Esempio n. 1
        private static void entryMarker(SceneBattle sb, TrickData td)
            if (!UnityEngine.Object.op_Implicit((UnityEngine.Object)sb) || td == null || !td.IsVisualized())
            GameObject gameObject1 = sb.TrickMarker;
            string     markerName  = td.mTrickParam.MarkerName;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(markerName) && sb.TrickMarkerDics.ContainsKey(markerName))
                gameObject1 = sb.TrickMarkerDics[markerName];
            if (!UnityEngine.Object.op_Implicit((UnityEngine.Object)gameObject1))
            Vector3    vector3     = sb.CalcGridCenter((int)td.mGridX, (int)td.mGridY);
            GameObject gameObject2 = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate((UnityEngine.Object)gameObject1, vector3, Quaternion.get_identity()) as GameObject;

            if (!UnityEngine.Object.op_Implicit((UnityEngine.Object)gameObject2))
            gameObject2.get_transform().SetParent(sb.CurrentScene.get_transform(), false);
            TrickData.mTrickMarkerLists.Add(td, gameObject2);
Esempio n. 2
 private void Update()
     if (!this.dialogBubble.Finished && this.buttonDown && (double)Time.get_time() - (double)this.holdDownTime > 0.200000002980232)
     if (Object.op_Inequality((Object)this.rayCaster, (Object)null) && !((Behaviour)this.rayCaster).get_enabled())
     if (!this.isHighlighted)
     if (this.DialogBubbleAnchor != EventDialogBubble.Anchors.None)
         this.dialogBubble.Anchor = this.DialogBubbleAnchor;
     if (Object.op_Inequality((Object)this.highlightedObject, (Object)null))
         RectTransform component = (RectTransform)this.highlightedObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
         Rect          rect1     = component.get_rect();
         // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
         float width = ((Rect)@rect1).get_width();
         // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
         float height = ((Rect)@rect1).get_height();
         if ((double)this.canvas.get_scaleFactor() != 0.0)
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             // ISSUE: variable of a reference type
             Rect& local1 = @rect1;
             ((Rect)local1).set_x(((Rect)local1).get_x() + (float)((Transform)component).get_position().x / this.canvas.get_scaleFactor());
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             // ISSUE: variable of a reference type
             Rect& local2 = @rect1;
             ((Rect)local2).set_y(((Rect)local2).get_y() + (float)((Transform)component).get_position().y / this.canvas.get_scaleFactor());
             width  *= this.canvas.get_scaleFactor();
             height *= this.canvas.get_scaleFactor();
         Vector3 position   = ((Component)component).get_transform().get_position();
         Vector2 pivot      = ((RectTransform)this.highlightArrow.get_transform()).get_pivot();
         float   num1       = 0.0f;
         float   num2       = 0.5f;
         float   num3       = num1 + (float)(pivot.x - component.get_pivot().x);
         float   num4       = num2 + (float)(pivot.y - component.get_pivot().y);
         Vector3 localScale = this.highlightArrow.get_transform().get_localScale();
         float   num5       = 80f * this.canvas.get_scaleFactor();
         Rect    rect2      = component.get_rect();
         // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
         float num6      = ((Rect)@rect2).get_height() * (float)(1.0 - component.get_pivot().y) * this.canvas.get_scaleFactor();
         float num7      = (float)position.y + num6;
         Rect  pixelRect = this.canvas.get_pixelRect();
         // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
         if ((double)((Rect)@pixelRect).get_height() - (double)num7 < (double)num5)
             num4        *= -1f;
             localScale.y = (__Null) - 1.0;
             localScale.y = (__Null)1.0;
         if (!this.isSmallerHighlight)
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             // ISSUE: variable of a reference type
             Vector3& local1 = @position;
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             (^ local1).y = (__Null)((^ local1).y + (double)height * (double)num4);
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             // ISSUE: variable of a reference type
             Vector3& local2 = @position;
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             (^ local2).x = (__Null)((^ local2).x + (double)width * (double)num3);
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             // ISSUE: variable of a reference type
             Vector3& local1 = @position;
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             (^ local1).x = (__Null)((^ local1).x + (double)width * (double)num3 * (double)SGHighlightObject.smallHighlightValue);
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             // ISSUE: variable of a reference type
             Vector3& local2 = @position;
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             (^ local2).y = (__Null)((^ local2).y + (double)height * (double)num4 * (double)SGHighlightObject.smallHighlightValue);
     else if (this.highlightedGrid.x != 0 && this.highlightedGrid.y != 0)
         if (this.DialogBubbleAnchor != EventDialogBubble.Anchors.None)
             this.dialogBubble.Anchor = this.DialogBubbleAnchor;
         SceneBattle instance  = SceneBattle.Instance;
         int         x         = this.highlightedGrid.x;
         int         y         = this.highlightedGrid.y;
         Vector3     vector3_1 = instance.CalcGridCenter(x - 1, y);
         Vector3     vector3_2 = instance.CalcGridCenter(x, y - 1);
         Vector3     vector3_3 = instance.CalcGridCenter(x, y + 1);
         Vector3     vector3_4 = instance.CalcGridCenter(x, y - 1);
         if (!Object.op_Inequality((Object)this.uiCam, (Object)null))
         Vector3 screenPoint1 = this.uiCam.WorldToScreenPoint(vector3_1);
         Vector3 screenPoint2 = this.uiCam.WorldToScreenPoint(vector3_2);
         Vector3 screenPoint3 = this.uiCam.WorldToScreenPoint(vector3_3);
         Vector3 screenPoint4 = this.uiCam.WorldToScreenPoint(vector3_4);
         Rect    rect1        = (Rect)null;
         // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
         ((Rect)@rect1).set_position(new Vector2((float)screenPoint4.x, (float)screenPoint4.y));
         // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
         ((Rect)@rect1).set_width((float)(screenPoint3.x - screenPoint1.x));
         // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
         ((Rect)@rect1).set_height((float)-(screenPoint2.y - screenPoint1.y));
         Rect rect2 = rect1;
         if ((double)this.canvas.get_scaleFactor() != 0.0)
             RectTransform transform = ((Component)this.canvas).get_transform() as RectTransform;
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             // ISSUE: variable of a reference type
             Rect& local1 = @rect2;
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             double num1  = (double)((Rect)@rect1).get_x() / (double)Screen.get_width();
             Rect   rect3 = transform.get_rect();
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             double width = (double)((Rect)@rect3).get_width();
             double num2  = num1 * width;
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             // ISSUE: variable of a reference type
             Rect& local2 = @rect2;
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             double num3  = (double)((Rect)@rect1).get_y() / (double)Screen.get_height();
             Rect   rect4 = transform.get_rect();
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             double height = (double)((Rect)@rect4).get_height();
             double num4   = num3 * height;
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             // ISSUE: variable of a reference type
             Rect& local3 = @rect2;
             ((Rect)local3).set_width(((Rect)local3).get_width() / this.canvas.get_scaleFactor());
             // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
             // ISSUE: variable of a reference type
             Rect& local4 = @rect2;
             ((Rect)local4).set_height(((Rect)local4).get_height() / this.canvas.get_scaleFactor());
         // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
         Vector3 vector3_5 = Vector2.op_Implicit(((Rect)@rect1).get_position());
         // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
         // ISSUE: variable of a reference type
         Vector3& local5 = @vector3_5;
         // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
         // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
         // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
         (^ local5).y = (__Null)((^ local5).y + (double)((Rect)@rect1).get_height());
         // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
         // ISSUE: variable of a reference type
         Vector3& local6 = @vector3_5;
         // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
         // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
         // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
         (^ local6).x = (__Null)((^ local6).x + (double)((Rect)@rect1).get_width() / 2.0);