (grabbed && fromToAction.from.vessel == evaHolderPart.vessel) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog(fromToAction.from.vessel.vesselName + " boarding " + + " with a part grabbed, dropping it to avoid destruction"); Drop(); } }
private void OnDestroy() { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("OnDestroy(PhysicChild)"); if (physicActive) { Stop(); } }
public void OnAttachPart(Part targetPart) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("OnAttachPart(magnet) - Attach magnet to : " + targetPart.partInfo.title); if (FixedAttach.connectedPart) { MagnetActive = false; } AttachMagnet(targetPart); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); if (state == StartState.Editor || state == StartState.None) { return; } if (attachMode.Docked) { Part dockedPart = KAS_Shared.GetPartByID(, dockedPartID); if (dockedPart) { KASModuleAttachCore dockedAttachModuleTmp = dockedPart.GetComponent <KASModuleAttachCore>(); if (dockedAttachModuleTmp) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("OnLoad(Core) Re-set docking on " + dockedAttachModuleTmp.part.partInfo.title); AttachDocked(dockedAttachModuleTmp); } else { KAS_Shared.DebugError("OnLoad(Core) Unable to get docked module !"); attachMode.Docked = false; } } else { KAS_Shared.DebugError("OnLoad(Core) Unable to get saved docked part !"); attachMode.Docked = false; } } if (attachMode.Coupled) { // Todo } if (attachMode.FixedJoint) { Part attachedPart = KAS_Shared.GetPartByID(FixedAttach.savedVesselID, FixedAttach.savedPartID); if (attachedPart) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("OnLoad(Core) Re-set fixed joint on " + attachedPart.partInfo.title); AttachFixed(attachedPart, FixedAttach.savedBreakForce); } else { KAS_Shared.DebugError("OnLoad(Core) Unable to get saved connected part of the fixed joint !"); attachMode.FixedJoint = false; } } if (attachMode.StaticJoint) { // Nothing to do (see OnVesselLoaded) } GameEvents.onVesselGoOffRails.Add(new EventData <Vessel> .OnEvent(this.OnVesselGoOffRails)); }
public void Detach(AttachType attachType) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("Detach(Base) Attach type is : " + attachMode); // Docked if (attachType == AttachType.Docked) { if (dockedAttachModule.part.parent == this.part) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("Detach(Base) Undocking " + dockedAttachModule.part.partInfo.title + " from " + dockedAttachModule.vessel.vesselName); dockedAttachModule.part.Undock(dockedAttachModule.vesselInfo); } if (this.part.parent == dockedAttachModule.part) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("Detach(Base) Undocking " + this.part.partInfo.title + " from " + this.vessel.vesselName); this.part.Undock(this.vesselInfo); } dockedAttachModule.dockedAttachModule = null; this.dockedAttachModule = null; attachMode.Docked = false; } // Coupled if (attachType == AttachType.Coupled) { // Todo attachMode.Coupled = false; } // FixedJoint if (attachType == AttachType.FixedJoint) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("Detach(Base) Removing fixed joint on " + this.part.partInfo.title); if (FixedAttach.fixedJoint) { Destroy(FixedAttach.fixedJoint); } FixedAttach.fixedJoint = null; FixedAttach.connectedPart = null; attachMode.FixedJoint = false; } // StaticJoint if (attachType == AttachType.StaticJoint) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("Detach(Base) Removing static rigidbody and fixed joint on " + this.part.partInfo.title); if (StaticAttach.fixedJoint) { Destroy(StaticAttach.fixedJoint); } if (StaticAttach.connectedGameObject) { Destroy(StaticAttach.connectedGameObject); } StaticAttach.fixedJoint = null; StaticAttach.connectedGameObject = null; attachMode.StaticJoint = false; } }
public void OnAttachPart(Part targetPart) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("OnAttachPart(GrapplingHook)"); if (FixedAttach.connectedPart) { DetachGrapple(); } AttachPartGrapple(targetPart, partBreakForce); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); if (state == StartState.Editor || state == StartState.None) { return; } if (attachMode.Docked) { Part dockedPart = KAS_Shared.GetPartByID(this.vessel, dockedPartID); if (dockedPart && (dockedPart == part.parent || dockedPart.parent == part)) { KASModuleAttachCore dockedAttachModuleTmp = dockedPart.GetComponent <KASModuleAttachCore>(); if (dockedAttachModuleTmp == null) { KAS_Shared.DebugError("OnLoad(Core) Unable to get docked module !"); attachMode.Docked = false; } else if (dockedAttachModuleTmp.attachMode.Docked && dockedAttachModuleTmp.dockedPartID == part.flightID.ToString() && dockedAttachModuleTmp.vesselInfo != null) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("OnLoad(Core) Part already docked to " + dockedAttachModuleTmp.part.partInfo.title); this.dockedAttachModule = dockedAttachModuleTmp; dockedAttachModuleTmp.dockedAttachModule = this; } else { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("OnLoad(Core) Re-set docking on " + dockedAttachModuleTmp.part.partInfo.title); AttachDocked(dockedAttachModuleTmp); } } else { KAS_Shared.DebugError("OnLoad(Core) Unable to get saved docked part !"); attachMode.Docked = false; } } if (attachMode.Coupled) { // Todo } if (attachMode.FixedJoint) { StartCoroutine(WaitAndInitFixedAttach()); } if (attachMode.StaticJoint) { // Nothing to do (see OnVesselLoaded) } }
private IEnumerator WaitPhysicUpdate() { yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate()); KAS_Shared.SetPartLocalPosRotFrom(physicObj.transform, this.part.transform, currentLocalPos, currentLocalRot); if (physicObj.rigidbody.isKinematic == false) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("WaitPhysicUpdate(PhysicChild) Set velocity to : " + this.part.rigidbody.velocity + " | angular velocity : " + this.part.rigidbody.angularVelocity); physicObj.rigidbody.angularVelocity = this.part.rigidbody.angularVelocity; physicObj.rigidbody.velocity = this.part.rigidbody.velocity; } }
void OnVesselGoOffRails(Vessel vess) { if (vess != this.vessel) { return; } if (attachMode.StaticJoint && !StaticAttach.fixedJoint) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("OnVesselGoOffRails(Core) Re-attach static object"); AttachStatic(); } }
protected override void InitFixedAttach() { base.InitFixedAttach(); // Reset link if a fixed joint exist if (attachMode.FixedJoint) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("OnStart(strut) Docked / fixed joint detected from save, relinking..."); KASModuleStrut linkedStrutModuleSavedF = FixedAttach.connectedPart.GetComponent <KASModuleStrut>(); LinkTo(linkedStrutModuleSavedF, false, true); } }
/// <summary>Part's message handler.</summary> /// <remarks>Resumes physics handling on the object.</remarks> void OnPartUnpack() { if (physicObj != null && physicObjRb.isKinematic) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("OnPartUnpack(PhysicChild)"); physicObj.transform.parent = null; KAS_Shared.SetPartLocalPosRotFrom( physicObj.transform, part.transform, currentLocalPos, currentLocalRot); physicObjRb.isKinematic = false; StartCoroutine(WaitAndUpdateVelocities()); } }
/// <summary>Part's message handler.</summary> /// <remarks>Temporarily suspends physics handling on the object.</remarks> void OnPartPack() { if (physicObj != null) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("OnPartPack(PhysicChild)"); currentLocalPos = KAS_Shared.GetLocalPosFrom(physicObj.transform, part.transform); currentLocalRot = KAS_Shared.GetLocalRotFrom(physicObj.transform, part.transform); physicObjRb.isKinematic = true; physicObj.transform.parent = part.transform; StartCoroutine(WaitAndUpdateVelocities()); } }
private IEnumerator WaitAndRemoveJoint() { while (!this.part.started && this.part.State != PartStates.DEAD) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("WaitAndRemoveJoint - Waiting initialization of the part..."); yield return(null); } if (this.part.attachJoint) { this.part.attachJoint.DestroyJoint(); } }
private void UpdateGroundContact() { if (this.part.GroundContact) { if (!groundHit) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog( "UpdateGroundContact(Anchor) - Part hit ground ! Set part friction to : " + dynamicFriction); orgBounciness = this.part.collider.material.bounciness; orgDynamicFriction = this.part.collider.material.dynamicFriction; orgStaticFriction = this.part.collider.material.staticFriction; orgFrictionCombine = this.part.collider.material.frictionCombine; this.part.collider.material.bounciness = bounciness; this.part.collider.material.dynamicFriction = dynamicFriction; this.part.collider.material.staticFriction = staticFriction; this.part.collider.material.frictionCombine = PhysicMaterialCombine.Maximum; KAS_Shared.DebugLog("UpdateGroundContact(Anchor) - Set part drag to : " + groundDrag); orgAngularDrag = this.part.angularDrag; orgMaximum_drag = this.part.maximum_drag; orgMinimum_drag = this.part.minimum_drag; this.part.angularDrag = groundDrag; this.part.maximum_drag = groundDrag; this.part.minimum_drag = groundDrag; groundHit = true; } } else { if (groundHit) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog( "UpdateGroundContact(Anchor) - Part hit ground ! Set part material to" + " (Bou,dfrict,sfrict,combine) : " + orgBounciness + " | " + orgDynamicFriction + " | " + orgStaticFriction + " | " + orgFrictionCombine); this.part.collider.material.bounciness = orgBounciness; this.part.collider.material.dynamicFriction = orgDynamicFriction; this.part.collider.material.staticFriction = orgStaticFriction; this.part.collider.material.frictionCombine = orgFrictionCombine; KAS_Shared.DebugLog("UpdateGroundContact(Anchor) - Set part drag to (Ang,max,min) : " + orgAngularDrag + " | " + orgMaximum_drag + " | " + orgMinimum_drag); this.part.angularDrag = orgAngularDrag; this.part.maximum_drag = orgMaximum_drag; this.part.minimum_drag = orgMinimum_drag; groundHit = false; } } }
public void OnPartPack() { if (physicActive) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("OnPartPack(PhysicChild)"); currentLocalPos = KAS_Shared.GetLocalPosFrom(physicObj.transform, this.part.transform); currentLocalRot = KAS_Shared.GetLocalRotFrom(physicObj.transform, this.part.transform); FlightGlobals.removePhysicalObject(physicObj); physicObj.rigidbody.isKinematic = true; physicObj.transform.parent = this.part.transform; StartCoroutine(WaitPhysicUpdate()); } }