Esempio n. 1
 private void CalculateRotationMatrix()
Esempio n. 2
 private void CalculateTranslationMatrix()
     _translationMatrix[3, 0] = Position.X;
     _translationMatrix[3, 1] = Position.Y;
     _translationMatrix[3, 2] = Position.Z;
Esempio n. 3
 private void CalculateScaleMatrix()
     _scaleMatrix[0, 0] = Scale.X;
     _scaleMatrix[1, 1] = Scale.Y;
     _scaleMatrix[2, 2] = Scale.Z;
     _scaleMatrix[3, 3] = 1;
Esempio n. 4
        public void Render(World world, Camera camera, DirectBitmap screen)
            Vector3f light = new Vector3f(0, 1, 0);

            light.MultiplySelf(1 / light.Length);

            // Матрица вида = матрице перемещения камеры
            var viewMatrix = camera.TranslationMatrix.Inverse();

            // матрица проекции
            var projectionMatrix = camera.ProjectionMatrix;

            foreach (var mesh in world.Meshes)
                var random = new Random(0);
                foreach (var triangle in mesh.Triangles)
                    // Duplicate triangle to not accidentally corrupt any data

                    #region Calculate Triangle To Camera Ray

                    bool preciseCameraRay = false;
                    if (preciseCameraRay)
                        var triWorldCenterX = (_tri[0].X + _tri[1].X + _tri[2].X) / 3f;
                        var triWorldCenterY = (_tri[0].Y + _tri[1].Y + _tri[2].Y) / 3f;
                        var triWorldCenterZ = (_tri[0].Z + _tri[1].Z + _tri[2].Z) / 3f;

                        _cameraRay.X = camera.Position.X - triWorldCenterX;
                        _cameraRay.Y = camera.Position.Y - triWorldCenterY;
                        _cameraRay.Z = camera.Position.Z - triWorldCenterZ;
                        _cameraRay.X = camera.Position.X - _tri[0].X;
                        _cameraRay.Y = camera.Position.Y - _tri[0].Y;
                        _cameraRay.Z = camera.Position.Z - _tri[0].Z;


                    #region Calculate Triangle Normal

                    // CounterClockWise Model

                    var normal = SomeMaths.Cross(_tri[0], _tri[1], _tri[2]);
                    normal.MultiplySelf(1 / normal.Length); // normalize


                    #region Clip Invisible Triangles

                    if (normal.Dot(_cameraRay) < 0)
                        // clip invisible triangles


                    #region Calculate Model Matrix

                    // !!! IMPORTANT
                    // Сначала нужно изменить размер, потом прокрутить и лишь потом сдвинуть.


                    #region Project From 3D To 2D

                    // проецируем точки треугольника по правилу MVP (model view project)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)


                    #region Translate To Screen Center

                    // Сдвигаем точки в центр экрана
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        _tri[i].X += 1.0f;
                        _tri[i].Y += 1.0f;
                        _tri[i].X *= screen.Width / 2f;
                        _tri[i].Y *= screen.Height / 2f;


                    #region Calculate Light Alignment

                    float lightAlignment = light.Dot(normal);


                    #region Calculate Color

                    uint luminance = (uint)(Math.Max(0.3f, Math.Min(lightAlignment, 0.95f)) * 0xFF) & 0xFF;
                    uint color     = 0xFFu << 24 | luminance << 16 | luminance << 8 | luminance;
                    // int color = 0xFF << 24 | random.Next(0, 255) << 16 | random.Next(0, 255) << 8 | random.Next(0, 255);


                    #region Fill Solid

                    // SOLID
                    SomeDrawing.FillTriangle(screen, _tri[0], _tri[1], _tri[2], color);


                    #region Draw Wireframe

                    // WIREFRAME
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        SomeDrawing.Line(screen, _tri[i], _tri[(i + 1) % 3], 0xFFFFFFFF);


                    #region Calculate Screen Space Triangle Center

                    var triScreenCenterX = (_tri[0].X + _tri[1].X + _tri[2].X) / 3f;
                    var triScreenCenterY = (_tri[0].Y + _tri[1].Y + _tri[2].Y) / 3f;
                    var triScreenCenterZ = (_tri[0].Z + _tri[1].Z + _tri[2].Z) / 3f;


                    #region Draw Vertex To Center Line

                    // VERTEX TO CENTER
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        SomeDrawing.Line(screen, _tri[i].X, _tri[i].Y, triScreenCenterX, triScreenCenterY, 0xFFFF0000);


                    #region Draw Normal

                    float normalLength = 40;

                    // NORMAL
                    SomeDrawing.Line(screen, triScreenCenterX, triScreenCenterY,
                                     triScreenCenterX + normal.X * normalLength,
                                     triScreenCenterY + normal.Y * normalLength,
