public override void Draw(NVGcontext ctx) { if (Radius == 0) { return; } NanoVG.nvgBeginPath(ctx); NanoVG.nvgCircle(ctx, X, Y, Radius); NanoVG.nvgStroke(ctx); }
public override void Draw(NVGcontext ctx) { if (A0 == A1 || Radius == 0) { return; } NanoVG.nvgBeginPath(ctx); NanoVG.nvgArc(ctx, X, Y, Radius, A0, A1, Dir); NanoVG.nvgStroke(ctx); }
public override void Draw(NVGcontext ctx) { if (Width == 0 || Height == 0) { return; } NanoVG.nvgBeginPath(ctx); NanoVG.nvgRect(ctx, X, Y, Width, Height); NanoVG.nvgStroke(ctx); }
public override void Draw(NVGcontext ctx) { if (X == X1 && Y == Y1) { return; } NanoVG.nvgBeginPath(ctx); NanoVG.nvgMoveTo(ctx, X, Y); NanoVG.nvgLineTo(ctx, X1, Y1); NanoVG.nvgStroke(ctx); }
public void Execute(NVGcontext ctx) { NanoVG.nvgBeginPath(ctx); Draw(ctx); if (Fill) { NanoVG.nvgFill(ctx); } else { NanoVG.nvgStroke(ctx); } }
public void RenderConnection(Connection connection, Vector2 end) { var bound = connection.GetBounds(); var pos = new Vector2(bound.X, bound.Y); var v = new Vector2((pos - end).Length / 4, 0); if (pos == end) { return; } NanoVG.nvgSave(MainWindow.Nvg); NanoVG.nvgLineCap(MainWindow.Nvg, (int)NvgLineCap.Round); NanoVG.nvgStrokeColor(MainWindow.Nvg, NanoVG.nvgRGBA(128, 128, 128, 255)); var ctrl1 = connection.Side == NodeSide.Input ? pos - v : pos + v; var ctrl2 = connection.Side == NodeSide.Input ? end + v : end - v; NanoVG.nvgBeginPath(MainWindow.Nvg); NanoVG.nvgMoveTo(MainWindow.Nvg, pos.X, pos.Y); NanoVG.nvgBezierTo(MainWindow.Nvg, ctrl1.X, ctrl1.Y, ctrl2.X, ctrl2.Y, end.X, end.Y); NanoVG.nvgStroke(MainWindow.Nvg); NanoVG.nvgRestore(MainWindow.Nvg); }
public override void Draw(NVGcontext ctx) { Theme style = this.theme; int ds = style.windowDropShadowSize; int cr = style.windowCornerRadius; int hh = style.windowHeaderHeight; Vector2 pos = this.localPosition; Vector2 size = this.size; NanoVG.nvgSave(ctx); NanoVG.nvgBeginPath(ctx); NanoVG.nvgRoundedRect(ctx, pos.X, pos.Y, size.X, size.Y, cr); NanoVG.nvgFillColor(ctx, this.mouseFocus ? style.windowFillFocusedColor : style.windowFillUnfocusedColor); NanoVG.nvgFill(ctx); NVGpaint shadowPaint = NanoVG.nvgBoxGradient(ctx , pos.X, pos.Y, size.X, size.Y , cr * 2, ds * 2 , style.dropShadowColor , style.transparentColor); NanoVG.nvgBeginPath(ctx); NanoVG.nvgRect(ctx, pos.X - ds, pos.Y - ds, size.X + 2 * ds, size.Y + 2 * ds); NanoVG.nvgRoundedRect(ctx, pos.X, pos.Y, size.X, size.Y, cr); NanoVG.nvgPathWinding(ctx, (int)NVGsolidity.NVG_HOLE); NanoVG.nvgFillPaint(ctx, shadowPaint); NanoVG.nvgFill(ctx); // draw header. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.title)) { NVGpaint headerPaint = NanoVG.nvgLinearGradient( ctx , pos.X, pos.Y, pos.X, pos.Y + hh , style.windowHeaderGradientTopColor , style.windowHeaderGradientBotColor ); NanoVG.nvgBeginPath(ctx); NanoVG.nvgRoundedRect(ctx, pos.X, pos.Y, size.X, hh, cr); NanoVG.nvgFillPaint(ctx, headerPaint); NanoVG.nvgFill(ctx); NanoVG.nvgBeginPath(ctx); NanoVG.nvgRoundedRect(ctx, pos.X, pos.Y, size.X, hh, cr); NanoVG.nvgStrokeColor(ctx, style.windowHeaderSepTopColor); NanoVG.nvgSave(ctx); NanoVG.nvgIntersectScissor(ctx, pos.X, pos.Y, size.X, 0.5f); NanoVG.nvgStroke(ctx); NanoVG.nvgResetScissor(ctx); NanoVG.nvgRestore(ctx); NanoVG.nvgBeginPath(ctx); NanoVG.nvgMoveTo(ctx, pos.X + 0.5f, pos.Y + hh - 1.5f); NanoVG.nvgLineTo(ctx, pos.X + size.X - 0.5f, pos.Y + hh - 1.5f); NanoVG.nvgStrokeColor(ctx, style.windowHeaderSepBotColor); NanoVG.nvgStroke(ctx); NanoVG.nvgFontSize(ctx, style.standardFontSize + 2f); NanoVG.nvgFontFace(ctx, style.fontBold); NanoVG.nvgTextAlign(ctx, (int)(NVGalign.NVG_ALIGN_CENTER | NVGalign.NVG_ALIGN_MIDDLE)); Vector2 headerTextPos; headerTextPos.X = pos.X + size.X * 0.5f; headerTextPos.Y = pos.Y + hh * 0.5f; NanoVG.nvgFontBlur(ctx, 2f); NanoVG.nvgFillColor(ctx, style.dropShadowColor); NanoVG.nvgText(ctx, headerTextPos.X, headerTextPos.Y, this.title); NanoVG.nvgFontBlur(ctx, 0f); NanoVG.nvgFillColor(ctx, this.focused ? style.windowTitleFocusedColor : style.windowTitleUnfocusedColor); NanoVG.nvgText(ctx, headerTextPos.X, headerTextPos.Y - 1f, this.title); } NanoVG.nvgRestore(ctx); base.Draw(ctx); }
private void Render(object sender, FrameEventArgs e) { // Reset the view GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.StencilBufferBit); //GL.PushMatrix(); NanoVG.nvgBeginFrame(Nvg, Width, Height, 1); NanoVG.nvgSave(Nvg); NanoVG.nvgScale(Nvg, Zoom, Zoom); //_grid.Draw(); NanoVG.nvgTranslate(Nvg, _nodeRenderer.gridOffset.X, _nodeRenderer.gridOffset.Y); NanoVG.nvgStrokeWidth(Nvg, 2); NanoVG.nvgStrokeColor(Nvg, NanoVG.nvgRGBA(0, 0, 0, 255)); NanoVG.nvgBeginPath(Nvg); NanoVG.nvgMoveTo(Nvg, -_nodeRenderer.gridPitch, 0); NanoVG.nvgLineTo(Nvg, _nodeRenderer.gridPitch, 0); NanoVG.nvgStroke(Nvg); NanoVG.nvgBeginPath(Nvg); NanoVG.nvgMoveTo(Nvg, 0, -_nodeRenderer.gridPitch); NanoVG.nvgLineTo(Nvg, 0, _nodeRenderer.gridPitch); NanoVG.nvgStroke(Nvg); const int cxnLineWidth = 3; NanoVG.nvgStrokeWidth(Nvg, cxnLineWidth); if (Selection.DraggingConnection != null) { var end = _mouseCanvasSpace; if (Selection.CreatingConnectedNode) { end = new Vector2(_contextMenu.X, _contextMenu.Y); } var picked = Selection.HoveringConnection; if (picked != null && picked.Side != Selection.DraggingConnection.Side) { var b = picked.GetBounds(); end = new Vector2(b.X, b.Y); } _nodeRenderer.RenderConnection(Selection.DraggingConnection, end); } foreach (var node in Graph) { _nodeRenderer.RenderConnections(node); } foreach (var node in Graph) { _nodeRenderer.RenderNode(node); } if (Selection.SelectionRectangle != null && Selection.SelectionRectangle.Width != 0 && Selection.SelectionRectangle.Height != 0) { NanoVG.nvgFillColor(Nvg, _selectionRectangleColor.ToNvgColor()); NanoVG.nvgBeginPath(Nvg); var r = Selection.SelectionRectangle; var x = Math.Min(r.X, r.X + r.Width); var y = Math.Min(r.Y, r.Y + r.Height); var w = Math.Abs(r.Width); var h = Math.Abs(r.Height); NanoVG.nvgRect(Nvg, x, y, w, h); NanoVG.nvgFill(Nvg); } NanoVG.nvgRestore(Nvg); _contextMenu.Render(); GL.Color4(0, 0, 0, 1f); if (Keyboard[Key.D] && Focused && TextBoxHandler.TextBox == null) { // Static diagnostic header NanoVG.nvgSave(Nvg); NanoVG.nvgFillColor(Nvg, Color.Black.ToNvgColor()); NvgHelper.RenderString($"{Zoom}x Zoom"); NanoVG.nvgTranslate(Nvg, 0, FontLineHeight); NvgHelper.RenderString($"{Graph.Count} Nodes"); // Sparklines // GL.Translate(5, (int)(Height - Font.Common.LineHeight * 1.4f * 2), 0); // _fpsSparkline.Render(Color.Blue, Color.LimeGreen); // GL.Translate(0, (int)(Font.Common.LineHeight * 1.4f), 0); // _renderTimeSparkline.Render(Color.Blue, Color.LimeGreen); NanoVG.nvgRestore(Nvg); } NanoVG.nvgEndFrame(Nvg); // Swap the graphics buffer SwapBuffers(); }
public override void Draw(NVGcontext ctx) { base.Draw(ctx); Theme style = this.theme; NVGcolor gradTopColor = style.buttonGradientTopUnfocusedColor; NVGcolor gradBotColor = style.buttonGradientBotUnfocusedColor; if (this.pushed) { gradTopColor = style.buttonGradientTopPushedColor; gradBotColor = style.buttonGradientBotPushedColor; } else { gradTopColor = style.buttonGradientTopFocusedColor; gradBotColor = style.buttonGradientBotFocusedColor; } Vector2 pos = this.localPosition; Vector2 size = this.size; NanoVG.nvgBeginPath(ctx); NanoVG.nvgRoundedRect(ctx, pos.X + 1f, pos.Y + 1f, size.X - 2f, size.Y - 2f , style.buttonCornerRadius - 1f); NanoVG.nvgFillColor(ctx, gradTopColor); NanoVG.nvgFill(ctx); if (0f < this.backgroundColor.a) { // fill background. } NVGpaint gradient = NanoVG.nvgLinearGradient(ctx, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.X, pos.Y + size.Y , gradTopColor, gradBotColor); NanoVG.nvgFillPaint(ctx, gradient); NanoVG.nvgFill(ctx); NanoVG.nvgBeginPath(ctx); NanoVG.nvgStrokeWidth(ctx, 1f); NanoVG.nvgRoundedRect(ctx, pos.X + 0.5f, pos.Y + (this.pushed ? 0.5f : 1.5f) , size.X - 1f, size.Y - 1 - (this.pushed ? 0f : 1f) , style.buttonCornerRadius); NanoVG.nvgStrokeColor(ctx, style.borderLightColor); NanoVG.nvgStroke(ctx); NanoVG.nvgBeginPath(ctx); NanoVG.nvgRoundedRect(ctx, pos.X + 0.5f, pos.Y + 0.5f , size.X - 1f, size.Y - 2f , style.buttonCornerRadius); NanoVG.nvgStrokeColor(ctx, style.borderDarkColor); NanoVG.nvgStroke(ctx); int currFontSize = 0 > this.fontSize ? style.buttonFontSize : this.fontSize; NanoVG.nvgFontSize(ctx, currFontSize); NanoVG.nvgFontFace(ctx, style.fontBold); float tw = NanoVG.nvgTextBounds(ctx, 0f, 0f, this.caption, null); Vector2 center = pos + size * 0.5f; Vector2 textPos = new Vector2(center.X - tw * 0.5f, center.Y - 1f); NVGcolor currTextColor = GetCurrTextColor(); int btnIcon = this.icon; if (0 != btnIcon) { float iw, ih; iw = 0f; ih = currFontSize; byte[] icon = Fonts.GetIconUTF8(btnIcon); if (NanoVG.nvgIsFontIcon(btnIcon)) { ih *= 1.5f; NanoVG.nvgFontSize(ctx, ih); NanoVG.nvgFontFace(ctx, style.fontIcons); iw = NanoVG.nvgTextBounds(ctx, 0, 0, icon, null); } else { int w, h; w = h = 1; ih *= 0.9f; NanoVG.nvgImageSize(ctx, btnIcon, ref w, ref h); if (0 < h) { iw = w * ih / h; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.caption)) { iw += size.Y * 0.15f; } NanoVG.nvgFillColor(ctx, currTextColor); NanoVG.nvgTextAlign(ctx, (int)(NVGalign.NVG_ALIGN_LEFT | NVGalign.NVG_ALIGN_MIDDLE)); Vector2 iconPos = center; iconPos.Y -= 1f; switch (this.iconAnchorType) { case IconAnchorType.LeftCentered: { iconPos.X -= (tw + iw) * 0.5f; textPos.X += iw * 0.5f; } break; case IconAnchorType.RightCentered: { textPos.X -= iw * 0.5f; iconPos.X += tw * 0.5f; } break; case IconAnchorType.Left: { iconPos.X = pos.X + 8f; } break; case IconAnchorType.Right: { iconPos.X = pos.X + size.X - iw - 8f; } break; default: break; } if (NanoVG.nvgIsFontIcon(btnIcon)) { // NOTE: icon rendering bug, any unicode > 0x10000 not being rendered correctly. // e.g. 0x1F680 (Font.Entypo.ICON_ROCKET). NanoVG.nvgText(ctx, iconPos.X, iconPos.Y + 1f, icon); } else { float imgAlpha = this.enabled ? 0.5f : 0.25f; NVGpaint imgPaint = NanoVG.nvgImagePattern( ctx , iconPos.X, iconPos.Y - ih * 0.5f, iw, ih , 0f, btnIcon, imgAlpha); NanoVG.nvgFillPaint(ctx, imgPaint); NanoVG.nvgFill(ctx); } // DEBUG: ICON BOUNDS //NanoVG.nvgStrokeWidth (ctx, 1.0f); //NanoVG.nvgBeginPath (ctx); //NanoVG.nvgRect (ctx, iconPos.X, iconPos.Y - ih * 0.5f, iw, ih); //NanoVG.nvgStrokeColor (ctx, textColor); //NanoVG.nvgStroke(ctx); } NanoVG.nvgFontSize(ctx, currFontSize); NanoVG.nvgFontFace(ctx, style.fontBold); NanoVG.nvgTextAlign(ctx, (int)(NVGalign.NVG_ALIGN_LEFT | NVGalign.NVG_ALIGN_MIDDLE)); NanoVG.nvgFillColor(ctx, style.textShadowColor); NanoVG.nvgText(ctx, textPos.X, textPos.Y, this.caption); NanoVG.nvgFillColor(ctx, currTextColor); NanoVG.nvgText(ctx, textPos.X, textPos.Y + 1f, this.caption); }