Esempio n. 1
        public static void ComputeBoundingCapsule(IList <Vector3> points, out float radius, out float height, out Pose pose)
            if (points == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("points");

            // Covariance matrix.
            MatrixF cov = null;

            // ReSharper disable EmptyGeneralCatchClause
                if (points.Count > 4)
                    // Reduce point list to convex hull.
                    DcelMesh     dcelMesh = CreateConvexHull(points);
                    TriangleMesh mesh     = dcelMesh.ToTriangleMesh();

                    // Use reduced point list - if we have found a useful one. (Line objects
                    // have not useful triangle mesh.)
                    if (mesh.Vertices.Count > 0)
                        points = mesh.Vertices;

                    cov = ComputeCovarianceMatrixFromSurface(mesh);
            // ReSharper restore EmptyGeneralCatchClause

            // If anything happens in the convex hull creation, we can still go on including the
            // interior points and compute the covariance matrix for the points instead of the
            // surface.
            if (cov == null || Numeric.IsNaN(cov.Determinant()))
                cov = ComputeCovarianceMatrixFromPoints(points);

            // Perform Eigenvalue decomposition.
            EigenvalueDecompositionF evd = new EigenvalueDecompositionF(cov);

            // v transforms from local coordinate space of the capsule into world space.
            var v = evd.V.ToMatrix();


            // v is like a rotation matrix, but the coordinate system is not necessarily right handed.
            // --> Make sure it is right-handed.
            v.SetColumn(2, Vector3.Cross(v.GetColumn(0), v.GetColumn(1)));

            // Make local Y the largest axis. (Y is the long capsule axis.)
            Vector3 eigenValues           = evd.RealEigenvalues.ToVector3();
            int     largestComponentIndex = eigenValues.IndexOfLargestComponent;

            if (largestComponentIndex != 1)
                // Swap two columns to create a right handed rotation matrix.
                Vector3 colLargest = v.GetColumn(largestComponentIndex);
                Vector3 col1       = v.GetColumn(1);
                v.SetColumn(1, colLargest);
                v.SetColumn(largestComponentIndex, col1);
                v.SetColumn(2, Vector3.Cross(v.GetColumn(0), v.GetColumn(1)));

            // Compute capsule for the orientation given by v.
            Vector3 center;

            ComputeBoundingCapsule(points, v, out radius, out height, out center);
            pose = new Pose(center, v);
        public static void ComputeBoundingBox(IList <Vector3> points, out Vector3 extent, out Pose pose)
            // PCA of the convex hull is used (see "Physics-Based Animation", pp. 483, and others.)
            // in addition to a brute force search. The optimum is returned.

            if (points == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("points");
            if (points.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("The list of 'points' is empty.");

            // Covariance matrix.
            MatrixF cov = null;

            // ReSharper disable EmptyGeneralCatchClause
                if (points.Count > 4)
                    // Reduce point list to convex hull.
                    DcelMesh     dcelMesh = CreateConvexHull(points);
                    TriangleMesh mesh     = dcelMesh.ToTriangleMesh();

                    // Use reduced point list - if we have found a useful one. (Line objects do not have
                    // a useful triangle mesh.)
                    if (mesh.Vertices.Count > 0)
                        points = mesh.Vertices;
                        cov    = ComputeCovarianceMatrixFromSurface(mesh);
            // ReSharper restore EmptyGeneralCatchClause

            // If anything happens in the convex hull creation, we can still go on including the
            // interior points and compute the covariance matrix for the points instead of the
            // surface.
            if (cov == null || Numeric.IsNaN(cov.Determinant()))
                // Make copy of points list because ComputeBoundingBox() will reorder the points.
                points = points.ToList();
                cov    = ComputeCovarianceMatrixFromPoints(points);

            // Perform Eigenvalue decomposition.
            EigenvalueDecompositionF evd = new EigenvalueDecompositionF(cov);

            // v transforms from local coordinate space of the box into world space.
            var v = evd.V.ToMatrix();


            // v is like a rotation matrix, but the coordinate system is not necessarily right handed.
            // --> Make sure it is right-handed.
            v.SetColumn(2, Vector3.Cross(v.GetColumn(0), v.GetColumn(1)));

            // Another way to do this:
            //// Make sure that V is a rotation matrix. (V could be an orthogonal matrix that
            //// contains a mirror operation. In other words, V could be a rotation matrix for
            //// a left handed coordinate system.)
            //if (!v.IsRotation)
            //  // Swap two columns to create a right handed rotation matrix.
            //  Vector3 col1 = v.GetColumn(2);
            //  Vector3 col2 = v.GetColumn(2);
            //  v.SetColumn(1, col2);
            //  v.SetColumn(2, col1);

            // If the box axes are parallel to the world axes, create a box with NO rotation.
            TryToMakeIdentityMatrix(ref v);

            Vector3 center;
            float   volume = ComputeBoundingBox(points, v, float.PositiveInfinity, out extent, out center);

            // Brute force search for better box.
            // This was inspired by the OBB algorithm of John Ratcliff,

            Vector3     αBest         = Vector3.Zero;             // Search for optimal angles.
            float       αMax          = MathHelper.ToRadians(45); // On each axis we rotate from -αMax to +αMax.
            float       αMin          = MathHelper.ToRadians(1);  // We abort when αMax == 1°.
            const float numberOfSteps = 7;                        // In each iteration we divide αMax in this number of steps.

            // In each loop we test angles between -αMax and +αMax.
            // Then we half αMax and search again.
            while (αMax >= αMin)
                bool  foundBetterAngles = false; // Better angles found?
                float αStep             = αMax / numberOfSteps;

                // We test around this angle:
                Vector3 α = αBest;

                for (float αX = α.X - αMax; αX <= α.X + αMax; αX += αStep)
                    for (float αY = α.Y - αMax; αY <= α.Y + αMax; αY += αStep)
                        for (float αZ = α.Z - αMax; αZ <= α.Z + αMax; αZ += αStep)
                            Vector3 centerNew;
                            Vector3 boxExtentNew;
                            Matrix  vNew      = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(αX, Vector3.UnitX, αY, Vector3.UnitY, αZ, Vector3.UnitZ, true).ToRotationMatrix33();
                            float   volumeNew = ComputeBoundingBox(points, vNew, volume, out boxExtentNew, out centerNew);
                            if (volumeNew < volume)
                                foundBetterAngles = true;
                                center            = centerNew;
                                extent            = boxExtentNew;
                                v      = vNew;
                                volume = volumeNew;
                                αBest  = new Vector3(αX, αY, αZ);

                // Search again in half the interval around the best angles or abort.
                if (foundBetterAngles)
                    αMax *= 0.5f;
                    αMax = 0;

            pose = new Pose(center, v);