private static void MiscMenu() { Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Ek"); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Misc"); Misc.Add("MinimumDistanceToFlash", new Slider("Flash+Sabitleme için mininum mesafe", 250, 0, 500)); Misc.Add("percent", new Slider("Sabitleme İsabet Şansı", 40, 1, 100)); Misc.Add("stun", new KeyBind("Seçili Hedefi Sabitlemek için hazır olma tuşu", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'K')); Misc.AddLabel("Nasıl Çalışır: Sana en yakın hedefe göre çalışır orbwalker"); Misc.AddLabel("Seçili Hedefi Sabitle"); Misc.AddLabel("(Eğer flash+ aktifse , Flash+E olacak(kullanacak diyor sanırım)"); Misc.AddSeparator(0); Misc.Add("semiR", new KeyBind("Yarı Otomatik R (Hedefi Sol Tuşla Seç)", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'G')); Misc.AddSeparator(); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Göstergeler"); Misc.Add("dQ", new CheckBox("Göster Q")); Misc.Add("dE", new CheckBox("Göster E")); Misc.Add("dR", new CheckBox("Göster R")); Misc.Add("DrawStunPos", new CheckBox("Sabitleme pozisyonunu göster")); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Kill Çalma"); Misc.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Q Kullan")); Misc.Add("E", new CheckBox("E Kullan")); Misc.Add("R", new CheckBox("R Kullan")); WSettingsMenu(); }
private static void MiscMenu() { Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc"); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Misc"); Misc.Add("MinimumDistanceToFlash", new Slider("Minimum distance to use flash stun", 250, 0, 500)); Misc.Add("percent", new Slider("Stun chance %", 40, 1, 100)); Misc.Add("stun", new KeyBind("Force stun selected target", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'K')); Misc.AddLabel("How it works: Orbwalk to nearest position where you"); Misc.AddLabel("can stun selected target"); Misc.AddLabel("(If flash E is enabled, it will Flash E)"); Misc.AddSeparator(0); Misc.Add("semiR", new KeyBind("Semi automatic R (select a target with left click)", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'G')); Misc.AddSeparator(); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Drawings"); Misc.Add("dQ", new CheckBox("Draw Q")); Misc.Add("dE", new CheckBox("Draw E")); Misc.Add("dR", new CheckBox("Draw R")); Misc.Add("DrawStunPos", new CheckBox("Draw stun position")); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Killsteal"); Misc.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Q Killsteal")); Misc.Add("E", new CheckBox("E Killsteal")); Misc.Add("R", new CheckBox("R Killsteal")); WSettingsMenu(); }
public static void CallMenu() { Zhao = MainMenu.AddMenu("XinZhao", "XinZhao"); Combo = Zhao.AddSubMenu("Combo", "combo"); Combo.Add("useQcombo", new CheckBox("Use Q")); Combo.Add("useWcombo", new CheckBox("Use W")); Combo.Add("useEcombo", new CheckBox("Use E")); Combo.Add("comboETower", new CheckBox("Don't E under tower", false)); Combo.Add("comboEmode", new ComboBox("E Usage Mode", 0, "Smart", "Use when out of melee range")); Combo.Add("useRcombo", new CheckBox("Use R")); Combo.Add("comboMinR", new Slider("Min Targets to hit for R", 5, 1, 5)); Harass = Zhao.AddSubMenu("Harass", "Harass"); Harass.Add("useQharass", new CheckBox("Use Q")); Harass.Add("useWharass", new CheckBox("Use W")); Harass.Add("useEharass", new CheckBox("Use E")); Harass.Add("harassETower", new CheckBox("Don't E under tower")); Harass.Add("harassMana", new Slider("Min Mana % to Harass", 80)); LaneClear = Zhao.AddSubMenu("LaneClear", "LaneClear"); LaneClear.Add("useQLC", new CheckBox("Use Q", false)); LaneClear.Add("useWLC", new CheckBox("Use W", false)); LaneClear.Add("useELC", new CheckBox("Use E")); LaneClear.Add("lcEtargets", new Slider("Min Targets to hit for E", 3, 0, 10)); LaneClear.Add("lcMana", new Slider("Min Mana % to LaneClear", 80)); JungleClear = Zhao.AddSubMenu("JungleClear", "JungleClear"); JungleClear.Add("useQJC", new CheckBox("Use Q")); JungleClear.Add("useWJC", new CheckBox("Use W")); JungleClear.Add("useEJC", new CheckBox("Use E", false)); JungleClear.Add("jcMana", new Slider("Min Mana % to JungleClear")); Draw = Zhao.AddSubMenu("Draw", "Draw"); Draw.Add("drawXinsec", new CheckBox("Draw Xinsec Target")); Draw.Add("drawXinsecpred", new CheckBox("Draw Xinsec move pos")); Misc = Zhao.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc"); Misc.AddLabel("Xinsec"); Misc.Add("xinsecKey", new KeyBind("Xinsec", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T')); Misc.Add("xinsecFlash", new CheckBox("Use Flash with Xinsec")); Misc.Add( "xinsecTargetting", new ComboBox("Xinsec Targetting", 0, "Selected Target", "Target Selector", "Lowest MaxHealth")); Misc.AddSeparator(5); Misc.AddLabel("Misc"); Misc.Add("useInterrupt", new CheckBox("Interrupt Spells with R", false)); Misc.Add("dangerL", new ComboBox("Min DangerLevel to interrupt", 2, "Low", "Medium", "High")); }
static void OnLoad(EventArgs args) { if (Player.ChampionName != ChampName) { return; } Q = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.Q, 600); W = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W, 400); E = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.E, 700); R = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.R, 550); menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("MadCatz_Katarina", "MadCatz"); menu.AddGroupLabel("MadCatz_Katarina"); ComboMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo"); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo"); ComboMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q", true)); ComboMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W", true)); ComboMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E", true)); ComboMenu.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use R", true)); ComboMenu.AddSeparator(); HarassMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Harass", "Harass"); HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass"); HarassMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q", true)); HarassMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W", true)); HarassMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E", false)); HarassMenu.AddSeparator(); LaneClearMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("LanClear", "LanClear"); LaneClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("LaneClear"); LaneClearMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q", false)); LaneClearMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W", false)); LaneClearMenu.AddSeparator(); Misc = menu.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc"); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Misc"); Misc.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Auto Q", true)); Misc.Add("W", new CheckBox("Auto W", true)); Misc.AddLabel("Auto Q,W"); Misc.AddSeparator(); Game.OnTick += Update; Chat.Print("MadCatz" + ChampName + "MadCatz_Load"); Chat.Print("Korean Developer Good Luck!"); }
internal static void CreateMenu() { Kmenu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Kayn BETA", "Kayn Beta"); Combo = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("Combo"); Combo.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use [Q]")); Combo.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use [W]")); Combo.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use [E]")); Combo.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use [R]", false)); Combo.AddLabel("Predction"); Combo.Add("Qhit", new Slider("HitChance [Q]", 65, 1)); Combo.Add("Whit", new Slider("HitChance [W]", 80, 1)); Combo.AddLabel("Settings [R]"); Combo.Add("ultR", new CheckBox("Use [R] Evade")); Combo.Add("MR", new Slider("My HP Use Evade [R] <=", 15)); AutoHara = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("AutoHarass"); AutoHara.Add("AutoW", new CheckBox("Auto [W]")); AutoHara.Add("Mn", new Slider("Mana AutoHarass", 65, 1)); Lane = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("Lane"); Lane.Add("Qlane", new CheckBox("Use [Q]")); Lane.Add("WLane", new CheckBox("Use [W]")); Lane.Add("mana", new Slider("Mana [Q]/[W]", 45, 1)); Lane.AddLabel("Minion"); Lane.Add("Min", new Slider("Mini Minion > {0}", 3, 1, 5)); Lane.AddLabel("Mode [Q]"); Lane.Add("Qmode", new ComboBox("Use Prediction [Q]", 0, "On", "Off")); Lane.Add("Win", new Slider("Min Minions To Hit With W", 2, 1, 6)); Lane.Add("WMode", new ComboBox("Use Prediction For W", 0, "On", "Off")); Lane.Add("WP", new Slider("Select % Hitchance", 80, 1, 100)); Jungle = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("Jungle"); Jungle.Add("Qjungle", new CheckBox("Use [Q]")); Jungle.Add("Wjungle", new CheckBox("Use [W]")); Jungle.AddLabel("Mana"); Jungle.Add("jmana", new Slider("Mana [Q]/[W]", 45, 1)); Jungle.Add("J", new Slider("Min Monsters To Hit With W", 1, 1, 4)); Misc = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("Misc"); Misc.Add("KSR", new CheckBox("Use [R] Fish")); Misc.Add("KS", new CheckBox("KillSteal")); Misc.AddLabel("Flash"); Misc.Add("FR", new CheckBox("Use [Flash + R]", false)); Misc.Add("FW", new CheckBox("Use [Flash + W]", false)); Draws = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("Drawings"); Draws.Add("DQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Draw")); Draws.Add("DW", new CheckBox("Use [W] Draw")); Draws.Add("DE", new CheckBox("Use [E] Draw")); Draws.Add("DR", new CheckBox("Use [R]/[R2] Draw")); Draws.Add("DF", new CheckBox("Use [Flash] Draw")); }
static void OnLoad(EventArgs args) { if (_Player.ChampionName != ChampName) { return; } Bootstrap.Init(null); uint level = (uint)Player.Instance.Level; Q = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.Q, 543 + level * 7); W = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.W, 900, SkillShotType.Circular, 450, int.MaxValue, 180); E = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.E, 543 + level * 7); R = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.R, 543 + level * 7); menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("MadCatz_Tristana", "MadCatz"); menu.AddGroupLabel("MadCatz_Tristana"); ComboMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo"); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo"); ComboMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q", true)); ComboMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W", false)); ComboMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E", true)); ComboMenu.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use R", true)); ComboMenu.AddLabel("Self W,R"); ComboMenu.AddSeparator(); HarassMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Harass", "Harass"); HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass"); HarassMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q", true)); HarassMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E", false)); HarassMenu.AddSeparator(); Misc = menu.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc"); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Misc"); Misc.Add("R", new CheckBox("Killsteal R", true)); Misc.AddLabel("Killsteal,R"); Misc.AddSeparator(); Game.OnTick += Update; Chat.Print("MadCatz" + ChampName + "MadCatz_Load"); Chat.Print("Korean Developer Good Luck!"); }
private static void OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { if (!_Player.ChampionName.Contains("Vladimir")) { return; } Chat.Print("Doctor's Vladimir Loaded!", Color.Orange); Q = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.Q, 600); W = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W); E = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.E, 600); R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 700, SkillShotType.Circular, 250, 1200, 150); Ignite = new Spell.Targeted(ObjectManager.Player.GetSpellSlotFromName("summonerdot"), 600); Thn = new Font(Drawing.Direct3DDevice, new FontDescription { FaceName = "Tahoma", Height = 15, Weight = FontWeight.Bold, OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default, Quality = FontQuality.ClearType }); Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Doctor's Vladimir", "Vladimir"); ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings", "Combo"); ComboMenu.AddLabel("Combo Settings"); ComboMenu.Add("ComboQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Combo")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboW", new CheckBox("Use [W] Combo")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboE", new CheckBox("Use [E] Combo")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboR", new CheckBox("Use [R] Combo")); ComboMenu.AddLabel("Use [R] Aoe"); ComboMenu.Add("ComboR2", new CheckBox("Use [R] Aoe")); ComboMenu.Add("MinR", new Slider("Use [R] Aoe Enemies >=", 2, 1, 5)); ComboMenu.AddLabel("Auto [Q-W] Low HP"); ComboMenu.Add("Wtoggle", new CheckBox("Auto [W] Low MyHp")); ComboMenu.Add("minHealth", new Slider("Use [W] My Hp <", 20)); ComboMenu.Add("AutoQ", new CheckBox("Auto [Q] Low MyHp On Enemies", false)); ComboMenu.Add("AutoQm", new CheckBox("Auto [Q] Low MyHp On Minions", false)); ComboMenu.Add("healthQ", new Slider("Auto [Q] MyHp <", 30)); ComboMenu.AddLabel("Use [W] Dodge Spell"); ComboMenu.Add("dodge", new CheckBox("Use [W] Dodge")); ComboMenu.Add("antiGap", new CheckBox("Use [W] Anti Gap")); ComboMenu.Add("healthgap", new Slider("Use [W] AntiGap My Hp <", 50)); Evade = Menu.AddSubMenu("Spell Dodge Settings", "Evade"); Evade.AddGroupLabel("Dodge Settings"); foreach (var enemies in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Where(a => a.Team != Player.Instance.Team)) { Evade.AddGroupLabel(enemies.BaseSkinName); { foreach (var spell in enemies.Spellbook.Spells.Where(a => a.Slot == SpellSlot.Q || a.Slot == SpellSlot.W || a.Slot == SpellSlot.E || a.Slot == SpellSlot.R)) { if (spell.Slot == SpellSlot.Q) { Evade.Add(spell.SData.Name, new CheckBox(enemies.BaseSkinName + " : " + spell.Slot.ToString() + " : " + spell.Name, false)); } else if (spell.Slot == SpellSlot.W) { Evade.Add(spell.SData.Name, new CheckBox(enemies.BaseSkinName + " : " + spell.Slot.ToString() + " : " + spell.Name, false)); } else if (spell.Slot == SpellSlot.E) { Evade.Add(spell.SData.Name, new CheckBox(enemies.BaseSkinName + " : " + spell.Slot.ToString() + " : " + spell.Name, false)); } else if (spell.Slot == SpellSlot.R) { Evade.Add(spell.SData.Name, new CheckBox(enemies.BaseSkinName + " : " + spell.Slot.ToString() + " : " + spell.Name, false)); } } } } HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass Settings", "Harass"); HarassMenu.AddLabel("Harass Settings"); HarassMenu.Add("HarassQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Harass")); HarassMenu.Add("HarassE", new CheckBox("Use [E] Harass")); HarassMenu.Add("Autoqh", new KeyBind("Auto [Q] Harass", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'T')); LaneClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Clear Settings", "LaneClear"); LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("Clear Settings"); LaneClearMenu.Add("QLC", new CheckBox("Use [Q] LaneClear")); LaneClearMenu.Add("ELC", new CheckBox("Use [E] LaneClear")); LaneClearMenu.Add("minE", new Slider("Min Hit Minions Use [E]", 3, 1, 6)); LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("LastHit Settings"); LaneClearMenu.Add("QLH", new CheckBox("Use [Q] LastHit")); LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("JungleClear Settings"); LaneClearMenu.Add("QJungle", new CheckBox("Use [Q] JungleClear")); LaneClearMenu.Add("EJungle", new CheckBox("Use [E] JungleClear")); Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Skin Settings", "Misc"); Misc.AddLabel("Skin Changer"); Misc.Add("checkSkin", new CheckBox("Use Skin Changer")); Misc.Add("skin.Id", new ComboBox("Skin Mode", 7, "Default", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8")); KillStealMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("KillSteal Settings", "KillSteal"); KillStealMenu.AddLabel("KillSteal Settings"); KillStealMenu.Add("KsQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] KillSteal")); KillStealMenu.Add("KsE", new CheckBox("Use [E] KillSteal")); KillStealMenu.Add("KsR", new CheckBox("Use [R] KillSteal")); KillStealMenu.Add("ign", new CheckBox("Use [Ignite] KillSteal")); Drawings = Menu.AddSubMenu("Drawings Settings", "Draw"); Drawings.AddLabel("Drawing Settings"); Drawings.Add("DrawQ", new CheckBox("[Q] Range")); Drawings.Add("DrawE", new CheckBox("[E] Range")); Drawings.Add("DrawR", new CheckBox("[R] Range")); Drawings.Add("DrawAT", new CheckBox("Draw Auto Harass")); Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += AIHeroClient_OnProcessSpellCast; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += Gapcloser_OnGapCloser; }
static void OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { if (!_Player.ChampionName.Contains("Ezreal")) { return; } Chat.Print("Ezreal7 Loaded!", Color.GreenYellow); Chat.Print("Please Setting Target Harass Before Playing", Color.Yellow); Bootstrap.Init(null); Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 1150, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 2000, 60); W = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.W, 1000, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 1550, 80); W.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 475, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 2000, 100); R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 5000, SkillShotType.Linear, 1000, 2000, 160); R.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; Botrk = new Item(ItemId.Blade_of_the_Ruined_King); if (_Player.GetSpellSlotFromName("summonerdot") != SpellSlot.Unknown) { Ignite = new Spell.Targeted(ObjectManager.Player.GetSpellSlotFromName("summonerdot"), 600); } Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Ezreal7", "Ezreal"); Menu.AddSeparator(); ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings", "Combo"); ComboMenu.AddSeparator(); ComboMenu.AddLabel("Combo Settings"); ComboMenu.Add("ComboQ", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboW", new CheckBox("Spell [W]")); ComboMenu.Add("item", new CheckBox("Use [BOTRK]")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboRange", new Slider("Q-W Distance", 900, 0, 1000)); ComboMenu.AddSeparator(); ComboMenu.Add("ComboR", new CheckBox("Spell [R]")); ComboMenu.AddSeparator(); ComboMenu.Add("MinRangeR", new Slider("Min Range Cast [R]", 1000, 0, 5000)); ComboMenu.AddSeparator(); ComboMenu.Add("MaxRangeR", new Slider("Max Range Cast [R]", 3000, 0, 5000)); ComboMenu.AddSeparator(); ComboMenu.Add("MinR", new Slider("Min Enemies Use [R]", 2, 0, 5)); HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass Settings", "Harass"); HarassMenu.AddLabel("Harass Settings"); HarassMenu.Add("HarassQ", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); HarassMenu.Add("ManaQ", new Slider("Min Mana Harass [Q]", 40)); HarassMenu.AddSeparator(); HarassMenu.Add("HarassW", new CheckBox("Spell [W]", false)); HarassMenu.Add("ManaW", new Slider("Min Mana Harass [W]<=", 40)); HarassMenu.AddSeparator(); HarassMenu.AddLabel("Harass On"); foreach (var enemies in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies) { HarassMenu.Add("haras" + enemies.ChampionName, new CheckBox("" + enemies.ChampionName)); } Auto = Menu.AddSubMenu("Auto Harass Settings", "Auto Harass"); Auto.AddLabel("Auto Harass Settings"); Auto.Add("AutoQ", new CheckBox("Auto [Q]")); Auto.Add("AutomanaQ", new Slider("Min Mana Auto [Q]", 60)); Auto.AddSeparator(); Auto.Add("AutoW", new CheckBox("Auto [W]", false)); Auto.Add("AutomanaW", new Slider("Min Mana Auto [W]", 60)); Auto.AddSeparator(); Auto.AddLabel("Auto Harass On"); foreach (var enemies in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies) { Auto.Add("harass" + enemies.ChampionName, new CheckBox("" + enemies.ChampionName)); } LaneClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("LaneClear Settings", "LaneClear"); LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("LastHit Settings"); LaneClearMenu.Add("LastQ", new CheckBox("Always [Q] LastHit")); LaneClearMenu.Add("LhMana", new Slider("Min Mana Lasthit [Q]", 60)); LaneClearMenu.AddSeparator(); LaneClearMenu.Add("LhAA", new CheckBox("Only [Q] LastHit If Out Range AA", false)); LaneClearMenu.Add("AAMana", new Slider("Min Mana Lasthit [Q] If Out Range AA", 50)); LaneClearMenu.AddSeparator(); LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("Lane Clear Settings"); LaneClearMenu.Add("LastQLC", new CheckBox("Always LastHit With [Q]", false)); LaneClearMenu.Add("ManaLC", new Slider("Min Mana LaneClear With [Q]", 70)); LaneClearMenu.AddSeparator(); LaneClearMenu.Add("LastAA", new CheckBox("Only [Q] LastHit If Out Range AA")); LaneClearMenu.Add("ManaLA", new Slider("Min Mana LastHit [Q] If Out Range AA", 50)); JungleClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("JungleClear Settings", "JungleClear"); JungleClearMenu.AddLabel("JungleClear Settings"); JungleClearMenu.Add("QJungle", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); JungleClearMenu.Add("MnJungle", new Slider("Min Mana JungleClear [Q]", 30)); Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc Settings", "Misc"); Misc.AddLabel("AntiGap Settings"); Misc.Add("AntiGap", new CheckBox("Use [E] AntiGapcloser")); Misc.AddSeparator(); Misc.AddLabel("Ultimate On CC Settings"); Misc.Add("Rstun", new CheckBox("Use [R] If Enemy Has CC")); Misc.Add("MinR", new Slider("Min Range Use [R]", 800, 300, 2000)); Misc.Add("MaxR", new Slider("Max Range Use [R]", 2200, 300, 30000)); Misc.AddSeparator(); Misc.AddLabel("Auto Stacks Settings"); Misc.Add("Stack", new CheckBox("Auto Stacks In Shop")); KillStealMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("KillSteal Settings", "KillSteal"); KillStealMenu.AddLabel("KillSteal Settings"); KillStealMenu.Add("KsQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] KillSteal")); KillStealMenu.Add("KsW", new CheckBox("Use [W] KillSteal")); KillStealMenu.Add("ign", new CheckBox("Use [Ignite] KillSteal")); KillStealMenu.AddSeparator(); KillStealMenu.AddLabel("Ultimate Settings"); KillStealMenu.Add("KsR", new CheckBox("Use [R] KillSteal")); KillStealMenu.Add("minKsR", new Slider("Min [R] Range KillSteal", 900, 1, 5000)); KillStealMenu.Add("maxKsR", new Slider("Max [R] Range KillSteal", 4000, 1, 5000)); Skin = Menu.AddSubMenu("Skin Changer", "SkinChanger"); Skin.Add("checkSkin", new CheckBox("Use Skin Changer")); Skin.Add("skin.Id", new ComboBox("Skin Mode", 8, "Default", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8")); Drawings = Menu.AddSubMenu("Draw Settings", "Draw"); Drawings.AddGroupLabel("Drawing Settings"); Drawings.Add("DrawQ", new CheckBox("Q Range")); Drawings.Add("DrawW", new CheckBox("W Range", false)); Drawings.Add("DrawE", new CheckBox("E Range", false)); Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Game.OnTick += Game_OnTick; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += Gapcloser_OnGapcloser; Obj_AI_Turret.OnBasicAttack += Obj_AI_Turret_OnBasicAttack2; }
internal static void CreateMenu() { Kmenu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Kayn BETA", "Kayn Beta"); Combo = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("Combo"); Combo.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use [Q]")); Combo.Add("QE", new Slider("Use [Q] Min Enemy", 2, 1, 5)); Combo.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use [W]")); Combo.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use [E]", false)); Combo.AddSeparator(); Combo.AddLabel("Key [E]"); Combo.Add("UE", new KeyBind("Use [E]", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T')); Combo.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use [R]", false)); Combo.Add("Rs", new Slider("Use [R] Life Enemy", 50, 1)); Combo.AddSeparator(); Combo.AddLabel("Predction"); Combo.Add("Qhit", new ComboBox("HitChance [Q]", 1, "Low", "Medium", "High")); Combo.Add("Whit", new Slider("HitChance [W]", 80, 1)); Combo.AddSeparator(); Combo.AddLabel("Settings [R]"); Combo.Add("ultR", new CheckBox("Use [R] Evade")); Combo.Add("MR", new Slider("My HP Use Evade [R] <=", 15)); AutoHara = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("AutoHarass"); AutoHara.Add("AutoW", new CheckBox("Auto [W]")); AutoHara.Add("Mn", new Slider("Mana AutoHarass", 65, 1)); Lane = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("Lane"); Lane.Add("Ql", new CheckBox("Use [Q]")); Lane.Add("Wl", new CheckBox("Use [W]")); Lane.Add("mana", new Slider("Mana [Q]/[W]", 45, 1)); Lane.AddSeparator(); Lane.AddLabel("Minion"); Lane.Add("Min", new Slider("Mini Minion > {0}", 3, 1, 5)); Lane.AddSeparator(); Lane.AddLabel("Mode [Q]"); Lane.Add("Qmode", new ComboBox("Use Prediction [Q]", 0, "On", "Off")); Lane.Add("Win", new Slider("Min Minions To Hit With W", 2, 1, 6)); Lane.Add("WMode", new ComboBox("Use Prediction For W", 0, "On", "Off")); Lane.Add("WP", new Slider("Select % Hitchance", 80, 1, 100)); Jungle = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("Jungle"); Jungle.Add("Qj", new CheckBox("Use [Q]")); Jungle.Add("Wj", new CheckBox("Use [W]")); Lane.AddSeparator(); Jungle.AddLabel("Mana"); Jungle.Add("jmana", new Slider("Mana [Q]/[W]", 45, 1)); Jungle.Add("J", new Slider("Min Monsters To Hit With W", 1, 1, 4)); Misc = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("Misc"); Misc.Add("KSR", new CheckBox("Use [R] Fish")); Misc.Add("KS", new CheckBox("KillSteal")); Misc.AddLabel("Flash"); Misc.Add("FR", new CheckBox("Use [Flash + R]", false)); Misc.Add("FW", new CheckBox("Use [Flash + W]", false)); Draws = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("Drawings"); Draws.Add("DQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Draw")); Draws.Add("DW", new CheckBox("Use [W] Draw")); Draws.Add("DE", new CheckBox("Use [E] Draw")); Draws.AddSeparator(); Draws.Add("DR", new CheckBox("Use [R]/[R2] Draw")); Draws.Add("DF", new CheckBox("Use [Flash] Draw")); Draws.Add("DW2", new CheckBox("Draws Logic W")); Draws.Add("D2R", new CheckBox("Use Draw Int R")); }
private static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { if (Player.Instance.Hero != Champion.Graves) { return; } Chat.Print("Graves7 Loaded!", Color.GreenYellow); Chat.Print("Doctor7", Color.Yellow); Bootstrap.Init(null); Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 850, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 2000, 60); Q.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; W = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.W, 950, SkillShotType.Circular, 250, 1650, 150); W.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 425, SkillShotType.Linear); R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 1500, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 2100, 100); R.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Graves7", "Graves7"); Menu.AddGroupLabel("Graves7"); Menu.AddLabel(" FEATURES "); Menu.AddLabel(" Please Select Target Before Play ! "); Menu.AddLabel(" Use E Reset AA"); Menu.AddLabel(" KillSteal"); Menu.AddLabel(" Anti Gapcloser"); Menu.AddLabel(" Skin Hack "); ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings", "ComboMenu"); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings"); ComboMenu.AddLabel("Spell [Q] On"); foreach (var enemies in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies) { ComboMenu.Add("combo" + enemies.ChampionName, new CheckBox("" + enemies.ChampionName)); } ComboMenu.AddSeparator(); ComboMenu.Add("ComboW", new CheckBox("Spell [W]")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboE", new CheckBox("Spell [E] Reset AA")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboR", new CheckBox("Spell [R]", false)); ComboMenu.Add("MinR", new Slider("Min Enemies Use [R]", 2, 0, 5)); HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass Settings", "HarassMenu"); HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Settings"); HarassMenu.AddLabel("Harass [Q] On"); foreach (var enemies in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies) { HarassMenu.Add("haras" + enemies.ChampionName, new CheckBox("" + enemies.ChampionName)); } HarassMenu.Add("HarassMana", new Slider("Min Mana Harass [Q]", 50)); HarassMenu.AddSeparator(); HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Spells Settings"); HarassMenu.Add("HarassW", new CheckBox("Spell [W]", false)); HarassMenu.Add("ManaW", new Slider("Min Mana Harass [W]", 40)); HarassMenu.Add("HarassAA", new CheckBox("Spell [E] Reset AA", false)); HarassMenu.Add("ManaHarass", new Slider("Min Mana For [E] Harass", 50)); ClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Laneclear Settings", "LaneClearMenu"); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Laneclear Settings"); ClearMenu.Add("QClear", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); ClearMenu.Add("ClearMana", new Slider("Min Mana For [Q] LaneClear", 70)); ClearMenu.Add("LaneAA", new CheckBox("Spell [E] Reset AA", false)); ClearMenu.Add("ELane", new Slider("Min Mana For [E] LaneClear", 70)); JungleMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("JungleClear Settings", "JungleMenu"); JungleMenu.AddGroupLabel("JungleClear Settings"); JungleMenu.Add("QJungleClear", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); JungleMenu.Add("JungleMana", new Slider("Min Mana For [Q] JungleClear", 30)); JungleMenu.Add("WJungleClear", new CheckBox("Spell [W]")); JungleMenu.Add("JungleManaW", new Slider("Min Mana For [W] JungleClear", 50)); JungleMenu.Add("JungleAA", new CheckBox("Spell [E]")); JungleMenu.Add("EJung", new Slider("Min Mana For [E] JungleClear", 30)); KillStealMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("KillSteal Settings", "KillStealMenu"); KillStealMenu.AddGroupLabel("KillSteal Settings"); KillStealMenu.Add("KsQ", new CheckBox("Spell [Q] KillSteal")); KillStealMenu.Add("KsW", new CheckBox("Spell [W] KillSteal")); KillStealMenu.AddSeparator(); KillStealMenu.AddLabel("Ultimate Settings"); KillStealMenu.Add("KsR", new CheckBox("Spell [R] KillSteal")); KillStealMenu.Add("minKsR", new Slider("Min [R] Range KillSteal", 600, 1, 1500)); KillStealMenu.Add("maxKsR", new Slider("Max [R] Range KillSteal", 1500, 1, 1500)); Skin = Menu.AddSubMenu("Skin Changer", "SkinChanger"); Skin.Add("checkSkin", new CheckBox("Use Skin Changer")); Skin.Add("skin.Id", new ComboBox("Skin Mode", 3, "Default", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8")); Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc Settings", "Misc"); Misc.AddLabel("AntiGap Settings"); Misc.Add("AntiGap", new CheckBox("Use [E] AntiGapcloser")); Misc.Add("AntiGapW", new CheckBox("Use [W] AntiGapcloser")); Misc.AddSeparator(); Misc.AddLabel("Spells On CC Settings"); Misc.Add("Rstun", new CheckBox("Use [R] If Enemy Has CC", false)); Misc.Add("QStun", new CheckBox("Use [Q] If Enemy Has CC")); Drawings = Menu.AddSubMenu("Drawings Settings", "DrawingMenu"); Drawings.AddGroupLabel("Drawings"); Drawings.Add("drawQ", new CheckBox("[Q] Range")); Drawings.Add("drawW", new CheckBox("[W] Range", false)); Drawings.Add("drawE", new CheckBox("[E] Range", false)); Drawings.Add("drawR", new CheckBox("[R] Range")); Game.OnTick += Game_OnTick; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Orbwalker.OnPostAttack += ResetAttack; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += Gapcloser_OnGapcloser; }
private static void Load(EventArgs args) { if (Player.ChampionName != "Ekko") { return; } Chat.Print("Ekko7 Loaded!", Color.Yellow); Chat.Print("Doctor7 Good Luck!", Color.GreenYellow); Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 800, SkillShotType.Linear, (int).25, 1700, 60); Q2 = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 1050, SkillShotType.Linear, (int).5f, 1200, 120); W = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.W, 1600, SkillShotType.Circular, (int).5f, int.MaxValue, 350); E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 352, SkillShotType.Linear); R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 375, SkillShotType.Circular, (int).1f, int.MaxValue, 375); R1 = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.R); Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Ekko7", "ekko"); Menu.AddGroupLabel("EKKO7"); Menu.AddSeparator(); Menu.AddLabel("FEATURES ADDON"); Menu.AddSeparator(); Menu.AddLabel("Combo Settings"); Menu.AddLabel("Harass Settings"); Menu.AddLabel("LaneClear Settings"); Menu.AddLabel("JungleClear Settings"); Menu.AddLabel("Flee Settings"); Menu.AddLabel("Ultimate Settings"); Menu.AddLabel("Drawings Settings"); Menu.AddLabel("KillSteal Settings"); ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings", "combo"); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings"); ComboMenu.Add("UseQCombo", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); ComboMenu.Add("UseECombo", new CheckBox("Spell [E]")); ComboMenu.Add("UseWCombo", new CheckBox("Spell [W]")); ComboMenu.Add("Whit", new Slider("Min W Enemies", 1, 1, 5)); HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass Settings", "harass"); HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Settings"); HarassMenu.Add("QHarass", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); HarassMenu.Add("WHarass", new CheckBox("Spell [W]", false)); HarassMenu.Add("EHarass", new CheckBox("Spell [E]", false)); HarassMenu.Add("HarassMana", new Slider("Min Mana For Harass", 50)); HarassMenu.AddSeparator(18); HarassMenu.AddLabel("E Harass Settings"); HarassMenu.Add("DontE", new Slider("Don't Use E >= Enemies", 3, 1, 5)); HarassMenu.Add("EHP", new Slider("Dont Use E HP <= %", 20)); ClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("LaneClear Settings", "Clear Settings"); ClearMenu.AddLabel("Lane Clear"); ClearMenu.Add("QClear", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); ClearMenu.Add("ClearMana", new Slider("Min Mana For LaneClear", 60, 0, 100)); JungleMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("JungleClear Settings", "Jungle Settings"); JungleMenu.AddLabel("Jungle Clear"); JungleMenu.Add("QJungleClear", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); JungleMenu.Add("EJungleClear", new CheckBox("Spell [E]")); JungleMenu.Add("JungleMana", new Slider("Min Mana For JungleClear", 30, 0, 100)); Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Ultimate Settings", "Misc"); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Ultimate Settings"); Misc.AddSeparator(18); Misc.AddLabel("Ultimate Settings"); Misc.Add("UseRHit", new CheckBox("Use R Count", false)); Misc.Add("RHit", new Slider("R Count Enemies >= {0}", 3, 2, 5)); Misc.Add("R_Safe_Net2", new Slider("R If HP <= %", 25, 0, 100)); Misc.Add("RKill", new CheckBox("R Killable", false)); Skin = Menu.AddSubMenu("Skin Changer", "SkinChanger"); Skin.Add("checkSkin", new CheckBox("Use Skin Changer")); Skin.Add("skin.Id", new ComboBox("Skin Mode", 0, "Classic", "1", "2")); Drawings = Menu.AddSubMenu("Draw Settings", "Draw"); Drawings.AddGroupLabel("Drawing Settings"); Drawings.Add("DrawQ", new CheckBox("Q Range")); Drawings.Add("DrawW", new CheckBox("W Range", false)); Drawings.Add("DrawE", new CheckBox("E Range", false)); Drawings.Add("DrawR", new CheckBox("R Range")); AttackableUnit.OnDamage += AIHeroClient_OnDamage; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; }
public static void Load() { Chat.Print("<font color = '#20b2aa'>Hoşgeldiniz </font><font color = '#ffffff'>[ HTTF ] " + "Riven" + "</font><font color = '#20b2aa'>. Türkçe Çeviri TekinTR.</font>"); CheckVersion.CheckUpdate(); Principal = MainMenu.AddMenu("HTTF Riven v2", "Riven"); Combo = Principal.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo"); Combo.AddSeparator(3); Combo.AddLabel("• Kombo Ayarları"); Combo.Add("UseQCombo", new CheckBox("Q kullan?")); Combo.Add("UseWCombo", new CheckBox("W kullan?")); Combo.Add("UseECombo", new CheckBox("E kullan")); Combo.Add("UseRCombo", new CheckBox("R kullan?")); Combo.Add("UseR2Combo", new CheckBox("R2 kullan?")); Combo.Add("BrokenAnimations", new CheckBox("Animasyon iptali ?", false)); Combo.Add("logic1x1", new CheckBox("1x1 mantığını kullan")); Combo.Add("UseHT", new CheckBox("Komboda Hydra-Tiamat kullan?")); Combo.AddSeparator(3); Combo.AddLabel("• R Ayarları"); Combo.Add("UseRType", new ComboBox("R kullanma durumu", 1, "Hedefin canı az ise 40 % HP", "Verilicek hasar 100 % ise", "Her zaman", "Tuşa basıldığında")); Combo.Add("ForceR", new KeyBind("R On Keypress Key", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'U')); Combo.Add("DontR1", new Slider("Dont R if Target HP {0}% <=", 25, 10, 50)); Combo.AddSeparator(3); Combo.AddLabel("• R2 Ayarları"); Combo.Add("UseR2Type", new ComboBox("R2 kullanma durumu", 0, "Sadece öldür", "Verilebilicek max hasardan sonra kalacak can 25 %")); Combo.AddLabel(" Kaçış"); Combo.Add("UseQFlee", new CheckBox("Q Kullan")); Combo.Add("UseEFlee", new CheckBox("E Kullan")); Shield = Principal.AddSubMenu("Kalkan", "Shield"); Shield.AddLabel("• Kalkan E"); foreach (var Enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies) { Shield.AddLabel(Enemy.ChampionName); Shield.Add("E/" + Enemy.BaseSkinName + "/Q", new CheckBox(Enemy.ChampionName + " (Q)", false)); Shield.Add("E/" + Enemy.BaseSkinName + "/W", new CheckBox(Enemy.ChampionName + " (W)", false)); Shield.Add("E/" + Enemy.BaseSkinName + "/E", new CheckBox(Enemy.ChampionName + " (E)", false)); Shield.Add("E/" + Enemy.BaseSkinName + "/R", new CheckBox(Enemy.ChampionName + " (R)", false)); Shield.AddSeparator(1); } Laneclear = Principal.AddSubMenu("Koridor", "Laneclear"); Laneclear.AddLabel("• Koridor"); Laneclear.Add("UseQLane", new CheckBox("Q kullan")); Laneclear.Add("UseWLane", new CheckBox("W kullan")); Laneclear.Add("UseWLaneMin", new Slider("W'nun isabet ediceği minyon sayısı {0}", 3, 0, 10)); Laneclear.AddLabel("• Orman"); Laneclear.Add("UseQJG", new CheckBox("Q kullan")); Laneclear.Add("UseWJG", new CheckBox("W kullan")); Laneclear.Add("UseEJG", new CheckBox("E kullan")); Misc = Principal.AddSubMenu("Çeşitli", "Misc"); Misc.Add("Skin", new CheckBox("Kostüm Seç ?", false)); Misc.Add("SkinID", new Slider("Skin ID: {0}", 4, 0, 11)); Misc.Add("Interrupter", new CheckBox("Engelleyici ?")); Misc.Add("InterrupterW", new CheckBox("W ile engelle ?")); Misc.Add("Gapcloser", new CheckBox("Atılma önleyici ?")); Misc.Add("GapcloserW", new CheckBox("W ile atılma yapanlari engelle ?")); Misc.Add("AliveQ", new CheckBox("Q bitmeden kullan ?")); Misc.AddLabel("• Eşya Mantığı"); Misc.AddLabel("• Hydra Mantığı"); Misc.Add("Hydra", new CheckBox("Hydra Kullanılsınmı?")); Misc.Add("HydraReset", new CheckBox("Düz vuruş sıfırlarmada hydra kullan")); Misc.AddSeparator(3); Misc.AddLabel("• Tiamat Logic"); Misc.Add("Tiamat", new CheckBox("Tiamat Kullanılsınmı?")); Misc.Add("TiamatReset", new CheckBox("Düz vuruş sıfırlarmada tiamat kullan")); Misc.AddSeparator(3); Misc.AddLabel("• Civalı Kuşak Mantığı"); Misc.Add("Qss", new CheckBox("Civalı kullan?")); Misc.Add("QssCharm", new CheckBox("Ayartılınca Civalı kullan")); Misc.Add("QssFear", new CheckBox("Korkutulunca Civalı kullan")); Misc.Add("QssTaunt", new CheckBox("Kışkırtılınca Civalı kullan")); Misc.Add("QssSuppression", new CheckBox("Engellenince Civalı kullan")); Misc.Add("QssSnare", new CheckBox("Yerine sabitlenince Civalı kullan")); Misc.AddSeparator(3); Misc.AddLabel("• Youmu Mantığı"); Misc.Add("Youmu", new CheckBox("Youmu Kullanılsınmı?")); Misc.AddLabel("• Önerilen uzaklık 250•"); Misc.Add("YoumuRange", new Slider("Youmu Kullanma mesafesi", 1, 1, 325)); Draw = Principal.AddSubMenu("Çizimler", "Drawing"); Draw.Add("DrawDamage", new CheckBox("Hasarımı göster")); Draw.Add("DrawOFF", new CheckBox("Çizimleri kapat", false)); Draw.Add("drawjump", new CheckBox("Atlanabilicek duvarları göster (beta)", false)); AnimationCancle = Principal.AddSubMenu("Animasyonİptali", "CanslAnimatio"); AnimationCancle.Add("4", new CheckBox("Q")); AnimationCancle.Add("Spell2", new CheckBox("W")); AnimationCancle.Add("Spell3", new CheckBox("E")); AnimationCancle.Add("Spell4", new CheckBox("R")); ComboLogic = Principal.AddSubMenu("KomboMantığı", "ComboLogics"); ComboLogic.Add("BrokenAnimon", new CheckBox("Özellikleri kullan?")); ComboLogic.Add("moveback", new CheckBox("Komboda HTTF mantığını kullan?", false)); ComboLogic.AddLabel("Q1,Q2,Q3"); ComboLogic.Add("Q1Hydra", new CheckBox("Q>Hydra")); ComboLogic.Add("HydraQ", new CheckBox("Hydra>Q")); ComboLogic.Add("QW", new CheckBox("Q>W")); ComboLogic.AddLabel("W"); ComboLogic.Add("HydraW", new CheckBox("Hydra>W")); ComboLogic.AddLabel("E"); ComboLogic.Add("EQall", new CheckBox("E>Q")); ComboLogic.Add("EW", new CheckBox("E>W")); ComboLogic.Add("EH", new CheckBox("E>Hydra yada Tiamat")); ComboLogic.Add("ER1", new CheckBox("E>R1")); ComboLogic.Add("ER2", new CheckBox("E>R2")); ComboLogic.AddLabel("R1"); ComboLogic.Add("R1W", new CheckBox("R1>W")); ComboLogic.Add("R1Q", new CheckBox("R1>Q")); ComboLogic.Add("R1Hydra", new CheckBox("R1>Hydra yada Tiamat")); ComboLogic.AddLabel("R2"); ComboLogic.Add("R2W", new CheckBox("R2>W")); ComboLogic.Add("R2Q", new CheckBox("R2>Q")); ComboLogic.Add("R2E", new CheckBox("R2>E")); ComboLogic.AddLabel("Combo Mantığı V2 Yakında"); }
static void Game_OnStart(EventArgs args) { try { if (ChampionName != PlayerInstance.BaseSkinName) { return; } Bootstrap.Init(null); Q = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.Q, 650); W = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W); E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 600, SkillShotType.Cone, (int)0.5f, int.MaxValue, 10); R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 500, SkillShotType.Circular, (int)0.5f, int.MaxValue, 190); if (_Player.GetSpellSlotFromName("summonerdot") != SpellSlot.Unknown) { ZhonyaHourglass = new Item(ItemId.Zhonyas_Hourglass); } Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("HTTF Kassadin", "kassadin"); Menu.AddSeparator(); Menu.AddLabel("Your comments and questions to the forum "); Menu.AddLabel("HELP ME , PM ME. AND MY SKYPE Bynoob_01 "); ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo/Harass", "HTTFKassadin"); ComboMenu.AddSeparator(); ComboMenu.AddLabel("Combo Configs"); ComboMenu.Add("ComboQ", new CheckBox("Use Q ", true)); ComboMenu.Add("ComboW", new CheckBox("Use W ", true)); ComboMenu.Add("ComboE", new CheckBox("Use E ", true)); ComboMenu.Add("ComboR", new CheckBox("Use R ", true)); ComboMenu.Add("MaxR", new Slider("Don't use R if more than Eminies on range :", 2, 1, 5)); ComboMenu.AddSeparator(); ComboMenu.AddLabel("Harass Configs"); ComboMenu.Add("ManaH", new Slider("Dont use Skills if Mana <=", 40)); ComboMenu.Add("HarassQ", new CheckBox("Use Q ", true)); ComboMenu.Add("HarassW", new CheckBox("Use W ", true)); ComboMenu.Add("HarassE", new CheckBox("Use E ", true)); ComboMenu.Add("HarassR", new CheckBox("Use R ", true)); FarmMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Lane/LastHit", "Modes2Kassadin"); FarmMenu.AddLabel("LastHit Configs"); FarmMenu.Add("ManaL", new Slider("Dont use Skills if Mana <=", 40)); FarmMenu.Add("LastQ", new CheckBox("Use Q ", true)); FarmMenu.Add("LastW", new CheckBox("Use W ", true)); FarmMenu.Add("LastE", new CheckBox("Use E ", true)); FarmMenu.AddLabel("Lane Cler Config"); FarmMenu.Add("ManaF", new Slider("Dont use Skills if Mana <=", 40)); FarmMenu.Add("FarmQ", new CheckBox("Use Q ", true)); FarmMenu.Add("FarmW", new CheckBox("Use W ", true)); FarmMenu.Add("FarmE", new CheckBox("Use E ", true)); FarmMenu.Add("MinionE", new Slider("Use E when count minions more than :", 3, 1, 5)); FarmMenu.Add("FarmR", new CheckBox("Use R ", true)); DrawMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Draws", "DrawKassadin"); DrawMenu.Add("drawAA", new CheckBox("Draw do AA(White)", true)); DrawMenu.Add("drawQ", new CheckBox(" Draw do Q(Aqua)", true)); DrawMenu.Add("drawW", new CheckBox(" Draw do W(Green)", true)); DrawMenu.Add("drawE", new CheckBox(" Draw do E(Red)", true)); DrawMenu.Add("drawR", new CheckBox(" Draw do R(Blue)", true)); DrawMenu.Add("DamageIndicator", new CheckBox("Draw Damage")); Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("MiscMenu", "Misc"); Misc.Add("aarest", new CheckBox("Reset AA with w")); Misc.Add("useQGapCloser", new CheckBox("Q on GapCloser", true)); Misc.Add("eInterrupt", new CheckBox("use E to Interrupt", true)); Misc.AddLabel("• SkinHack •"); Misc.Add("checkSkin", new CheckBox("Use Skin Changer")); Misc.Add("Skinid", new Slider("Skin ID", 0, 0, 11)); Misc.AddLabel("• Activator •"); Misc.Add("Zhonyas", new CheckBox("Use Zhonyas")); Misc.Add("ZhonyasHp", new Slider("Use Zhonyas If Your HP%", 20)); } catch (Exception e) { Chat.Print("Kassadin: Error: " + e.Message); } }
private static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { if (Player.Instance.Hero != Champion.Graves) { return; } Chat.Print("Doctor's Graves Loaded!", Color.Orange); Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 850, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 2000, 60); Q.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; W = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.W, 950, SkillShotType.Circular, 250, 1650, 150); W.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 425, SkillShotType.Linear); R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 1500, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 2100, 100); R.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; Thm = new Font(Drawing.Direct3DDevice, new FontDescription { FaceName = "Tahoma", Height = 32, Weight = FontWeight.Bold, OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default, Quality = FontQuality.ClearType }); Botrk = new Item(ItemId.Blade_of_the_Ruined_King); Bil = new Item(3144, 475f); Youmuu = new Item(3142, 10); Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Graves", "Graves7"); Menu.AddGroupLabel("Doctor7"); ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings", "ComboMenu"); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings"); ComboMenu.Add("ComboQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Combo")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboW", new CheckBox("Use [W] Combo")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboE", new CheckBox("Use [E] Combo")); ComboMode = ComboMenu.Add("comboMode", new Slider("Min Stack Use [E] Reload", 1, 0, 1)); ComboMenu.Add("ComboR", new CheckBox("Use [R] Aoe In Combo", false)); ComboMenu.Add("MinR", new Slider("Min Enemies Use [R]", 2, 1, 5)); HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass Settings", "HarassMenu"); HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Settings"); HarassMenu.Add("HarassQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Harass")); HarassMenu.AddLabel("Harass [Q] On"); foreach (var Selector in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies) { HarassMenu.Add("haras" + Selector.ChampionName, new CheckBox("" + Selector.ChampionName)); } HarassMenu.Add("HarassMana", new Slider("Min Mana Harass [Q]", 50)); HarassMenu.AddSeparator(); HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Spells Settings"); HarassMenu.Add("HarassW", new CheckBox("Use [W]", false)); HarassMenu.Add("ManaW", new Slider("Mana Harass [W]", 40)); HarassMenu.Add("HarassAA", new CheckBox("Use [E] Reset AA", false)); HarassMenu.Add("ManaHarass", new Slider("Mana [E] Harass", 50)); ClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Laneclear Settings", "LaneClearMenu"); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Laneclear Settings"); ClearMenu.Add("QClear", new CheckBox("Use [Q]")); ClearMenu.Add("minQ", new Slider("Min Hit Minion [Q]", 3, 1, 6)); ClearMenu.Add("ClearMana", new Slider("Min Mana For [Q] LaneClear", 70)); ClearMenu.Add("LaneAA", new CheckBox("Use [E] Reset AA", false)); ClearMenu.Add("ELane", new Slider("Min Mana For [E] LaneClear", 70)); JungleMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("JungleClear Settings", "JungleMenu"); JungleMenu.AddGroupLabel("JungleClear Settings"); JungleMenu.Add("QJungleClear", new CheckBox("Use [Q]")); JungleMenu.Add("JungleMana", new Slider("Min Mana For [Q] JungleClear", 30)); JungleMenu.Add("WJungleClear", new CheckBox("Use [W]")); JungleMenu.Add("JungleManaW", new Slider("Min Mana For [W] JungleClear", 50)); JungleMenu.Add("JungleAA", new CheckBox("Use [E]")); JungleMenu.Add("EJung", new Slider("Min Mana For [E] JungleClear", 30)); KillStealMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("KillSteal Settings", "KillStealMenu"); KillStealMenu.AddGroupLabel("KillSteal Settings"); KillStealMenu.Add("KsQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] KillSteal")); KillStealMenu.Add("KsW", new CheckBox("Use [W] KillSteal")); KillStealMenu.AddSeparator(); KillStealMenu.AddLabel("Ultimate Settings"); KillStealMenu.Add("KsR", new CheckBox("Use [R] KillSteal")); KillStealMenu.Add("minKsR", new Slider("Min [R] Range KillSteal", 100, 1, 1500)); KillStealMenu.Add("RKb", new KeyBind("[R] Semi Manual Key", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T')); Items = Menu.AddSubMenu("Items Settings", "Items"); Items.AddGroupLabel("Items Settings"); Items.Add("you", new CheckBox("Use [Youmuu]")); Items.Add("BOTRK", new CheckBox("Use [Botrk]")); Items.Add("ihp", new Slider("My HP Use BOTRK <=", 50)); Items.Add("ihpp", new Slider("Enemy HP Use BOTRK <=", 50)); Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc Settings", "Misc"); Misc.AddLabel("Misc Settings"); Misc.Add("AntiGap", new CheckBox("Use [E] AntiGap")); Misc.Add("AntiGapW", new CheckBox("Use [W] AntiGap")); Misc.Add("QStun", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Immoblie")); Misc.AddLabel("Skin Changer"); Misc.Add("checkSkin", new CheckBox("Use Skin Changer", false)); Misc.Add("skin.Id", new ComboBox("Skin Mode", 3, "Default", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8")); Drawings = Menu.AddSubMenu("Drawings Settings", "DrawingMenu"); Drawings.AddGroupLabel("Drawings"); Drawings.Add("DrawQ", new CheckBox("[Q] Range")); Drawings.Add("DrawW", new CheckBox("[W] Range", false)); Drawings.Add("DrawE", new CheckBox("[E] Range", false)); Drawings.Add("DrawR", new CheckBox("[R] Range")); Drawings.Add("Draw_Disabled", new CheckBox("Disabled Drawings")); Drawings.Add("Notifications", new CheckBox("Alerter Can Kill [R]")); Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Orbwalker.OnPostAttack += ResetAttack; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += Gapcloser_OnGapcloser; }
public static void Load() { Principal = MainMenu.AddMenu("HTTF Riven v2", "Riven"); Principal.AddLabel("HTTF Riven v" + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version); Combo = Principal.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo"); Combo.AddSeparator(3); Combo.AddLabel("• Spells Combo"); Combo.Add("UseQCombo", new CheckBox("Kullan Q?")); Combo.Add("UseWCombo", new CheckBox("Kullan W?")); Combo.Add("UseECombo", new CheckBox("Kullan E")); Combo.Add("UseRCombo", new CheckBox("Kullan R?")); Combo.Add("UseR2Combo", new CheckBox("Kullan R2?")); Combo.Add("BrokenAnimations", new CheckBox("Animasyon Kirma ?", false)); Combo.Add("moveback", new CheckBox("Combo'da geri donun ?", false)); Combo.AddSeparator(3); Combo.AddLabel("• Spell R"); Combo.Add("UseRType", new ComboBox("Kullan R ne zaman", 1, "Hedeften az 40 % HP", "Zarar Gostergesi daha buyuk 100 %", "Her zaman", "Tusa basildiginda")); Combo.Add("ForceR", new KeyBind("R Tusa basildiginda", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'U')); Combo.Add("DontR1", new Slider("Kullanma R if Hedef HP {0}% <=", 25, 10, 50)); Combo.AddSeparator(3); Combo.AddLabel("• Spell R2"); Combo.Add("UseR2Type", new ComboBox("Kullan R2 ne zaman", 0, "Sadece Oldur", "Hedef az olduğunda maksimum hasar 25 %")); Combo.AddLabel(" FLEE"); Combo.Add("UseQFlee", new CheckBox("Kullan Q")); Combo.Add("UseEFlee", new CheckBox("Kullan E")); Shield = Principal.AddSubMenu("Shield", "Shield"); Shield.AddLabel("• Spell E"); foreach (var Enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies) { Shield.AddLabel(Enemy.ChampionName); Shield.Add("E/" + Enemy.BaseSkinName + "/Q", new CheckBox(Enemy.ChampionName + " (Q)", false)); Shield.Add("E/" + Enemy.BaseSkinName + "/W", new CheckBox(Enemy.ChampionName + " (W)", false)); Shield.Add("E/" + Enemy.BaseSkinName + "/E", new CheckBox(Enemy.ChampionName + " (E)", false)); Shield.Add("E/" + Enemy.BaseSkinName + "/R", new CheckBox(Enemy.ChampionName + " (R)", false)); Shield.AddSeparator(1); } Laneclear = Principal.AddSubMenu("Laneclear", "Laneclear"); Laneclear.AddLabel("• WaweClean"); Laneclear.Add("UseQLane", new CheckBox("Kullan Q")); Laneclear.Add("UseWLane", new CheckBox("Kullan W")); Laneclear.Add("UseWLaneMin", new Slider("Kullan W carpicaksa {0} minyona", 3, 0, 10)); Laneclear.AddLabel("• JunglClean"); Laneclear.Add("UseQJG", new CheckBox("Kullan Q")); Laneclear.Add("UseWJG", new CheckBox("Kullan W")); Laneclear.Add("UseEJG", new CheckBox("Kullan E")); Misc = Principal.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc"); Misc.Add("Skin", new CheckBox("SkinHilesi ?", false)); Misc.Add("SkinID", new Slider("Skin ID: {0}", 4, 0, 11)); Misc.Add("Interrupter", new CheckBox("Kesici ?")); Misc.Add("InterrupterW", new CheckBox("Kesici ile W ?")); Misc.Add("Gapcloser", new CheckBox("Atilma Onleyicisi ?")); Misc.Add("GapcloserW", new CheckBox("Kullan W ile atilma engelleme ?")); Misc.Add("AliveQ", new CheckBox("Kullan Q Hayatta Kalma ?")); Misc.AddLabel("• ItemLogic"); Misc.AddLabel("• Hydra Logic"); Misc.Add("Hydra", new CheckBox("Kullan Hydra?")); Misc.Add("HydraReset", new CheckBox("Kullan hydra AA sifirlamada")); Misc.AddSeparator(3); Misc.AddLabel("• Tiamat Logic"); Misc.Add("Tiamat", new CheckBox("Kullan Tiamat?")); Misc.Add("TiamatReset", new CheckBox("Kullan Tiamat AA sifirlamada")); Misc.AddSeparator(3); Misc.AddLabel("• Qss / Mercurial Logic"); Misc.Add("Qss", new CheckBox("Use Qss?")); Misc.Add("QssCharm", new CheckBox("Kullan Qss buyu yuzunden")); Misc.Add("QssFear", new CheckBox("Kullan Qss korkutma")); Misc.Add("QssTaunt", new CheckBox("Kullan Qss because of taunt")); Misc.Add("QssSuppression", new CheckBox("Kullan Qss durdurma tutma")); Misc.Add("QssSnare", new CheckBox("Kullan Qss yakalanma")); Misc.AddSeparator(3); Misc.AddLabel("• Youmu Logic"); Misc.Add("Youmu", new CheckBox("Kullan Youmu?")); Misc.AddLabel("• Recommend Use 250•"); Misc.Add("YoumuRange", new Slider("Youmu icin uzaklik", 1, 1, 325)); Draw = Principal.AddSubMenu("Drawing", "Drawing"); Draw.Add("DrawDamage", new CheckBox("Hasarimi Goster")); Draw.Add("DrawOFF", new CheckBox("Gostergeler Kapali", false)); Draw.Add("drawjump", new CheckBox("Goster Ziplamayi(beta)", false)); AnimationCancle = Principal.AddSubMenu("AnimationCancle", "CanslAnimatio"); AnimationCancle.Add("4", new CheckBox("Q")); AnimationCancle.Add("Spell2", new CheckBox("W")); AnimationCancle.Add("Spell3", new CheckBox("E")); AnimationCancle.Add("Spell4", new CheckBox("R")); ComboLogic = Principal.AddSubMenu("ComboLogic", "ComboLogics"); ComboLogic.Add("BrokenAnimon", new CheckBox("Use features?")); ComboLogic.AddLabel("Q1,Q2,Q3"); ComboLogic.Add("Q1Hydra", new CheckBox("Q>Hydra")); ComboLogic.Add("HydraQ", new CheckBox("Hydra>Q")); ComboLogic.Add("QW", new CheckBox("Q>W")); ComboLogic.AddLabel("W"); ComboLogic.Add("HydraW", new CheckBox("Hydra>W")); ComboLogic.AddLabel("E"); ComboLogic.Add("EQall", new CheckBox("E>Q")); ComboLogic.Add("EW", new CheckBox("E>W")); ComboLogic.Add("EH", new CheckBox("E>Hydra or Tiamat")); ComboLogic.Add("ER1", new CheckBox("E>R1")); ComboLogic.Add("ER2", new CheckBox("E>R2")); ComboLogic.AddLabel("R1"); ComboLogic.Add("R1W", new CheckBox("R1>W")); ComboLogic.Add("R1Q", new CheckBox("R1>Q")); ComboLogic.Add("R1Hydra", new CheckBox("R1>Hydra or Tiamat")); ComboLogic.AddLabel("R2"); ComboLogic.Add("R2W", new CheckBox("R2>W")); ComboLogic.Add("R2Q", new CheckBox("R2>Q")); ComboLogic.Add("R2E", new CheckBox("R2>E")); ComboLogic.AddLabel("Combo Logic V2 SOON"); }
internal static void Iniciar() { //Menu Original OriMenu = MainMenu.AddMenu("OriToy", "OriToy"); //Menu Combo ComboMenu = OriMenu.AddSubMenu("Combo"); ComboMenu.AddLabel("Settings Combo"); ComboMenu.AddSeparator(); ComboMenu.Add("ComboQ", new CheckBox("Toy Combo (Q)")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboW", new CheckBox("Toy Combo (W)")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboR", new CheckBox("Toy Combo (R)")); ComboMenu.AddLabel("Settings R"); ComboMenu.Add("UtiEnemy", new Slider("How Many Enemies = {0}", 2, 1, 5)); Aly = ComboMenu.Add("Life", new Slider("Use Spell only with HP = {0}", 1, 5, 100)); ComboMenu.Add("Execute", new CheckBox("Use R Elimined", false)); ComboMenu.AddLabel("Settings E"); ComboMenu.Add("UseE", new CheckBox("Use E Aly")); ComboMenu.Add("UseMyHero", new CheckBox("Use E Toy Combo?", false)); ComboMenu.AddLabel("Settings Prediction"); Prediction = ComboMenu.Add("Pre1", new ComboBox("HitChance", 1, "Low", "Medium", "High")); //Harass HarassMenu = OriMenu.AddSubMenu("Harass"); HarassMenu.AddLabel("Settings Harass"); HarassMenu.AddSeparator(); HarassMenu.Add("H1Q", new CheckBox("Harass Toy (Q)")); HarassMenu.Add("H2W", new CheckBox("Harass Toy (W)")); HarassMenu.Add("H3E", new CheckBox("Harass Toy (E)")); HarassMenu.AddLabel("Settings Mana"); ManaManeger = HarassMenu.Add("Minimo", new Slider("Finish Harass = {0}", 10, 5, 100)); //Lane LaneMenu = OriMenu.AddSubMenu("LaneClear"); LaneMenu.AddLabel("Settings Lane"); LaneMenu.AddSeparator(); LaneMenu.Add("L1Q", new CheckBox("Use Toy (Q)")); LaneMenu.Add("LW2", new CheckBox("Use Toy (W)")); LaneMenu.AddLabel("Settings"); Mini = LaneMenu.Add("Minions", new Slider("Use Spell (Q) Mini = {0}", 3, 1, 10)); Mini = LaneMenu.Add("Minions2", new Slider("Use Spell (W) Mini = {0}", 3, 1, 10)); //Jungle JungleMenu = OriMenu.AddSubMenu("JungleClear"); JungleMenu.AddLabel("Settings Jungle"); JungleMenu.AddSeparator(); JungleMenu.Add("J1Q", new CheckBox("Spell (Q)")); JungleMenu.Add("J1W", new CheckBox("Spell (W)")); JungleMenu.AddLabel("Spell Smite"); JungleMenu.Add("SmiteSpell", new CheckBox("Smite?", false)); //KilSteal KilMenu = OriMenu.AddSubMenu("KilSteal"); KilMenu.AddLabel("Sttings KillSteal"); KilMenu.AddSeparator(); KilMenu.Add("Kil1", new CheckBox("Steal Spell (R)")); KilMenu.Add("Kil2", new CheckBox("Steal Spell (W)")); //Misc Misc = OriMenu.AddSubMenu("Misc"); Misc.AddLabel("Settings Misc"); Misc.Add("M1R", new CheckBox("Use R Prediction")); Misc.Add("IG", new CheckBox("Spell Ignite")); //Draws Draws = OriMenu.AddSubMenu("Draws"); Draws.Add("D1Q", new CheckBox("Range (Q)")); Draws.Add("D1E", new CheckBox("Range (E)")); Draws.Add("DIG", new CheckBox("Range (Spell)")); //Comandos }
private static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { Principal = MainMenu.AddMenu("HTTF Yasuo ", "Yasuo"); Principal.AddLabel("HTTF Yasuo v" + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version); //combo+harasse Combo = Principal.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo"); Combo.AddSeparator(3); Combo.AddLabel("• Kombo Ayarlari"); Combo.Add("UseQCombo", new CheckBox("Kullan Q")); Combo.Add("UseWCombo", new CheckBox("Kullan W")); Combo.Add("UseECombo", new CheckBox("Kullan E")); Combo.Add("UseRCombo", new CheckBox("Kullan R")); Combo.Add("stack.combo", new CheckBox("Biriktir Q?")); Combo.Add("combo.leftclickRape", new CheckBox("Sol tik ile hedef sec?")); Combo.Add("PredictQ2", new ComboBox("Tahmini Q2", 1, "Dusuk", "Orta", "Yuksek")); Combo.AddLabel("• R Ayarlari "); Combo.Add("combo.RTarget", new CheckBox("Kullan R secili hedef icin her zaman")); Combo.Add("combo.RKillable", new CheckBox("Kullan R Oldururken")); Combo.Add("combo.MinTargetsR", new Slider("Kullan R En az hedef sayisi", 2, 1, 5)); Combo.AddLabel("• Durtme •"); Combo.Add("Auto.Q3", new CheckBox("Otomatik Q3 ?")); Combo.Add("harass.Q", new CheckBox("Kullan Q")); Combo.Add("harass.E", new CheckBox("Kullan E")); Combo.Add("harass.stack", new CheckBox("Biriktir Q durterken?")); //clean Clean = Principal.AddSubMenu("Clean", "Temizleme Ayarlari"); Clean.AddSeparator(3); Clean.AddLabel("•Son Vurus•"); Clean.Add("LastE", new CheckBox("Kullan E")); Clean.Add("LastQ", new CheckBox("Kullan Q")); Clean.Add("LaseEUT", new CheckBox("Kullan E Kule Altinda")); Clean.AddLabel("•Dalga Temizleme•"); Clean.Add("WC.Q", new CheckBox("Kullan Q")); Clean.Add("WC.E", new CheckBox("Kullan E")); Clean.AddLabel("•Orman Temizleme•"); Clean.Add("JungQ", new CheckBox("Kullan Q")); Clean.Add("JungE", new CheckBox("Kullan E")); //flee Flee = Principal.AddSubMenu("Flee", "Kacis Ayarlari"); Flee.AddSeparator(3); Flee.AddLabel("•Flee•"); Flee.Add("FleeE", new CheckBox("Kullan E")); Flee.Add("Flee.stack", new CheckBox("Biriktir Q kacarken?")); //Draw Draw = Principal.AddSubMenu("Draw", "Cizim Ayarlari"); Draw.AddSeparator(3); Draw.Add("DrawE", new CheckBox("Goster E Mesafesi")); Draw.Add("DrawQ", new CheckBox("Goster Q Mesafesi")); Draw.Add("DrawR", new CheckBox("Goster R Mesafesi")); //Misc Misc = Principal.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Karisik"); Misc.AddSeparator(3); Misc.Add("EGapclos", new CheckBox("Atilma yapana E")); Misc.Add("Einter", new CheckBox("Buyulerden kacmak icin E")); Misc.AddLabel("• Kostum Hilesi •"); Misc.Add("checkSkin", new CheckBox("Kostum Sec")); Misc.Add("Skinid", new Slider("Skin ID", 0, 0, 10)); //Evade Evadee = Principal.AddSubMenu("Evadee", "Evadee Ayarlari"); Evadee.AddSeparator(3); Evadee.AddLabel("•Yakinda Eklenicek•"); Utils.ForDash.Init(); }
private static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { Principal = MainMenu.AddMenu("HTTF Yasuo ", "Yasuo"); Principal.AddLabel("HTTF Yasuo v" + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version); //combo+harasse Combo = Principal.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo"); Combo.AddSeparator(3); Combo.AddLabel("• Spells Combo"); Combo.Add("UseQCombo", new CheckBox("Use Q")); Combo.Add("UseWCombo", new CheckBox("Use W")); Combo.Add("UseECombo", new CheckBox("Use E")); Combo.Add("UseRCombo", new CheckBox("Use R")); Combo.Add("stack.combo", new CheckBox("Stack Q?")); Combo.Add("combo.leftclickRape", new CheckBox("ComboTarget use?")); Combo.Add("PredictQ2", new ComboBox("Predict Q2", 1, "Minimal", "Medium", "High")); Combo.AddLabel("• R Setting "); Combo.Add("combo.RTarget", new CheckBox("Use R always on Selected Target")); Combo.Add("combo.RKillable", new CheckBox("Use R KS")); Combo.Add("combo.MinTargetsR", new Slider("Use R Min Targets", 2, 1, 5)); Combo.AddLabel("• Harasse "); Combo.Add("Auto.Q3", new CheckBox("Auto Q3 ?")); Combo.Add("harass.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); Combo.Add("harass.E", new CheckBox("Use E")); Combo.Add("harass.stack", new CheckBox("Stack Q in harras?")); //clean Clean = Principal.AddSubMenu("Clean", "Clean Setting"); Clean.AddSeparator(3); Clean.AddLabel("•Last Hit•"); Clean.Add("LastE", new CheckBox("Use E")); Clean.Add("LastQ", new CheckBox("Use Q")); Clean.Add("LaseEUT", new CheckBox("Use E Under Tower")); Clean.AddLabel("•Wave Clean•"); Clean.Add("WCQ", new CheckBox("Use Q")); Clean.Add("WCE", new CheckBox("Use E")); Clean.AddLabel("•Jung Clean•"); Clean.Add("JungQ", new CheckBox("Use Q")); Clean.Add("JungE", new CheckBox("Use E")); //flee Flee = Principal.AddSubMenu("Flee", "Flee Setting"); Flee.AddSeparator(3); Flee.AddLabel("•Flee•"); Flee.Add("FleeE", new CheckBox("Use E")); Flee.Add("Flee.stack", new CheckBox("Stack Q In Flee?")); //Draw Draw = Principal.AddSubMenu("Draw", "Draw Setting"); Draw.AddSeparator(3); Draw.Add("DrawE", new CheckBox("Draw E range")); Draw.Add("DrawQ", new CheckBox("Draw Q range")); Draw.Add("DrawR", new CheckBox("Draw R range")); Draw.Add("DrawDmg", new CheckBox("Draw Damage?")); //Misc Misc = Principal.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc Setting"); Misc.AddSeparator(3); Misc.Add("EGapclos", new CheckBox("E ANTIGAPCLOSE")); Misc.Add("Einter", new CheckBox("E INTERRUPT")); Misc.AddLabel("• SkinHack •"); Misc.Add("checkSkin", new CheckBox("Use Skin Changer")); Misc.Add("Skinid", new Slider("Skin ID", 0, 0, 10)); //Evade Evadee = Principal.AddSubMenu("Evadee", "Evadee Setting"); Evadee.AddSeparator(3); Evadee.AddLabel("•SOON•"); Utils.ForDash.Init(); }
public static void Load() { Principal = MainMenu.AddMenu("HTTF Riven v2", "Riven"); Principal.AddLabel("• Hello"); Combo = Principal.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo"); Combo.AddSeparator(3); Combo.AddLabel("• Spells Combo"); Combo.Add("UseQCombo", new CheckBox("Use Q?")); Combo.Add("UseWCombo", new CheckBox("Use W?")); Combo.Add("UseECombo", new CheckBox("Use E")); Combo.Add("UseRCombo", new CheckBox("Use R?")); Combo.Add("UseR2Combo", new CheckBox("Use R2?")); Combo.Add("BrokenAnimations", new CheckBox("Broken Animations ?", false)); Combo.Add("logic1x1", new CheckBox("Use logic 1x1")); Combo.Add("UseHT", new CheckBox("Use Hydra-Tiamat in combo?")); Combo.AddSeparator(3); Combo.AddLabel("• Spell R"); Combo.Add("UseRType", new ComboBox("Use R when", 1, "Target less than 40 % HP", "DamageIndicator greater than 100 %", "Always", "On Keypress")); Combo.Add("ForceR", new KeyBind("R On Keypress Key", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'U')); Combo.Add("DontR1", new Slider("Dont R if Target HP {0}% <=", 25, 10, 50)); Combo.AddSeparator(3); Combo.AddLabel("• Spell R2"); Combo.Add("UseR2Type", new ComboBox("Use R2 when", 0, "Kill only", "Max damage when target less than 25 %")); Combo.AddLabel(" FLEE"); Combo.Add("UseQFlee", new CheckBox("Use Q")); Combo.Add("UseEFlee", new CheckBox("Use E")); Shield = Principal.AddSubMenu("Shield", "Shield"); Shield.AddLabel("• Spell E"); foreach (var Enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies) { Shield.AddLabel(Enemy.ChampionName); Shield.Add("E/" + Enemy.BaseSkinName + "/Q", new CheckBox(Enemy.ChampionName + " (Q)", false)); Shield.Add("E/" + Enemy.BaseSkinName + "/W", new CheckBox(Enemy.ChampionName + " (W)", false)); Shield.Add("E/" + Enemy.BaseSkinName + "/E", new CheckBox(Enemy.ChampionName + " (E)", false)); Shield.Add("E/" + Enemy.BaseSkinName + "/R", new CheckBox(Enemy.ChampionName + " (R)", false)); Shield.AddSeparator(1); } Laneclear = Principal.AddSubMenu("Laneclear", "Laneclear"); Laneclear.AddLabel("• WaweClean"); Laneclear.Add("UseQLane", new CheckBox("Use Q")); Laneclear.Add("UseWLane", new CheckBox("Use W")); Laneclear.Add("UseWLaneMin", new Slider("Use W if you hit {0} minions", 3, 0, 10)); Laneclear.AddLabel("• JunglClean"); Laneclear.Add("UseQJG", new CheckBox("Use Q")); Laneclear.Add("UseWJG", new CheckBox("Use W")); Laneclear.Add("UseEJG", new CheckBox("Use E")); Misc = Principal.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc"); Misc.Add("Skin", new CheckBox("Skinhack ?", false)); Misc.Add("SkinID", new Slider("Skin ID: {0}", 4, 0, 11)); Misc.Add("Interrupter", new CheckBox("Interrupter ?")); Misc.Add("InterrupterW", new CheckBox("Interrupter with W ?")); Misc.Add("Gapcloser", new CheckBox("Gapcloser ?")); Misc.Add("GapcloserW", new CheckBox("Use W on Gapcloser ?")); Misc.Add("AliveQ", new CheckBox("Use Q Keep Alive ?")); Misc.AddLabel("• ItemLogic"); Misc.AddLabel("• Hydra Logic"); Misc.Add("Hydra", new CheckBox("Use Hydra?")); Misc.Add("HydraReset", new CheckBox("Use hydra to reset your AA")); Misc.AddSeparator(3); Misc.AddLabel("• Tiamat Logic"); Misc.Add("Tiamat", new CheckBox("Use Tiamat?")); Misc.Add("TiamatReset", new CheckBox("Use the Tiamat to reset your AA")); Misc.AddSeparator(3); Misc.AddLabel("• Qss / Mercurial Logic"); Misc.Add("Qss", new CheckBox("Use Qss?")); Misc.Add("QssCharm", new CheckBox("Use Qss because of charm")); Misc.Add("QssFear", new CheckBox("Use Qss because of fear")); Misc.Add("QssTaunt", new CheckBox("Use Qss because of taunt")); Misc.Add("QssSuppression", new CheckBox("Use Qss because of suppression")); Misc.Add("QssSnare", new CheckBox("Use Qss because of snare")); Misc.AddSeparator(3); Misc.AddLabel("• Youmu Logic"); Misc.Add("Youmu", new CheckBox("Use Youmu?")); Misc.AddLabel("• Recommend Use 250•"); Misc.Add("YoumuRange", new Slider("Range Cast Youmu", 1, 1, 325)); Draw = Principal.AddSubMenu("Drawing", "Drawing"); Draw.Add("DrawDamage", new CheckBox("Draw Damage")); Draw.Add("DrawOFF", new CheckBox("Draw OFF", false)); Draw.Add("drawjump", new CheckBox("Draw jump(beta)", false)); AnimationCancle = Principal.AddSubMenu("AnimationCancle", "CanslAnimatio"); AnimationCancle.Add("4", new CheckBox("Q")); AnimationCancle.Add("Spell2", new CheckBox("W")); AnimationCancle.Add("Spell3", new CheckBox("E")); AnimationCancle.Add("Spell4", new CheckBox("R")); ComboLogic = Principal.AddSubMenu("ComboLogic(UPDATE)", "ComboLogics"); ComboLogic.Add("BrokenAnimon", new CheckBox("Use features?")); ComboLogic.Add("moveback", new CheckBox("Use Combo HTTF Logic?(MOVEBACK)", false)); ComboLogic.AddLabel("Q1,Q2,Q3"); ComboLogic.Add("Q1Hydra", new CheckBox("Q>Hydra")); ComboLogic.Add("HydraQ", new CheckBox("Hydra>Q")); ComboLogic.Add("QW", new CheckBox("Q>W")); ComboLogic.AddLabel("W"); ComboLogic.Add("HydraW", new CheckBox("Hydra>W")); ComboLogic.AddLabel("E"); ComboLogic.Add("EQall", new CheckBox("E>Q")); ComboLogic.Add("EW", new CheckBox("E>W")); ComboLogic.Add("EH", new CheckBox("E>Hydra or Tiamat")); ComboLogic.Add("ER1", new CheckBox("E>R1")); ComboLogic.Add("ER2", new CheckBox("E>R2")); ComboLogic.Add("EQW", new CheckBox("E>Q>W")); ComboLogic.AddLabel("R1"); ComboLogic.Add("R1W", new CheckBox("R1>W")); ComboLogic.Add("R1Q", new CheckBox("R1>Q")); ComboLogic.Add("R1Hydra", new CheckBox("R1>Hydra or Tiamat")); ComboLogic.AddLabel("R2"); ComboLogic.Add("R2W", new CheckBox("R2>W")); ComboLogic.Add("R2Q", new CheckBox("R2>Q")); ComboLogic.Add("R2E", new CheckBox("R2>E")); ComboLogic.AddLabel("Combo Logic V2 "); ComboLogic.Add("SpeedCombo", new Slider("SpeedCombo(bugged)", 10, 10, 10)); }