protected override void CheckEmbeddedFile(PdfDictionary embeddedFile) { PdfObject _params = GetDirectObject(embeddedFile.Get(PdfName.PARAMS)); if (_params == null) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(embeddedFile, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("embedded.file.shall.contain.valid.params.key")); } else if (_params.IsDictionary()) { PdfObject modDate = ((PdfDictionary) _params).Get(PdfName.MODDATE); if (modDate == null || !(modDate is PdfString)) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(embeddedFile, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("embedded.file.shall.contain.params.key.with.valid.moddate.key")); } } }
public List <LocationModel> ReadPdfFile(String fileName) { string strText = string.Empty; PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(fileName); var locationList = new List <LocationModel>(); for (int page = 1; page <= reader.NumberOfPages; page++) { var p = reader.GetPageN(page); var pageSize = reader.GetPageSizeWithRotation(page); var rotation = pageSize.Rotation; float factor; if (pageSize.Height > pageSize.Width) { //Portait factor = 2000 / pageSize.Width; } else { //landscape factor = 1700 / pageSize.Height; } var annotationList = p.GetAsArray(iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfName.ANNOTS); ITextExtractionStrategy strategy = new SimpleTextExtractionStrategy(); string currentText = PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(reader, page, strategy); currentText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ASCIIEncoding.Convert(Encoding.Default, Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.Default.GetBytes(currentText))); foreach (PdfObject annot in annotationList.ArrayList) { PdfDictionary annotationDict = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.GetPdfObject(annot); var subtype = annotationDict.Get(PdfName.SUBTYPE); if (subtype == PdfName.FREETEXT) { var content = annotationDict.GetAsString(PdfName.CONTENTS); var tmp = annotationDict.GetAsArray(PdfName.RECT); var rect = new PdfRectangle(tmp.GetAsNumber(0).FloatValue, tmp.GetAsNumber(1).FloatValue, tmp.GetAsNumber(2).FloatValue, tmp.GetAsNumber(3).FloatValue); var left = Convert.ToDouble(rect.Right); var top = Convert.ToDouble(pageSize.Height - rect.Top); // Convert Bottom to Top Coordinate System //Comment this line if the coordinate is weird /* * if (rotation == 90) * { * left = pageSize.Height > pageSize.Width ? Convert.ToDouble(rect[3].ToString()) : pageSize.Height - float.Parse(rect[2].ToString()); * top = pageSize.Height > pageSize.Width ? float.Parse(rect[2].ToString()) : float.Parse(rect[3].ToString()); * } */ //Comment this line if the coordinate is weird //left = Convert.ToDouble(rect[3].ToString()); //top = Convert.ToDouble(rect[0].ToString()); var offsetX = 30; var offsetY = 20; var location = new LocationModel { X = Convert.ToInt32(Double.Parse(left.ToString()) * factor) + offsetX, Y = Convert.ToInt32(Double.Parse(top.ToString()) * factor) + offsetY, Title = content.ToString() }; locationList.Add(location); } } } reader.Close(); return(locationList); }
Image GetImage() { ReadPng(); int pal0 = 0; int palIdx = 0; palShades = false; if (trans != null) { for (int k = 0; k < trans.Length; ++k) { int n = trans[k] & 0xff; if (n == 0) { ++pal0; palIdx = k; } if (n != 0 && n != 255) { palShades = true; break; } } } if ((colorType & 4) != 0) { palShades = true; } genBWMask = (!palShades && (pal0 > 1 || transRedGray >= 0)); if (!palShades && !genBWMask && pal0 == 1) { additional.Put(PdfName.MASK, new PdfLiteral("[" + palIdx + " " + palIdx + "]")); } bool needDecode = (interlaceMethod == 1) || (bitDepth == 16) || ((colorType & 4) != 0) || palShades || genBWMask; switch (colorType) { case 0: inputBands = 1; break; case 2: inputBands = 3; break; case 3: inputBands = 1; break; case 4: inputBands = 2; break; case 6: inputBands = 4; break; } if (needDecode) { DecodeIdat(); } int components = inputBands; if ((colorType & 4) != 0) { --components; } int bpc = bitDepth; if (bpc == 16) { bpc = 8; } Image img; if (image != null) { img = Image.GetInstance(width, height, components, bpc, image); } else { img = new ImgRaw(width, height, components, bpc, idat.ToArray()); img.Deflated = true; PdfDictionary decodeparms = new PdfDictionary(); decodeparms.Put(PdfName.BITSPERCOMPONENT, new PdfNumber(bitDepth)); decodeparms.Put(PdfName.PREDICTOR, new PdfNumber(15)); decodeparms.Put(PdfName.COLUMNS, new PdfNumber(width)); decodeparms.Put(PdfName.COLORS, new PdfNumber((colorType == 3 || (colorType & 2) == 0) ? 1 : 3)); additional.Put(PdfName.DECODEPARMS, decodeparms); } if (additional.Get(PdfName.COLORSPACE) == null) { additional.Put(PdfName.COLORSPACE, GetColorspace()); } if (intent != null) { additional.Put(PdfName.INTENT, intent); } if (additional.Size > 0) { img.Additional = additional; } if (icc_profile != null) { img.TagICC = icc_profile; } if (palShades) { Image im2 = Image.GetInstance(width, height, 1, 8, smask); im2.MakeMask(); img.ImageMask = im2; } if (genBWMask) { Image im2 = Image.GetInstance(width, height, 1, 1, smask); im2.MakeMask(); img.ImageMask = im2; } img.SetDpi(dpiX, dpiY); img.XYRatio = XYRatio; img.OriginalType = Image.ORIGINAL_PNG; return(img); }
private void CompressPdf(string fileId, FileInfo fi) { //ITextSharp是一个生成Pdf文件的开源项目 PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(fi.FullName); if (File.Exists(@"D:\Compress\" + fileId + ".pdf"))//先判断对应文件ID的压缩文件是否存在 如果存在,将其删除 { File.Delete(@"D:\Compress\" + fileId + ".pdf"); } string newPath = @"D:\Compress\" + fileId + ".pdf"; using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(newPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)) { using (PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, fs)) { #region for (int i = 1; i <= reader.NumberOfPages; i++) { PdfDictionary page = reader.GetPageN(i); PdfDictionary resources = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.GetPdfObject(page.Get(PdfName.RESOURCES)); PdfDictionary xobject = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.GetPdfObject(resources.Get(PdfName.XOBJECT)); if (xobject != null) { PdfObject obj; foreach (PdfName name in xobject.Keys) { obj = xobject.Get(name); if (obj.IsIndirect()) { //Get the current key as a PDF object PdfDictionary imgObject = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.GetPdfObject(obj); //See if its an image if (imgObject.Get(PdfName.SUBTYPE).Equals(PdfName.IMAGE)) { //NOTE: There's a bunch of different types of filters, I'm only handing the simplest one here which is basically raw JPG, you'll have to research others if (imgObject.Get(PdfName.FILTER).Equals(PdfName.DCTDECODE)) { //Get the raw bytes of the current image byte[] oldBytes = PdfReader.GetStreamBytesRaw((PRStream)imgObject); //Will hold bytes of the compressed image later byte[] newBytes; //Wrap a stream around our original image using (MemoryStream sourceMS = new MemoryStream(oldBytes)) { //Convert the bytes into a .Net image using (System.Drawing.Image oldImage = Bitmap.FromStream(sourceMS)) { //Shrink the image to 90% of the original using (System.Drawing.Image newImage = ShrinkImage(oldImage, 40 / 100f)) { //Convert the image to bytes using JPG at 85% newBytes = ConvertImageToBytes(newImage, 35); } } } //Create a new iTextSharp image from our bytes iTextSharp.text.Image compressedImage = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(newBytes); //Kill off the old image PdfReader.KillIndirect(obj); //Add our image in its place stamper.Writer.AddDirectImageSimple(compressedImage, (PRIndirectReference)obj); } } } } } } #endregion } } reader.Close(); reader.Dispose(); }
private Image getImage() { readPng(); var pal0 = 0; var palIdx = 0; _palShades = false; if (_trans != null) { for (var k = 0; k < _trans.Length; ++k) { var n = _trans[k] & 0xff; if (n == 0) { ++pal0; palIdx = k; } if (n != 0 && n != 255) { _palShades = true; break; } } } if ((_colorType & 4) != 0) { _palShades = true; } _genBwMask = (!_palShades && (pal0 > 1 || _transRedGray >= 0)); if (!_palShades && !_genBwMask && pal0 == 1) { _additional.Put(PdfName.Mask, new PdfLiteral("[" + palIdx + " " + palIdx + "]")); } var needDecode = (_interlaceMethod == 1) || (_bitDepth == 16) || ((_colorType & 4) != 0) || _palShades || _genBwMask; switch (_colorType) { case 0: _inputBands = 1; break; case 2: _inputBands = 3; break; case 3: _inputBands = 1; break; case 4: _inputBands = 2; break; case 6: _inputBands = 4; break; } if (needDecode) { decodeIdat(); } var components = _inputBands; if ((_colorType & 4) != 0) { --components; } var bpc = _bitDepth; if (bpc == 16) { bpc = 8; } Image img; if (_image != null) { if (_colorType == 3) { img = new ImgRaw(_width, _height, components, bpc, _image); } else { img = Image.GetInstance(_width, _height, components, bpc, _image); } } else { img = new ImgRaw(_width, _height, components, bpc, _idat.ToArray()) { Deflated = true }; var decodeparms = new PdfDictionary(); decodeparms.Put(PdfName.Bitspercomponent, new PdfNumber(_bitDepth)); decodeparms.Put(PdfName.Predictor, new PdfNumber(15)); decodeparms.Put(PdfName.Columns, new PdfNumber(_width)); decodeparms.Put(PdfName.Colors, new PdfNumber((_colorType == 3 || (_colorType & 2) == 0) ? 1 : 3)); _additional.Put(PdfName.Decodeparms, decodeparms); } if (_additional.Get(PdfName.Colorspace) == null) { _additional.Put(PdfName.Colorspace, getColorspace()); } if (_intent != null) { _additional.Put(PdfName.Intent, _intent); } if (_additional.Size > 0) { img.Additional = _additional; } if (_iccProfile != null) { img.TagIcc = _iccProfile; } if (_palShades) { var im2 = Image.GetInstance(_width, _height, 1, 8, _smask); im2.MakeMask(); img.ImageMask = im2; } if (_genBwMask) { var im2 = Image.GetInstance(_width, _height, 1, 1, _smask); im2.MakeMask(); img.ImageMask = im2; } img.SetDpi(_dpiX, _dpiY); img.XyRatio = _xyRatio; img.OriginalType = Image.ORIGINAL_PNG; return(img); }
private void InitKeyAndReadDictionary(PdfDictionary encryptionDictionary, byte[] password) { try { if (password == null) { password = new byte[0]; } byte[] oValue = GetIsoBytes(encryptionDictionary.GetAsString(PdfName.O)); byte[] uValue = GetIsoBytes(encryptionDictionary.GetAsString(PdfName.U)); byte[] oeValue = GetIsoBytes(encryptionDictionary.GetAsString(PdfName.OE)); byte[] ueValue = GetIsoBytes(encryptionDictionary.GetAsString(PdfName.UE)); byte[] perms = GetIsoBytes(encryptionDictionary.GetAsString(PdfName.Perms)); PdfNumber pValue = (PdfNumber)encryptionDictionary.Get(PdfName.P); this.permissions = pValue.LongValue(); IDigest md = Org.BouncyCastle.Security.DigestUtilities.GetDigest("SHA-256"); md.Update(password, 0, Math.Min(password.Length, 127)); md.Update(oValue, VALIDATION_SALT_OFFSET, SALT_LENGTH); md.Update(uValue, 0, OU_LENGTH); byte[] hash = md.Digest(); usedOwnerPassword = CompareArray(hash, oValue, 32); if (usedOwnerPassword) { md.Update(password, 0, Math.Min(password.Length, 127)); md.Update(oValue, KEY_SALT_OFFSET, SALT_LENGTH); md.Update(uValue, 0, OU_LENGTH); hash = md.Digest(); AESCipherCBCnoPad ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(false, hash); nextObjectKey = ac.ProcessBlock(oeValue, 0, oeValue.Length); } else { md.Update(password, 0, Math.Min(password.Length, 127)); md.Update(uValue, VALIDATION_SALT_OFFSET, SALT_LENGTH); hash = md.Digest(); if (!CompareArray(hash, uValue, 32)) { throw new BadPasswordException(PdfException.BadUserPassword); } md.Update(password, 0, Math.Min(password.Length, 127)); md.Update(uValue, KEY_SALT_OFFSET, SALT_LENGTH); hash = md.Digest(); AESCipherCBCnoPad ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(false, hash); nextObjectKey = ac.ProcessBlock(ueValue, 0, ueValue.Length); } nextObjectKeySize = 32; AESCipherCBCnoPad ac_1 = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(false, nextObjectKey); byte[] decPerms = ac_1.ProcessBlock(perms, 0, perms.Length); if (decPerms[9] != (byte)'a' || decPerms[10] != (byte)'d' || decPerms[11] != (byte)'b') { throw new BadPasswordException(PdfException.BadUserPassword); } permissions = (decPerms[0] & 0xff) | ((decPerms[1] & 0xff) << 8) | ((decPerms[2] & 0xff) << 16) | ((decPerms [2] & 0xff) << 24); encryptMetadata = decPerms[8] == (byte)'T'; } catch (BadPasswordException ex) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PdfException(PdfException.PdfEncryption, ex); } }
virtual public void CopyTaggedPdf6() { InitializeDocument("6"); PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(SOURCE11); int n = 12; copy.AddPage(copy.GetImportedPage(reader, 1, true)); copy.AddPage(copy.GetImportedPage(reader, 25, true)); copy.AddPage(copy.GetImportedPage(reader, 7, true)); copy.AddPage(copy.GetImportedPage(reader, 48, true)); copy.AddPage(copy.GetImportedPage(reader, 50, true)); copy.AddPage(copy.GetImportedPage(reader, 2, true)); copy.AddPage(copy.GetImportedPage(reader, 8, true)); copy.AddPage(copy.GetImportedPage(reader, 90, true)); document.Close(); reader.Close(); reader = new PdfReader(output); PdfDictionary structTreeRoot = VerifyIsDictionary(reader.Catalog.GetDirectObject(PdfName.STRUCTTREEROOT), NO_STRUCT_TREE_ROOT); VerifyArraySize(structTreeRoot.Get(PdfName.K), 6, "Invalid count of kids in StructTreeRoot"); PdfObject obj = PdfStructTreeController.GetDirectObject(structTreeRoot.Get(PdfName.PARENTTREE)); VerifyIsDictionary(obj, NO_PARENT_TREE); PdfArray array = ((PdfDictionary)obj).GetAsArray(PdfName.NUMS); VerifyArraySize(array, n * 2, "Nums"); int[] nums = new int[] { 5, 0, 33, 12, 0, 48, 35, 182, 0, 0, 17, 37 }; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { VerifyArraySize(PdfStructTreeController.GetDirectObject(array.GetDirectObject(i * 2 + 1)), nums[i], "Nums of page " + (i + 1), true); } PdfDictionary ClassMap = VerifyIsDictionary(PdfStructTreeController.GetDirectObject(structTreeRoot.Get(PdfName.CLASSMAP)), NO_CLASS_MAP); if (ClassMap.Size != 27) { Assert.Fail("ClassMap incorrect"); } String[] CMs = new String[] { "CM118", "CM117", "CM133", "CM47", "CM46", "CM114", "CM43", "CM110", "CM21", "CM22", "CM26", "CM27", "CM145", "CM128", "CM29", "CM56", "CM1", "CM2", "CM72", "CM16", "CM34", "CM17", "CM14", "CM15", "CM119", "CM12", "CM13" }; for (int i = 0; i < CMs.Length; ++i) { VerifyIsDictionary(PdfStructTreeController.GetDirectObject(ClassMap.Get(new PdfName(CMs[i]))), "ClassMap.does.not.contain.\"" + CMs[i] + "\""); } PdfDictionary RoleMap = VerifyIsDictionary(PdfStructTreeController.GetDirectObject(structTreeRoot.Get(PdfName.ROLEMAP)), NO_ROLE_MAP); if (!PdfName.SPAN.Equals(RoleMap.Get(new PdfName("ParagraphSpan")))) { throw new BadPdfFormatException("RoleMap does not contain \"ParagraphSpan\"."); } //if (reader.eofPos != 249068) Assert.Fail("Invalid size of pdf."); reader.Close(); CompareResults("6"); }
private int GetCommonNumsCount(String filename) { PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(filename); PdfDictionary structTreeRoot = reader.Catalog.GetAsDict(PdfName.STRUCTTREEROOT); PdfArray kids = ((PdfDictionary)PdfStructTreeController.GetDirectObject(structTreeRoot.Get(PdfName.PARENTTREE))).GetAsArray(PdfName.KIDS); int cnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < kids.Size; i++) { PdfArray nums = kids.GetAsDict(i).GetAsArray(PdfName.NUMS); cnt += nums.Size; } reader.Close(); return(cnt); }
/** * Business logic that checks if a certain object is in conformance with PDF/X. * @param writer the writer that is supposed to write the PDF/X file * @param key the type of PDF/X conformance that has to be checked * @param obj1 the object that is checked for conformance */ public static void CheckPDFXConformance(PdfWriter writer, int key, Object obj1) { if (writer == null || !writer.IsPdfX()) { return; } int conf = writer.PDFXConformance; switch (key) { case PDFXKEY_COLOR: switch (conf) { case PdfWriter.PDFX1A2001: if (obj1 is ExtendedColor) { ExtendedColor ec = (ExtendedColor)obj1; switch (ec.Type) { case ExtendedColor.TYPE_CMYK: case ExtendedColor.TYPE_GRAY: return; case ExtendedColor.TYPE_RGB: throw new PdfXConformanceException("Colorspace RGB is not allowed."); case ExtendedColor.TYPE_SEPARATION: SpotColor sc = (SpotColor)ec; CheckPDFXConformance(writer, PDFXKEY_COLOR, sc.PdfSpotColor.AlternativeCS); break; case ExtendedColor.TYPE_SHADING: ShadingColor xc = (ShadingColor)ec; CheckPDFXConformance(writer, PDFXKEY_COLOR, xc.PdfShadingPattern.Shading.ColorSpace); break; case ExtendedColor.TYPE_PATTERN: PatternColor pc = (PatternColor)ec; CheckPDFXConformance(writer, PDFXKEY_COLOR, pc.Painter.DefaultColor); break; } } else if (obj1 is Color) { throw new PdfXConformanceException("Colorspace RGB is not allowed."); } break; } break; case PDFXKEY_CMYK: break; case PDFXKEY_RGB: if (conf == PdfWriter.PDFX1A2001) { throw new PdfXConformanceException("Colorspace RGB is not allowed."); } break; case PDFXKEY_FONT: if (!((BaseFont)obj1).IsEmbedded()) { throw new PdfXConformanceException("All the fonts must be embedded. This one isn't: " + ((BaseFont)obj1).PostscriptFontName); } break; case PDFXKEY_IMAGE: PdfImage image = (PdfImage)obj1; if (image.Get(PdfName.SMASK) != null) { throw new PdfXConformanceException("The /SMask key is not allowed in images."); } switch (conf) { case PdfWriter.PDFX1A2001: PdfObject cs = image.Get(PdfName.COLORSPACE); if (cs == null) { return; } if (cs.IsName()) { if (PdfName.DEVICERGB.Equals(cs)) { throw new PdfXConformanceException("Colorspace RGB is not allowed."); } } else if (cs.IsArray()) { if (PdfName.CALRGB.Equals(((PdfArray)cs)[0])) { throw new PdfXConformanceException("Colorspace CalRGB is not allowed."); } } break; } break; case PDFXKEY_GSTATE: PdfDictionary gs = (PdfDictionary)obj1; PdfObject obj = gs.Get(PdfName.BM); if (obj != null && !PdfGState.BM_NORMAL.Equals(obj) && !PdfGState.BM_COMPATIBLE.Equals(obj)) { throw new PdfXConformanceException("Blend mode " + obj.ToString() + " not allowed."); } obj = gs.Get(PdfName.CA); double v = 0.0; if (obj != null && (v = ((PdfNumber)obj).DoubleValue) != 1.0) { throw new PdfXConformanceException("Transparency is not allowed: /CA = " + v); } obj = gs.Get(PdfName.ca_); v = 0.0; if (obj != null && (v = ((PdfNumber)obj).DoubleValue) != 1.0) { throw new PdfXConformanceException("Transparency is not allowed: /ca = " + v); } break; case PDFXKEY_LAYER: throw new PdfXConformanceException("Layers are not allowed."); } }
protected override void CheckPdfObject(PdfWriter writer, int key, Object obj1) { if (obj1 is PdfNumber) { PdfNumber number = (PdfNumber)obj1; if (Math.Abs(number.DoubleValue) > maxRealValue && number.ToString().Contains(".")) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } } else if (obj1 is PdfString) { PdfString str = (PdfString)obj1; if (str.GetBytes().Length > maxStringLength) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } } else if (obj1 is PdfArray) { PdfArray array = (PdfArray)obj1; if (array.Size > maxArrayLength) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("", array.Length.ToString())); } } else if (obj1 is PdfDictionary) { PdfDictionary dictionary = (PdfDictionary)obj1; if (dictionary.Size > maxDictionaryLength) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } PdfName type = dictionary.GetAsName(PdfName.TYPE); if (PdfName.CATALOG.Equals(type)) { if (!dictionary.Contains(PdfName.METADATA)) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("the.document.catalog.dictionary.shall.contain.metadata")); } if (dictionary.Contains(PdfName.AA)) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } if (dictionary.Contains(PdfName.NAMES)) { PdfDictionary names = GetDirectDictionary(dictionary.Get(PdfName.NAMES)); if (names != null && names.Contains(PdfName.EMBEDDEDFILES)) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("the.document.catalog.dictionary.shall.not.include.embeddedfiles.names.entry")); } } if (CheckStructure(conformanceLevel)) { PdfDictionary markInfo = GetDirectDictionary(dictionary.Get(PdfName.MARKINFO)); if (markInfo == null || markInfo.GetAsBoolean(PdfName.MARKED) == null || markInfo.GetAsBoolean(PdfName.MARKED).BooleanValue == false) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("document.catalog.dictionary.shall.include.a.markinfo.dictionary.whose.entry.marked.shall.have.a.value.of.true")); } if (!dictionary.Contains(PdfName.LANG)) { if (LOGGER.IsLogging(Level.WARN)) { LOGGER.Warn(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("document.catalog.dictionary.should.contain.lang.entry")); } } } } else if (PdfName.PAGE.Equals(type)) { if (dictionary.Contains(PdfName.AA)) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("page.dictionary.shall.not.include.aa.entry")); } } else if (PdfName.OUTPUTINTENT.Equals(type)) { isCheckOutputIntent = true; PdfObject destOutputIntent = dictionary.Get(PdfName.DESTOUTPUTPROFILE); if (destOutputIntent != null && pdfaDestOutputIntent != null) { if (pdfaDestOutputIntent.IndRef != destOutputIntent.IndRef) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage( "")); } } else { pdfaDestOutputIntent = destOutputIntent; } PdfName gts = dictionary.GetAsName(PdfName.S); if (pdfaDestOutputIntent != null) { if (PdfName.GTS_PDFA1.Equals(gts)) { if (pdfaOutputIntentColorSpace != null) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } pdfaOutputIntentColorSpace = ""; ICC_Profile icc_profile = writer.ColorProfile; pdfaOutputIntentColorSpace = Encoding.GetEncoding("US-ASCII").GetString(icc_profile.Data, 16, 4); } } else { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("outputintent.shall.have.gtspdfa1.and.destoutputintent")); } } } }
private void CreateRawContent(List <byte> rawContent, PdfObject pdfObject) { Type pdfObjectType = pdfObject.GetType(); if (pdfObjectType == typeof(PdfName)) { rawContent.AddRange(pdfObject.GetBytes()); } else if (pdfObjectType == typeof(PdfLiteral)) { string t = pdfObject.ToString(); if (t == "EMC" || t == "BMC" || t == "BDC") { rawContent.Add(BYTE_SPACE); } rawContent.AddRange(pdfObject.GetBytes()); if (t == "BT") { rawContent.AddRange(BYTES_LINE_BREAK_WINDOWS); } if (t == "EMC" || t == "BMC" || t == "BDC") { rawContent.Add(BYTE_SPACE); } } else if (pdfObjectType == typeof(PdfNumber)) { rawContent.AddRange(pdfObject.GetBytes()); } else if (pdfObjectType == typeof(PdfString)) { rawContent.Add(BYTE_ROUND_OPENING_BRACKET); byte[] objectBuffer = pdfObject.GetBytes(); foreach (byte objectByte in objectBuffer) { switch (objectByte) { case BYTE_CARRIAGE_RETURN: { rawContent.AddRange(BYTES_REVERSE_SOLIDUS_AND_CHAR_r); break; } case BYTE_LINE_FEED: { rawContent.AddRange(BYTES_REVERSE_SOLIDUS_AND_CHAR_n); break; } case BYTE_HORIZONTAL_TAB: { rawContent.AddRange(BYTES_REVERSE_SOLIDUS_AND_CHAR_t); break; } case BYTE_BACKSPACE: { rawContent.AddRange(BYTES_REVERSE_SOLIDUS_AND_CHAR_b); break; } case BYTE_FORM_FEED: { rawContent.AddRange(BYTES_REVERSE_SOLIDUS_AND_CHAR_f); break; } case BYTE_ROUND_OPENING_BRACKET: case BYTE_ROUND_CLOSING_BRACKET: case BYTE_REVERSE_SOLIDUS: { rawContent.Add(BYTE_ESCAPE_CHAR); rawContent.Add(objectByte); break; } default: { rawContent.Add(objectByte); break; } } } rawContent.Add(BYTE_ROUND_CLOSING_BRACKET); } else if (pdfObjectType == typeof(PdfDictionary)) { rawContent.AddRange(BYTES_DOUBLE_ANGLE_OPENING_BRACKETS); PdfDictionary dict = pdfObject as PdfDictionary; foreach (PdfObject key in dict.Keys) { CreateRawContent(rawContent, key); PdfName keyName = key as PdfName; this.CreateRawContent(rawContent, dict.Get(keyName)); } rawContent.AddRange(BYTES_DOUBLE_ANGLE_CLOSING_BRACKETS); } else if (pdfObjectType == typeof(PdfArray)) { rawContent.Add(BYTE_SQUARE_OPENING_BRACKET); PdfArray pa = pdfObject as PdfArray; foreach (PdfObject obj in pa.ArrayList) { this.CreateRawContent(rawContent, obj); } rawContent.Add(BYTE_SQUARE_CLOSING_BRACKET); } else { rawContent.AddRange(pdfObject.GetBytes()); } rawContent.Add(BYTE_SPACE); }
private static void SeparateKids(PdfDictionary structElem, ICollection <PdfObject> firstPartElems, StructureTreeCopier.LastClonedAncestor lastCloned, PdfDocument document) { PdfObject k = structElem.Get(PdfName.K); // If /K entry is not a PdfArray - it would be a kid which we won't clone at the moment, because it won't contain // kids from both parts at the same time. It would either be cloned as an ancestor later, or not cloned at all. // If it's kid is struct elem - it would definitely be structElem from the first part, so we simply call separateKids for it. if (!k.IsArray()) { if (k.IsDictionary() && PdfStructElem.IsStructElem((PdfDictionary)k)) { SeparateKids((PdfDictionary)k, firstPartElems, lastCloned, document); } } else { PdfArray kids = (PdfArray)k; for (int i = 0; i < kids.Size(); ++i) { PdfObject kid = kids.Get(i); PdfDictionary dictKid = null; if (kid.IsDictionary()) { dictKid = (PdfDictionary)kid; } if (dictKid != null && PdfStructElem.IsStructElem(dictKid)) { if (firstPartElems.Contains(kid)) { SeparateKids((PdfDictionary)kid, firstPartElems, lastCloned, document); } else { if (dictKid.IsFlushed()) { throw new PdfException(PdfException.TagFromTheExistingTagStructureIsFlushedCannotAddCopiedPageTags); } // elems with no kids will not be marked as from the first part, // but nonetheless we don't want to move all of them to the second part; we just leave them as is if (dictKid.ContainsKey(PdfName.K)) { CloneParents(structElem, lastCloned, document); kids.Remove(i--); PdfStructElem.AddKidObject(lastCloned.clone, -1, kid); } } } else { if (!firstPartElems.Contains(kid)) { CloneParents(structElem, lastCloned, document); PdfMcr mcr; if (dictKid != null) { if (dictKid.Get(PdfName.Type).Equals(PdfName.MCR)) { mcr = new PdfMcrDictionary(dictKid, new PdfStructElem(lastCloned.clone)); } else { mcr = new PdfObjRef(dictKid, new PdfStructElem(lastCloned.clone)); } } else { mcr = new PdfMcrNumber((PdfNumber)kid, new PdfStructElem(lastCloned.clone)); } kids.Remove(i--); PdfStructElem.AddKidObject(lastCloned.clone, -1, kid); // re-register mcr document.GetStructTreeRoot().GetParentTreeHandler().RegisterMcr(mcr); } } } } if (lastCloned.ancestor == structElem) { lastCloned.ancestor = lastCloned.ancestor.GetAsDictionary(PdfName.P); lastCloned.clone = lastCloned.clone.GetAsDictionary(PdfName.P); } }
private static PdfDictionary CopyObject(PdfDictionary source, PdfDictionary destPage, bool parentChangePg, StructureTreeCopier.StructElemCopyingParams copyingParams) { PdfDictionary copied; if (copyingParams.IsCopyFromDestDocument()) { //TODO: detect wether object is needed to be cloned at all copied = source.Clone(ignoreKeysForClone); if (source.IsIndirect()) { copied.MakeIndirect(copyingParams.GetToDocument()); } PdfDictionary pg = source.GetAsDictionary(PdfName.Pg); if (pg != null) { if (copyingParams.IsCopyFromDestDocument()) { if (pg != destPage) { copied.Put(PdfName.Pg, destPage); parentChangePg = true; } else { parentChangePg = false; } } } } else { copied = source.CopyTo(copyingParams.GetToDocument(), ignoreKeysForCopy, true); PdfDictionary obj = source.GetAsDictionary(PdfName.Obj); if (obj != null) { // Link annotations could be not added to the toDocument, so we need to identify this case. // When obj.copyTo is called, and annotation was already copied, we would get this already created copy. // If it was already copied and added, /P key would be set. Otherwise /P won't be set. obj = obj.CopyTo(copyingParams.GetToDocument(), JavaUtil.ArraysAsList(PdfName.P), false); copied.Put(PdfName.Obj, obj); } PdfDictionary nsDict = source.GetAsDictionary(PdfName.NS); if (nsDict != null) { PdfDictionary copiedNsDict = CopyNamespaceDict(nsDict, copyingParams); copied.Put(PdfName.NS, copiedNsDict); } PdfDictionary pg = source.GetAsDictionary(PdfName.Pg); if (pg != null) { PdfDictionary pageAnalog = copyingParams.GetPage2page().Get(pg); if (pageAnalog == null) { pageAnalog = destPage; parentChangePg = true; } else { parentChangePg = false; } copied.Put(PdfName.Pg, pageAnalog); } } PdfObject k = source.Get(PdfName.K); if (k != null) { if (k.IsArray()) { PdfArray kArr = (PdfArray)k; PdfArray newArr = new PdfArray(); for (int i = 0; i < kArr.Size(); i++) { PdfObject copiedKid = CopyObjectKid(kArr.Get(i), copied, destPage, parentChangePg, copyingParams); if (copiedKid != null) { newArr.Add(copiedKid); } } if (!newArr.IsEmpty()) { if (newArr.Size() == 1) { copied.Put(PdfName.K, newArr.Get(0)); } else { copied.Put(PdfName.K, newArr); } } } else { PdfObject copiedKid = CopyObjectKid(k, copied, destPage, parentChangePg, copyingParams); if (copiedKid != null) { copied.Put(PdfName.K, copiedKid); } } } return(copied); }
/// <param name="in">Input byte array.</param> /// <param name="decodeParams">PdfDictionary of decodeParams.</param> /// <returns>a byte array</returns> public static byte[] DecodePredictor(byte[] @in, PdfObject decodeParams) { if (decodeParams == null || decodeParams.GetObjectType() != PdfObject.DICTIONARY) { return(@in); } PdfDictionary dic = (PdfDictionary)decodeParams; PdfObject obj = dic.Get(PdfName.Predictor); if (obj == null || obj.GetObjectType() != PdfObject.NUMBER) { return(@in); } int predictor = ((PdfNumber)obj).IntValue(); if (predictor < 10 && predictor != 2) { return(@in); } int width = GetNumberOrDefault(dic, PdfName.Columns, 1); int colors = GetNumberOrDefault(dic, PdfName.Colors, 1); int bpc = GetNumberOrDefault(dic, PdfName.BitsPerComponent, 8); BinaryReader dataStream = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(@in)); MemoryStream fout = new MemoryStream(@in.Length); int bytesPerPixel = colors * bpc / 8; int bytesPerRow = (colors * width * bpc + 7) / 8; byte[] curr = new byte[bytesPerRow]; byte[] prior = new byte[bytesPerRow]; if (predictor == 2) { if (bpc == 8) { int numRows = @in.Length / bytesPerRow; for (int row = 0; row < numRows; row++) { int rowStart = row * bytesPerRow; for (int col = bytesPerPixel; col < bytesPerRow; col++) { @in[rowStart + col] = (byte)(@in[rowStart + col] + @in[rowStart + col - bytesPerPixel]); } } } return(@in); } // Decode the (sub)image row-by-row while (true) { // Read the filter type byte and a row of data int filter; try { filter = dataStream.Read(); if (filter < 0) { return(fout.ToArray()); } dataStream.ReadFully(curr, 0, bytesPerRow); } catch (Exception) { return(fout.ToArray()); } switch (filter) { case 0: { //PNG_FILTER_NONE break; } case 1: { //PNG_FILTER_SUB for (int i = bytesPerPixel; i < bytesPerRow; i++) { curr[i] += curr[i - bytesPerPixel]; } break; } case 2: { //PNG_FILTER_UP for (int i = 0; i < bytesPerRow; i++) { curr[i] += prior[i]; } break; } case 3: { //PNG_FILTER_AVERAGE for (int i = 0; i < bytesPerPixel; i++) { curr[i] += (byte)(prior[i] / 2); } for (int i = bytesPerPixel; i < bytesPerRow; i++) { curr[i] += (byte)(((curr[i - bytesPerPixel] & 0xff) + (prior[i] & 0xff)) / 2); } break; } case 4: { //PNG_FILTER_PAETH for (int i = 0; i < bytesPerPixel; i++) { curr[i] += prior[i]; } for (int i = bytesPerPixel; i < bytesPerRow; i++) { int a = curr[i - bytesPerPixel] & 0xff; int b = prior[i] & 0xff; int c = prior[i - bytesPerPixel] & 0xff; int p = a + b - c; int pa = Math.Abs(p - a); int pb = Math.Abs(p - b); int pc = Math.Abs(p - c); int ret; if (pa <= pb && pa <= pc) { ret = a; } else { if (pb <= pc) { ret = b; } else { ret = c; } } curr[i] += (byte)ret; } break; } default: { // Error -- unknown filter type throw new PdfException(PdfException.PngFilterUnknown); } } try { fout.Write(curr); } catch (System.IO.IOException) { // Never happens System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(true, "Happens!"); } // Swap curr and prior byte[] tmp = prior; prior = curr; curr = tmp; } }
public static PdfViewerPreferencesImp GetViewerPreferences(PdfDictionary catalog) { PdfViewerPreferencesImp preferences = new PdfViewerPreferencesImp(); int prefs = 0; PdfName name = null; // page layout PdfObject obj = PdfReader.GetPdfObjectRelease(catalog.Get(PdfName.PAGELAYOUT)); if (obj != null && obj.IsName()) { name = (PdfName)obj; if (name.Equals(PdfName.SINGLEPAGE)) { prefs |= PdfWriter.PageLayoutSinglePage; } else if (name.Equals(PdfName.ONECOLUMN)) { prefs |= PdfWriter.PageLayoutOneColumn; } else if (name.Equals(PdfName.TWOCOLUMNLEFT)) { prefs |= PdfWriter.PageLayoutTwoColumnLeft; } else if (name.Equals(PdfName.TWOCOLUMNRIGHT)) { prefs |= PdfWriter.PageLayoutTwoColumnRight; } else if (name.Equals(PdfName.TWOPAGELEFT)) { prefs |= PdfWriter.PageLayoutTwoPageLeft; } else if (name.Equals(PdfName.TWOPAGERIGHT)) { prefs |= PdfWriter.PageLayoutTwoPageRight; } } // page mode obj = PdfReader.GetPdfObjectRelease(catalog.Get(PdfName.PAGEMODE)); if (obj != null && obj.IsName()) { name = (PdfName)obj; if (name.Equals(PdfName.USENONE)) { prefs |= PdfWriter.PageModeUseNone; } else if (name.Equals(PdfName.USEOUTLINES)) { prefs |= PdfWriter.PageModeUseOutlines; } else if (name.Equals(PdfName.USETHUMBS)) { prefs |= PdfWriter.PageModeUseThumbs; } else if (name.Equals(PdfName.FULLSCREEN)) { prefs |= PdfWriter.PageModeFullScreen; } else if (name.Equals(PdfName.USEOC)) { prefs |= PdfWriter.PageModeUseOC; } else if (name.Equals(PdfName.USEATTACHMENTS)) { prefs |= PdfWriter.PageModeUseAttachments; } } // set page layout and page mode preferences preferences.ViewerPreferences = prefs; // other preferences obj = PdfReader.GetPdfObjectRelease(catalog .Get(PdfName.VIEWERPREFERENCES)); if (obj != null && obj.IsDictionary()) { PdfDictionary vp = (PdfDictionary)obj; for (int i = 0; i < VIEWER_PREFERENCES.Length; i++) { obj = PdfReader.GetPdfObjectRelease(vp.Get(VIEWER_PREFERENCES[i])); preferences.AddViewerPreference(VIEWER_PREFERENCES[i], obj); } } return(preferences); }
/// <summary> /// Gets image from PDF and compresses it - Found on StackOverflow - asis /// </summary> /// <param name="reader"></param> /// <param name="quality"></param> public static void ReduceResolution(PdfReader reader, long quality) { int n = reader.XrefSize; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { PdfObject obj = reader.GetPdfObject(i); if (obj == null || !obj.IsStream()) { continue; } PdfDictionary dict = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.GetPdfObject(obj); PdfName subType = (PdfName)PdfReader.GetPdfObject( dict.Get(PdfName.SUBTYPE) ); if (!PdfName.IMAGE.Equals(subType)) { continue; } PRStream stream = (PRStream)obj; try { PdfImageObject image = new PdfImageObject(stream); //PdfName filter = (PdfName)image.Get(PdfName.FILTER); //if ( // PdfName.JBIG2DECODE.Equals(filter) // || PdfName.JPXDECODE.Equals(filter) // || PdfName.CCITTFAXDECODE.Equals(filter) // || PdfName.FLATEDECODE.Equals(filter) //) continue; System.Drawing.Image img = image.GetDrawingImage(); if (img == null) { continue; } var ll = image.GetImageBytesType(); int width = img.Width; int height = img.Height; using (System.Drawing.Bitmap dotnetImg = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(img)) { // set codec to jpeg type => jpeg index codec is "1" System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageCodecInfo codec = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders()[1]; // set parameters for image quality System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameters eParams = new System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameters(1); eParams.Param[0] = new System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameter( System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality, quality ); using (MemoryStream msImg = new MemoryStream()) { dotnetImg.Save(msImg, codec, eParams); msImg.Position = 0; stream.SetData(msImg.ToArray()); stream.SetData( msImg.ToArray(), false, PRStream.BEST_COMPRESSION ); stream.Put(PdfName.TYPE, PdfName.XOBJECT); stream.Put(PdfName.SUBTYPE, PdfName.IMAGE); stream.Put(PdfName.FILTER, image.Get(PdfName.FILTER)); stream.Put(PdfName.FILTER, PdfName.DCTDECODE); stream.Put(PdfName.WIDTH, new PdfNumber(width)); stream.Put(PdfName.HEIGHT, new PdfNumber(height)); stream.Put(PdfName.BITSPERCOMPONENT, new PdfNumber(8)); stream.Put(PdfName.COLORSPACE, PdfName.DEVICERGB); } } } catch { // throw; // iText[Sharp] can't handle all image types... } finally { // may or may not help reader.RemoveUnusedObjects(); } } }
protected internal PdfSimpleFont(PdfDictionary fontDictionary) : base(fontDictionary) { toUnicode = FontUtil.ProcessToUnicode(fontDictionary.Get(PdfName.ToUnicode)); }
virtual public void PdfMergeTest() { PdfDictionary CM31 = new PdfDictionary(); PdfDictionary sElem = new PdfDictionary(); //<</O/Layout/EndIndent 18.375/StartIndent 11.25/TextIndent -11.25/LineHeight 13>> //<</C/SC.7.147466/Pg 118 0 R/Type/StructElem/K 3/S/Span/Lang(en)/P 1 0 R>> CM31.Put(PdfName.O, new PdfName("Layout")); CM31.Put(new PdfName("EndIndent"), new PdfNumber(18.375)); CM31.Put(new PdfName("StartIndent"), new PdfNumber(11.25)); CM31.Put(new PdfName("TextIndent"), new PdfNumber(-11.25)); CM31.Put(new PdfName("LineHeight"), new PdfNumber(13)); sElem.Put(PdfName.C, new PdfName("SC.7.147466")); sElem.Put(PdfName.K, new PdfNumber(5)); sElem.Put(PdfName.S, PdfName.SPAN); sElem.Put(PdfName.LANG, new PdfString("en")); InitializeDocument("-merge"); int n = 14; PdfReader reader1 = new PdfReader(SOURCE11); copy.AddPage(copy.GetImportedPage(reader1, 76, true)); copy.AddPage(copy.GetImportedPage(reader1, 83, true)); PdfReader reader2 = new PdfReader(SOURCE32); copy.AddPage(copy.GetImportedPage(reader2, 69, true)); copy.AddPage(copy.GetImportedPage(reader2, 267, true)); document.Close(); reader1.Close(); reader2.Close(); PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(output); PdfDictionary structTreeRoot = VerifyIsDictionary(reader.Catalog.GetDirectObject(PdfName.STRUCTTREEROOT), NO_STRUCT_TREE_ROOT); VerifyArraySize(structTreeRoot.Get(PdfName.K), 2, "Kids in StructTreeRoot"); PdfObject obj = PdfStructTreeController.GetDirectObject(structTreeRoot.Get(PdfName.PARENTTREE)); VerifyIsDictionary(obj, NO_PARENT_TREE); PdfArray array = ((PdfDictionary)obj).GetAsArray(PdfName.NUMS); int[] nums = new int[] { 44, 0, 65, 42, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 81 }; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { VerifyArraySize(PdfStructTreeController.GetDirectObject(array.GetDirectObject(i * 2 + 1)), nums[i], "Nums of page " + (i + 1), true); } PdfDictionary ClassMap = VerifyIsDictionary(PdfStructTreeController.GetDirectObject(structTreeRoot.Get(PdfName.CLASSMAP)), NO_CLASS_MAP); PdfDictionary currCM31 = VerifyIsDictionary(PdfStructTreeController.GetDirectObject(ClassMap.Get(new PdfName("CM31"))), "ClassMap does not contain.\"CM31\""); if (!PdfStructTreeController.CompareObjects(CM31, currCM31)) { Assert.Fail("ClassMap contains incorrect \"CM31\""); } PdfDictionary RoleMap = VerifyIsDictionary(PdfStructTreeController.GetDirectObject(structTreeRoot.Get(PdfName.ROLEMAP)), NO_ROLE_MAP); if (!PdfName.SPAN.Equals(RoleMap.Get(new PdfName("ParagraphSpan")))) { throw new BadPdfFormatException("RoleMap does not contain \"ParagraphSpan\""); } reader.Close(); }
public static void ApplyProperties(string inputPdfPath, string outputPdfPath) { try { string author = string.Empty; using (PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(inputPdfPath)) { PdfStamper stamp = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileStream(outputPdfPath, FileMode.Create), reader.PdfVersion); List <AnnotationMark> marks = new List <AnnotationMark>(); for (int pageIndex = 1; pageIndex <= reader.NumberOfPages; pageIndex++) { PdfDictionary pageDict = reader.GetPageN(pageIndex); PdfArray annotArray = pageDict.GetAsArray(PdfName.ANNOTS); //PdfArray removeannotarray PdfGState gstate = new PdfGState(); gstate.FillOpacity = 0.1f; gstate.StrokeOpacity = (0.1f); var pcb = stamp.GetOverContent(pageIndex); pcb.SetGState(gstate); if (annotArray != null) { List <int> ind = new List <int>(); List <string> strind = new List <string>(); List <int> rind = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < annotArray.Count(); ++i) { PdfDictionary annotation = annotArray.GetAsDict(i); if (annotation != null) { PdfArray r = annotation.GetAsArray(PdfName.RECT); var subType = annotation.Get(subTypeName); if (subType != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(subType.ToString()) && subType.ToString() == "/FreeText") { var content = annotation.GetAsString(PdfName.CONTENTS); if (content != null && (content.ToString().ToUpper().Contains("RXN") || Regex.IsMatch(content.ToString(), S8000_MARKUP_REG_EXP))) { string status = content.ToString(); PdfArray rect = annotation.GetAsArray(PdfName.RECT); var newRect = new iTextSharp.text.Rectangle(rect.GetAsNumber(0).FloatValue, rect.GetAsNumber(1).FloatValue, rect.GetAsNumber(2).FloatValue + 15, rect.GetAsNumber(3).FloatValue); pcb.SetFontAndSize(FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.COURIER).BaseFont, 12); var newAnnotation = PdfAnnotation.CreateFreeText(stamp.Writer, newRect, status.ToString(), pcb); if (newAnnotation != null) { newAnnotation.Put(PdfName.T, new PdfString(String.Empty)); newAnnotation.Put(new PdfName("IT"), new PdfString("FreeTextTypeWriter")); newAnnotation.Put(new PdfName("DS"), new PdfString("font: Courier 12pt; text-align:left; margin:0pt; line-height:13.8pt; color:#FF0000")); newAnnotation.Border = new PdfBorderArray(0, 0, 0); newAnnotation.Put(new PdfName("DA"), new PdfString("0 0 0 rg /Cour 12 Tf")); newAnnotation.Put(new PdfName("Subj"), new PdfString("Typewritten Text")); newAnnotation.Put(new PdfName("RC"), new PdfString($"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><body xmlns:xfa=\"\" xfa:contentType=\"text/html\" xfa:APIVersion=\"BluebeamPDFRevu:12.1.0\" xfa:spec=\"2.2.0\" style=\"font:Courier 12pt; text-align:left; margin:0pt; line-height:13.8pt; color:#FF0000\" xmlns=\"\">{status.ToString()}</body>")); marks.Add(new AnnotationMark { Annotation = newAnnotation, PageIndex = pageIndex }); rind.Add(i); } } } } } for (int i = rind.Count(); i > 0; i--) { annotArray.Remove(rind[i - 1]); } } } foreach (var annotationMark in marks) { stamp.AddAnnotation(annotationMark.Annotation, annotationMark.PageIndex); } stamp.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Log.This(ex); } }
private void InitKeyAndReadDictionary(PdfDictionary encryptionDictionary, byte[] password) { try { if (password == null) { password = new byte[0]; } else { if (password.Length > 127) { password = JavaUtil.ArraysCopyOf(password, 127); } } isPdf2 = encryptionDictionary.GetAsNumber(PdfName.R).GetValue() == 6; byte[] oValue = GetIsoBytes(encryptionDictionary.GetAsString(PdfName.O)); byte[] uValue = GetIsoBytes(encryptionDictionary.GetAsString(PdfName.U)); byte[] oeValue = GetIsoBytes(encryptionDictionary.GetAsString(PdfName.OE)); byte[] ueValue = GetIsoBytes(encryptionDictionary.GetAsString(PdfName.UE)); byte[] perms = GetIsoBytes(encryptionDictionary.GetAsString(PdfName.Perms)); PdfNumber pValue = (PdfNumber)encryptionDictionary.Get(PdfName.P); this.permissions = pValue.LongValue(); byte[] hash; hash = ComputeHash(password, oValue, VALIDATION_SALT_OFFSET, SALT_LENGTH, uValue); usedOwnerPassword = CompareArray(hash, oValue, 32); if (usedOwnerPassword) { hash = ComputeHash(password, oValue, KEY_SALT_OFFSET, SALT_LENGTH, uValue); AESCipherCBCnoPad ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(false, hash); nextObjectKey = ac.ProcessBlock(oeValue, 0, oeValue.Length); } else { hash = ComputeHash(password, uValue, VALIDATION_SALT_OFFSET, SALT_LENGTH); if (!CompareArray(hash, uValue, 32)) { throw new BadPasswordException(PdfException.BadUserPassword); } hash = ComputeHash(password, uValue, KEY_SALT_OFFSET, SALT_LENGTH); AESCipherCBCnoPad ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(false, hash); nextObjectKey = ac.ProcessBlock(ueValue, 0, ueValue.Length); } nextObjectKeySize = 32; AESCipherCBCnoPad ac_1 = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(false, nextObjectKey); byte[] decPerms = ac_1.ProcessBlock(perms, 0, perms.Length); if (decPerms[9] != (byte)'a' || decPerms[10] != (byte)'d' || decPerms[11] != (byte)'b') { throw new BadPasswordException(PdfException.BadUserPassword); } int permissionsDecoded = (decPerms[0] & 0xff) | ((decPerms[1] & 0xff) << 8) | ((decPerms[2] & 0xff) << 16) | ((decPerms[3] & 0xff) << 24); bool encryptMetadata = decPerms[8] == (byte)'T'; bool?encryptMetadataEntry = encryptionDictionary.GetAsBool(PdfName.EncryptMetadata); if (permissionsDecoded != permissions || encryptMetadataEntry != null && encryptMetadata != encryptMetadataEntry ) { ILog logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(iText.Kernel.Crypto.Securityhandler.StandardHandlerUsingAes256)); logger.Error(iText.IO.LogMessageConstant.ENCRYPTION_ENTRIES_P_AND_ENCRYPT_METADATA_NOT_CORRESPOND_PERMS_ENTRY ); } this.permissions = permissionsDecoded; this.encryptMetadata = encryptMetadata; } catch (BadPasswordException ex) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PdfException(PdfException.PdfEncryption, ex); } }
/** * @param os * @param info * @throws IOException */ public XmpWriter(Stream os, PdfDictionary info) : this(os) { if (info != null) { DublinCoreSchema dc = new DublinCoreSchema(); PdfSchema p = new PdfSchema(); XmpBasicSchema basic = new XmpBasicSchema(); PdfObject obj; foreach (PdfName key in info.Keys) { obj = info.Get(key); if (obj == null) { continue; } if (PdfName.TITLE.Equals(key)) { dc.AddTitle(((PdfString)obj).ToUnicodeString()); } if (PdfName.AUTHOR.Equals(key)) { dc.AddAuthor(((PdfString)obj).ToUnicodeString()); } if (PdfName.SUBJECT.Equals(key)) { dc.AddSubject(((PdfString)obj).ToUnicodeString()); } if (PdfName.KEYWORDS.Equals(key)) { p.AddKeywords(((PdfString)obj).ToUnicodeString()); } if (PdfName.CREATOR.Equals(key)) { basic.AddCreatorTool(((PdfString)obj).ToUnicodeString()); } if (PdfName.PRODUCER.Equals(key)) { p.AddProducer(((PdfString)obj).ToUnicodeString()); } if (PdfName.CREATIONDATE.Equals(key)) { basic.AddCreateDate(((PdfDate)obj).GetW3CDate()); } if (PdfName.MODDATE.Equals(key)) { basic.AddModDate(((PdfDate)obj).GetW3CDate()); } } if (dc.Count > 0) { AddRdfDescription(dc); } if (p.Count > 0) { AddRdfDescription(p); } if (basic.Count > 0) { AddRdfDescription(basic); } } }
/// <summary>This is the last method to be called when using external signatures.</summary> /// <remarks> /// This is the last method to be called when using external signatures. The general sequence is: /// preClose(), getDocumentBytes() and close(). /// <p> /// update is a PdfDictionary that must have exactly the /// same keys as the ones provided in /// <see cref="PreClose(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{K, V})"/> /// . /// </remarks> /// <param name="update"> /// a PdfDictionary with the key/value that will fill the holes defined /// in /// <see cref="PreClose(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{K, V})"/> /// </param> /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">on error</exception> protected internal virtual void Close(PdfDictionary update) { try { if (!preClosed) { throw new PdfException(PdfException.DocumentMustBePreClosed); } MemoryStream bous = new MemoryStream(); PdfOutputStream os = new PdfOutputStream(bous); foreach (PdfName key in update.KeySet()) { PdfObject obj = update.Get(key); PdfLiteral lit = exclusionLocations.Get(key); if (lit == null) { throw new ArgumentException("The key didn't reserve space in preclose"); } bous.JReset(); os.Write(obj); if (bous.Length > lit.GetBytesCount()) { throw new ArgumentException("The key is too big"); } if (tempFile == null) { System.Array.Copy(bous.ToArray(), 0, bout, (int)lit.GetPosition(), bous.Length); } else { raf.Seek(lit.GetPosition()); raf.Write(bous.ToArray(), 0, (int)bous.Length); } } if (update.Size() != exclusionLocations.Count) { throw new ArgumentException("The update dictionary has less keys than required"); } if (tempFile == null) { originalOS.Write(bout, 0, bout.Length); } else { if (originalOS != null) { raf.Seek(0); long length = raf.Length; byte[] buf = new byte[8192]; while (length > 0) { int r = raf.JRead(buf, 0, (int)Math.Min((long)buf.Length, length)); if (r < 0) { throw new EndOfStreamException("unexpected eof"); } originalOS.Write(buf, 0, r); length -= r; } } } } finally { if (tempFile != null) { raf.Close(); if (originalOS != null) { tempFile.Delete(); } } if (originalOS != null) { try { originalOS.Close(); } catch (Exception) { } } } }
protected override void CheckPdfObject(PdfWriter writer, int key, Object obj1) { if (obj1 is PdfNumber) { PdfNumber number = (PdfNumber)obj1; if (Math.Abs(number.DoubleValue) > maxRealValue && number.ToString().Contains(".")) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } } else if (obj1 is PdfString) { PdfString str = (PdfString)obj1; if (str.GetBytes().Length > maxStringLength) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } } else if (obj1 is PdfArray) { PdfArray array = (PdfArray)obj1; if (array.Size > maxArrayLength) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } } else if (obj1 is PdfDictionary) { PdfDictionary dictionary = (PdfDictionary)obj1; if (dictionary.Size > maxDictionaryLength) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } PdfName type = dictionary.GetAsName(PdfName.TYPE); if (PdfName.CATALOG.Equals(type)) { if (!dictionary.Contains(PdfName.METADATA)) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("the.document.catalog.dictionary.shall.contain.metadata")); } if (dictionary.Contains(PdfName.AA)) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } if (dictionary.Contains(PdfName.NAMES)) { PdfDictionary names = GetDirectDictionary(dictionary.Get(PdfName.NAMES)); if (names != null && names.Contains(PdfName.EMBEDDEDFILES)) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("the.document.catalog.dictionary.shall.not.include.embeddedfiles.names.entry")); } } if (CheckStructure(conformanceLevel)) { PdfDictionary markInfo = GetDirectDictionary(dictionary.Get(PdfName.MARKINFO)); if (markInfo == null || markInfo.GetAsBoolean(PdfName.MARKED) == null || markInfo.GetAsBoolean(PdfName.MARKED).BooleanValue == false) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("document.catalog.dictionary.shall.include.a.markinfo.dictionary.whose.entry.marked.shall.have.a.value.of.true")); } if (!dictionary.Contains(PdfName.LANG)) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("document.catalog.dictionary.should.contain.lang.entry")); } } PdfArray outputIntents = GetDirectArray(dictionary.Get(PdfName.OUTPUTINTENTS)); bool pdfa1OutputIntentFound = false; if (outputIntents != null && outputIntents.Size > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < outputIntents.Size; i++) { PdfDictionary outputIntentDictionary = GetDirectDictionary(outputIntents[i]); PdfName gts = outputIntentDictionary.GetAsName(PdfName.S); if (PdfName.GTS_PDFA1.Equals(gts)) { if (pdfa1OutputIntentFound) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } pdfa1OutputIntentFound = true; } if (outputIntentDictionary != null) { PdfObject destOutputIntent = outputIntentDictionary.Get(PdfName.DESTOUTPUTPROFILE); if (destOutputIntent == null && PdfName.GTS_PDFA1.Equals(gts)) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("outputintent.shall.have.gtspdfa1.and.destoutputintent")); } } } } if ((rgbUsed || cmykUsed || grayUsed) && !pdfa1OutputIntentFound) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } } else if (PdfName.PAGE.Equals(type)) { if (dictionary.Contains(PdfName.AA)) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("page.dictionary.shall.not.include.aa.entry")); } } else if (PdfName.OUTPUTINTENT.Equals(type)) { PdfObject iccProfileStream = dictionary.Get(PdfName.DESTOUTPUTPROFILE); String inputColorSpace = ""; if (iccProfileStream != null) { ICC_Profile icc_profile = writer.ColorProfile; inputColorSpace = Encoding.GetEncoding("US-ASCII").GetString(icc_profile.Data, 16, 4); } PdfName gts = dictionary.GetAsName(PdfName.S); if (!PdfName.GTS_PDFA1.Equals(gts)) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("outputintent.shall.have.gtspdfa1.and.destoutputintent")); } if ("RGB ".Equals(inputColorSpace)) { if (cmykUsed) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } } else if ("CMYK".Equals(inputColorSpace)) { if (rgbUsed) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } } else { if (cmykUsed) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } if (rgbUsed) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } } } } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Bitmap default_image = new Bitmap(pictureBox1.Image); Bitmap getIcono = new Bitmap("./noteIcon.png"); Image <Bgr, Byte> fondo = new Image <Bgr, Byte>(default_image); Image <Bgr, Byte> fondo2 = new Image <Bgr, Byte>(default_image); Image <Bgr, Byte> icono = new Image <Bgr, Byte>(getIcono).Resize(0.8, Inter.Area); //MessageBox.Show("tamano icono " + icono.Width + " y " + icono.Height); string oldFile = "ejemploOK1.pdf"; string newFile = "temporal.pdf"; PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(oldFile); PdfDictionary pageDict = reader.GetPageN(1); iTextSharp.text.Rectangle pagesize = reader.GetPageSize(1); double anchoPDF = pagesize.Width; double altoPDF = pagesize.Height; // MessageBox.Show("Tamano pagina pdf --> ancho :" + anchoPDF + " y alto : " + altoPDF); float anchoImagen = fondo.Width; float altoImagen = fondo.Height; //MessageBox.Show("Tamano imagen --> ancho :" + anchoImagen+ " y alto : " + altoImagen); PdfArray annotArray = pageDict.GetAsArray(PdfName.ANNOTS); for (int i = 0; i < annotArray.Size; ++i) { PdfDictionary curAnnot = annotArray.GetAsDict(i); var subtype = curAnnot.Get(PdfName.SUBTYPE); var rect = curAnnot.Get(PdfName.RECT); var contents = curAnnot.Get(PdfName.CONTENTS); var page = curAnnot.Get(PdfName.P); //MessageBox.Show("Subtipo "+subtype + " coordenadas: "+rect + " y contenido "+contents); if (subtype.ToString() == "/Square") { //MessageBox.Show("Figura rectangular detectada coor "+rect); var aux_rect = rect.ToString().Split(','); aux_rect[0] = aux_rect[0].Remove(0, 1); aux_rect[3] = aux_rect[3].Remove(aux_rect[3].Length - 1); aux_rect[0] = aux_rect[0].Replace(".", ","); aux_rect[1] = aux_rect[1].Replace(".", ","); aux_rect[2] = aux_rect[2].Replace(".", ","); aux_rect[3] = aux_rect[3].Replace(".", ","); //MessageBox.Show("el split primero " + aux_rect[0]+ " el split ultimo "+ aux_rect[3]); // MessageBox.Show("Esto es rect " + aux_rect[0] + " " + aux_rect[1] + " " + aux_rect[2] + " " + aux_rect[3]); int puntox1 = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToSingle(aux_rect[0])); int puntoy1 = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToSingle(aux_rect[1])); int puntox2 = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToSingle(aux_rect[2])); int puntoy2 = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToSingle(aux_rect[3])); // MessageBox.Show("puntos "+ puntox1+" ,"+ puntoy1+ " , "+ puntox2+" , "+ puntoy2); // TRANSFORMAR COORDENADAS DESDE PDF int nuevoX1 = (Convert.ToInt32(anchoImagen) * (puntox1 * 100 / Convert.ToInt32(anchoPDF))) / 100; int nuevoX2 = (Convert.ToInt32(anchoImagen) * (puntox2 * 100 / Convert.ToInt32(anchoPDF))) / 100; int nuevoY1 = Convert.ToInt32(altoImagen) - ((Convert.ToInt32(altoImagen) * (puntoy1 * 100 / Convert.ToInt32(altoPDF))) / 100); int nuevoY2 = Convert.ToInt32(altoImagen) - ((Convert.ToInt32(altoImagen) * (puntoy2 * 100 / Convert.ToInt32(altoPDF))) / 100); // MessageBox.Show("puntos " + nuevoX1 + " ," + nuevoY1 + " , " + nuevoX2 + " , " + nuevoY2); Rectangle rectangulo = new Rectangle(puntox1, puntoy1, puntox1 + puntox2, puntoy1 + puntoy2); //Rectangle rectangulo = new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 200); fondo.Draw(rectangulo, new Bgr(Color.Cyan), 1); Rectangle rectangulo2 = new Rectangle(nuevoX1, nuevoY1, nuevoX2 - nuevoX1, nuevoY2 - nuevoY1); //Rectangle rectangulo = new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 200); fondo.Draw(rectangulo2, new Bgr(Color.Red), 1); pictureBox1.Image = fondo.Bitmap; // CvInvoke.cvResetImageROI(fondo); } if (subtype.ToString() == "/Text") { //MessageBox.Show("Comentarios Post it detectado coor "+rect); listBox2.Items.Add(contents + " " + page); var aux_rect = rect.ToString().Split(','); aux_rect[0] = aux_rect[0].Remove(0, 1); aux_rect[0] = aux_rect[0].Replace(".", ","); aux_rect[1] = aux_rect[1].Replace(".", ","); int puntox1 = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToSingle(aux_rect[0])); int puntoy1 = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToSingle(aux_rect[1])); int nuevoX1 = (Convert.ToInt32(anchoImagen) * (puntox1 * 100 / Convert.ToInt32(anchoPDF))) / 100; int nuevoY1 = Convert.ToInt32(altoImagen) - ((Convert.ToInt32(altoImagen) * (puntoy1 * 100 / Convert.ToInt32(altoPDF))) / 100); //MessageBox.Show("Esto es punto x1 "+nuevoX1+ " y y1 "+nuevoY1); //ROi debe ser del mismo tamaño que la imagen a pegar Rectangle brect = new Rectangle(0, nuevoY1, icono.Width, icono.Height); fondo.ROI = brect; //final = auxImge.Copy(); CvInvoke.cvCopy(icono, fondo, IntPtr.Zero); //pictureBox2.Image = fondo.Bitmap; CvInvoke.cvResetImageROI(fondo); } //foreach (var algo in curAnnot.Keys) //{ ////MessageBox.Show("Comentarios " + algo); // listBox2.Items.Add(algo); //} //int someType = MyCodeToGetAnAnnotsType(curAnnot); //if (someType == THIS_TYPE) //{ //} //else if (someType == THAT_TYPE) //{ //writeThatType(curAnnot); //} } }
protected override void CheckAnnotation(PdfWriter writer, int key, Object obj1) { if (obj1 is PdfFormField) { PdfFormField field = (PdfFormField)obj1; if (!field.Contains(PdfName.SUBTYPE)) { return; } if (field.Contains(PdfName.AA) || field.Contains(PdfName.A)) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("widget.annotation.dictionary.or.field.dictionary.shall.not.include.a.or.aa.entry")); } } if (obj1 is PdfAnnotation) { PdfAnnotation annot = (PdfAnnotation)obj1; PdfName subtype = annot.Get(PdfName.SUBTYPE) as PdfName; if (subtype != null && !allowedAnnotTypes.Contains(subtype)) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("annotation.type.1.not.allowed", subtype.ToString())); } PdfNumber ca = annot.GetAsNumber(PdfName.CA); if (ca != null && ca.FloatValue != 1.0) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } PdfNumber f = annot.GetAsNumber(PdfName.F); if (f == null) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("an.annotation.dictionary.shall.contain.the.f.key")); } int flags = f.IntValue; if (CheckFlag(flags, PdfAnnotation.FLAGS_PRINT) == false || CheckFlag(flags, PdfAnnotation.FLAGS_HIDDEN) || CheckFlag(flags, PdfAnnotation.FLAGS_INVISIBLE) || CheckFlag(flags, PdfAnnotation.FLAGS_NOVIEW)) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } if (PdfName.TEXT.Equals(annot.GetAsName(PdfName.SUBTYPE))) { if (CheckFlag(flags, PdfAnnotation.FLAGS_NOZOOM) == false || CheckFlag(flags, PdfAnnotation.FLAGS_NOROTATE) == false) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } } if (annot.Contains(PdfName.C) || annot.Contains(PdfName.IC)) { ICC_Profile colorProfile = ((PdfAWriter)writer).ColorProfile; String cs = ""; cs = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(colorProfile.Data, 16, 4); if (!"RGB".Equals(cs.ToUpper())) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } } PdfDictionary ap = GetDirectDictionary(annot.Get(PdfName.AP)); if (ap != null) { if (ap.Contains(PdfName.R) || ap.Contains(PdfName.D)) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } PdfObject n = ap.Get(PdfName.N); if (!(n is PdfIndirectReference)) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } } if (PdfName.WIDGET.Equals(annot.GetAsName(PdfName.SUBTYPE)) && (annot.Contains(PdfName.AA) || annot.Contains(PdfName.A))) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("widget.annotation.dictionary.or.field.dictionary.shall.not.include.a.or.aa.entry")); } if (CheckStructure(conformanceLevel)) { if (contentAnnotations.Contains(subtype) && !annot.Contains(PdfName.CONTENTS)) { throw new PdfAConformanceException(obj1, MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("annotation.of.type.1.should.have.contents.key", subtype.ToString())); } } } }
private void PopulateSignatureNames() { if (acroForm == null) { return; } IList <Object[]> sorter = new List <Object[]>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <String, PdfFormField> entry in acroForm.GetFormFields()) { PdfFormField field = entry.Value; PdfDictionary merged = field.GetPdfObject(); if (!PdfName.Sig.Equals(merged.Get(PdfName.FT))) { continue; } PdfDictionary v = merged.GetAsDictionary(PdfName.V); if (v == null) { continue; } PdfString contents = v.GetAsString(PdfName.Contents); if (contents == null) { continue; } else { contents.MarkAsUnencryptedObject(); } PdfArray ro = v.GetAsArray(PdfName.ByteRange); if (ro == null) { continue; } int rangeSize = ro.Size(); if (rangeSize < 2) { continue; } int length = ro.GetAsNumber(rangeSize - 1).IntValue() + ro.GetAsNumber(rangeSize - 2).IntValue(); sorter.Add(new Object[] { entry.Key, new int[] { length, 0 } }); } JavaCollectionsUtil.Sort(sorter, new SignatureUtil.SorterComparator()); if (sorter.Count > 0) { try { if (((int[])sorter[sorter.Count - 1][1])[0] == document.GetReader().GetFileLength()) { totalRevisions = sorter.Count; } else { totalRevisions = sorter.Count + 1; } } catch (System.IO.IOException) { } // TODO: add exception handling (at least some logger) for (int k = 0; k < sorter.Count; ++k) { Object[] objs = sorter[k]; String name = (String)objs[0]; int[] p = (int[])objs[1]; p[1] = k + 1; sigNames.Put(name, p); orderedSignatureNames.Add(name); } } }
/** * Returns an entry from the image dictionary. * @param key a key * @return the value */ public iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfObject Get(PdfName key) { return(dictionary.Get(key)); }
protected internal virtual void CheckResources(PdfDictionary resources) { if (resources == null) { return; } PdfDictionary xObjects = resources.GetAsDictionary(PdfName.XObject); PdfDictionary shadings = resources.GetAsDictionary(PdfName.Shading); PdfDictionary patterns = resources.GetAsDictionary(PdfName.Pattern); if (xObjects != null) { foreach (PdfObject xObject in xObjects.Values()) { PdfStream xObjStream = (PdfStream)xObject; PdfObject subtype = null; bool isFlushed = xObjStream.IsFlushed(); if (!isFlushed) { subtype = xObjStream.Get(PdfName.Subtype); } if (PdfName.Image.Equals(subtype) || isFlushed) { // if flushed still may be need to check colorspace in given context CheckImage(xObjStream, resources.GetAsDictionary(PdfName.ColorSpace)); } else { if (PdfName.Form.Equals(subtype)) { CheckFormXObject(xObjStream); } } } } if (shadings != null) { foreach (PdfObject shading in shadings.Values()) { PdfDictionary shadingDict = (PdfDictionary)shading; if (!IsAlreadyChecked(shadingDict)) { CheckColorSpace(PdfColorSpace.MakeColorSpace(shadingDict.Get(PdfName.ColorSpace)), resources.GetAsDictionary (PdfName.ColorSpace), true, null); } } } if (patterns != null) { foreach (PdfObject p in patterns.Values()) { if (p.IsStream()) { PdfStream pStream = (PdfStream)p; if (!IsAlreadyChecked(pStream)) { CheckResources(pStream.GetAsDictionary(PdfName.Resources)); } } } } }
/** * Returns an entry from the image dictionary. * @param key a key * @return the value */ public PdfObject Get(PdfName key) { return(dictionary.Get(key)); }
/** * Business logic that checks if a certain object is in conformance with PDF/X. * @param writer the writer that is supposed to write the PDF/X file * @param key the type of PDF ISO conformance that has to be checked * @param obj1 the object that is checked for conformance */ public void CheckPdfIsoConformance(int key, Object obj1) { if (writer == null || !writer.IsPdfX()) { return; } int conf = writer.PDFXConformance; switch (key) { case PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_COLOR: switch (conf) { case PdfWriter.PDFX1A2001: if (obj1 is ExtendedColor) { ExtendedColor ec = (ExtendedColor)obj1; switch (ec.Type) { case ExtendedColor.TYPE_CMYK: case ExtendedColor.TYPE_GRAY: return; case ExtendedColor.TYPE_RGB: throw new PdfXConformanceException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); case ExtendedColor.TYPE_SEPARATION: SpotColor sc = (SpotColor)ec; CheckPdfIsoConformance(PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_COLOR, sc.PdfSpotColor.AlternativeCS); break; case ExtendedColor.TYPE_SHADING: ShadingColor xc = (ShadingColor)ec; CheckPdfIsoConformance(PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_COLOR, xc.PdfShadingPattern.Shading.ColorSpace); break; case ExtendedColor.TYPE_PATTERN: PatternColor pc = (PatternColor)ec; CheckPdfIsoConformance(PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_COLOR, pc.Painter.DefaultColor); break; } } else if (obj1 is BaseColor) { throw new PdfXConformanceException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } break; } break; case PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_CMYK: break; case PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_RGB: if (conf == PdfWriter.PDFX1A2001) { throw new PdfXConformanceException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } break; case PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_FONT: if (!((BaseFont)obj1).IsEmbedded()) { throw new PdfXConformanceException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("", ((BaseFont)obj1).PostscriptFontName)); } break; case PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_IMAGE: PdfImage image = (PdfImage)obj1; if (image.Get(PdfName.SMASK) != null) { throw new PdfXConformanceException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } switch (conf) { case PdfWriter.PDFX1A2001: PdfObject cs = image.Get(PdfName.COLORSPACE); if (cs == null) { return; } if (cs.IsName()) { if (PdfName.DEVICERGB.Equals(cs)) { throw new PdfXConformanceException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } } else if (cs.IsArray()) { if (PdfName.CALRGB.Equals(((PdfArray)cs)[0])) { throw new PdfXConformanceException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } } break; } break; case PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_GSTATE: PdfDictionary gs = (PdfDictionary)obj1; PdfObject obj = gs.Get(PdfName.BM); if (obj != null && !PdfGState.BM_NORMAL.Equals(obj) && !PdfGState.BM_COMPATIBLE.Equals(obj)) { throw new PdfXConformanceException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("blend.mode.1.not.allowed", obj.ToString())); } obj = gs.Get(PdfName.CA); double v = 0.0; if (obj != null && (v = ((PdfNumber)obj).DoubleValue) != 1.0) { throw new PdfXConformanceException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("", v)); } obj = gs.Get(PdfName.ca_); v = 0.0; if (obj != null && (v = ((PdfNumber)obj).DoubleValue) != 1.0) { throw new PdfXConformanceException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("", v)); } break; case PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_LAYER: throw new PdfXConformanceException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("layers.are.not.allowed")); } }
public void CopyTaggedPdf23() { PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(SOURCE81); PdfDictionary structTreeRoot = VerifyIsDictionary(reader.Catalog.GetDirectObject(PdfName.STRUCTTREEROOT), NO_STRUCT_TREE_ROOT); PdfDictionary idTree = VerifyIsDictionary(PdfStructTreeController.GetDirectObject(structTreeRoot.Get(PdfName.IDTREE)), NO_ID_TREE); Assert.IsTrue(idTree.hashMap.Count > 0, EMPTY_ID_TREE); }
private PdfObject CleverPdfDictionaryClone(PdfDictionary dict) { PdfDictionary newDict; if (dict.IsStream()) { newDict = new PdfStream(emptyByteArray); newDict.Remove(PdfName.LENGTH); } else newDict = new PdfDictionary(); foreach (PdfName key in dict.Keys) if (keysForCheck.Contains(key)) newDict.Put(key, dict.Get(key)); return newDict; }
/** * If the child of a structured element is a dictionary, we inspect the * child; we may also draw a tag. * * @param k * the child dictionary to inspect */ virtual public void InspectChildDictionary(PdfDictionary k, bool inspectAttributes) { if (k == null) return; PdfName s = k.GetAsName(PdfName.S); if (s != null) { String tagN = PdfName.DecodeName(s.ToString()); String tag = FixTagName(tagN); outp.Write("<"); outp.Write(tag); if (inspectAttributes) { PdfDictionary a = k.GetAsDict(PdfName.A); if (a != null) { Dictionary<PdfName, PdfObject>.KeyCollection keys = a.Keys; foreach (PdfName key in keys) { outp.Write(' '); PdfObject value = a.Get(key); value = PdfReader.GetPdfObject(value); outp.Write(XmlName(key)); outp.Write("=\""); outp.Write(value.ToString()); outp.Write("\""); } } } outp.Write(">"); PdfObject alt = k.Get(PdfName.ALT); if (alt != null && alt.ToString() != null) { outp.Write("<alt><![CDATA["); outp.Write(Regex.Replace(alt.ToString(), "[\\000]*", "")); outp.Write("]]></alt>"); } PdfDictionary dict = k.GetAsDict(PdfName.PG); if (dict != null) ParseTag(tagN, k.GetDirectObject(PdfName.K), dict); InspectChild(k.GetDirectObject(PdfName.K)); outp.Write("</"); outp.Write(tag); outp.WriteLine(">"); } else InspectChild(k.GetDirectObject(PdfName.K)); }