Esempio n. 1
        static void LoadModel(SolverContext context, string fileName)
            string ext = Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower();

            if (ext == ".mps")
                context.LoadModel(FileFormat.MPS, Path.GetFullPath(fileName));
            else if (ext == ".smps")
                context.LoadModel(FileFormat.SMPS, Path.GetFullPath(fileName));
            else if (ext == ".oml")
                context.LoadModel(FileFormat.OML, Path.GetFullPath(fileName));
                throw new NotSupportedException("This file format hasn't been supported.");
Esempio n. 2
        static void LoadModel(SolverContext context, string fileName)
            string ext = Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower();

            if (ext == ".mps")
                context.LoadModel(FileFormat.MPS, Path.GetFullPath(fileName));
            else if (ext == ".smps")
                context.LoadModel(FileFormat.SMPS, Path.GetFullPath(fileName));
            else if (ext == ".oml")
                context.LoadModel(FileFormat.OML, Path.GetFullPath(fileName));
                throw new NotSupportedException("This file format hasn't been supported.");
Esempio n. 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
                SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();

                // Load a model from file
                if (args.Length > 0)
                    using (TextReader streamReader =
                               new StreamReader(args[0]))
                        context.LoadModel(FileFormat.MPS, streamReader);

                    // Select the Mosek interior point optimizer.
                    MosekInteriorPointMethodDirective d = new MosekInteriorPointMethodDirective();

                    // Mosek specific parameters may optionally be set.
                    // d[mosek.dparam.optimizer_max_time] = 100.0;

                    // Optionally write log information to console using two lines below
                    System.Diagnostics.ConsoleTraceListener listener =
                        new System.Diagnostics.ConsoleTraceListener();

                    // Solve the problem
                    Solution sol = context.Solve(d);

                    // Print solution
                    Report report = sol.GetReport();
                    Console.WriteLine("Usage: MosekMsfExample filename");
                Console.WriteLine("Please press any key.");
Esempio n. 4
        private Dictionary <String, double> solve(List <BinaryOption> variables, List <double> results, List <List <BinaryOption> > configurations, List <Interaction> interactions)
            Dictionary <String, double> optionInfluences = new Dictionary <string, double>();

            foreach (BinaryOption elem in variables)
                optionInfluences.Add(elem.Name, 0);
            if (interactions != null)
                foreach (Interaction inter in interactions)
                    optionInfluences.Add(inter.Name, 0);

            //Building the OML model
            StringBuilder omlModel = new StringBuilder();


            String decisions = generateDecisionOML(variables, results);

            omlModel.Append(decisions + ",");
            String constraints = generateConstraintOML(variables, configurations, interactions, results);

            omlModel.Append(constraints + ",");

            String goal = generateGoalOML(results.Count);

            omlModel.Append(goal + "]");

            SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();

            //String model = "Model[Decisions[Reals[0,Infinity], f1,f2,y1,y2,y3],Constraints[f1+y1==1,f1+f2+y2==4,f2+y3==3],Goals[Minimize[y1+y2+y3]]]";
            //String model = "Model[Decisions[Reals[0,Infinity],fp1,fn1,fp2,fn2,yp1,yn1,yp2,yn2,yp3,yn3],Constraints[fp1-fn1+yp1-yn1==1,fp1-fn1+fp2-fn2+yp2-yn2==0,fp2-fn2+yp3-yn3==-1],Goals[Minimize[yp1+yn1+yp2+yn2+yp3+yn3]]]";
            context.LoadModel(FileFormat.OML, new StringReader(omlModel.ToString()));

            //List<double> erglist = new List<double>();

            //Solve the optimization problem
            if (context.CheckModel().IsValid)
                Solution      solution = context.Solve();
                StringBuilder sb       = new StringBuilder();

                foreach (Decision d in solution.Decisions)
                    sb.Append(d.ToString() + "; ");

                    //Constructing feature Values
                    string option = d.Name.Substring(0, d.Name.Length - 2);
                    if (d.Name.EndsWith("_p"))
                        optionInfluences[option] += d.ToDouble();
                    else if (d.Name.EndsWith("_n"))
                        optionInfluences[option] -= d.ToDouble();

                /*if (this.withStandardDeviation && this.standardDeviation != 0)
                 * {
                 *  foreach (BinaryOption elem in variables)
                 *  {
                 *       if(featureValues[elem.Name] == 0)
                 *           continue;
                 *      int configNb = 0;
                 *      foreach (List<BinaryOption> config in configurations)
                 *      {
                 *          bool derivativeRequired = true;
                 *          foreach(Element parent in elem.getDerivativeParents())
                 *          {
                 *              if(config.Contains(parent) == false)
                 *              {
                 *                  derivativeRequired = false;
                 *                  break;
                 *              }
                 *          }
                 *          if(derivativeRequired)
                 *          {
                 *              double equationValue = results[configNb];
                 *              if (Math.Abs(featureValues[elem.Name]) < Math.Abs(equationValue * this.standardDeviation / 100))
                 *              {
                 *                  featureValues[elem.Name] = 0;
                 *                  break;
                 *              }
                 *          }
                 *          configNb++;
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 * }*/
Esempio n. 5
        static void ValidateZ3(string fileName, Z3BaseDirective directive)
            SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext();

                LoadModel(context, fileName);

                if (context.CurrentModel.Goals.Any())
                    var msfDirective = (directive is Z3MILPDirective) ? (Directive) new MixedIntegerProgrammingDirective()
                        TimeLimit = 10000
                                            : (Directive) new Directive()
                        TimeLimit = 10000
                    var sol1 = context.Solve(msfDirective);

                    Console.WriteLine("Solved the model using MSF.");
                    Console.Write("{0}", sol1.GetReport());
                    var expectedGoals = sol1.Goals.Select(x => x.ToDouble());

                    context.LoadModel(FileFormat.OML, Path.GetFullPath(fileName));
                    directive.SMT2LogFile = Path.ChangeExtension(fileName, ".smt2");
                    var sol2 = context.Solve(directive);
                    //Console.Write("{0}", sol2.GetReport());
                    var actualGoals = sol2.Goals.Select(x => x.ToDouble());

                    Console.WriteLine("Solved the model using Z3.");
                    var  goalPairs = expectedGoals.Zip(actualGoals, (expected, actual) => new { expected, actual }).ToArray();
                    bool validated = goalPairs.All(p => Math.Abs(p.expected - p.actual) <= 0.0001);
                    if (validated)
                        Console.WriteLine("INFO: Two solvers give approximately the same results.");
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("ERROR: Discrepancy found between results.");
                        if (!validated && File.Exists(directive.SMT2LogFile))
                            var sb = new StringBuilder();
                            for (int i = 0; i < goalPairs.Length; i++)
                                sb.AppendFormat("\n(echo \"Goal {0}: actual |-> {1:0.0000}, expected |-> {2:0.0000}\")",
                                                i + 1, goalPairs[i].actual, goalPairs[i].expected);
                            File.AppendAllText(directive.SMT2LogFile, sb.ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("Ignoring this instance without having any goal.");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Skipping unsolvable instance in {0} with error message '{1}'.",
                                  fileName, e.Message);