private void Start()
        //BackgroundImage = Background.GetComponent<Image>();
        BackgroundTransform = Background.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
        foregroundImage     = Foreground.GetComponent <Image>();
        foregroundTransform = Foreground.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

        // Get quality grades for shop level 3.
        grades = new LinkedList <Quality.QualityGrade>(Quality.GetPossibleGrades(3));
        // Pop the current grade.
        //currentGrade = grades.First.Value;
        currentGrade = StartingGrade;

        // Initialize with details.
        TextCurrentLevel.text  = Quality.GradeToString(currentGrade);
        TextCurrentLevel.color = Quality.GradeToColor(currentGrade);
        foregroundImage.color  = Quality.GradeToColor(currentGrade);

        fillAmount = StartFill;

        // Foreground bar min/max derived from the background.
        // These are inverted from what you would expect because of Unity anchors.
        // barMaxWidth = 0.0 -> barMinWidth = 1.0;
        barHeight   = BackgroundTransform.rect.height - Padding * 2f;
        barMaxWidth = Padding * 2f;
        barMinWidth = BackgroundTransform.rect.width + Padding * 2f;

        // Position the middle of the bar correctly in almost all circumstances.
        Vector3 pos = foregroundTransform.anchoredPosition;

        //pos.x = -Padding;
        pos.x = Padding;
        foregroundTransform.anchoredPosition = pos;

        // Fill initial correctly.
        //foregroundTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(-barMaxWidth, barHeight);
        float fill = -Mathf.Lerp(barMinWidth, barMaxWidth, fillAmount);

        foregroundTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(fill, barHeight);

        // Subscribe to countdown tick.
        Countdown.onTick += SubtractFixed;