Esempio n. 1
    private void Start()
        Quaternion q = transform.rotation;
        Quaternion twistY, swingXZ;

        QuaternionUtils.TwistSwingX(q, out twistY, out swingXZ);

        float   angle;
        Vector3 axis;

        twistY.ToAngleAxis(out angle, out axis);
        Debug.Log("Twist angle: " + angle + " axis: " + axis);
        if (angle == 0)
            // Arbitrary axis
            // Twist around Vector3.up
            axis = Vector3.up;
        twistY = Quaternion.AngleAxis(45, axis);

        swingXZ.ToAngleAxis(out angle, out axis);
        Debug.Log("SwingXZ angle: " + angle + " axis: " + axis);
        if (angle != 0)
            swingXZ = Quaternion.AngleAxis(0, axis);

        //swingXZ = Quaternion.AngleAxis(30, axis);
        transform.rotation = swingXZ * twistY;
Esempio n. 2
    void LateUpdate()
        if (active)
            rotAxis = plane.up;

            Vector3 ToParent = (parent.position - transform.position).normalized;
            Vector3 ToChild  = (child.position - transform.position).normalized;
            Vector3 axis     = Vector3.Cross(ToParent, ToChild).normalized;

            //float angle = ComputeAngle(ToParent, ToChild);
            mag = (axis - rotAxis).magnitude;
            if (axis != && (axis - rotAxis).magnitude > threshold && (-axis - rotAxis).magnitude > threshold)
                Vector3 projected = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(ToChild, rotAxis);
                if (drawProjection)
                    Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + 5 * projected.normalized,;

                axis = Vector3.Cross(ToParent, projected).normalized;
                //float sign = Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(axis, Vector3.Cross(ToParent, projected)));
                //angle = sign * Vector3.Dot(-ToParent, projected.normalized) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

                transform.rotation = parent.rotation;
                QuaternionUtils.Rotate(transform, child.position, transform.position + projected);
Esempio n. 3
        public override GenericX Extrapolate(GenericX curr, GenericX prev)
            if (curr.type == XType.NULL)
                Debug.Log("Extrap pos element NULL !! Try to eliminate these Davin");
            if (crusher.TRSType == TRSType.Quaternion)
                return(new GenericX(
                           (extrapolation == 0) ? (Quaternion)curr : QuaternionUtils.ExtrapolateQuaternion(prev, curr, 1 + extrapolation), curr.type));
                if (extrapolation == 0)

                Quaternion extrapolated = QuaternionUtils.ExtrapolateQuaternion(prev, curr, 1 + extrapolation);

                // Test for the rare nasty (NaN, Nan, Nan, NaN) occurance... and deal with it
                if (float.IsNaN(extrapolated[0]))

                return(new GenericX(extrapolated.eulerAngles, curr.type));
 public GenericX ExtrapolateRotation(GenericX curr, GenericX prev)
     return new GenericX(
         (extrapolation == 0) ? (Quaternion)curr : QuaternionUtils.ExtrapolateQuaternion(prev, curr, 1 + extrapolation),
         //(extrapolation == 0) ? (Quaternion)curr : Quaternion.SlerpUnclamped(prev, curr, 1),// + extrapolation),
Esempio n. 5
    public void Constrain()
        Vector3 ToParent = (parent.position - transform.position).normalized;
        Vector3 ToChild  = (child.position - transform.position).normalized;
        Vector3 axis     = Vector3.Cross(ToParent, ToChild).normalized;

        float angle = ComputeAngle(ToParent, ToChild);

        if (angle == -1.0f)
            transform.Translate(0.01f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

        if (angle > maxAngle)
            // Extract twist
            Quaternion twist, swing;
            QuaternionUtils.TwistSwingY(transform.localRotation, out twist, out swing);

            // Restore parent rotation before applying the constraint
            transform.rotation = parent.rotation;

            // Re-apply twist rotation
            transform.rotation *= twist;

            // Contrain rotation to only angle_degrees
            transform.Rotate(axis, 180 + maxAngle, Space.World);
Esempio n. 6
    void LateUpdate()
        camera.transform.localRotation =
            QuaternionUtils.ClampRotationAroundXAxis(camera.transform.localRotation, MinimumX, MaximumX);

        float step = GetMouseScroll() * zoomSpeed;

        // We only want half steps for scroll when we are far away from the character model
        // otherwise, we will see some ugly clipping
        step = distance > 1f ? step * 0.5f : Mathf.Round(step);

        // Apply the step offset to the distance
        distance = Mathf.Clamp(distance - step, minDistance, maxDistance);

        if (distance == 0f) // First Person
            Vector3 headLocal = transform.InverseTransformPoint(headPosition);
            Vector3 origin    =;
            Vector3 offset    =;

            origin = headLocal;
            offset = firstPersonStandingOffset;

            // Final Position
            Vector3 target = transform.TransformPoint(origin + offset);
            camera.transform.position = target;
        else // Third Person
            Vector3 origin           =;
            Vector3 offsetBase       =;
            Vector3 offsetMultiplier =;

            origin           = originalCameraPosition;
            offsetBase       = thirdPersonStandingOffset;
            offsetMultiplier = thirdPersonStandingOffsetMultiplier;

            Vector3 target      = transform.TransformPoint(origin + offsetBase + (offsetMultiplier * distance));
            Vector3 newPosition = target - (camera.transform.rotation * Vector3.forward * distance);

            float      finalDistance = distance;
            RaycastHit hit;
            if (Physics.Linecast(target, newPosition, out hit, viewBlockingLayers))
                // Find a better position, with some space added in
                finalDistance = Vector3.Distance(target, hit.point) - 0.1f;

            camera.transform.position = target - (camera.transform.rotation * Vector3.forward * finalDistance);

        // After camera logic, handle camera owner IK
Esempio n. 7
 public void RotateBlock(AffineTransform transform, float degrees, float radians)
     this.Position = transform.Apply(this.Position);
     if (this.IsWorldObjectBlock())
         WorldEditWorldObjectBlockData worldObjectBlockData = (WorldEditWorldObjectBlockData)this.BlockData;
         worldObjectBlockData.SetRotation(worldObjectBlockData.Rotation * QuaternionUtils.FromAxisAngle(Vector3.Up, radians));
         this.BlockData = worldObjectBlockData;
     else if (!this.IsPlantBlock() && !this.BlockType.Equals(typeof(EmptyBlock)))
         if (BlockUtils.HasRotatedVariants(this.BlockType, out Type[] variants))
Esempio n. 8
    //public bool negateForward = false;

    void LateUpdate()
        if (active)
            float   angle;
            Vector3 axis;
            transform.localRotation.ToAngleAxis(out angle, out axis);
            if (angle != 0)
                Quaternion twist, swing;
                switch (localForward)
                case ForwardDir.X:
                    QuaternionUtils.TwistSwingX(transform.localRotation, out twist, out swing);

                case ForwardDir.Y:
                    QuaternionUtils.TwistSwingY(transform.localRotation, out twist, out swing);

                case ForwardDir.Z:
                    QuaternionUtils.TwistSwingZ(transform.localRotation, out twist, out swing);

                float   angleTwist;
                Vector3 axisTwist;
                twist.ToAngleAxis(out angleTwist, out axisTwist);

                if (!float.IsNaN(axisTwist.magnitude))
                    if (angleTwist > 180)
                        angleTwist = 360 - angleTwist;
                        axisTwist  = -axisTwist;

                    if (Mathf.Abs(angleTwist) < minAngle)
                        angleTwist = minAngle;
                    else if (Mathf.Abs(angleTwist) > maxAngle)
                        angleTwist = maxAngle;

                    transform.localRotation = swing * Quaternion.AngleAxis(angleTwist, axisTwist);
Esempio n. 9
    public override void Constrain()
        if (active)
            Debug.Assert(maxAngle >= 0 && maxAngle <= 180);

            Vector3 ToParent = (parent.position - transform.position).normalized;
            Debug.DrawLine(parent.position, transform.position,;
            Vector3 ToChild = (child.position - transform.position).normalized;
            Debug.DrawLine(child.position, transform.position,;
            Vector3 axis = Vector3.Cross(ToParent, ToChild).normalized;
            Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + axis,;

            float angle = ComputeAngle(ToParent, ToChild);
            if (angle == -1.0f)
                transform.Translate(0.01f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

            Debug.Log("angle " + angle);

            if (angle > maxAngle)
                // Extract twist
                Quaternion twist, swing;
                QuaternionUtils.TwistSwingY(transform.localRotation, out twist, out swing);

                // Restore parent rotation before applying the constraint
                transform.rotation = parent.rotation;

                // Re-apply twist rotation
                transform.rotation *= twist;

                // Contrain rotation to only angle_degrees
                transform.Rotate(axis, 180 + maxAngle, Space.World);
Esempio n. 10
        public void ExtrapolateNextFrame(Frame curr, Frame prev, Frame target)
            //target.compPos = CompressedV3.Extrapolate(curr.compPos, prev.compPos, nst.extrapolation);
            target.pos = Vector3.Lerp(curr.pos, curr.pos + (curr.pos - prev.pos), nst.extrapolation);

            DebugX.Log(Time.time + " " + + " <color=black>Extrapolated Missing Next Frame targ:" + target.compPos + " curr:" + curr.compPos + " prev" + prev.compPos + "</color>");

            target.compPos = target.pos.CompressPos();
            target.msgType = (curr.msgType == MsgType.Cust_Msg) ? MsgType.Position : curr.msgType;

            //TODO: need to limit the number of extrapolation iterations can occur.

            // Position Elements
            target.positionsMask = curr.positionsMask;
            for (int i = 0; i < target.positions.Count; i++)
                GenericX currTarget = nst.positionElements[i].target;
                GenericX prevTarget = nst.positionElements[i].snapshot;

                target.positions[i] = nst.positionElements[i].Extrapolate(currTarget, prevTarget);
                //i.SetBitInMask(ref target.positionsMask, false);

            // TODO: extrapolate rotations?
            target.rotationsMask = curr.rotationsMask;
            for (int i = 0; i < target.rotations.Count; i++)
                GenericX currTarget = nst.rotationElements[i].target;
                GenericX prevTarget = nst.rotationElements[i].snapshot;
                //Debug.Log(" ExtrapolateNextFrame " + curr.rotations[i] + " -- > " + target.rotations[i]);
                target.rotations[i] = nst.rotationElements[i].ExtrapolateRotation(currTarget, prevTarget);
                //target.rotations[i] = nst.rotationElements[i].Extrapolate(curr.rotations[i], prev.rotations[i]);
                target.rotations[i] = QuaternionUtils.ExtrapolateQuaternion(prevTarget, currTarget, 2f);
                i.SetBitInMask(ref target.rotationsMask, true);
    protected void _processSingleTurret(GunComponent gun, ComponentGroupArray <TEnemyGroup> enemies)
        Transform gunTransform = gun.CachedTransform;

        BaseGunConfig gunConfigs = gun.mConfigs;

        /// this method can return null if there are no enemies within an attack zone
        EnemyComponent nearestEnemy = _getNearestEnemy(gunTransform, gunConfigs.mRadius, enemies);

        /// skip other logic if there are no enemies near the turret
        if (nearestEnemy == null)

        Transform enemyTransform = nearestEnemy.CachedTransform;

        /// rotate the turret towards a target
        gunTransform.rotation = QuaternionUtils.LookRotationXZ(enemyTransform.position - gunTransform.position);

        /// shooting logic
        if (gun.mElapsedReloadingTime > gunConfigs.mReloadInterval)
            /// create a deffered request for instantiation of a new bullet
            mInstantiationBuffer.Add(new TInstantiationCommand {
                mGunPosition = gun.mBulletSpawTransform.position, mGunConfigs = gunConfigs, mEnemyTargetPosition = enemyTransform.position

            gun.mElapsedReloadingTime = 0.0f;             // starts to wait for an end of a reloading cycle


        /// wait for a gun is being reloading
        gun.mElapsedReloadingTime += Time.deltaTime;
Esempio n. 12
        private void RotateNormals(int index, Vector3 worldPoint)
            var normalIndex         = index / 3;
            var normalVector        = EditorState.CurrentSpline.GetNormal(normalIndex);
            var tangentVector       = EditorState.CurrentSpline.Tangents[normalIndex];
            var normalAngularOffset = EditorState.CurrentSpline.NormalsAngularOffsets[normalIndex];

            var normalWorldVector  = EditorState.CurrentSpline.transform.TransformDirection(normalVector).normalized;
            var tangentWorldVector = EditorState.CurrentSpline.transform.TransformDirection(tangentVector).normalized;
            var baseHandleRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(normalWorldVector, tangentWorldVector);

            var rotation = Handles.DoRotationHandle(baseHandleRotation, worldPoint);

            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                if (!EditorState.IsRotating)
                    EditorState.LastRotation = baseHandleRotation;
                    EditorState.IsRotating   = true;

                Undo.RecordObject(EditorState.CurrentSpline, "Rotate Normal Vector");

                var normalAngleDiff = QuaternionUtils.GetSignedAngle(EditorState.LastRotation, rotation, tangentWorldVector);
                EditorState.CurrentSpline.SetNormalAngularOffset(normalIndex, normalAngularOffset + normalAngleDiff);
                EditorState.LastRotation      = rotation;
                EditorState.WasSplineModified = true;
            else if ((EditorState.IsRotating && Event.current.type == EventType.Used) || Event.current.type == EventType.ValidateCommand)
                EditorState.LastRotation      = baseHandleRotation;
                EditorState.IsRotating        = false;
                EditorState.WasSplineModified = true;
Esempio n. 13
    protected override void OnUpdate()
        EnemyComponent currEnemy = null;

        BaseEnemyConfig currEnemyConfig = null;

        WaypointComponent currWaypoint = null;

        float currSpeed = 0.0f;

        float deltaTime = Time.deltaTime;

        Transform enemyTransform    = null;
        Transform waypointTransform = null;

        Vector3 dir;

        float distance = 0.0f;

        foreach (var entity in GetEntities <TEnemyGroup>())
            currEnemy       = entity.mEnemy;
            currEnemyConfig = currEnemy.mConfigs;
            currWaypoint    = currEnemy.mCurrWaypoint;

            currSpeed = currEnemyConfig.mSpeed * deltaTime;

            enemyTransform    = currEnemy.CachedTransform;
            waypointTransform = currWaypoint.CachedTransform;

            /// until the enemy doesn't reach the waypoint update its position
            dir = waypointTransform.position - enemyTransform.position;

            distance = dir.magnitude;


            /// rotate an enemy along its move direction
            enemyTransform.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(enemyTransform.rotation, QuaternionUtils.LookRotationXZ(dir), currEnemyConfig.mRotationSpeed * deltaTime);

            if (distance > 0.1f)             /// epsilon
                enemyTransform.position += dir * currSpeed;


            if (currWaypoint.mNextWaypoint != null)
                currEnemy.mCurrWaypoint = currWaypoint.mNextWaypoint;
Esempio n. 14
    // Apply constraints after Update
    void LateUpdate()
        int        jointLevel = 0;
        Transform  T          = transform;
        Transform  refT       = reference;
        Quaternion q          = QuaternionUtils.RelativeRotation(rotations[jointLevel], refT.localRotation);
        Vector3    axis;
        float      angle;

        q.ToAngleAxis(out angle, out axis);
        //Debug.Log("Angle: " + angle + " Axis: " + axis);
        if (angle <= constraints[jointLevel])
            T.localRotation = rotations[0] * Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, axis);
            //T.localRotation = refT.localRotation;
            angle           = Mathf.Clamp(angle, 0, constraints[jointLevel]);
            T.localRotation = rotations[0] * Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, axis);

        T    = T.GetChild(1);
        refT = refT.GetChild(1);

        while (T != null && T.childCount == 2)
            Vector3 p0    = T.position;
            Vector3 p1old = T.GetChild(1).position;
            Vector3 p1new = refT.GetChild(1).position;

            q = QuaternionUtils.RelativeRotation(rotations[jointLevel], refT.localRotation);
            q.ToAngleAxis(out angle, out axis);
            angle = (float)QuaternionUtils.NormalizeAngle(angle);
            //Debug.Log("Angle: " + angle + " Axis: " + axis);

            // if the rotation cumplies with the constraints, apply it
            if (angle <= constraints[jointLevel] && angle >= -constraints[jointLevel])
                //T.localRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, axis);
                T.localRotation = refT.localRotation;
                //T.rotation = r * T.rotation;

            // else clamp before aplying
                angle = Mathf.Clamp(angle, -constraints[jointLevel], constraints[jointLevel]);
                float x = Mathf.Clamp((float)QuaternionUtils.NormalizeAngle(q.eulerAngles.x),
                                      -constraints[jointLevel], constraints[jointLevel]);
                float y = Mathf.Clamp((float)QuaternionUtils.NormalizeAngle(q.eulerAngles.y),
                                      -constraints[jointLevel], constraints[jointLevel]);
                float z = Mathf.Clamp((float)QuaternionUtils.NormalizeAngle(q.eulerAngles.z),
                                      -constraints[jointLevel], constraints[jointLevel]);
                T.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(x, y, z);
                //T.localRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, axis);

                //r = Quaternion.AngleAxis(diff, axis);
                //T.rotation = r * T.rotation;

            T    = T.GetChild(1);
            refT = refT.GetChild(1);
Esempio n. 15
        public override void Update(bool isPlayerIn)
            if (bone != null)
                if (rotatingPartDataEntry.IsToggle)
                    bool?value = CheckConditions(isPlayerIn);
                    if (value.HasValue && value.Value)
                        rotating = !rotating;
                    bool?value = CheckConditions(isPlayerIn);
                    if (value.HasValue)
                        rotating = value.Value;

            if (rotating)
                if (hasRange)
                        rangePercentage += rotatingPartDataEntry.RotationSpeed * Game.FrameTime * (rangeIncreasing ? 1.0f : -1.0f);
                        Quaternion newRotation = QuaternionUtils.Slerp(rangeMin, rangeMax, rangePercentage, rotatingPartDataEntry.Range.LongestPath);


                        if ((rangeIncreasing && rangePercentage >= 1.0f) ||
                            (!rangeIncreasing && rangePercentage <= 0.0f))
                            rangeIncreasing = !rangeIncreasing;

                        Quaternion rotation = MatrixUtils.DecomposeRotation(bone.Matrix);

                        Quaternion vehRot = Vehicle.Orientation;
                        Vector3    pos    = Vehicle.GetBonePosition(bone.Index);
                        Debug.DrawLine(pos, pos + ((vehRot * rotation).ToVector() * 2.0f), System.Drawing.Color.Red);

                        Debug.DrawLine(pos, pos + ((vehRot * bone.OriginalRotation).ToVector() * 2.0f), System.Drawing.Color.Blue);

                        Quaternion minRot = vehRot * rangeMin;
                        Quaternion maxRot = vehRot * rangeMax;

                        Debug.DrawLine(pos, pos + (minRot.ToVector() * 2.0f), System.Drawing.Color.Green);
                        Debug.DrawLine(pos, pos + (maxRot.ToVector() * 2.0f), System.Drawing.Color.Purple);
                    Vector3 axis    = rotatingPartDataEntry.RotationAxis;
                    float   degrees = rotatingPartDataEntry.RotationSpeed * Game.FrameTime;
                    bone.RotateAxis(axis, degrees);
Esempio n. 16
 void Update()
     QuaternionUtils.DrawRotationAxisFromPos(parent, transform, child, c);
Esempio n. 17
    // Apply FABRIK forward setp on the joints[i] (with constraints)
    private void ForwardReachingJoint(int i)
        // Position of the current joint
        Vector3 CurrentPos = joints[i].position;

        // (Imaginary) Position of where the current joint's child should be if it wasn't moved
        Vector3 CurrentEndPos = CurrentPos + distanceDir[i];

        Debug.Assert(Vector3.Distance(CurrentEndPos, CurrentPos) - distanceDir[i].magnitude < Mathf.Epsilon);

        // (Real) Position of the current joint's child
        Vector3 ChildPos = joints[i + 1].position;

        // Offset between the real and the imaginary positions
        //Vector3 Offset = ChildPos - CurrentEndPos;

        // Distance between current joint and its child real position
        float CurrentToChildDist = Vector3.Distance(CurrentPos, ChildPos);

        // Distance between current joint and its imaginary child (we already stored it, and should never change!)
        float RealCurrentToChildDist = distanceDir[i].magnitude;

        Debug.Assert(Vector3.Distance(CurrentPos, CurrentEndPos) - RealCurrentToChildDist < Mathf.Epsilon);

        // Ratio between the 2 distances above (used to linearly interpolate)
        float Ratio = RealCurrentToChildDist / CurrentToChildDist;

        // Linear interpolation between the current position and its child
        Vector3 CurrentNewPos = (1 - Ratio) * ChildPos + Ratio * CurrentPos;

        // Rotation from the old joint orientation (towards Imaginary) to the new one (towards Real)
        // Ref. (0)
        Vector3    OldDir   = CurrentEndPos - CurrentPos;
        Vector3    NewDir   = ChildPos - CurrentPos;
        Quaternion Rotation = Quaternion.identity;

        if (Vector3.Dot(OldDir.normalized, NewDir.normalized) < 1)
            Rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(OldDir.normalized, NewDir.normalized);

        // Ref. (1)
        // Move child position (Real) to where the joint thinks it should be (Imaginary)
        joints[i + 1].position = CurrentEndPos;

        // Store current child's rotation, to restore it later
        Quaternion ChildRot = joints[i + 1].rotation;

        // Ref. (2)
        // Rotate current joint so that the link is looking in the direction of the child position
        joints[i].rotation = Rotation * joints[i].rotation;

        // Position joint in its appropriate position (on the line pointing to the child)
        joints[i].position = CurrentNewPos;

        // Ref. (3)
        // Restore child rotation
        joints[i + 1].rotation = ChildRot;

        distanceDir[i] = joints[i + 1].position - joints[i].position;

        if (constraints[i + 1] != null)
            // Store child rotation
            ChildRot = joints[i + 1].rotation;

            // Ref. (4)
            // Apply constraint (on the child!)
            constraints[i + 1].Constrain();

            // Compute constraint quaternion from the current child's orientation and its previous orientation
            Quaternion constraint = QuaternionUtils.RelativeRotation(ChildRot, joints[i + 1].rotation);

            // Ref. (5)
            // Restore child orientation, since we want to apply the constraint on the current joint
            joints[i + 1].rotation = ChildRot;

            // Apply constraint (on the parent), it moves the children positions away from the target
            joints[i].rotation     = joints[i].rotation * Quaternion.Inverse(constraint);
            joints[i + 1].rotation = joints[i + 1].rotation * constraint;

            // Ref. (6)
            // Reposition current joint so that the end effector still matches the target position
            Vector3 offset = joints[joints.Length - 1].position - target.position;
            joints[i].position -= offset;
Esempio n. 18
 /// <summary>
 /// A function that returns the intermediate rotations for two spline nodes
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='Q0'>
 /// The rotation of the 1st spline node.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='Q1'>
 /// The rotation of the 2nd spline node.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='Q2'>
 /// In: Rotation of the 3rd spline node.
 /// Out: intermediate rotation of node0.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='Q3'>
 /// In: Rotation of the 4th spline node.
 /// Out: intermediate rotation of node1.
 /// </param>
 public void RecalcRotations(Quaternion Q0, Quaternion Q1, ref Quaternion Q2, ref Quaternion Q3)
     //Recalc rotations
     Q2 = QuaternionUtils.GetSquadIntermediate(Q0, Q1, Q2);
     Q3 = QuaternionUtils.GetSquadIntermediate(Q1, Q2, Q3);