Esempio n. 1
        // internal cast

        public static GhostObject Upcast(CollisionObject colObj)
            if (colObj.GetInternalType() == CollisionObjectTypes.CO_GHOST_OBJECT)
Esempio n. 2
        public void UpdateSingleAabb(CollisionObject colObj)
            IndexedVector3 minAabb;
            IndexedVector3 maxAabb;
            IndexedMatrix wt = colObj.GetWorldTransform();
            colObj.GetCollisionShape().GetAabb(ref wt, out minAabb, out maxAabb);
            //need to increase the aabb for contact thresholds
            IndexedVector3 contactThreshold = new IndexedVector3(BulletGlobals.gContactBreakingThreshold);
            minAabb -= contactThreshold;
            maxAabb += contactThreshold;

            if (GetDispatchInfo().m_useContinuous && colObj.GetInternalType() == CollisionObjectTypes.CO_RIGID_BODY && !colObj.IsStaticOrKinematicObject())
		        IndexedVector3 minAabb2,maxAabb2;
		        colObj.GetCollisionShape().GetAabb(colObj.GetInterpolationWorldTransform(),out minAabb2 ,out maxAabb2);
		        minAabb2 -= contactThreshold;
		        maxAabb2 += contactThreshold;
		        MathUtil.VectorMin(ref minAabb2,ref minAabb);
                MathUtil.VectorMax(ref maxAabb2, ref maxAabb);

            if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugCollisionWorld)
                MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "updateSingleAabbMin", minAabb);
                MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "updateSingleAabbMax", maxAabb);

            IBroadphaseInterface bp = m_broadphasePairCache as IBroadphaseInterface;

            //moving objects should be moderately sized, probably something wrong if not
            if (colObj.IsStaticObject() || ((maxAabb - minAabb).LengthSquared() < 1e12f))
                bp.SetAabb(colObj.GetBroadphaseHandle(), ref minAabb, ref maxAabb, m_dispatcher1);
                //something went wrong, investigate
                //this assert is unwanted in 3D modelers (danger of loosing work)

                //static bool reportMe = true;
                bool reportMe = true;
                if (reportMe && m_debugDrawer != null)
                    reportMe = false;
                    m_debugDrawer.ReportErrorWarning("Overflow in AABB, object removed from simulation");
                    m_debugDrawer.ReportErrorWarning("If you can reproduce this, please email [email protected]\n");
                    m_debugDrawer.ReportErrorWarning("Please include above information, your Platform, version of OS.\n");
        // internal cast

        public static GhostObject Upcast(CollisionObject colObj)
            if (colObj.GetInternalType() == CollisionObjectTypes.CO_GHOST_OBJECT)
                return (GhostObject)colObj;
            return null;
Esempio n. 4
	    ///to keep collision detection and dynamics separate we don't store a rigidbody pointer
	    ///but a rigidbody is derived from btCollisionObject, so we can safely perform an upcast
	    public static RigidBody	Upcast(CollisionObject colObj)
		    if ((colObj.GetInternalType()&CollisionObjectTypes.CO_RIGID_BODY) != 0)
			    return colObj as RigidBody;
		    return null;