Esempio n. 1
        public IReadOnlyList <IFilter> GetFilters(PdfDictionary streamDictionary)
            if (streamDictionary == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(streamDictionary));

            var filterObject = streamDictionary.GetItemOrDefault(CosName.FILTER);

            if (filterObject == null)
                return(new IFilter[0]);

            switch (filterObject)
            case COSArray filters:
                // TODO: presumably this may be invalid...
                return(filters.Select(x => GetFilterStrict((CosName)x)).ToList());

            case CosName name:
                return(new[] { GetFilterStrict(name) });

                throw new InvalidOperationException("The filter for a stream may be either a string or an array, instead this Pdf has: "
                                                    + filterObject.GetType());
Esempio n. 2
        public PdfRawStream Parse(IRandomAccessRead reader, PdfDictionary streamDictionary, bool isLenientParsing, IPdfObjectParser parser)
            PdfRawStream result;

            // read 'stream'; this was already tested in parseObjectsDynamically()
            ReadHelper.ReadExpectedString(reader, "stream");


            // This needs to be streamDictionary.getItem because when we are parsing, the underlying object might still be null.
            ICosNumber streamLength = GetLength(reader, streamDictionary.GetItemOrDefault(CosName.LENGTH), streamDictionary.GetName(CosName.TYPE), isLenientParsing, parser);

            ValidateStreamLength(reader, isLenientParsing, streamLength);

            // get output stream to copy data to
            using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream))
                    if (streamLength != null && validateStreamLength(reader, streamLength.AsLong(), reader.Length()))
                        ReadValidStream(reader, writer, streamLength);
                        ReadUntilEndStream(reader, writer);

                    result = new PdfRawStream(stream.ToArray(), streamDictionary);

            String endStream = ReadHelper.ReadString(reader);

            if (endStream.Equals("endobj") && isLenientParsing)
                log.Warn($"stream ends with \'endobj\' instead of \'endstream\' at offset {reader.GetPosition()}");

                // avoid follow-up warning about missing endobj
            else if (endStream.Length > 9 && isLenientParsing && endStream.Substring(0, 9).Equals("endstream"))
                log.Warn("stream ends with '" + endStream + "' instead of 'endstream' at offset " + reader.GetPosition());
                // unread the "extra" bytes
            else if (!endStream.Equals("endstream"))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Error reading stream, expected='endstream' actual='"
                                                    + endStream + "' at offset " + reader.GetPosition());

Esempio n. 3
        public Page Create(int number, PdfDictionary dictionary, PageTreeMembers pageTreeMembers, IRandomAccessRead reader,
                           bool isLenientParsing)
            if (dictionary == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dictionary));

            var type = dictionary.GetName(CosName.TYPE);

            if (type != null && !type.Equals(CosName.PAGE) && !isLenientParsing)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Page {number} had its type was specified as {type} rather than 'Page'.");

            MediaBox mediaBox = GetMediaBox(number, dictionary, pageTreeMembers, isLenientParsing);
            CropBox  cropBox  = GetCropBox(dictionary, pageTreeMembers, mediaBox);

            UserSpaceUnit userSpaceUnit = GetUserSpaceUnits(dictionary);

            LoadResources(dictionary, reader, isLenientParsing);

            PageContent content = default(PageContent);

            var contentObject = dictionary.GetItemOrDefault(CosName.CONTENTS) as CosObject;

            if (contentObject != null)
                var contentStream = pdfObjectParser.Parse(contentObject.ToIndirectReference(), reader, false) as PdfRawStream;

                if (contentStream == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to parse the content for the page: " + number);

                var contents = contentStream.Decode(filterProvider);

                var txt = OtherEncodings.BytesAsLatin1String(contents);

                var operations = pageContentParser.Parse(new ByteArrayInputBytes(contents));

                var context = new ContentStreamProcessor(cropBox.Bounds, resourceStore, userSpaceUnit);

                content = context.Process(operations);

            var page = new Page(number, mediaBox, cropBox, content);

Esempio n. 4
        public void LoadResources(PdfDictionary dictionary, IRandomAccessRead reader, bool isLenientParsing)
            var resources = dictionary.GetItemOrDefault(CosName.RESOURCES);

            if (resources is PdfDictionary resource)
                resourceStore.LoadResourceDictionary(resource, reader, isLenientParsing);


            if (resources is CosObject resourceObject)
                var resourceDictionary =
                    pdfObjectParser.Parse(resourceObject.ToIndirectReference(), reader, isLenientParsing);

                if (resourceDictionary is PdfDictionary resolvedDictionary)
                    resourceStore.LoadResourceDictionary(resolvedDictionary, reader, isLenientParsing);
Esempio n. 5
 public CosBase Get(CosName name)