Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes the decision domain as a parameter and builds LP/MIP model
        /// depending on the domain
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="domain"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Model BuildMasterModel(Domain domain)
            Model masterModel = _context.CreateModel();

            //Creating the sets
            Set setPattern = new Set(domain: Domain.IntegerNonnegative, name: "Pattern");

            //parameter for demanded sizes
            Parameter paramDemands = new Parameter(domain: Domain.IntegerNonnegative, name: "ParamDemands", indexSets: _setRoll);

            paramDemands.SetBinding(binding: _demands, valueField: "Demand", indexFields: "Width");

            //parameter for number that each pattern must be applied to get all sizes and their demanded quantityv
            Parameter paramPatternRolls = new Parameter(domain: Domain.IntegerNonnegative, name: "paramPatternRolls", indexSets: new Set[] { setPattern, _setRoll });

            paramPatternRolls.SetBinding(binding: _patternRolls, valueField: "Count", indexFields: new string[] { "PatternID", "Width" });

            //Add both parameters to model
            masterModel.AddParameters(paramDemands, paramPatternRolls);

            //Decision: Created, bind data and add to the model
            //This is where the solver will place values (how many times to cut each pattern)
            Decision decisionPatternCounts = new Decision(domain: domain, name: "PatternCounts", indexSets: setPattern);

            decisionPatternCounts.SetBinding(binding: _patterns, valueField: "Count", indexFields: "PatternID");
            masterModel.AddDecision(decision: decisionPatternCounts);

            //Adding the demand constraint
            masterModel.AddConstraint(_demandConstraintName, Model.ForEach
                                          _setRoll, roll =>                     //from _setRoll, run for each roll
                                          //sum of (pattern items for given roll) * (pattern count) >= (demandf for size)
                                                  setPattern, pattern =>                       //from setPattern, run for each pattern
                                                  decisionPatternCounts[pattern] * paramPatternRolls[pattern, roll]
                                          >= paramDemands[roll]

            //Minize the total cuts
            masterModel.AddGoal("TotalRolls", GoalKind.Minimize, Model.Sum(Model.ForEach(setPattern, pattern => decisionPatternCounts[pattern])));
Esempio n. 2
        private void TestService2(Directive directive)
            SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();
            Model         model   = context.CreateModel();

            Decision x1 = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "x1");
            Decision x2 = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "x2");

            Decision z = new Decision(Domain.IntegerRange(0, 1), "z");

            Rational M = 100;

            model.AddDecisions(x1, x2, z);

            model.AddConstraint("Row0", x1 + x2 >= 1);
            model.AddConstraint("Row1", x1 - z * 100 <= 0);
            model.AddConstraint("Row2", x2 + z * 100 <= 100);

            Goal goal = model.AddGoal("Goal0", GoalKind.Maximize, x1 + x2);

            Solution solution = context.Solve(directive);

            Assert.IsTrue(goal.ToInt32() == 100);
Esempio n. 3
    //Voorbeeld LP uit de opgave
    void Initialize()
        //Introduceer de keuzes
        SolverContext context   = SolverContext.GetContext();
        Model         model     = context.CreateModel();
        Decision      aardappel = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative,
        Decision vlees = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative,
        Decision groente = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative,

        model.AddDecisions(aardappel, vlees, groente);

        //Constraints toevoegen
        model.AddConstraint("calorie", 800 * aardappel + 1000 * vlees + 5 * groente == 600);
        model.AddConstraints("prot_vit", 150 <= 5 * aardappel + 500 * vlees <= 250, 10 * aardappel + 100 * groente >= 200);

        //Introduceer doelstelling
        model.AddGoal("prijs", GoalKind.Minimize, 5 * aardappel + 20 * vlees + 7 * groente);

        //Roep solver aan
        Solution solution = context.Solve(new SimplexDirective());
        Report   report   = solution.GetReport();

        private SolverContext CreateSolver(double earningsCap = 0)
            SolverContext context  = new SolverContext();
            Model         model    = context.CreateModel();
            Set           movieSet = new Set(Domain.Any, "movies");
            Decision      numberOfScreensToPlayMovieOn = new Decision(Domain.IntegerNonnegative, "numberOfScreensToPlayMovieOn", movieSet);


            Parameter estimatedEarnings = new Parameter(Domain.RealNonnegative, "EstimatedBoxOfficeRevenue", movieSet);

            estimatedEarnings.SetBinding(_movies, "EarningsAsDouble", "Name");

            Parameter fmlBux = new Parameter(Domain.IntegerNonnegative, "FmlBux", movieSet);

            fmlBux.SetBinding(_movies, "CostAsDouble", "Name");

            model.AddParameters(estimatedEarnings, fmlBux);

            // constraints: 2
            // 1: number of screens <= AvailableScreens
            // 2: available money to spend <= AvailableFmlBux
            model.AddConstraint("cinePlexScreensConstraint", Model.Sum(Model.ForEach(movieSet, term => numberOfScreensToPlayMovieOn[term])) <= AvailableScreens);
            model.AddConstraint("cinePlexFmlBuxConstraint", Model.Sum(Model.ForEach(movieSet, term => numberOfScreensToPlayMovieOn[term] * fmlBux[term])) <= AvailableFmlBux);

            // goal: maximize earnings.
            // earnings = selectedMovies.Sum(Estimated Earnings) - ((AvailableScreens - selectedMovies.Count) * Penalty)
            var revenueTerm = Model.Sum(Model.ForEach(movieSet, t => numberOfScreensToPlayMovieOn[t] * estimatedEarnings[t]));
            var penaltyTerm = Model.Product(-(double)PenaltyForUnusedScreens
                                            , Model.Difference(8, Model.Sum(Model.ForEach(movieSet, t => numberOfScreensToPlayMovieOn[t]))));

            model.AddGoal("cinePlexMaximizeRevenueMinimizeUnusedScreens", GoalKind.Maximize, Model.Sum(revenueTerm, penaltyTerm));

        public void SolverLinear()
            SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();
            Model         model   = context.CreateModel();

            Decision vz = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "barrels_venezuela");
            Decision sa = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "barrels_saudiarabia");

            model.AddDecisions(vz, sa);

                                 0 <= vz <= 9000,
                                 0 <= sa <= 6000);

                                 0.3 * sa + 0.4 * vz >= 2000,
                                 0.4 * sa + 0.2 * vz >= 1500,
                                 0.2 * sa + 0.3 * vz >= 500);

            model.AddGoal("cost", GoalKind.Minimize,
                          20 * sa + 15 * vz);

            Solution solution = context.Solve(new SimplexDirective());

            Report report = solution.GetReport();

            Console.WriteLine("vz: {0}, sa: {1}", vz, sa);
            Console.Write("{0}", report);

            Assert.AreEqual("3500", vz.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual("2000", sa.ToString());
Esempio n. 6
        public void OptMethod1()
            SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();
            Model         model   = context.CreateModel();

            Decision xs = new Decision(Domain.Real, "Number_of_small_chess_boards");
            Decision xl = new Decision(Domain.Real, "Number_of_large_chess_boards");

            model.AddDecisions(xs, xl);

            model.AddConstraints("limits", 0 <= xs, 0 <= xl);
            model.AddConstraint("BoxWood", 1 * xs + 3 * xl <= 200);
            model.AddConstraint("Lathe", 3 * xs + 2 * xl <= 160);

            model.AddGoal("Profit", GoalKind.Maximize, 5 * xs + 20 * xl);

            // This doesn't work!
            // model.AddGoal("Profit", GoalKind.Maximize, objfunc(xs, xl));

            Solution sol    = context.Solve(new SimplexDirective());
            Report   report = sol.GetReport();

        public void SolverSingleChannel()
            SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();
            Model         model   = context.CreateModel();

            Domain   domain  = Domain.Enum("CreateItem", "ConnectItem", "DeleteItem");
            Decision channel = new Decision(domain, "channel");


            Parameter p = new Parameter(Domain.Integer, "p");


                                channel == "CreateItem" & p == 3

            Solution solution = context.Solve(new SimplexDirective());

            Report report = solution.GetReport();

            Console.WriteLine("channel: {0}", channel);
            Console.Write("{0}", report);

            Assert.AreEqual("CreateItem", channel.GetString());
        public void OptMethod2()
            SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();
            Model         model   = context.CreateModel();

            Decision x1 = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "dis_boyanin_gunluk_uretim_miktari");
            Decision x2 = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "ic_boyanin_gunluk_uretim_miktari");

            model.AddDecisions(x1, x2);

            model.AddGoal("Profit", GoalKind.Maximize, 5 * x2 + 4 * x2);

            model.AddConstraint("M1_Hammaddesi", 6 * x1 + 4 * x2 <= 24);
            model.AddConstraint("M2_Hammaddesi", x1 + 2 * x2 <= 6);
            model.AddConstraint("ic_boya_gun_fazlasi", -x1 + x2 <= 1);
            model.AddConstraint("ic_boya_en_çok", x2 <= 2);

            // This doesn't work!
            // model.AddGoal("Profit", GoalKind.Maximize, objfunc(xs, xl));

            Solution sol    = context.Solve(new SimplexDirective());
            Report   report = sol.GetReport();

        public void SolverEnum()
            SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();
            Model         model   = context.CreateModel();

            Domain   colors = Domain.Enum("red", "green", "blue", "yellow");
            Decision be     = new Decision(colors, "belgium");
            Decision de     = new Decision(colors, "germany");
            Decision fr     = new Decision(colors, "france");
            Decision nl     = new Decision(colors, "netherlands");

            model.AddDecisions(be, de, fr, nl);

                                 be != de, be != fr, be != nl, de != fr, de != nl);

            DecisionBinding bindBe = be.CreateBinding();
            DecisionBinding bindDe = de.CreateBinding();
            DecisionBinding bindFr = fr.CreateBinding();
            DecisionBinding bindNl = nl.CreateBinding();

            DecisionBinding[] bindings = new DecisionBinding[] { bindBe, bindDe, bindFr, bindNl };



            string[] valuesFr = bindFr.StringFeasibleValues.ToArray();
            Console.WriteLine("France: \t{0}", string.Join(", ", valuesFr));

            string[] valuesNl = bindNl.StringFeasibleValues.ToArray();
            Console.WriteLine("Netherlands: \t{0}", string.Join(", ", valuesNl));
Esempio n. 10
        public IActionResult Index()
            ////////////////// Поиск решений
            SolverContext problem = SolverContext.GetContext();
            Model         model   = problem.CreateModel();

            Decision[] component = new Decision[3];

            //// Модель
            component[0] = new Decision(Domain.RealRange(0, 9), $"Num1");
            component[1] = new Decision(Domain.RealRange(0, 9), $"Num2");
            component[2] = new Decision(Domain.RealRange(0, 9), $"Num3");
            // связываем модель
            // Ограничения
            model.AddConstraint($"Usl1", component[0] == 3);
            model.AddConstraint($"Usl2", component[1] == 0.5);
            model.AddConstraint($"Summ5", (component[0] + component[1] * component[2]) == 5);
            // Расчет
            Solution solution = problem.Solve();
            //////////////////// Конец поиска решений

            // Сделать, что бы, если колличество требуемых стлбоцов 7, то автоматически заполняем предсгенерироваными данными
            // Начало теста
            InputValues inputValues = new InputValues();

            inputValues.ComponentInputValues = new List <ComponentInputValue>();
            inputValues.ComponentInputValues.Add(new ComponentInputValue()
                Name = "Чугун литейный", PercentSi = 1.26, PercentMn = 0.68, Cost = 75.5, MinPercent = 24, MaxPercent = 50
            inputValues.ComponentInputValues.Add(new ComponentInputValue()
                Name = "Чугун передельный", PercentSi = 1.08, PercentMn = 0.26, Cost = 60, MinPercent = 24, MaxPercent = 50
            inputValues.ComponentInputValues.Add(new ComponentInputValue()
                Name = "Чугун зеркальный", PercentSi = 1.64, PercentMn = 1.57, Cost = 97, MinPercent = 0, MaxPercent = 100
            inputValues.ComponentInputValues.Add(new ComponentInputValue()
                Name = "Лом чугунный", PercentSi = 1.5, PercentMn = 0.7, Cost = 36.2, MinPercent = 0, MaxPercent = 100
            inputValues.ComponentInputValues.Add(new ComponentInputValue()
                Name = "Лом стальной", PercentSi = 0.5, PercentMn = 0.5, Cost = 34.3, MinPercent = 8, MaxPercent = 12
            inputValues.ComponentInputValues.Add(new ComponentInputValue()
                Name = "Возврат", PercentSi = 0.4, PercentMn = 0.65, Cost = 36.2, MinPercent = 20, MaxPercent = 40
            inputValues.ComponentInputValues.Add(new ComponentInputValue()
                Name = "Ферросилиций 45%", PercentSi = 52.02, PercentMn = 0.44, Cost = 120, MinPercent = 0, MaxPercent = 100
            //Конец теста

        public void SolverMultiChannel()
            SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();
            Model         model   = context.CreateModel();

            Domain   domain  = Domain.Enum("CreateItem", "ConnectItem", "DeleteItem");
            Decision channel = new Decision(domain, "channel");


                                channel == "CreateItem" | channel == "ConnectItem"

            // Find all possible values.
            DecisionBinding binding = channel.CreateBinding();

            DecisionBinding[] bindings = new DecisionBinding[] { binding };

            string[] values = binding.StringFeasibleValues.ToArray();
            Console.WriteLine("channel: {0}", string.Join(", ", values));

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new List <string>()
                "CreateItem", "ConnectItem"
            }, values);
        public static IList <Tuple <Ore, int> > MiningPlanToEarnSpecifiedGoldAndGems(double hpc, double goldNeeded, double gemsNeeded)
            IList <Ore>   localOreList = BuildFeasibleOreList(hpc);
            SolverContext context      = SolverContext.GetContext();
            Model         model        = context.CreateModel();
            Set           items        = new Set(Domain.Any, "items");
            Decision      mine         = new Decision(Domain.IntegerNonnegative, "mine", items);

            Parameter value = new Parameter(Domain.RealNonnegative, "value", items);

            value.SetBinding(localOreList, "Value", "Name");
            Parameter clicks = new Parameter(Domain.IntegerNonnegative, "clicks", items);

            clicks.SetBinding(localOreList, "Clicks", "Name");

            model.AddParameters(value, clicks);
            model.AddConstraint("knap_value", Model.Sum(Model.ForEach(items, t => mine[t] * value[t])) >= goldNeeded);
            model.AddConstraint("knap_gems", Model.Sum(Model.ForEach(items, t => mine[t])) >= gemsNeeded);
            model.AddGoal("knap_time", GoalKind.Minimize, Model.Sum(Model.ForEach(items, t => mine[t] * clicks[t])));
            var report = context.CheckModel();

            Solution solution = context.Solve(new SimplexDirective());
            //Report report = solution.GetReport();

            List <Tuple <Ore, int> > retval = new List <Tuple <Ore, int> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < localOreList.Count; i++)
                int temp = (int)mine.GetDouble(i);
                retval.Add(Tuple.Create(localOreList[i], temp));
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// The problem of integer programming:
        /// Selection employees necessary to minimize the total cost
        /// for given parameters of the cash amount and fixed productivity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selector">Contains cash amount and productivity</param>
        /// <returns>Possible solutions for the composition of the team of employees</returns>
        public override List <Dictionary <FellowWorker, int> > Select(StaffSelector selector)
            SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();
            Model         model   = context.CreateModel();

            // init fellow workers
            Junior junior = selector.Staffs.Junior;
            Middle middle = selector.Staffs.Middle;
            Senior senior = selector.Staffs.Senior;
            Lead   lead   = selector.Staffs.Lead;

            // init decisions - counts of number of employees of different qualifications
            Decision juniorDecision = new Decision(Domain.IntegerNonnegative, junior.GetQualificationString());
            Decision middleDecision = new Decision(Domain.IntegerNonnegative, middle.GetQualificationString());
            Decision seniorDecision = new Decision(Domain.IntegerNonnegative, senior.GetQualificationString());
            Decision leadDecision   = new Decision(Domain.IntegerNonnegative, lead.GetQualificationString());

            model.AddDecisions(juniorDecision, middleDecision, seniorDecision, leadDecision);

            // constraint of fixed productivity
                                 junior.Productivity * juniorDecision +
                                 middle.Productivity * middleDecision +
                                 senior.Productivity * seniorDecision +
                                 lead.Productivity * leadDecision == selector.Productivity);

            // constraint of max cash amount
                                 junior.Salary * juniorDecision +
                                 middle.Salary * middleDecision +
                                 senior.Salary * seniorDecision +
                                 lead.Salary * leadDecision <= selector.Amount);

            // criterion of optimization - total cost
            model.AddGoal("cost", GoalKind.Minimize,
                          junior.Salary * juniorDecision +
                          middle.Salary * middleDecision +
                          senior.Salary * seniorDecision +
                          lead.Salary * leadDecision);

            Solution solution = context.Solve(new ConstraintProgrammingDirective());

            // packing results
            List <Dictionary <FellowWorker, int> > solutionsList = new List <Dictionary <FellowWorker, int> >();

            while (solution.Quality != SolverQuality.Infeasible)
                solutionsList.Add(PackSolutionInDictionary(new Decision[] {
                }, selector.Staffs));

Esempio n. 14
        public static double ComputePortfolioMinimumVariance(LabeledMatrix <Security> matrix, double expectedReturn, out Dictionary <Security, double> weights, bool allowShortSelling = false)
            SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();
            Model         model   = context.CreateModel();

            // since the row securities are the same as the column securities. use row.
            var securities      = matrix.RowEntities;
            var weightDecisions = new Dictionary <Security, Decision>();
            var rangeOfWeights  = allowShortSelling ? Domain.RealRange(-10, 10) : Domain.RealRange(0, 10);

            Term t1 = 0d; // constraint 1, sum of weights = 1
            Term t2 = 0d; // constraint 2, expected portfolio return (sum of weight*price) = expectedReturn

            foreach (var security in securities)
                var securityWeightDecision = new Decision(rangeOfWeights, security.Symbol); // -10 <= w <= 10
                weightDecisions[security] = securityWeightDecision;

                t1 += securityWeightDecision;
                t2 += (securityWeightDecision * security.MarketPrice);

            model.AddConstraint("SumOfWeights", t1 == 1d);
            model.AddConstraint("ExpectedPortfolioReturn", t2 == expectedReturn);

            // goal 1, the ptf var to be minimized
            Term varianceTerm = 0d;

            foreach (Security rowEntity in matrix.RowEntities)
                foreach (Security columnEntity in matrix.ColumnEntities)
                    varianceTerm += (matrix.Get(rowEntity, columnEntity) * weightDecisions[rowEntity] * weightDecisions[columnEntity]);

            Goal goal = model.AddGoal("MeanVariance", GoalKind.Minimize, varianceTerm);

            var gurobiDirective = new GurobiDirective();

            //gurobiDirective.OutputFlag = true;

            //Report report = solution.GetReport();
            //Console.WriteLine("{0}", report);
            //foreach (var weightDecision in weightDecisions)
            //    Console.WriteLine(weightDecision.Key.Symbol + ":" + weightDecision.Value.GetDouble());

            weights = weightDecisions.ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value.GetDouble());
Esempio n. 15
        public static Tuple <double, List <double> > PlayerBStrategy(List <List <int> > matrix)
            SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();

            Model model = context.CreateModel();

            List <Decision> decicionList = new List <Decision>();

            for (int j = 0; j < matrix[0].Count; j++)
                decicionList.Add(new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "B" + j));

            foreach (var decision in decicionList)

            for (int i = 0; i < matrix.Count; i++)
                SumTermBuilder rowSum = new SumTermBuilder(decicionList.Count);

                for (int j = 0; j < decicionList.Count; j++)
                    rowSum.Add(decicionList[j] * matrix[i][j]);

                model.AddConstraint("con" + i, rowSum.ToTerm() <= 1);

            SumTermBuilder decisionSum = new SumTermBuilder(decicionList.Count);

            for (int j = 0; j < decicionList.Count; j++)
                model.AddConstraint("nonneg" + j, decicionList[j] >= 0);

            model.AddGoal("max", GoalKind.Maximize, decisionSum.ToTerm());

            Solution solution = context.Solve(new SimplexDirective());

            double        gameValue          = 1 / solution.Goals.First().ToDouble();
            List <double> parsedDecicionList = new List <double>();

            foreach (var decision in decicionList)
                parsedDecicionList.Add(decision.ToDouble() * gameValue);

            return(new Tuple <double, List <double> >(gameValue, parsedDecicionList));
Esempio n. 16
        public void GenerateProbabilities()
            if (_problem.Variables.Count == 0)

            SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();
            Model         model   = context.CreateModel();

            Dictionary <Variable, (Decision NotNegated, Decision Negated)> decisions =
                    variable => variable,
                    variable => (new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, variable.Name), new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "_" + variable.Name)));

            model.AddDecisions(decisions.Values.SelectMany(t => new[] { t.NotNegated, t.Negated }).ToArray());

            foreach (var pair in decisions)
                model.AddConstraint("balance_" + pair.Key.Name, pair.Value.NotNegated + pair.Value.Negated == 1);

            int clauseNum = 0;

            foreach (var problemClause in _problem.Clauses)
                Term term = null;
                foreach (var lieral in problemClause)
                    var decisionToAdd = lieral.Value ? decisions[lieral.Key].Negated : decisions[lieral.Key].NotNegated;
                    term = object.Equals(term, null) ? decisionToAdd : term + decisionToAdd;

                if (!object.Equals(term, null))
                    model.AddConstraint($"clause_{clauseNum++}", term >= 1);

            foreach (var valueTuple in decisions)
                model.AddGoal($"goal_{valueTuple.Key.Name}", GoalKind.Maximize,
                              valueTuple.Value.NotNegated + valueTuple.Value.Negated);

            Solution solution = context.Solve(new SimplexDirective());


            _probailities = decisions.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value.NotNegated.ToDouble());
			public static void Main(string[] args)
				var Names = new string[] { 
					"Alice", "Bob", "Carol", "David", "Eve",
				Domain Recipients = Domain.Enum(Names);
				SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();
				Model model = context.CreateModel();
				Dictionary<string, string[]> PossiblyBuysFor = new Dictionary<string, string[]>();
				//Alice and Carol are sisters
				//Bob and David are brothers
				//Can't buy for siblings or yourself
				PossiblyBuysFor["Alice"] = new string[] { "Bob", "David", "Eve", };
				PossiblyBuysFor["Bob"] = new string[] { "Alice", "Carol", "Eve", };
				PossiblyBuysFor["Carol"] = new string[] { "Bob", "David", "Eve", };
				PossiblyBuysFor["David"] = new string[] { "Alice", "Carol", "Eve", };
				PossiblyBuysFor["Eve"] = new string[] { "Alice", "Bob", "Carol", "David", };
				foreach (var giver in PossiblyBuysFor.Keys)
					Decision d = new Decision(Recipients, giver.ToLower());
				foreach (var giver in PossiblyBuysFor.Keys)
					string term = "1 == 0 ";
					foreach (var valid in PossiblyBuysFor[giver])
						term += string.Format(" | {0} == \"{1}\"", giver.ToLower(), valid);
					model.AddConstraint("domain_restriction_" + giver, term); 
				model.AddConstraint("one_present_each", Model.AllDifferent(model.Decisions.ToArray()));
				Solution solution = context.Solve(new ConstraintProgrammingDirective());
				int i = 0;
				while (solution.Quality != SolverQuality.Infeasible && i < 10)
					foreach (var d in solution.Decisions)
						Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} buys for {1}", d.Name, d.ToString()));
				Console.WriteLine("The end");
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>Create the model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="project">The project to be scheduled.</param>
        public void Initialize(Project project)
            context = SolverContext.GetContext();
            model = context.CreateModel();

            int eventCount = project.Tasks.Count;

            // we will fill these in in the remainder of the post.
            InitializeSets(project.Tasks.Count, eventCount, project.Resources.Count);
            InitializeParameters(project.Tasks, project.Resources);
            InitializeConstraints(project, eventCount);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Double[,] y =
                { 5, 1, 0 },
                { 1, 9, 1 },
                { 0, 1, 9 },

            Term goal;

            Term[,] tx;
            Term[,] ty;

            SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();                 // Get context environment
            Model         model   = context.CreateModel();                      // Create a new model

            Decision d1 = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "d1");           // First item in "x" vector (must be >= 0)
            Decision d2 = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "d2");           // Second item in "x" vector (must be >= 0)
            Decision d3 = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "d3");           // Third item in "x" vector (must be >= 0)

            model.AddDecisions(d1, d2, d3);                                     // Add these to the model (this is where the outputs will be stored)

            model.AddConstraints("limits",                                      // Add constraints
                                 0 <= d1 <= 1,                                  // Each item must be between 0 and 1
                                 0 <= d2 <= 1,
                                 0 <= d3 <= 1,
                                 d1 + d2 + d3 == 1);                            // All items must add up to 1

            ty = matrix(y);
            tx = new Term[, ] {
                { d1, d2, d3 }

            goal = matMult(matMult(tx, ty), transpose(tx))[0, 0];

            model.AddGoal("goal", GoalKind.Minimize, goal);

            // Specifying the IPM solver, as we have a quadratic goal
            Solution solution = context.Solve(new InteriorPointMethodDirective());

            Report report = solution.GetReport();

            Console.WriteLine("x {{{0}, {1}, {2}}}", d1, d2, d3);
            Console.Write("{0}", report);
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();
            Model         model   = context.CreateModel();

            Decision z1 = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "z1");
            Decision z2 = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "z2");
            Decision z3 = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "z3");
            Decision z4 = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "z4");

            model.AddDecisions(z1, z2, z3, z4);

                                 z1 >= 0,
                                 z2 >= 0,
                                 z3 >= 0,
                                 z4 >= 0

                                 pierwiastki[0] * z1 + pierwiastki[1] * z2 + pierwiastki[2] * z3 + pierwiastki[3] * z4 >= minimum[0],
                                 pierwiastki[4] * z1 + pierwiastki[5] * z2 + pierwiastki[6] * z3 + pierwiastki[7] * z4 >= minimum[1],
                                 pierwiastki[8] * z1 + pierwiastki[9] * z2 + pierwiastki[10] * z3 + pierwiastki[11] * z4 >= minimum[2],
                                 pierwiastki[12] * z1 + pierwiastki[13] * z2 + pierwiastki[14] * z3 + pierwiastki[15] * z4 >= minimum[3]

            Goal g = model.AddGoal("cost", GoalKind.Minimize,
                                   ceny[0] * z1 + ceny[1] * z2 + ceny[2] * z3 + ceny[3] * z4

            Solution solution = context.Solve(new SimplexDirective());

            Report report = solution.GetReport();

            //Console.WriteLine("vz: {0}, sa: {1}", z1, sa);
            wynik1.Text = z1.ToDouble().ToString();
            wynik2.Text = z2.ToDouble().ToString();
            wynik3.Text = z3.ToDouble().ToString();
            wynik4.Text = z4.ToDouble().ToString();

            wynik5.Text = g.ToString();

            Console.Write("{0}", report);
Esempio n. 21
        private void solveLLP()
            #region 1 реализация
            SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();
            modelOfLLP = context.CreateModel();

            x1 = new Decision(Domain.IntegerNonnegative, "X1");
            x2 = new Decision(Domain.IntegerNonnegative, "X2");

            modelOfLLP.AddDecisions(x1, x2);

            modelOfLLP.AddConstraints("limits", 0 <= x1, 0 <= x2);

            solution = context.Solve(new SimplexDirective());
Esempio n. 22
        static void Main(string[] args)
                SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();
                Model model = context.CreateModel();

                Set fabricas       = new Set(Domain.Any, "fabricas");
                Set distribuidores = new Set(Domain.Any, "distribuidores");

                Parameter demanda = new Parameter(Domain.Integer, "demanda", distribuidores);
                demanda.SetBinding(getDemanda().AsEnumerable(), "Demanda", "Distribuidor");

                Parameter costos = new Parameter(Domain.Integer, "costos", fabricas, distribuidores);
                costos.SetBinding(getCostos().AsEnumerable(), "Costo", "Fabrica", "Distribuidor");

                Parameter disponibilidad = new Parameter(Domain.Integer, "disponibilidad", fabricas);
                disponibilidad.SetBinding(getDisponibilidad().AsEnumerable(), "Disponibilidad", "Fabrica");

                model.AddParameters(demanda, costos, disponibilidad);

                Decision x = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "x", fabricas, distribuidores);

                model.AddConstraint("Disponibilidad", Model.ForEach(fabricas, f => Model.Sum(Model.ForEach(distribuidores, d => x[f, d])) <= disponibilidad[f]));
                model.AddConstraint("Demanda", Model.ForEach(distribuidores, d => Model.Sum(Model.ForEach(fabricas, f => x[f, d])) >= demanda[d]));

                model.AddGoal("Meta", GoalKind.Minimize, Model.Sum(Model.ForEach(fabricas, f => Model.ForEach(distribuidores, d => costos[f, d] * x[f, d]))));

                Solution solution = context.Solve(new SimplexDirective());
                Report   report   = solution.GetReport();
            catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 23
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string[] names  = { "Алюминий", "Медь", "Олово", "Цинк", "Свинец" };
            int[]    prod1  = { 10, 20, 15, 30, 20 };
            int[]    prod2  = { 70, 50, 35, 40, 45 };
            int[]    volume = { 570, 420, 300, 600, 400 };
            dataGridView1.Rows.Add(); dataGridView1.Rows.Add();
            dataGridView1.Rows.Add(); dataGridView1.Rows.Add();
            for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++)
                dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value = names[i];
                dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = prod1[i];
                dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value = prod2[i];
                dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value = volume[i];
            SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();
            Model         model   = context.CreateModel();
            Decision      x01     = new Decision(Domain.IntegerNonnegative, "product1");
            Decision      x02     = new Decision(Domain.IntegerNonnegative, "product2");

            model.AddDecisions(x01, x02);
                                 0.4 * x01 - 0.6 * x02 >= 0,
                                 x01 * prod1[0] + x02 * prod2[0] <= volume[0],
                                 x01 * prod1[1] + x02 * prod2[1] <= volume[1],
                                 x01 * prod1[2] + x02 * prod2[2] <= volume[2],
                                 x01 * prod1[3] + x02 * prod2[3] <= volume[3],
                                 x01 * prod1[4] + x02 * prod2[4] <= volume[4]
                model.AddGoal("cost", GoalKind.Maximize, 30 * x01 + 80 * x02);
                Solution solution = context.Solve(new SimplexDirective());
                Report   report   = solution.GetReport();
                x1.Text   = x01.ToDouble().ToString();
                x2.Text   = x02.ToDouble().ToString();
                cost.Text = model.Goals.First().ToDouble().ToString();
                res.Text += report;
Esempio n. 24
        public static float[] Execute(SimplexFundsData fundsData,
                                      double portfolioValue, double acceptableSingleDD, double riskSigmaMultiplier, double maxSinglePositionSize, double maxPortfolioRisk,
                                      int truncateBalanceToNthPlace)
            SimplexExecutorData data = new SimplexExecutorData(fundsData);

            if (data.ActiveFunds.Length == 0)
                return(new float[fundsData.Stocks.Length]);

            double maxSingleDDValue            = portfolioValue * acceptableSingleDD;
            double maxPositionValue            = portfolioValue * maxSinglePositionSize;
            double maxPortfolioAggressiveValue = portfolioValue * maxPortfolioRisk;

            SolverContext solverContext = new SolverContext();
            Model         model         = solverContext.CreateModel();

            model.AddDecisions(data.ActiveFunds.Select(i => new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, $"_{i}")).ToArray());

                                TermBuilder.SumProducts(model.Decisions, (i) => data.Prices[i] * (data.AvgChange[i] + data.AvgChangeSigma[i] * riskSigmaMultiplier)) <= maxSingleDDValue);

                                TermBuilder.SumProducts(model.Decisions, data.Prices) <= maxPortfolioAggressiveValue);

                                 TermBuilder.BuildTerms(model.Decisions, (decision, i) => data.Prices[i] * decision <= maxPositionValue));

                                 TermBuilder.BuildTerms(model.Decisions, (decision, i) => data.AvgProfit[i] * decision >= 0));


            model.AddGoal("max_avg_profit", GoalKind.Maximize, TermBuilder.SumProducts(model.Decisions, data.AvgProfit));

            return(CalculateBalance(solverContext.Solve(new SimplexDirective()), fundsData, portfolioValue, truncateBalanceToNthPlace));
Esempio n. 25
        public void OptMethod3()
            SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();
            Model         model   = context.CreateModel();

            Decision vz = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "barrels_venezuela");
            Decision sa = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "barrels_saudiarabia");

            model.AddDecisions(vz, sa);

            model.AddGoal("cost", GoalKind.Minimize,
                          20 * sa + 15 * vz);

                                 0 <= vz <= 9000,
                                 0 <= sa <= 6000);

                                 0.3 * sa + 0.4 * vz >= 2000,
                                 0.4 * sa + 0.2 * vz >= 1500,
                                 0.2 * sa + 0.3 * vz >= 500);

            // This doesn't work!
            // model.AddGoal("Profit", GoalKind.Maximize, objfunc(xs, xl));

            Solution sol    = context.Solve(new SimplexDirective());
            Report   report = sol.GetReport();

            Console.WriteLine("vz: {0}, sa: {1}", vz, sa);
            Console.Write("{0}", report);

Esempio n. 26
        private void button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Model model = context.CreateModel();

            List <Decision> decisions = new List <Decision>();

            var    formula = "";
            string con     = "";

            foreach (var item in dataGridVars.Items)
                string li       = "L" + (item as Invester).Line;
                double maxValue = Double.Parse((item as Invester).MaxValue) * Double.Parse(Value.Text) / 100f;
                String contrain = li + " <= " + maxValue;
                con += " " + li + " +";
                Decision dc = new Decision(Domain.RealRange(0, maxValue), li);
            ParseContrain(con.Substring(0, con.Length - 1) + " >= " + Value.Text);
            foreach (var item in dataGridVars.Items)
                formula += " " + Double.Parse((item as Invester).Interest) + " * L" + (item as Invester).Line;
                if ((item as Invester).Line <= dataGridVars.Items.Count - 1)
                    formula += " +";
                String contrain = "L" + (item as Invester).Line + " >= 0 ";
            TargetFormula = formula.Substring(1, formula.Length - 2);

            FormulaTB.Text = TargetFormula;

            foreach (var list in ListOfContrains)
                string c = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Capacity; i++)
                    if (i != 0 && i < list.Capacity - 1)
                        c += list[i] >= 0 ? " + " : " - ";
                    if (i == list.Capacity - 1)
                        c += " " + listOfStringContrains[ListOfContrains.IndexOf(list)] + " " + list[i];
                        c += Math.Abs(list[i]) + " * L" + i;
                model.AddConstraint("C" + ListOfContrains.IndexOf(list), c);

            model.AddGoal("Goal", GoalKind.Minimize, TargetFormula);
            var directive = new SimplexDirective()
                IterationLimit = -1,
                TimeLimit      = -1,
                Arithmetic     = Arithmetic.Exact,
                GetSensitivity = true
            Solution solution = context.Solve(directive);

            Quality.Text = solution.Quality.ToString();
            if (solution.Quality != SolverQuality.Optimal)


            for (int i = 0; i < decisions.Count; i++)
                var old = (dataGridVars.Items[i] as Invester);
                old.SelectedValue     = decisions[i].ToDouble().ToString();
                dataGridVars.Items[i] = old;
Esempio n. 27
        private void CreateModel()
            context = SolverContext.GetContext();
            model = context.CreateModel();
            items = new Set(Domain.Any, "items");

            cost = new Parameter(Domain.Integer, "cost", items);
            cost.SetBinding(Round.Players, "Cost", "Name");

            score = new Parameter(Domain.Integer, "score", items);
            score.SetBinding(Round.Players, "Score", "Name");

            team = new Parameter(Domain.IntegerNonnegative, "team", items);
            team.SetBinding(Round.Players, "TeamId", "Name");

            dummy = new Parameter(Domain.Boolean, "dummy", items);
            dummy.SetBinding(Round.Players, "IsDummyPlayer", "Name");

            model.AddParameters(cost, score, team, dummy);

            choose = new Decision(Domain.IntegerRange(0, 1), "choose", items);
            choose.SetBinding(Round.Players, "SelectedValue", "Name");
Esempio n. 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the given action, which may result in a synchronized transition.
        /// </summary>
        public bool HandleAction(ActionType type, string channel, Dictionary <string, object> parameters)
            Log.Debug(this, nameof(HandleAction) + " Type: " + type + " Channel: " + channel + " Parameters:\n" + string.Join("\n", parameters.Select(x => x.Key + ": " + x.Value).ToArray()));

            List <SymbolicTransition> validTransitions = new List <SymbolicTransition>();

            foreach (SymbolicTransition transition in Transitions)
                // Transition must come from the current state.
                if (transition.From != State)
                // Transition must have the same type (input or output).
                if (transition.Type != type)
                // Transition must have the same channel name.
                if (transition.Channel != channel)

                bool valid = true;
                    SolverContext solver = SolverContext.GetContext();

                    if (!modelCache.TryGetValue(transition, out Model model))
                        model = solver.CreateModel();
                        modelCache.Add(transition, model);

                        Log.Debug(this, "Created new model: " + model);

                        // Add location variables, and interaction variables.

                        // Let the transition add its guard expression.
                        transition.Guard(model, Variables, transition.Variables);
                        Log.Debug(this, "Re-using existing model: " + model);

                        solver.CurrentModel = model;

                    // Does it solve?
                    Solution solution = solver.Solve(new HybridLocalSearchDirective()
                        TimeLimit = 1000,

                    Log.Debug(this, "Succesfully solved: " + transition);
                    foreach (Decision decision in transition.Variables)
                        Log.Debug(this, string.Format("<Decision> {0}: {1}", decision.Name, decision));

                    Report report = solution.GetReport();
                    Log.Debug(this, string.Format("{0}", report));

                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.Error(this, "Exception solving: " + transition + "\n" + e);
                    valid = false;

                // Transition must have the same parameters (but order does not matter).
                //if (!transition.Parameters.SetEquals(new HashSet<string>(parameters.Keys))) continue;
                // Transition guard function must evaluate to true.
                //if (!transition.GuardFunction(Variables, parameters)) continue;

                // All checks passed!
                if (valid)

            Log.Debug(this, "Valid transitions:\n" + string.Join("\n", validTransitions.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()));

            if (validTransitions.Count == 0)

            // DEBUG: For testing, we pick the first compatible transition, not a random one. (TPE)
            SymbolicTransition chosenTransition = validTransitions.First();

            Log.Debug(this, "Chosen transition:\n" + chosenTransition);

            chosenTransition.Update(Variables, chosenTransition.Variables);

            Log.Debug(this, "From: " + State + " To: " + chosenTransition.To);
            State = chosenTransition.To;

Esempio n. 29
        public static Dictionary <string, MySolver.Parameter> Solve(double[] Xvals, double[] Yvals,
                                                                    string formula, Dictionary <string, MySolver.Parameter> coefficients)
            if (formula.StartsWith("If[FRAP"))//Send to frapa model and return the result
                return(FRAPA_Model.AllModels.Solve(formula, Xvals, Yvals, coefficients));

            // create solver model
            SolverContext solver = SolverContext.GetContext();

            Model model = solver.CreateModel();

            foreach (var parameter in coefficients)
                if (parameter.Value.Variable)//add variable
                    //m.AddDecision(new Decision(Domain.IntegerRange(0, 100), "b"));
                    //Decision des = new Decision(Domain.Real, parameter.Key);
                    Decision des = new Decision(Domain.RealRange(parameter.Value.Min, parameter.Value.Max), parameter.Key);
                else // add scalar
                    Microsoft.SolverFoundation.Services.Parameter par =
                        new Microsoft.SolverFoundation.Services.Parameter(
                            Domain.Real, parameter.Key);
                    //par.SetBinding(new double[] { parameter.Value.Value }, parameter.Key);

            string theTerm = "((" + formula.Replace("t", Xvals[0].ToString()).Replace("Sqr" + Xvals[0].ToString(), "Sqrt") + ") - " + Yvals[0].ToString() + ") ^ 2";

            for (int i = 1; i < Xvals.Length && i < Yvals.Length; i++)
                theTerm += " + ((" + formula.Replace("t", Xvals[i].ToString()).Replace("Sqr" + Xvals[i].ToString(), "Sqrt") + ") - " + Yvals[i].ToString() + ") ^ 2";

            // define optimization type and give objective function SUM(e^2) to be minimized

            model.AddGoal("SumOfSquaredErrors", GoalKind.Minimize, theTerm);
            // solve model and transfer results (optimized decision variables) from
            // model into a dictionary object which will be returned for the caller
            Solution solution = solver.Solve();
            //return the result
            Dictionary <string, MySolver.Parameter> parameters = new Dictionary <string, MySolver.Parameter>();

            foreach (Decision parameter in model.Decisions)
                MySolver.Parameter p;

                if (!coefficients.TryGetValue(parameter.Name, out p))
                    p = new Parameter(parameter.Name);

                parameters.Add(parameter.Name, new Parameter
                                   (parameter.Name, parameter.ToDouble(), p.Min, p.Max, p.Variable));

Esempio n. 30
        private void Raschot_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (
                #region ---
                (_predel_B1.Text == "") ||
                (_predel_B2.Text == "") ||
                (_predel_B3.Text == "") ||
                (kol_A1_B1.Text == "") ||
                (kol_A1_B2.Text == "") ||
                (kol_A1_B3.Text == "") ||
                (kol_A2_B1.Text == "") ||
                (kol_A2_B2.Text == "") ||
                (kol_A2_B3.Text == "") ||
                (kol_A3_B1.Text == "") ||
                (kol_A3_B2.Text == "") ||
                (kol_A3_B3.Text == "") ||
                (sto_A1.Text == "") ||
                (sto_A2.Text == "") ||
                (sto_A3.Text == ""))
            #endregion ---
                Grafick.Parent = null;
                MessageBox.Show("Не все поля заполнены!", "Ошибка");
                Grafick.Parent = tabControl1;


                H._predel_B1 = Double.Parse(_predel_B1.Text);
                H._predel_B2 = Double.Parse(_predel_B2.Text);
                H._predel_B3 = Double.Parse(_predel_B3.Text);
                H.kol_A1_B1  = Double.Parse(kol_A1_B1.Text);
                H.kol_A1_B2  = Double.Parse(kol_A1_B2.Text);
                H.kol_A1_B3  = Double.Parse(kol_A1_B3.Text);
                H.kol_A2_B1  = Double.Parse(kol_A2_B1.Text);
                H.kol_A2_B2  = Double.Parse(kol_A2_B2.Text);
                H.kol_A2_B3  = Double.Parse(kol_A2_B3.Text);
                H.kol_A3_B1  = Double.Parse(kol_A3_B1.Text);
                H.kol_A3_B2  = Double.Parse(kol_A3_B2.Text);
                H.kol_A3_B3  = Double.Parse(kol_A3_B3.Text);
                H.sto_A1     = Double.Parse(sto_A1.Text);
                H.sto_A2     = Double.Parse(sto_A2.Text);
                H.sto_A3     = Double.Parse(sto_A3.Text);

                List <SolverRow> solverList = new List <SolverRow>();
                solverList.Add(new SolverRow {
                    xId = 1, Koef = H.X1
                solverList.Add(new SolverRow {
                    xId = 2, Koef = H.X2
                solverList.Add(new SolverRow {
                    xId = 3, Koef = H.X3

                SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();
                Model         model   = context.CreateModel();
                Set           users   = new Set(Domain.Any, "users");

                Parameter Koef = new Parameter(Domain.Real, "Koef", users);
                Koef.SetBinding(solverList, "Koef", "xId");

                Decision choose = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "choose", users);
                model.AddGoal("goal", GoalKind.Minimize, Model.Sum(Model.ForEach(users, xId => choose[xId] * Koef[xId])));

                model.AddConstraint("OgranT1", Model.Sum(Model.ForEach(users, xId => H.kol_A1_B1 * H.X1 + H.kol_A2_B1 * H.X2 + H.kol_A3_B1 * H.X3)) <= H._predel_B1);
                model.AddConstraint("OgranT2", Model.Sum(Model.ForEach(users, xId => H.kol_A1_B2 * H.X1 + H.kol_A2_B2 * H.X2 + H.kol_A3_B2 * H.X3)) <= H._predel_B2);
                model.AddConstraint("OgranT3", Model.Sum(Model.ForEach(users, xId => H.kol_A1_B3 * H.X1 + H.kol_A2_B3 * H.X2 + H.kol_A3_B3 * H.X3)) <= H._predel_B3);

                    Solution solution = context.Solve();
                    Report   report   = solution.GetReport();

                    String reportStr = "";

                    for (int i = 0; i < solverList.Count; i++)
                        reportStr += "Значение X" + (i + 1).ToString() + ": " + choose.GetDouble(solverList[i].xId) + "\n";
                    reportStr += "\n" + report.ToString();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show("При решении задачи оптимизации возникла исключительная ситуация.");

                double X1 = Math.Round(choose.GetDouble(solverList[0].xId), 3);
                double X2 = Math.Round(choose.GetDouble(solverList[1].xId), 3);
                double X3 = Math.Round(choose.GetDouble(solverList[2].xId), 3);

                this.chart1.Series[0].Points.AddXY("", H.X1);
                this.chart1.Series[1].Points.AddXY("", H.X2);
                this.chart1.Series[2].Points.AddXY("", H.X3);

                dataGridView1.Rows.Add(H.X1, H.X2, H.X3);
Esempio n. 31
        private void FindSolution(IEnumerable <Node> nodes, IEnumerable <Link> links, List <SolverWorker> workers)
            SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();
            Model         model   = context.CreateModel();

            var nodeSet   = new Set(0, nodes.Count(), 1);
            var workerSet = new Set(0, workers.Count(), 1);

            var weights = new Parameter(Domain.IntegerNonnegative, "weights", nodeSet);

            weights.SetBinding(nodes, "Weight", "ID");
            var dependencies = new Parameter(Domain.IntegerRange(0, 1), "dependencies", nodeSet, nodeSet);

            dependencies.SetBinding(links, "isDependent", "Source", "Parent");

            model.AddParameters(weights, dependencies);

            var startTimes  = new Decision(Domain.IntegerNonnegative, "starts", nodeSet);
            var finishTimes = new Decision(Domain.IntegerNonnegative, "finishes", nodeSet);
            var makespan    = new Decision(Domain.IntegerNonnegative, "makespan");
            var allocation  = new Decision(Domain.IntegerRange(0, 1), "allocation", nodeSet, workerSet);

            model.AddDecisions(startTimes, finishTimes, makespan, allocation);

            model.AddConstraint("FinishTime", Model.ForEach(nodeSet, (node) => startTimes[node] + weights[node] == finishTimes[node]));

            //model.AddConstraint("OneAtATime", Model.ForEach(nodeSet, (n) =>
            //    Model.ForEachWhere(nodeSet, (n2) => Model.Or(finishTimes[n] < startTimes[n2], startTimes[n] > finishTimes[n2]), (n2) => n != n2)));

            model.AddConstraint("Allocatee", Model.ForEach(nodeSet, (n) => Model.Sum(Model.ForEach(workerSet, (w) => allocation[n, w])) == 1));
            //model.AddConstraint("Allocatee", Model.ForEach(nodeSet, (n) => Model.ExactlyMofN(1,allocation[n])));

                                Model.ForEach(workerSet, (w) =>
                                              Model.ForEach(nodeSet, (n) =>
                                                            Model.ForEachWhere(nodeSet, (n2) => Model.Implies(Model.And(allocation[n, w] == 1, allocation[n2, w] == 1),
                                                                                                              Model.Or(finishTimes[n] <= startTimes[n2], startTimes[n] >= finishTimes[n2])), (n2) => n != n2))));

            model.AddConstraint("PrecedenceConstraints", Model.ForEach(nodeSet, task =>
                                                                       Model.ForEach(nodeSet, parent =>
                                                                                     Model.Implies(dependencies[task, parent] == 1, startTimes[task] >= finishTimes[parent]))));

            //model.AddConstraint("ProjectFinish",  Model.ForEach(nodeSet, (n) => makespan >= finishTimes[n]));

            model.AddConstraint("ProjectFinish", makespan == Model.Max(Model.ForEach(nodeSet, (n) => finishTimes[n])));
            model.AddGoal("MinMakeSpan", GoalKind.Minimize, makespan);

            //using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("Stadium.oml")) {
            //    context.SaveModel(FileFormat.OML, sw); ;
            Solution solution = context.Solve();
            Report   report   = solution.GetReport();

            Console.WriteLine(@"===== report =====");
            Console.Write("{0}", report);