Esempio n. 1
        protected void Command_Delete( ChatEvent chatEvent )
            ulong remoteUserId = chatEvent.RemoteUserId;
            List<string> commandParts = CommandParser.GetCommandParts( chatEvent.Message );
            int paramCount = commandParts.Count - 1;
            MyEntity[] entities = new MyEntity[0];
            SandboxGameAssemblyWrapper.Instance.GameAction(() => entities = MyEntities.GetEntities().ToArray());
            var toRemove = new HashSet<MyEntity>();

            //All entities
            if ( paramCount > 1 && commandParts[ 1 ].ToLower( ).Equals( "all" ) )
                //All cube grids that have no beacon or only a beacon with no name
                if ( commandParts[ 2 ].ToLower( ).Equals( "nobeacon" ) )
                    int removeCount = 0;
                    Parallel.ForEach(MyCubeGridGroups.Static.Logical.Groups, group =>
                                                                                 bool found = false;
                                                                                 foreach (var node in group.Nodes)
                                                                                     var grid = node.NodeData;

                                                                                     if (grid.MarkedForClose || grid.Closed)

                                                                                     if (grid.CubeBlocks.OfType<MyBeacon>().Any())
                                                                                         found = true;

                                                                                 if (!found)

                                                                                 foreach (var closeNode in group.Nodes)
                                                                                     SandboxGameAssemblyWrapper.Instance.BeginGameAction(()=>closeNode.NodeData.Close(), null, null);

                    SendPrivateChatMessage(remoteUserId, $"{removeCount} cube grids have been removed");
                //All cube grids that have no power
                else if ( commandParts[ 2 ].ToLower( ).Equals( "nopower" ) )
                    //List<CubeGridEntity> entities = SectorObjectManager.Instance.GetTypedInternalData<CubeGridEntity>( );
                    //List<CubeGridEntity> entitiesToDispose = entities.Where( entity => entity.TotalPower <= 0 ).ToList( );

                    //foreach ( CubeGridEntity entity in entitiesToDispose )
                    //	entity.Dispose( );

                    //SendPrivateChatMessage( remoteUserId, string.Format( "{0} cube grids have been removed", entitiesToDispose.Count ) );
                    SendPrivateChatMessage( remoteUserId, "Unpowered grids removal temporarily unavailable in this version." );
                else if ( commandParts[ 2 ].ToLower( ).Equals( "floatingobjects" ) )	//All floating objects
                    int count = 0;
                    foreach (var floating in entities.Where(e => e is MyFloatingObject))
                        SandboxGameAssemblyWrapper.Instance.BeginGameAction(() => floating.Close(), null, null);
                    SendPrivateChatMessage(remoteUserId, $"Removed {count} floating objects");

                    string entityName = commandParts[ 2 ];
                    if ( commandParts.Count > 3 )
                        for ( int i = 3; i < commandParts.Count; i++ )
                            entityName += " " + commandParts[ i ];

                    int matchingEntitiesCount = 0;
                    foreach ( var entity in entities )
                        if (entity.MarkedForClose || entity.Closed)

                        bool isMatch = Regex.IsMatch( entity.Name, entityName, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase );
                        if ( !isMatch )

                        SandboxGameAssemblyWrapper.Instance.BeginGameAction(() => entity.Close(), null, null);


                    SendPrivateChatMessage( remoteUserId, $"{matchingEntitiesCount} objects have been removed");

            //All non-static cube grids
            if ( paramCount > 1 && commandParts[ 1 ].ToLower( ).Equals( "ship" ) )
                //That have no beacon or only a beacon with no name
                if ( commandParts[ 2 ].ToLower( ).Equals( "nobeacon" ) )
                    int removeCount = 0;
                    Parallel.ForEach(MyCubeGridGroups.Static.Logical.Groups, group =>
                                                                                 bool found = false;
                                                                                 foreach (var node in group.Nodes)
                                                                                     var grid = node.NodeData;

                                                                                     if (grid.MarkedForClose || grid.Closed)

                                                                                     if (grid.IsStatic)

                                                                                     if (grid.CubeBlocks.OfType<MyBeacon>().Any())
                                                                                         found = true;

                                                                                 if (!found)

                                                                                 foreach (var closeNode in group.Nodes)
                                                                                     SandboxGameAssemblyWrapper.Instance.BeginGameAction(() => closeNode.NodeData.Close(), null, null);

                    SendPrivateChatMessage(remoteUserId, $"{removeCount} cube grids have been removed");

            //All static cube grids
            if ( paramCount > 1 && commandParts[ 1 ].ToLower( ).Equals( "station" ) )
                    int removeCount = 0;
                    Parallel.ForEach(MyCubeGridGroups.Static.Logical.Groups, group =>
                                                                                 bool found = false;
                                                                                 foreach (var node in group.Nodes)
                                                                                     var grid = node.NodeData;

                                                                                     if (grid.MarkedForClose || grid.Closed)


                                                                                     if (grid.CubeBlocks.OfType<MyBeacon>().Any())
                                                                                         found = true;

                                                                                 if (!found)

                                                                                 foreach (var closeNode in group.Nodes)
                                                                                     SandboxGameAssemblyWrapper.Instance.BeginGameAction(() => closeNode.NodeData.Close(), null, null);

                    SendPrivateChatMessage(remoteUserId, $"{removeCount} cube grids have been removed");

            //Prunes defunct player entries in the faction data
            if (paramCount > 1 && commandParts[1].ToLower().Equals("player"))
                List<MyObjectBuilder_Checkpoint.PlayerItem> playersToRemove = new List<MyObjectBuilder_Checkpoint.PlayerItem>();
                int playersRemovedCount = 0;
                if (commandParts[2].ToLower().Equals("dead"))
                    List<long> playerIds = PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerIds();
                    foreach (long playerId in playerIds)
                        MyObjectBuilder_Checkpoint.PlayerItem item = PlayerMap.Instance.GetPlayerItemFromPlayerId(playerId);
                        if (item.IsDead)
                    //TODO - This is VERY slow. Need to find a much faster way to do this
                    //TODO - Need to find a way to remove the player entries from the main list, not just from the blocks and factions
                    foreach (var item in playersToRemove)
                        bool playerRemoved = false;
                        //Check if any of the players we're about to remove own blocks
                        //If so, set the owner to 0 and set the share mode to None
                        foreach (var cubeGrid in SectorObjectManager.Instance.GetTypedInternalData<CubeGridEntity>())
                            foreach (var cubeBlock in cubeGrid.CubeBlocks)
                                if (cubeBlock.Owner == item.PlayerId)
                                    cubeBlock.Owner = 0;
                                    cubeBlock.ShareMode = MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.None;
                                    playerRemoved = true;
                        foreach (var entry in FactionsManager.Instance.Factions)
                            foreach (var member in entry.Members)
                                if (member.PlayerId == item.PlayerId)
                                    playerRemoved = true;
                        if (playerRemoved)
                SendPrivateChatMessage(remoteUserId, "Deleted " + playersRemovedCount.ToString() + " player entries");

            //Prunes defunct faction entries in the faction data
            if ( paramCount > 1 && commandParts[ 1 ].ToLower( ).Equals( "faction" ) )
                List<MyFaction> factionsToRemove = new List<MyFaction>( );
                if ( commandParts[ 2 ].ToLower( ).Equals( "empty" ) )
                    factionsToRemove.AddRange( MySession.Static.Factions.Select( x => x.Value ).Where( v => !v.Members.Any() ) );
                if ( commandParts[ 2 ].ToLower( ).Equals( "nofounder" ) )
                    foreach ( var entry in MySession.Static.Factions.Select( x => x.Value ) )
                        bool founderMatch = entry.Members.Any( m => m.Value.IsFounder );

                        if ( !founderMatch )
                            factionsToRemove.Add( entry );
                if ( commandParts[ 2 ].ToLower( ).Equals( "noleader" ) )
                    foreach (var entry in MySession.Static.Factions.Select(x => x.Value))
                        bool founderMatch = entry.Members.Any( member => member.Value.IsFounder || member.Value.IsLeader );

                        if ( !founderMatch )
                            factionsToRemove.Add( entry );

                foreach ( var entry in factionsToRemove )
                    MyFactionCollection.RemoveFaction( entry.FactionId );

                SendPrivateChatMessage( remoteUserId, string.Format( "Deleted {0} factions", factionsToRemove.Count ) );

            //Single entity
            if ( paramCount == 1 )
                string rawEntityId = commandParts[ 1 ];

                    long entityId = long.Parse( rawEntityId );

                    foreach ( var entity in entities )
                        if ( entity.EntityId != entityId )

                        SandboxGameAssemblyWrapper.Instance.BeginGameAction(() => entity.Close(), null, null);
                catch ( Exception ex )
                    ApplicationLog.BaseLog.Error( ex );