Esempio n. 1
    // Apply constraints after Update
    void LateUpdate()
        int        jointLevel = 0;
        Transform  T          = transform;
        Transform  refT       = reference;
        Quaternion q          = QuaternionUtils.RelativeRotation(rotations[jointLevel], refT.localRotation);
        Vector3    axis;
        float      angle;

        q.ToAngleAxis(out angle, out axis);
        //Debug.Log("Angle: " + angle + " Axis: " + axis);
        if (angle <= constraints[jointLevel])
            T.localRotation = rotations[0] * Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, axis);
            //T.localRotation = refT.localRotation;
            angle           = Mathf.Clamp(angle, 0, constraints[jointLevel]);
            T.localRotation = rotations[0] * Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, axis);

        T    = T.GetChild(1);
        refT = refT.GetChild(1);

        while (T != null && T.childCount == 2)
            Vector3 p0    = T.position;
            Vector3 p1old = T.GetChild(1).position;
            Vector3 p1new = refT.GetChild(1).position;

            q = QuaternionUtils.RelativeRotation(rotations[jointLevel], refT.localRotation);
            q.ToAngleAxis(out angle, out axis);
            angle = (float)QuaternionUtils.NormalizeAngle(angle);
            //Debug.Log("Angle: " + angle + " Axis: " + axis);

            // if the rotation cumplies with the constraints, apply it
            if (angle <= constraints[jointLevel] && angle >= -constraints[jointLevel])
                //T.localRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, axis);
                T.localRotation = refT.localRotation;
                //T.rotation = r * T.rotation;

            // else clamp before aplying
                angle = Mathf.Clamp(angle, -constraints[jointLevel], constraints[jointLevel]);
                float x = Mathf.Clamp((float)QuaternionUtils.NormalizeAngle(q.eulerAngles.x),
                                      -constraints[jointLevel], constraints[jointLevel]);
                float y = Mathf.Clamp((float)QuaternionUtils.NormalizeAngle(q.eulerAngles.y),
                                      -constraints[jointLevel], constraints[jointLevel]);
                float z = Mathf.Clamp((float)QuaternionUtils.NormalizeAngle(q.eulerAngles.z),
                                      -constraints[jointLevel], constraints[jointLevel]);
                T.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(x, y, z);
                //T.localRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, axis);

                //r = Quaternion.AngleAxis(diff, axis);
                //T.rotation = r * T.rotation;

            T    = T.GetChild(1);
            refT = refT.GetChild(1);
Esempio n. 2
    // Apply FABRIK forward setp on the joints[i] (with constraints)
    private void ForwardReachingJoint(int i)
        // Position of the current joint
        Vector3 CurrentPos = joints[i].position;

        // (Imaginary) Position of where the current joint's child should be if it wasn't moved
        Vector3 CurrentEndPos = CurrentPos + distanceDir[i];

        Debug.Assert(Vector3.Distance(CurrentEndPos, CurrentPos) - distanceDir[i].magnitude < Mathf.Epsilon);

        // (Real) Position of the current joint's child
        Vector3 ChildPos = joints[i + 1].position;

        // Offset between the real and the imaginary positions
        //Vector3 Offset = ChildPos - CurrentEndPos;

        // Distance between current joint and its child real position
        float CurrentToChildDist = Vector3.Distance(CurrentPos, ChildPos);

        // Distance between current joint and its imaginary child (we already stored it, and should never change!)
        float RealCurrentToChildDist = distanceDir[i].magnitude;

        Debug.Assert(Vector3.Distance(CurrentPos, CurrentEndPos) - RealCurrentToChildDist < Mathf.Epsilon);

        // Ratio between the 2 distances above (used to linearly interpolate)
        float Ratio = RealCurrentToChildDist / CurrentToChildDist;

        // Linear interpolation between the current position and its child
        Vector3 CurrentNewPos = (1 - Ratio) * ChildPos + Ratio * CurrentPos;

        // Rotation from the old joint orientation (towards Imaginary) to the new one (towards Real)
        // Ref. (0)
        Vector3    OldDir   = CurrentEndPos - CurrentPos;
        Vector3    NewDir   = ChildPos - CurrentPos;
        Quaternion Rotation = Quaternion.identity;

        if (Vector3.Dot(OldDir.normalized, NewDir.normalized) < 1)
            Rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(OldDir.normalized, NewDir.normalized);

        // Ref. (1)
        // Move child position (Real) to where the joint thinks it should be (Imaginary)
        joints[i + 1].position = CurrentEndPos;

        // Store current child's rotation, to restore it later
        Quaternion ChildRot = joints[i + 1].rotation;

        // Ref. (2)
        // Rotate current joint so that the link is looking in the direction of the child position
        joints[i].rotation = Rotation * joints[i].rotation;

        // Position joint in its appropriate position (on the line pointing to the child)
        joints[i].position = CurrentNewPos;

        // Ref. (3)
        // Restore child rotation
        joints[i + 1].rotation = ChildRot;

        distanceDir[i] = joints[i + 1].position - joints[i].position;

        if (constraints[i + 1] != null)
            // Store child rotation
            ChildRot = joints[i + 1].rotation;

            // Ref. (4)
            // Apply constraint (on the child!)
            constraints[i + 1].Constrain();

            // Compute constraint quaternion from the current child's orientation and its previous orientation
            Quaternion constraint = QuaternionUtils.RelativeRotation(ChildRot, joints[i + 1].rotation);

            // Ref. (5)
            // Restore child orientation, since we want to apply the constraint on the current joint
            joints[i + 1].rotation = ChildRot;

            // Apply constraint (on the parent), it moves the children positions away from the target
            joints[i].rotation     = joints[i].rotation * Quaternion.Inverse(constraint);
            joints[i + 1].rotation = joints[i + 1].rotation * constraint;

            // Ref. (6)
            // Reposition current joint so that the end effector still matches the target position
            Vector3 offset = joints[joints.Length - 1].position - target.position;
            joints[i].position -= offset;