Esempio n. 1
        private void Menu()
                menu  = MainMenu.AddMenu("FreshBooster", "VEIGAERSASD");
                Combo = menu.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo");
                Combo.Add("Veigar_CUseQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
                Combo.Add("Veigar_CUseW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
                Combo.Add("Veigar_CUseE", new CheckBox("Use E"));
                Combo.Add("Veigar_CUseR", new CheckBox("Use R"));
                Combo.Add("Veigar_CUseR_Select", new CheckBox("When can be Kill, Only use R"));
                Combo.AddLabel("1 : Out of Range");
                Combo.AddLabel("2 : Impossible");
                Combo.AddLabel("3 : Low");
                Combo.AddLabel("4 : Medium");
                Combo.AddLabel("5 : High");
                Combo.AddLabel("6 : Very High");
                Combo.Add("Veigar_CUseQ_Hit", new Slider("Q HitChance", 3, 1, 6));

                Harass = menu.AddSubMenu("Harass", "Harass");
                Harass.Add("Veigar_HUseQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
                Harass.Add("Veigar_HUseW", new CheckBox("Use W - When target can't only move"));
                Harass.Add("Veigar_HUseE", new CheckBox("Use E - When target can't only move"));
                Harass.Add("Veigar_HManarate", new Slider("Mana %", 20));
                Harass.Add("Veigar_AutoHUseQ", new KeyBind("Auto Harass", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'T'));

                LaneClear = menu.AddSubMenu("LaneClear", "LaneClear");
                LaneClear.Add("Veigar_LUseQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
                LaneClear.Add("Veigar_LUseQSet", new CheckBox("Use Q Only use lasthit to minion"));
                LaneClear.Add("Veigar_LManarate", new Slider("Mana %", 20));

                JungleClear = menu.AddSubMenu("JungleClear", "JungleClear");
                JungleClear.Add("Veigar_JUseQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
                JungleClear.Add("Veigar_JUseQSet", new CheckBox("Use Q Only use lasthit to minion"));
                JungleClear.Add("Veigar_JManarate", new Slider("Mana %", 20));

                KillSteal = menu.AddSubMenu("KillSteal", "KillSteal");
                KillSteal.Add("Veigar_KseQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
                KillSteal.Add("Veigar_KseW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
                KillSteal.Add("Veigar_KseR", new CheckBox("Use R"));

                Misc = menu.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
                Misc.Add("Veigar_Anti-GapCloser", new CheckBox("Anti GapCloser"));
                Misc.Add("Veigar_Interrupt", new CheckBox("E with Interrupt"));

                Draw = menu.AddSubMenu("Draw", "Draw");
                Draw.Add("Veigar_Draw_Q", new CheckBox("Draw Q", false));
                Draw.Add("Veigar_Draw_W", new CheckBox("Draw W", false));
                Draw.Add("Veigar_Draw_E", new CheckBox("Draw E", false));
                Draw.Add("Veigar_Draw_R", new CheckBox("Draw R", false));
            catch (Exception)
                if (NowTime() > ErrorTime)
                    Chat.Print(ChampName + " in FreshBooster isn't Load. Error Code 02");
                    ErrorTime = TickCount(10000);
Esempio n. 2
        public static void Init()
            Principal = MainMenu.AddMenu("Nami", "Nami");
            Principal.Add("QPred", new Slider("Q Hitchance: {0}%", 80, 20, 100));
            Principal.Add("RPred", new Slider("R Hitchance: {0}%", 80, 20, 100));

            Combo = Principal.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo");
            Combo.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Combo.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            Combo.Add("AutoR", new Slider("Auto R if hit {0} enemies", 3, 0, 5));

            Ally = Principal.AddSubMenu("Ally", "Ally");
            foreach (var x in EntityManager.Heroes.Allies)
                Ally.Add(x.ChampionName + "/W", new CheckBox("Use W To Heal (" + x.ChampionName + ")"));
                Ally.Add(x.ChampionName + "/E", new CheckBox("Use E Before AA (" + x.ChampionName + ")"));
            Ally.Add("Min", new Slider("Min Health: {0}% To Heal", 40, 10, 80));

            Misc = Principal.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            Misc.Add("SkinHack", new CheckBox("SkinHack?", false));
            Misc.Add("SkinID", new Slider("Skin ID: {0}", 2, 0, 3));
            Misc.Add("Reset", new KeyBind("Reset (Skin Bug):", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T'));
            Misc.Add("Gapcloser", new CheckBox("Gapcloser?"));
            Misc.Add("Interrupter", new CheckBox("Interrupter?"));

            Draw = Principal.AddSubMenu("Draw", "Draw");
            Draw.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Draw Q"));
            Draw.Add("W", new CheckBox("Draw W"));
            Draw.Add("E", new CheckBox("Draw E"));
            Draw.Add("R", new CheckBox("Draw R"));
Esempio n. 3
 private static void MenuLeona()
     Leo   = MainMenu.AddMenu("[Leona]", "[Leona]");
     Combo = Leo.AddSubMenu("[Combo]");
     Combo.Add("Qc", new CheckBox("[Q] = Combo"));
     Combo.Add("Wc", new CheckBox("[W] = Combo"));
     Combo.Add("Ec", new CheckBox("[E] = Combo"));
     Combo.Add("Rc", new CheckBox("[R] = Combo"));
     Auto = Leo.AddSubMenu("[AutoHarass]");
     Auto.Add("LiW", new CheckBox("Use [W] [Hit Life]"));
     Auto.Add("Vida", new Slider("Life [W] Uti", 35, 1));
     Auto.AddLabel("Target Valid");
     Auto.Add("Tar", new Slider("Target [W] Auto", 300, 0, 500));
     Lane = Leo.AddSubMenu("[LaneClear]");
     Lane.Add("Ql", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Lane"));
     Lane.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
     Lane.Add("mana", new Slider("Mana Percent [Q]", 50, 1));
     Misc = Leo.AddSubMenu("[Misc]");
     Misc.Add("Inter", new CheckBox("Interupt"));
     Misc.Add("Gap", new CheckBox("GapClose"));
     Draws = Leo.AddSubMenu("[Draws]");
     Draws.AddLabel("Draws are only activated near enemies");
     Draws.Add("DE", new CheckBox("Use [E] Draws"));
     Draws.Add("DR", new CheckBox("Use [R] Draws"));
Esempio n. 4
        public static void Load()
            // Combo
            ComboMenu = MainMenu.Add(new Menu("ComboMenu", "Combo"));
            ComboMode = ComboMenu.Add(new MenuList <string>("ComboMode", "Combo Mode", new[] { "Gank", "Triple Q", "Ap Combo", "OneShot" }));

            // Misc
            Misc = MainMenu.Add(new Menu("Misc", "Misc"));
            KillStealSummoner = Misc.Add(new MenuBool("KillStealSummoner", "KillSteal Summoner", true));
            UseItem           = Misc.Add(new MenuBool("UseItem", "Use Items", true));
            StackLastHit      = Misc.Add(new MenuBool("StackLastHit", "Stack In Lasthit", true));
            ChangeComboMode   = Misc.Add(new MenuKeyBind("ChangeComboMode", "Change ComboMode", System.Windows.Forms.Keys.L, KeyBindType.Press));
            Passive           = Misc.Add(new MenuKeyBind("Passive", "Passive", System.Windows.Forms.Keys.G, KeyBindType.Toggle));

            // Draw
            Draw       = MainMenu.Add(new Menu("Draw", "Draw"));
            DrawCombo  = Draw.Add(new MenuBool("DrawCombo", "Draw ComboMode", true));
            DrawAnim   = Draw.Add(new MenuBool("DrawAnim", "Draw Animation", true));
            DrawHelp   = Draw.Add(new MenuBool("DrawHelp", "Draw Tips", true));
            Dind       = Draw.Add(new MenuBool("dind", "Damage Indicator", true));
            EngageDraw = Draw.Add(new MenuBool("EngageDraw", "Draw Engage", true));

            // Skin
            Skin        = MainMenu.Add(new Menu("SkinChanger", "SkinChanger"));
            UseSkin     = Skin.Add(new MenuBool("UseSkin", "Use SkinChanger"));
            SkinChanger = Skin.Add(new MenuList <string>("Skins", "Skins", new[] { "Default", "Headhunter Rengar", "Night Hunter Rengar", "SSW Rengar" }));

        private static void MiscMenu()
            Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Ek");
            Misc.Add("MinimumDistanceToFlash", new Slider("Flash+Sabitleme için mininum mesafe", 250, 0, 500));
            Misc.Add("percent", new Slider("Sabitleme İsabet Şansı", 40, 1, 100));
            Misc.Add("stun", new KeyBind("Seçili Hedefi Sabitlemek için hazır olma tuşu", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'K'));
            Misc.AddLabel("Nasıl Çalışır: Sana en yakın hedefe göre çalışır orbwalker");
            Misc.AddLabel("Seçili Hedefi Sabitle");
            Misc.AddLabel("(Eğer flash+ aktifse , Flash+E olacak(kullanacak diyor sanırım)");
            Misc.Add("semiR", new KeyBind("Yarı Otomatik R (Hedefi Sol Tuşla Seç)", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'G'));
            Misc.Add("dQ", new CheckBox("Göster Q"));
            Misc.Add("dE", new CheckBox("Göster E"));
            Misc.Add("dR", new CheckBox("Göster R"));
            Misc.Add("DrawStunPos", new CheckBox("Sabitleme pozisyonunu göster"));
            Misc.AddGroupLabel("Kill Çalma");
            Misc.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Q Kullan"));
            Misc.Add("E", new CheckBox("E Kullan"));
            Misc.Add("R", new CheckBox("R Kullan"));

Esempio n. 6
        public static void LoadMenu()
            Config = MainMenu.AddMenu(menuName, menuName);

            combo = Config.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo");
            combo.Add("ComboFlash", new KeyBind("Flash Combo", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T'));
            combo.Add("ComboR", new Slider("Min Enemies For R", 3, 0, 5));
            combo.Add("ComboQ", new Slider("Max Q Range", 110, 0, 110));
            combo.Add("ComboTaxi", new CheckBox("Taxi Mode (Beta!)"));

            Harass = Config.AddSubMenu("Harass", "Harass");
            Harass.Add("HarassAA", new CheckBox("Disable AA In Harass", false));
            Harass.Add("HarassQ", new CheckBox("Use Q (Won't use Q2)"));
            Harass.Add("HarassE", new CheckBox("Use E"));

            Misc = Config.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            Misc.Add("Interrupt", new CheckBox("Interrupter"));
            Misc.Add("Gapcloser", new CheckBox("Gapcloser"));
            Misc.Add("Flee", new KeyBind("Flee", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'A'));

            Draw = Config.AddSubMenu("Draw", "Draw");
            Draw.Add("DrawDmg", new CheckBox("Draw Damage"));
            Draw.Add("DrawPred", new CheckBox("Draw Q Prediction"));
            Draw.Add("DrawQ", new CheckBox("Draw Q Range"));
            Draw.Add("DrawW", new CheckBox("Draw W Range"));
            Draw.Add("DrawE", new CheckBox("Draw E Range"));
            Draw.Add("DrawR", new CheckBox("Draw R Range"));

            Config.Add("Debug", new CheckBox("Debug Mode", false));
Esempio n. 7
        private static void MiscMenu()
            Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc");
            Misc.Add("MinimumDistanceToFlash", new Slider("Minimum distance to use flash stun", 250, 0, 500));
            Misc.Add("percent", new Slider("Stun chance %", 40, 1, 100));
            Misc.Add("stun", new KeyBind("Force stun selected target", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'K'));
            Misc.AddLabel("How it works: Orbwalk to nearest position where you");
            Misc.AddLabel("can stun selected target");
            Misc.AddLabel("(If flash E is enabled, it will Flash E)");
            Misc.Add("semiR", new KeyBind("Semi automatic R (select a target with left click)", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'G'));
            Misc.Add("dQ", new CheckBox("Draw Q"));
            Misc.Add("dE", new CheckBox("Draw E"));
            Misc.Add("dR", new CheckBox("Draw R"));
            Misc.Add("DrawStunPos", new CheckBox("Draw stun position"));
            Misc.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Q Killsteal"));
            Misc.Add("E", new CheckBox("E Killsteal"));
            Misc.Add("R", new CheckBox("R Killsteal"));

Esempio n. 8
        public static void MyMenu()
            // Initialize the menu
            Main      = MainMenu.AddMenu("Annie", "Annie");
            Combo     = Main.AddSubMenu("Combo");
            Harass    = Main.AddSubMenu("Harass");
            LaneClear = Main.AddSubMenu("LaneClear");
            LastHit   = Main.AddSubMenu("LastHit");
            Misc      = Main.AddSubMenu("Misc");
            Draw      = Main.AddSubMenu("Draw");

            _useQCombo = Combo.Add("comboUseQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            _useWCombo = Combo.Add("comboUseW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            _useRCombo = Combo.Add("comboUseR", new CheckBox("Use R"));

            _useQHarass    = Harass.Add("harassUseQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            _useWHarass    = Harass.Add("harassUseW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            _farmingHarass = Harass.Add("farming", new CheckBox("Farm(op)"));
            _manaHarass    = Harass.Add("harassMana", new Slider("Maximum mana usage in percent ({0}%)", 40));

            _useQLaneClear = LaneClear.Add("clearUseQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            _useWLaneClear = LaneClear.Add("clearUseW", new CheckBox("Use W"));

            _useQLastHit = LastHit.Add("lastUseQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));

            _useEMisc   = Misc.Add("autoE", new CheckBox("Auto E"));
            _stacksMisc = Misc.Add("autoStacks", new CheckBox("Auto Stacks"));

            // Initialize the modes
Esempio n. 9
        private static void Loading_OnComplete(EventArgs args)
            if (Akali.Hero != Champion.Akali)
            Chat.Print("[Addon] [Champion] [Akali]", System.Drawing.Color.AliceBlue);

            Q = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.Q, 600);
            W = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W, 275);
            E = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.E, 300);
            R = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.R, 700);

            Orbwalker.OnPostAttack += OnPostAttack;
            Gapcloser.OnGapcloser  += OnGapcloser;
            Drawing.OnDraw         += OnDrawings;
            Game.OnTick            += Game_OnTick;

            Aka = MainMenu.AddMenu("Akali", "Akali");
            Combo = Aka.AddSubMenu("Combo");
            Combo.Add("Qc", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Combo"));
            Combo.Add("Wc", new CheckBox("Use [W] Combo"));
            Combo.Add("Ec", new CheckBox("Use [E] Combo"));
            Combo.Add("Rc", new CheckBox("Use [R] Combo"));
            Harass = Aka.AddSubMenu("Harass");
            Harass.Add("Hq", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Harass"));
            LaneClear = Aka.AddSubMenu("LaneClear");
            LaneClear.Add("Ql", new CheckBox("Use [Q] LaneClear"));
            LaneClear.Add("El", new CheckBox("Use [E] LaneClear"));
            LaneClear.AddLabel("[Percent Mana]");
            LaneClear.Add("mana", new Slider("Percent Mana > %", 25, 0, 100));
            LastHit = Aka.AddSubMenu("LastHit");
            LastHit.Add("Qlast", new CheckBox("Use [Q] LastHit"));
            JungleClear = Aka.AddSubMenu("JungleClear");
            JungleClear.Add("Qj", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Jungle"));
            JungleClear.Add("Ej", new CheckBox("Use [E] Jungle"));
            JungleClear.AddLabel("[Percent Mana]");
            JungleClear.Add("manaj", new Slider("Percent Mana > % ", 25, 0, 100));
            Misc = Aka.AddSubMenu("Misc");
            Misc.Add("Rgap", new CheckBox("Use [R] GapClose"));
            Misc.Add("Fw", new CheckBox("Use Flee [W]"));
            Misc.Add("It", new CheckBox("Use Items"));
            Draws = Aka.AddSubMenu("Drawings");
            Draws.Add("Dq", new CheckBox("[Q] Draw"));
            Draws.Add("Dw", new CheckBox("[W] Draw", false));
            Draws.Add("De", new CheckBox("[E] Draw", false));
            Draws.Add("Dr", new CheckBox("[R] Draw"));
Esempio n. 10
 public static void MiscMenu()
     Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc Menu", "misc");
     Misc.AddGroupLabel("Misc Settings");
     Misc.Add("misc.advanced", new CheckBox("Show Advanced Menu", false)).OnValueChange +=
     JsonSettings.Profile.Options.Add(new JsonSetting("misc.advanced", Setting.Checkbox, Misc["misc.advanced"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue.ToString()));
Esempio n. 11
 public static void InitMenu()
     MenuPrincipal = MainMenu.AddMenu("Kappalista", "kappalista");
     //Spells Settings
     SpellsMenu = MenuPrincipal.AddSubMenu("Spells Settings");
     SpellsMenu.AddLabel("Combo Settings");
     SpellsMenu.Add("use.q.combo", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
     SpellsMenu.Add("use.e", new CheckBox("Use E"));
     SpellsMenu.Add("atk.minion", new CheckBox("Attack minions for chasing"));
     SpellsMenu.AddLabel("Harass Settings");
     SpellsMenu.Add("use.q.harass", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
     SpellsMenu.Add("manapercent", new Slider("Mana percent", 60));
     //LaneClear Settings
     LaneClear = MenuPrincipal.AddSubMenu("LaneClear Settings");
     LaneClear.Add("use.q", new CheckBox("Use Q", false));
     LaneClear.Add("q.min.kill", new Slider("Min minions killable", 3, 1, 5));
     LaneClear.Add("use.e", new CheckBox("Use E"));
     LaneClear.Add("e.minkill", new Slider("Min minions killable", 2, 1, 5));
     LaneClear.Add("manapercent", new Slider("Mana percent", 60));
     //JungleClear Settings
     JungleClear = MenuPrincipal.AddSubMenu("Jungle Clear Settings");
     JungleClear.Add("use.q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
     JungleClear.Add("use.e", new CheckBox("Use E"));
     JungleClear.Add("manapercent", new Slider("Mana percent", 60));
     //Misc Settings
     Misc = MenuPrincipal.AddSubMenu("Misc Settings");
     Misc.Add("e.killsteal", new CheckBox("E Killsteal"));
     Misc.Add("e.mobsteal", new CheckBox("E Mob Steal"));
     Misc.Add("e.lasthit.assist", new CheckBox("E Lasthit Assist"));
     Misc.Add("r.savebuddy", new CheckBox("Save your sup with R"));
     Misc.Add("r.balista", new CheckBox("R Balista"));
     Misc.Add("e.siegeandsuper", new CheckBox("Auto E Siege and Super minions"));
     Misc.Add("e.harass", new CheckBox("E Harass"));
     Misc.Add("e.dontharasscombo", new CheckBox("Don't harass with E in combo"));
     Misc.Add("e.beforedie", new CheckBox("E before die"));
     Misc.Add("w.dragonorbaron", new CheckBox("Auto W on Dragon or Baron", false));
              new KeyBind("Cast W on Dragon", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, "J".ToCharArray()[0]));
              new KeyBind("Cast W on Baron", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, "K".ToCharArray()[0]));
     //Activator Settings
     ActivatorSettings = MenuPrincipal.AddSubMenu("Activator Settings");
     ActivatorSettings.Add("use.botrk.cutlass", new CheckBox("Use BotRK/Cutlass"));
     ActivatorSettings.Add("", new Slider("Health percent", 60));
     ActivatorSettings.Add("use.youmuu", new CheckBox("Use Youmuu"));
     //Drawing Settings
     Drawings = MenuPrincipal.AddSubMenu("Drawings Settings");
     Drawings.Add("draw.q", new CheckBox("Draw Q Range"));
     Drawings.Add("draw.w", new CheckBox("Draw W Range"));
     Drawings.Add("draw.e", new CheckBox("Draw E Range"));
     Drawings.Add("draw.r", new CheckBox("Draw R Range"));
     Drawings.Add("draw.e.dmgpercent", new CheckBox("Draw E Damage Percent"));
     Drawings.Add("draw.damageindicator", new CheckBox("Draw Damage Indicator"));
Esempio n. 12
        public static void GetMenu()
            Kassawin = MainMenu.AddMenu("KassaWIN", "KassaWIN");
            Kassawin.AddGroupLabel("Free Win with Kassadin");
            Kassawin.AddLabel("Made by Kk2");

            Combo = Kassawin.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo");
            Combo.AddGroupLabel("Combo Options");
            Combo.Add("ComboQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on Combo"));
            Combo.Add("ComboW", new CheckBox("Use W on Combo"));
            Combo.Add("ComboE", new CheckBox("Use E on Combo"));
            Combo.Add("ComboR", new CheckBox("Use R on Combo"));
            Combo.Add("IgniteToKill", new CheckBox("Use Ignite on Combo to Kill"));
            Combo.Add("sliderR", new Slider("Max Heroes Around to Cast R", 3, 1, 5));

            Harass = Kassawin.AddSubMenu("Harass", "Harass");
            Harass.AddGroupLabel("Harass Options");
            Harass.Add("HarassQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on Harass"));
            Harass.Add("HarassW", new CheckBox("Use W on Harass"));
            Harass.Add("HarassE", new CheckBox("Use E on Harass"));
            Harass.Add("manaPCTH", new Slider("Min Mana % to Harass", 20));

            LaneClear = Kassawin.AddSubMenu("LaneClear", "LaneClear");
            LaneClear.AddGroupLabel("LaneClear Options");
            LaneClear.Add("LaneQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on LaneClear"));
            LaneClear.Add("LaneW", new CheckBox("Use W on LaneClear"));
            LaneClear.Add("LaneE", new CheckBox("Use E on LaneClear"));
            LaneClear.Add("manaPCTL", new Slider("Min Mana % to LaneClear", 20));

            JungleClear = Kassawin.AddSubMenu("Jungle", "Jungle");
            JungleClear.AddGroupLabel("Jungle Options");
            JungleClear.Add("JungleQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on Jungle"));
            JungleClear.Add("JungleW", new CheckBox("Use W on Jungle"));
            JungleClear.Add("JungleE", new CheckBox("Use E on Jungle"));
            JungleClear.Add("manaPCTJ", new Slider("Min Mana % to Jungle Clear", 20));

            Misc = Kassawin.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            Misc.AddGroupLabel("Misc Options");
            Misc.Add("usePot", new CheckBox("Use Potions"));
            Misc.Add("drawQ", new CheckBox("Draw Q Range"));
            Misc.Add("drawW", new CheckBox("Draw W Range"));
            Misc.Add("drawE", new CheckBox("Draw E Range"));
            Misc.Add("drawR", new CheckBox("Draw R Range"));
            SkinSelect = Misc.Add("skinSelect", new Slider("Choose you Skin [number]", 0, 0, 6));
Esempio n. 13
 internal static void InMenu()
     Caiy = MainMenu.AddMenu("Caitlyn", "Caitlyn");
     Caiy.Add("AutoAtack", new CheckBox("Use Atack Buff [Enemy]"));
     pre = Caiy.AddSubMenu("Prediction");
     pre.Add("HitQ", new ComboBox("HitChance [Q]", 1, "Low", "Medium", "High"));
     pre.Add("HitW", new ComboBox("HitChance [W]", 2, "Low", "Medium", "High"));
     pre.Add("HitE", new ComboBox("HitChance [E]", 1, "Low", "Medium", "High"));
     Comb = Caiy.AddSubMenu("Combo");
     Comb.Add("Qc", new CheckBox("Use [Q]"));
     Comb.Add("Wc", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
     Comb.Add("Ec", new CheckBox("Use [E]"));
     Comb.AddLabel("Settings [R]");
     Comb.Add("Rf", new CheckBox("Use [R] Fish Enemy"));
     Comb.Add("ModoR", new ComboBox("Mode [R]", 0, "Fish [R]", "Beta Mode [R]"));
     Comb.AddLabel("Settings [Beta Mode R]");
     Comb.Add("LR", new Slider("Minimal of the Enemy's Life", 20, 1, 100));
     Comb.AddLabel("Enemys, No Use on whom?");
     foreach (var enemies in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Where(caity => !caity.IsMe))
         Comb.Add("CaitlynUti" + enemies.ChampionName, new CheckBox("" + enemies.ChampionName, false));
     Auto = Caiy.AddSubMenu("Auto Harass");
     Auto.Add("AutoQ", new CheckBox("AutoHarass [Q]"));
     Auto.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
     Auto.Add("ManaQ", new Slider("Mana Percent [Q] > {0}", 65, 1));
     Lane = Caiy.AddSubMenu("Lane [Clear]");
     Lane.Add("Ql", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Lane"));
     Lane.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
     Lane.Add("ManaL", new Slider("Mana Percent > {0}", 50, 1, 100));
     Lane.Add("Qmi", new Slider("Minion Percent > {0}", 3, 1, 6));
     Jungle = Caiy.AddSubMenu("Jungle [Clear]");
     Jungle.Add("Qj", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Jungle"));
     Jungle.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
     Jungle.Add("Q/J", new Slider("Mana Percent [Q/E]", 65, 1));
     Misc = Caiy.AddSubMenu("Misc");
     Misc.Add("Ks", new CheckBox("KillSteal"));
     Draws = Caiy.AddSubMenu("Draws [Spells]");
     Draws.Add("DQ", new CheckBox("[Q] Draws"));
     Draws.Add("DW", new CheckBox("[W] Draws"));
     Draws.Add("DE", new CheckBox("[E] Draws"));
     Draws.Add("DR", new CheckBox("[R] Draws"));
Esempio n. 14
        public static void Ahri_Load()
            if (EloBuddy.Player.Instance.ChampionName != "Ahri")

            Main = MainMenu.AddMenu("AhriSharp", "AhriSharp");

            ComboM = Main.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo");
            ComboM.Add("comboQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            ComboM.Add("comboW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            ComboM.Add("comboE", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            ComboM.Add("comboR", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            ComboM.Add("comboROnlyUserInitiate", new CheckBox("Use R only if user initiated", false));
            HarassM = Main.AddSubMenu("Harass", "Harass");
            HarassM.Add("harassQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            HarassM.Add("harassE", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            HarassM.Add("harassPercent", new Slider("Skills until Mana %", 20, 0, 100));

            FarmM = Main.AddSubMenu("LaneClear", "Lane Clear");
            FarmM.Add("farmQ", new CheckBox("use  Q"));
            FarmM.Add("farmW", new CheckBox("Use W", false));
            FarmM.Add("farmPercent", new Slider("Skills until Mana %", 20, 0, 100));

            DrawM = Main.AddSubMenu("Draw", "Draws");
            DrawM.Add("drawQE", new CheckBox("Draw Q, E range"));
            DrawM.Add("drawW", new CheckBox("Draw W range"));
            DrawM.Add("DamageAfterCombo", new CheckBox("Draw Combo Damage"));

            Misc = Main.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            Misc.Add("charmRange", new Slider("Only Charm if Target is in X distance from you : ", 1000, 100, 1000));
            Misc.Add("autoE", new CheckBox("Auto E on gapclosing targets"));
            Misc.Add("autoEI", new CheckBox("Auto E to interrupt"));

            _spellQ = new LeagueSharp.Common.Spell(EloBuddy.SpellSlot.Q, 1000);
            _spellW = new LeagueSharp.Common.Spell(EloBuddy.SpellSlot.W, 795 - 95);
            _spellE = new LeagueSharp.Common.Spell(EloBuddy.SpellSlot.E, 1000);
            _spellR = new LeagueSharp.Common.Spell(EloBuddy.SpellSlot.R, 1000 - 100);

            _spellQ.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 50, 1600f, false, LeagueSharp.Common.SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            _spellW.SetSkillshot(0.70f, _spellW.Range, float.MaxValue, false, LeagueSharp.Common.SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle);
            _spellE.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 60, 1550f, true, LeagueSharp.Common.SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);

            LeagueSharp.Common.Utility.HpBarDamageIndicator.DamageToUnit = GetComboDamage;
            LeagueSharp.Common.AntiGapcloser.OnEnemyGapcloser           += AntiGapcloser_OnEnemyGapcloser;
            LeagueSharp.Common.Interrupter2.OnInterruptableTarget       += Interrupter2_OnInterruptableTarget;
            EloBuddy.Drawing.OnEndScene += Drawing_OnDraw;
            EloBuddy.Game.OnUpdate      += Game_OnUpdate;
            Helper = new Helper();
Esempio n. 15
        private void Menu()
                menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("FreshBooster Braum", "FreshBoosterBraum");

                Combo = menu.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo");
                    Combo.Add("Braum_CUse_Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
                    Combo.Add("Braum_CUse_Q_Hit", new Slider("Q HitChance", 3, 1, 6));
                    Combo.Add("Braum_CUse_R", new CheckBox("Use R"));

                Harass = menu.AddSubMenu("Harass", "Harass");
                    Harass.Add("Braum_HUse_Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
                    Harass.Add("Braum_Auto_HEnable", new CheckBox("Auto Harass"));
                    Harass.Add("Braum_HMana", new Slider("Min. Mana %", 50));

                KillSteal = menu.AddSubMenu("KillSteal", "KillSteal");
                    KillSteal.Add("Braum_KUse_Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
                    KillSteal.Add("Braum_KUse_R", new CheckBox("Use R"));

                Misc = menu.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
                    Misc.Add("Braum_Flee", new KeyBind("Flee Key", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'G'));
                    Misc.Add("Braum_AutoW", new CheckBox("Auto W"));
                    Misc.Add("Braum_AutoE", new CheckBox("Auto E"));
                    Misc.Add("Braum_InterR", new CheckBox("Interrupt w/ Use R"));
                    Misc.Add("Braum_GapQ", new CheckBox("Gap w/ Use Q"));
                    Misc.Add("Braum_GapR", new CheckBox("Gap w/ Use R"));

                Draw = menu.AddSubMenu("Draw", "Draw");
                    Draw.Add("Braum_Draw_Q", new CheckBox("Draw Q", false));
                    Draw.Add("Braum_Draw_W", new CheckBox("Draw W", false));
                    Draw.Add("Braum_Draw_R", new CheckBox("Draw R", false));
            catch (Exception)
                if (NowTime() > ErrorTime)
                    Chat.Print(ChampName + " in FreshBooster isn't Load. Error Code 02");
                    ErrorTime = TickCount(10000);
Esempio n. 16
        public static void Initialize()
            Config = MainMenu.AddMenu("ElEkko", "ElEkko");

            Combo = Config.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo");
            Combo.Add("ElEkko.Combo.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Combo.Add("ElEkko.Combo.Auto.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q when 2 stacks"));
            Combo.Add("ElEkko.Combo.W", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Combo.Add("ElEkko.Combo.W.Stuned", new CheckBox("Use W on stunned targets"));
            Combo.Add("ElEkko.Combo.W.Count", new Slider("Minimum targets for W >=", 3, 1, 5));
            Combo.Add("ElEkko.Combo.E", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            Combo.Add("ElEkko.Combo.R", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            Combo.Add("ElEkko.Combo.R.Kill", new CheckBox("Use R when target can be killed"));
            Combo.Add("ElEkko.Combo.R.HP", new Slider("Use R when HP >=", 25, 0, 100));
            Combo.Add("ElEkko.Combo.R.Enemies", new Slider("Use R on enemies >=", 3, 1, 5));
            Combo.Add("ElEkko.Combo.Ignite", new CheckBox("Use ignite"));

            Harass = Config.AddSubMenu("Harass", "Harass");
            Harass.Add("ElEkko.Harass.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Harass.Add("ElEkko.Harass.E", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            Harass.Add("ElEkko.Harass.Q.Mana", new Slider("Minimum mana", 55, 0, 100));
            Harass.Add("ElEkko.AutoHarass.Q", new CheckBox("Auto harass", false));

            Clear = Config.AddSubMenu("Clear", "Laneclear");
            Clear.Add("ElEkko.LaneClear.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Clear.Add("ElEkko.LaneClear.Minions", new Slider("Use Q when minions >=", 3, 1, 5));
            Clear.Add("ElEkko.LaneClear.mana", new Slider("Minimum mana", 55, 0, 100));

            JungleClear = Config.AddSubMenu("JungleClear", "JungleClear");
            JungleClear.Add("ElEkko.JungleClear.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            JungleClear.Add("ElEkko.JungleClear.W", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            JungleClear.Add("ElEkko.JungleClear.Minions", new Slider("Use Q when minions >=", 1, 1, 5));
            JungleClear.Add("ElEkko.JungleClear.mana", new Slider("Minimum mana", 55, 0, 100));

            KillSteal = Config.AddSubMenu("Killsteal", "Killsteal");
            KillSteal.Add("ElEkko.Killsteal.Active", new CheckBox("Use Killsteal"));
            KillSteal.Add("ElEkko.Killsteal.Ignite", new CheckBox("Use ignite"));
            KillSteal.Add("ElEkko.Killsteal.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            KillSteal.Add("ElEkko.Killsteal.R", new CheckBox("Use R"));

            Misc = Config.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc && Draws");
            Misc.Add("ElEkko.R.text", new CheckBox("Display how many people in R"));
            Misc.Add("", new CheckBox("Turn drawings off", false));
            Misc.Add("ElEkko.Draw.Q", new CheckBox("Draw Q"));
            Misc.Add("ElEkko.Draw.W", new CheckBox("Draw E"));
            Misc.Add("ElEkko.Draw.R", new CheckBox("Draw R"));
            Misc.Add("ElEkko.DrawComboDamage", new CheckBox("Draw combo damage"));

            DrawDamage.DamageToUnit = ElEkko.GetComboDamage;
Esempio n. 17
        public static void CallMenu()
            Zhao = MainMenu.AddMenu("XinZhao", "XinZhao");

            Combo = Zhao.AddSubMenu("Combo", "combo");
            Combo.Add("useQcombo", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Combo.Add("useWcombo", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Combo.Add("useEcombo", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            Combo.Add("comboETower", new CheckBox("Don't E under tower", false));
            Combo.Add("comboEmode", new ComboBox("E Usage Mode", 0, "Smart", "Use when out of melee range"));
            Combo.Add("useRcombo", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            Combo.Add("comboMinR", new Slider("Min Targets to hit for R", 5, 1, 5));

            Harass = Zhao.AddSubMenu("Harass", "Harass");
            Harass.Add("useQharass", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Harass.Add("useWharass", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Harass.Add("useEharass", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            Harass.Add("harassETower", new CheckBox("Don't E under tower"));
            Harass.Add("harassMana", new Slider("Min Mana % to Harass", 80));

            LaneClear = Zhao.AddSubMenu("LaneClear", "LaneClear");
            LaneClear.Add("useQLC", new CheckBox("Use Q", false));
            LaneClear.Add("useWLC", new CheckBox("Use W", false));
            LaneClear.Add("useELC", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            LaneClear.Add("lcEtargets", new Slider("Min Targets to hit for E", 3, 0, 10));
            LaneClear.Add("lcMana", new Slider("Min Mana % to LaneClear", 80));

            JungleClear = Zhao.AddSubMenu("JungleClear", "JungleClear");
            JungleClear.Add("useQJC", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            JungleClear.Add("useWJC", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            JungleClear.Add("useEJC", new CheckBox("Use E", false));
            JungleClear.Add("jcMana", new Slider("Min Mana % to JungleClear"));

            Draw = Zhao.AddSubMenu("Draw", "Draw");
            Draw.Add("drawXinsec", new CheckBox("Draw Xinsec Target"));
            Draw.Add("drawXinsecpred", new CheckBox("Draw Xinsec move pos"));

            Misc = Zhao.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            Misc.Add("xinsecKey", new KeyBind("Xinsec", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T'));
            Misc.Add("xinsecFlash", new CheckBox("Use Flash with Xinsec"));
                new ComboBox("Xinsec Targetting", 0, "Selected Target", "Target Selector", "Lowest MaxHealth"));

            Misc.Add("useInterrupt", new CheckBox("Interrupt Spells with R", false));
            Misc.Add("dangerL", new ComboBox("Min DangerLevel to interrupt", 2, "Low", "Medium", "High"));
Esempio n. 18
        public static void Init()
            Principal = MainMenu.AddMenu("Kayle", "Kayle");

            Combo = Principal.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo");
            Combo.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Combo.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E"));

            Manage = Principal.AddSubMenu("Manage", "Manage");
            Manage.AddLabel("Ally Manager");
            foreach (var Ally in EntityManager.Heroes.Allies.Where(x => x.Hero != Champion.Kayle))
                Manage.Add(Ally.ChampionName + "/W", new CheckBox("Use W"));
                Manage.Add(Ally.ChampionName + "/R", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            Manage.Add("MinWAlly", new Slider("Min Health: {0}% To use heal in ally", 40, 10, 80));
            Manage.Add("MinRAlly", new Slider("Min Health: {0}% To use ult in ally", 15, 5, 30));
            Manage.AddLabel("Kayle Manager");
            Manage.Add("MinW", new Slider("Min Health: {0}% To use heal in yourself", 50, 10, 80));
            Manage.Add("MinR", new Slider("Min Health: {0}% To use ult in yourself", 15, 5, 45));
            Manage.Add("Order", new ComboBox("Priority:", 0, "Kayle > Ally", "Ally > Kayle"));

            Laneclear = Principal.AddSubMenu("Laneclear", "Laneclear");
            Laneclear.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Laneclear.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E"));

            Jungleclear = Principal.AddSubMenu("Jungleclear", "Jungleclear");
            Jungleclear.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Jungleclear.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E"));

            Lasthit = Principal.AddSubMenu("Lasthit", "Lasthit");
            Lasthit.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));

            Flee = Principal.AddSubMenu("Flee", "Flee");
            Flee.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W"));

            Misc = Principal.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            Misc.Add("SkinHack", new CheckBox("SkinHack?", false));
            Misc.Add("SkinID", new Slider("Skin ID: {0}", 8, 0, 8));
            Misc.Add("Reset", new KeyBind("Reset (Skin Bug):", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T'));

            Draw = Principal.AddSubMenu("Draw", "Draw");
            Draw.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Draw Q"));
            Draw.Add("W", new CheckBox("Draw W"));
            Draw.Add("E", new CheckBox("Draw E"));
            Draw.Add("R", new CheckBox("Draw R"));
Esempio n. 19
        static void OnLoad(EventArgs args)
            if (Player.ChampionName != ChampName)

            Q = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.Q, 600);
            W = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W, 400);
            E = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.E, 700);
            R = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.R, 550);

            menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("MadCatz_Katarina", "MadCatz");

            ComboMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo");
            ComboMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q", true));
            ComboMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W", true));
            ComboMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E", true));
            ComboMenu.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use R", true));

            HarassMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Harass", "Harass");
            HarassMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q", true));
            HarassMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W", true));
            HarassMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E", false));

            LaneClearMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("LanClear", "LanClear");
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q", false));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W", false));

            Misc = menu.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            Misc.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Auto Q", true));
            Misc.Add("W", new CheckBox("Auto W", true));
            Misc.AddLabel("Auto Q,W");

            Game.OnTick += Update;

            Chat.Print("MadCatz" + ChampName + "MadCatz_Load");
            Chat.Print("Korean Developer Good Luck!");
Esempio n. 20
        // Init
        public static void GetMenu()
            Mordekaiser = MainMenu.AddMenu("Mordekaiser", "Mordekaiser");

            Combo = Mordekaiser.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo");
            Combo.AddGroupLabel("Combo Options");
            Combo.Add("useQC", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Combo.Add("useEC", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            Combo.Add("useWC", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Combo.Add("useRC", new CheckBox("Use R"));

            Harass = Mordekaiser.AddSubMenu("Harass", "Harass");
            Harass.AddGroupLabel("Harass Options");
            Harass.Add("useEH", new CheckBox("use E"));
            Harass.Add("useQH", new CheckBox("use Q"));
            Harass.Add("useWH", new CheckBox("use W"));
            Harass.Add("HPSliderH", new Slider("HP % > for Harass", 20));

            LaneClear = Mordekaiser.AddSubMenu("LaneClear", "LaneClear");
            LaneClear.AddGroupLabel("Lane Clear Options");
            LaneClear.Add("UseEL", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            LaneClear.Add("UseQL", new CheckBox("Use Q"));

            JungleClear = Mordekaiser.AddSubMenu("JungleClear", "JungleClear");
            JungleClear.AddGroupLabel("Jungle Clear Options");
            JungleClear.Add("UseEJ", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            JungleClear.Add("UseWJ", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            JungleClear.Add("UseQJ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));

            Misc = Mordekaiser.AddSubMenu("Misc", "misc");
            Misc.AddGroupLabel("Misc Options");
            Misc.Add("UsePot", new CheckBox("Use Potions"));
            Misc.Add("AutoPilot", new CheckBox("AutoPilot Ult Ghosts"));
            skinSelect = Misc.Add("ChangeSkin", new Slider("Change Skin [Number]", 2, 0, 5));

            Drawing = Mordekaiser.AddSubMenu("Drawings", "Drawings");
            Drawing.AddGroupLabel("Drawing Options");
            Drawing.Add("drawQ", new CheckBox("Draw Q"));
            Drawing.Add("drawW", new CheckBox("Draw W"));
            Drawing.Add("drawE", new CheckBox("Draw E"));
            Drawing.Add("drawR", new CheckBox("Draw R"));
Esempio n. 21
        // Init
        public static void GetMenu()
            Mordekaiser = MainMenu.AddMenu("Mordekaiser", "Mordekaiser");

            Combo = Mordekaiser.AddSubMenu("Kombo", "Combo");
            Combo.AddGroupLabel("Kombo Ayarları");
            Combo.Add("useQC", new CheckBox("Kullan Q"));
            Combo.Add("useEC", new CheckBox("Kullan E"));
            Combo.Add("useWC", new CheckBox("Kullan W"));
            Combo.Add("useRC", new CheckBox("Kullan R"));

            Harass = Mordekaiser.AddSubMenu("Dürtme", "Harass");
            Harass.AddGroupLabel("Dürtme Ayarları");
            Harass.Add("useEH", new CheckBox("Kullan E"));
            Harass.Add("useQH", new CheckBox("Kullan Q"));
            Harass.Add("useWH", new CheckBox("Kullan W"));
            Harass.Add("HPSliderH", new Slider("HP % > Dürtme için", 20));

            LaneClear = Mordekaiser.AddSubMenu("LaneClear", "LaneClear");
            LaneClear.AddGroupLabel("Lane Temizleme Ayarları");
            LaneClear.Add("UseEL", new CheckBox("Kullan E"));
            LaneClear.Add("UseQL", new CheckBox("Kullan Q"));

            JungleClear = Mordekaiser.AddSubMenu("JungleClear", "JungleClear");
            JungleClear.AddGroupLabel("Orman Temizleme Ayarları");
            JungleClear.Add("UseEJ", new CheckBox("Kullan E"));
            JungleClear.Add("UseWJ", new CheckBox("Kullan W"));
            JungleClear.Add("UseQJ", new CheckBox("Kullan Q"));

            Misc = Mordekaiser.AddSubMenu("Ek", "misc");
            Misc.AddGroupLabel("Ek Ayarlar");
            Misc.Add("UsePot", new CheckBox("Kullan İksirler"));
            Misc.Add("AutoPilot", new CheckBox("Otomatik Pilot Hayelet"));
            skinSelect = Misc.Add("ChangeSkin", new Slider("Skin Değiştirici [Numarası]", 2, 0, 5));

            Drawing = Mordekaiser.AddSubMenu("Göstergeler", "Drawings");
            Drawing.AddGroupLabel("Gösterge Ayarları");
            Drawing.Add("drawQ", new CheckBox("Göster Q"));
            Drawing.Add("drawW", new CheckBox("Göster W"));
            Drawing.Add("drawE", new CheckBox("Göster E"));
            Drawing.Add("drawR", new CheckBox("Göster R"));
Esempio n. 22
 static void SetMenu()
     Menu      = MainMenu.AddMenu("Mysterious Twitch", "Mysterious Twitch");
     ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings", "Combo Settings");
     ComboMenu.Add("useW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
     ComboMenu.Add("useE", new CheckBox("Use E Killable"));
     MixedMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Mixed Settings", "Mixed Settings");
     MixedMenu.Add("useW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
     MixedMenu.Add("useE", new CheckBox("Use E"));
     Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc Settings", "Misc Settings");
     Misc.Add("Youmuus", new CheckBox("Youmuus with R"));
     Misc.Add("Wtower", new CheckBox("Don't W Under Tower"));
     Misc.Add("noW", new Slider("No W if x aa can kill", 2, 0, 10));
     Misc.Add("EMana", new CheckBox("Save Mana for E"));
Esempio n. 23
        private static void MiscMenu()
            Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("杂项");

            Misc.Add("AutoW", new Slider("自动 W2 当血量低于 %", 20, 0, 100));
            Misc.Add("Clone", new CheckBox("控制克隆模式"));
            var a = Misc.Add("CloneMode", new Slider("", 1, 0, 2));

            a.DisplayName    = Modes[a.CurrentValue];
            a.OnValueChange += delegate
                               (ValueBase <int> sender, ValueBase <int> .ValueChangeArgs Args)
                sender.DisplayName = Modes[Args.NewValue];
Esempio n. 24
        private static void MiscMenu()
            Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc");

            Misc.Add("AutoW", new Slider("Auto W2 when your health is lower than", 20, 0, 100));
            Misc.Add("Clone", new CheckBox("Control clone"));
            var a = Misc.Add("CloneMode", new Slider("", 1, 0, 2));

            a.DisplayName    = Modes[a.CurrentValue];
            a.OnValueChange += delegate
                               (ValueBase <int> sender, ValueBase <int> .ValueChangeArgs Args)
                sender.DisplayName = Modes[Args.NewValue];
        private static void MiscMenu()
            Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc");

            Misc.Add("AutoW", new Slider("Canım Şundan azsa W2 kullan", 20, 0, 100));
            Misc.Add("Clone", new CheckBox("Control Klonu"));
            var a = Misc.Add("CloneMode", new Slider("", 1, 0, 2));

            a.DisplayName    = Modes[a.CurrentValue];
            a.OnValueChange += delegate
                               (ValueBase <int> sender, ValueBase <int> .ValueChangeArgs Args)
                sender.DisplayName = Modes[Args.NewValue];
Esempio n. 26
 internal static void CreateMenu()
     Kmenu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Kayn BETA", "Kayn Beta");
     Combo = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("Combo");
     Combo.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use [Q]"));
     Combo.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
     Combo.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use [E]"));
     Combo.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use [R]", false));
     Combo.Add("Qhit", new Slider("HitChance [Q]", 65, 1));
     Combo.Add("Whit", new Slider("HitChance [W]", 80, 1));
     Combo.AddLabel("Settings [R]");
     Combo.Add("ultR", new CheckBox("Use [R] Evade"));
     Combo.Add("MR", new Slider("My HP Use Evade [R] <=", 15));
     AutoHara = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("AutoHarass");
     AutoHara.Add("AutoW", new CheckBox("Auto [W]"));
     AutoHara.Add("Mn", new Slider("Mana AutoHarass", 65, 1));
     Lane = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("Lane");
     Lane.Add("Qlane", new CheckBox("Use [Q]"));
     Lane.Add("WLane", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
     Lane.Add("mana", new Slider("Mana [Q]/[W]", 45, 1));
     Lane.Add("Min", new Slider("Mini Minion > {0}", 3, 1, 5));
     Lane.AddLabel("Mode [Q]");
     Lane.Add("Qmode", new ComboBox("Use Prediction [Q]", 0, "On", "Off"));
     Lane.Add("Win", new Slider("Min Minions To Hit With W", 2, 1, 6));
     Lane.Add("WMode", new ComboBox("Use Prediction For W", 0, "On", "Off"));
     Lane.Add("WP", new Slider("Select % Hitchance", 80, 1, 100));
     Jungle = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("Jungle");
     Jungle.Add("Qjungle", new CheckBox("Use [Q]"));
     Jungle.Add("Wjungle", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
     Jungle.Add("jmana", new Slider("Mana [Q]/[W]", 45, 1));
     Jungle.Add("J", new Slider("Min Monsters To Hit With W", 1, 1, 4));
     Misc = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("Misc");
     Misc.Add("KSR", new CheckBox("Use [R] Fish"));
     Misc.Add("KS", new CheckBox("KillSteal"));
     Misc.Add("FR", new CheckBox("Use [Flash + R]", false));
     Misc.Add("FW", new CheckBox("Use [Flash + W]", false));
     Draws = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("Drawings");
     Draws.Add("DQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Draw"));
     Draws.Add("DW", new CheckBox("Use [W] Draw"));
     Draws.Add("DE", new CheckBox("Use [E] Draw"));
     Draws.Add("DR", new CheckBox("Use [R]/[R2] Draw"));
     Draws.Add("DF", new CheckBox("Use [Flash] Draw"));
Esempio n. 27
        internal static void Execute()
            cat = MainMenu.AddMenu("Rengar", "Rengar");

            Combo = cat.AddSubMenu("Combo");
            Combo.Add("ps", new ComboBox("Priority", 0, "Q + Stack", "W + Stack", "E + Stack"));
            Combo.Add("Qc", new CheckBox("Use [Q] In Combo"));
            Combo.Add("Wc", new CheckBox("Use [W] In Combo"));
            Combo.Add("Ec", new CheckBox("Use [E] In Combo"));
            Combo.AddLabel("Key [R]");
            Combo.Add("KeyR", new KeyBind("Key [R]", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'A'));
            Combo.AddLabel("Settings [Spells]");
            Combo.Add("autow", new CheckBox("Use AutoW [CC]"));
            Combo.Add("eq", new CheckBox("Use [E] + Passive + [Q] In Logic"));

            Harass = cat.AddSubMenu("Harass");
            Harass.Add("ps", new ComboBox("Priority", 0, "Q + Stack", "W + Stack", "E + Stack"));
            Harass.Add("Hq", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Harass"));
            Harass.Add("Hw", new CheckBox("Use [W] Harass"));
            Harass.Add("He", new CheckBox("Use [E] Harass"));

            Lane = cat.AddSubMenu("LaneClear");
            Lane.Add("stack", new CheckBox("Stack Lane"));
            Lane.Add("ps", new ComboBox("Priority", 0, "Q + Stack", "W + Stack", "E + Stack"));
            Lane.Add("Ql", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Lane"));
            Lane.Add("Wl", new CheckBox("Use [W] Lane"));
            Lane.Add("Wm", new Slider("Percent Minions > %", 3, 1, 6));
            Lane.Add("El", new CheckBox("Use [E] Lane"));

            Jungle = cat.AddSubMenu("JungleClear");
            Jungle.Add("stack", new CheckBox("Stack Jungle"));
            Jungle.Add("ps", new ComboBox("Priority", 0, "Q + Stack", "W + Stack", "E + Stack"));
            Jungle.Add("Qj", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Jungle"));
            Jungle.Add("Wj", new CheckBox("Use [W] Jungle"));
            Jungle.Add("Ej", new CheckBox("Use [E] Jungle"));

            Misc = cat.AddSubMenu("Misc");
            Misc.Add("Gap", new CheckBox("Use [E] GapClose"));

            Draws = cat.AddSubMenu("Draws");
            Draws.Add("DQ", new CheckBox("Draws [Q]"));
            Draws.Add("DR", new CheckBox("Draws [R]"));
Esempio n. 28
        public static void Init()
            Principal = MainMenu.AddMenu("Annie", "Annie");
            Principal.Add("WPred", new Slider("W Hitchance: {0}%", 80, 20, 100));
            Principal.Add("RPred", new Slider("R Hitchance: {0}%", 80, 20, 100));

            Combo = Principal.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo");
            Combo.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Combo.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Combo.Add("E", new CheckBox("Auto Stack Passive (E)"));
            Combo.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            Combo.Add("Only", new CheckBox("Only use the ult if stun enemies"));
            Combo.Add("Flash", new KeyBind("Flash + Ult", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'H'));
            Combo.Add("Mode", new ComboBox("Pilot Mode:", 0, "Focuses on the nearest enemy", "Focuses on the enemy with the lowest HP"));

            Laneclear = Principal.AddSubMenu("Laneclear", "Laneclear");
            Laneclear.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Laneclear.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Laneclear.Add("Exception", new CheckBox("Don't use spells to farm if have stun"));

            Jungleclear = Principal.AddSubMenu("Jungleclear", "Jungleclear");
            Jungleclear.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Jungleclear.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W"));

            Lasthit = Principal.AddSubMenu("Lasthit", "Lasthit");
            Lasthit.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Lasthit.Add("Exception", new CheckBox("Don't use Q to farm if have stun"));

            Misc = Principal.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            Misc.Add("SkinHack", new CheckBox("SkinHack?", false));
            Misc.Add("SkinID", new Slider("SkinID: {0}", 10, 0, 10));
            Misc.Add("Reset", new KeyBind("Reset (Skin Bug):", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T'));
            Misc.Add("Gapcloser", new CheckBox("Gapcloser?"));
            Misc.Add("Interrupter", new CheckBox("Interrupter?"));

            Draw = Principal.AddSubMenu("Draw", "Draw");
            Draw.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Draw Q"));
            Draw.Add("W", new CheckBox("Draw W"));
            Draw.Add("R", new CheckBox("Draw R"));
            Draw.Add("Flash", new CheckBox("Draw Flash + Ult"));
Esempio n. 29
        static void OnLoad(EventArgs args)
            if (_Player.ChampionName != ChampName)


            uint level = (uint)Player.Instance.Level;

            Q = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.Q, 543 + level * 7);
            W = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.W, 900, SkillShotType.Circular, 450, int.MaxValue, 180);
            E = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.E, 543 + level * 7);
            R = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.R, 543 + level * 7);

            menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("MadCatz_Tristana", "MadCatz");

            ComboMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo");
            ComboMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q", true));
            ComboMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W", false));
            ComboMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E", true));
            ComboMenu.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use R", true));
            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Self W,R");

            HarassMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Harass", "Harass");
            HarassMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q", true));
            HarassMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E", false));

            Misc = menu.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            Misc.Add("R", new CheckBox("Killsteal R", true));

            Game.OnTick += Update;

            Chat.Print("MadCatz" + ChampName + "MadCatz_Load");
            Chat.Print("Korean Developer Good Luck!");
Esempio n. 30
        public static void Load()
            Principal = MainMenu.AddMenu("LeBlanc", "Ravenborn");
            Combo     = Principal.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo");
            Combo.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q?"));
            Combo.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W?"));
            Combo.Add("W1", new CheckBox("Auto Return W/R?"));
            Combo.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E?"));
            Combo.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use R?"));
            Combo.Add("SR", new ComboBox("Focus R Spell:", 0, "Q", "W", "E"));

            Harass = Principal.AddSubMenu("Harass", "Harass");
            Harass.Add("Key", new KeyBind("Harass Key:", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'H'));
            Harass.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q?"));
            Harass.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W?"));
            Harass.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E?"));

            Lane = Principal.AddSubMenu("Laneclear", "Lane");
            Lane.AddLabel("About Q:");
            Lane.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q?"));
            Lane.Add("Q1", new CheckBox("Use Q only if minions have (Passive)"));
            Lane.Add("Q2", new Slider("Min {0} minions to use Q with (Passive)", 3, 1, 5));
            Lane.AddLabel("About W:");
            Lane.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W?"));
            Lane.Add("W1", new Slider("Min {0} minions to use W", 3, 1, 5));

            Jungle = Principal.AddSubMenu("Jungleclear", "Jungle");
            Jungle.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q?"));
            Jungle.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W?"));
            Jungle.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E?"));

            Misc = Principal.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            Misc.Add("Int", new CheckBox("Use E to Interrupt?"));
            Misc.Add("Int2", new CheckBox("Use R(E) to Interrupt?"));
            Misc.Add("Gap", new CheckBox("Use E on Gapcloser?"));
            Misc.Add("Gap2", new CheckBox("Use R(E) on Gapcloser?"));

            Draw = Principal.AddSubMenu("Draw", "Draw");
            Draw.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Draw Q?"));
            Draw.Add("W", new CheckBox("Draw W?"));
            Draw.Add("E", new CheckBox("Draw E?"));
            Draw.Add("DMG", new CheckBox("Draw Combo Damage?"));