public void AddToxic_NonNullFields()
            // Create a proxy and add the proxy to the client
            var client = _connection.Client();


            // Retrieve the proxy
            var proxy = client.FindProxy("one");

            var latencyToxic = new LatencyToxic();

            latencyToxic.Attributes.Latency = 1000;
            latencyToxic.Stream             = ToxicDirection.UpStream;
            latencyToxic.Name     = "testName";
            latencyToxic.Toxicity = 0.5;


            var toxics = proxy.GetAllToxics();

            Assert.Equal(1, toxics.Count());
            var toxic = toxics.First();

            Assert.Equal(0.5, toxic.Toxicity);
            Assert.Equal(ToxicDirection.UpStream, toxic.Stream);

            //default pattern is <type>_<stream>
            Assert.Equal("testName", toxic.Name);
Esempio n. 2
        public void CreateANewLatencyToxicShouldWork()
            var client = _connection.Client();

            var proxy = new Proxy
                Name     = "testingProxy",
                Enabled  = true,
                Listen   = "",
                Upstream = ""

            var newProxy = client.AddAsync(proxy).Result;

            var toxic = new LatencyToxic
                Name   = "LatencyToxicTest",
                Stream = ToxicDirection.UpStream

            toxic.Attributes.Jitter  = 10;
            toxic.Attributes.Latency = 5;
            var newToxic = newProxy.AddAsync(toxic).Result;

            // Need to retrieve the proxy and check the toxic's values
            Assert.Equal(toxic.Name, newToxic.Name);
            Assert.Equal(toxic.Stream, newToxic.Stream);
            Assert.Equal(toxic.Attributes.Jitter, newToxic.Attributes.Jitter);
            Assert.Equal(toxic.Attributes.Latency, newToxic.Attributes.Latency);
Esempio n. 3
        public void AddToxic_NullFields()
            // Create a proxy and add the proxy to the client
            var client = _connection.Client();


            // Retrieve the proxy
            var proxy        = client.FindProxyAsync("one").Result;
            var latencyToxic = new LatencyToxic();

            latencyToxic.Attributes.Latency = 1000;


            var toxics = proxy.GetAllToxicsAsync().Result;

            Assert.True(toxics.Count() == 1);
            var toxic = toxics.First();

            Assert.Equal(1, toxic.Toxicity);
            Assert.Equal(ToxicDirection.DownStream, toxic.Stream);

            //default pattern is <type>_<stream>
            Assert.Equal("latency_downstream", toxic.Name);
        public async Task MessagesShouldPassThruRedundantChannelWhenNotAllChildConnectionsAreSlowOrDown()
            var toxiproxyServerPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "TransactTcp.Tests", "toxiproxy-server-windows-amd64.exe");

            foreach (var existentToxiserverProcess in Process.GetProcessesByName("toxiproxy-server-windows-amd64").ToList())


            await File.WriteAllBytesAsync(toxiproxyServerPath,

            using var toxyproxyServerProcess = Process.Start(toxiproxyServerPath);

                //Setting up Toxiproxy proxies
                var connection = new Connection();
                var client     = connection.Client();

                var interface1Proxy = new Proxy()
                    Name     = "interface1Proxy",
                    Enabled  = true,
                    Listen   = "",
                    Upstream = ""

                await client.AddAsync(interface1Proxy);

                var interface2Proxy = new Proxy()
                    Name     = "interface2Proxy",
                    Enabled  = true,
                    Listen   = "",
                    Upstream = ""

                await client.AddAsync(interface2Proxy);

                using var serverConnection = TcpConnectionFactory.CreateRedundantServer(new[] { new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 12001), new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 13001) });
                using var clientConnection = TcpConnectionFactory.CreateRedundantClient(new[] { new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 12000), new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 13000) });

                using var serverConnectedEvent    = new AutoResetEvent(false);
                using var clientConnectedEvent    = new AutoResetEvent(false);
                using var errorsOnServerSideEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
                using var errorsOnClientSideEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

                int counterOfMessagesArrivedAtServer = 0;
                    receivedAction: (c, data) =>
                    if (BitConverter.ToInt32(data) != counterOfMessagesArrivedAtServer)
                    connectionStateChangedAction: (c, fromState, toState) =>
                    if (toState == ConnectionState.Connected)

                int counterOfMessagesArrivedAtClient = 0;
                    receivedAction: (c, data) =>
                    if (BitConverter.ToInt32(data) != counterOfMessagesArrivedAtClient)
                    connectionStateChangedAction: (c, fromState, toState) =>
                    if (toState == ConnectionState.Connected)

                WaitHandle.WaitAll(new[] { serverConnectedEvent, clientConnectedEvent }, 5000).ShouldBeTrue();

                var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
#pragma warning disable CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
                Task.Run(async() =>
                    var counter = 0;
                    while (!cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
                        await clientConnection.SendDataAsync(BitConverter.GetBytes(counter));
                        await serverConnection.SendDataAsync(BitConverter.GetBytes(counter));
                        await Task.Delay(500, cancellationTokenSource.Token);
                }, cancellationTokenSource.Token);
#pragma warning restore CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed

                await Task.Delay(1000);

                interface1Proxy.Enabled = false;
                await client.UpdateAsync(interface1Proxy);

                WaitHandle.WaitAll(new[] { errorsOnServerSideEvent, errorsOnClientSideEvent }, 2000).ShouldBeFalse();

                interface1Proxy.Enabled = true;
                await client.UpdateAsync(interface1Proxy);

                interface2Proxy.Enabled = false;
                await client.UpdateAsync(interface2Proxy);

                WaitHandle.WaitAll(new[] { errorsOnServerSideEvent, errorsOnClientSideEvent }, 2000).ShouldBeFalse();

                interface2Proxy.Enabled = true;
                await client.UpdateAsync(interface2Proxy);

                var latencyProxy = new LatencyToxic()
                    Name     = "latencyToxicInterface2",
                    Stream   = ToxicDirection.DownStream,
                    Toxicity = 1.0,
                latencyProxy.Attributes.Jitter  = 100;
                latencyProxy.Attributes.Latency = 300;

                await interface1Proxy.AddAsync(latencyProxy);

                WaitHandle.WaitAll(new[] { errorsOnServerSideEvent, errorsOnClientSideEvent }, 2000).ShouldBeFalse();

                var slicerToxic = new SlicerToxic()
                    Name     = "slicerToxicInterface1",
                    Stream   = ToxicDirection.UpStream,
                    Toxicity = 1.0,
                slicerToxic.Attributes.AverageSize   = 10;
                slicerToxic.Attributes.Delay         = 5;
                slicerToxic.Attributes.SizeVariation = 1;

                await interface1Proxy.AddAsync(slicerToxic);

                WaitHandle.WaitAll(new[] { errorsOnServerSideEvent, errorsOnClientSideEvent }, 4000).ShouldBeFalse();

                interface2Proxy.Enabled = false;
                await client.UpdateAsync(interface2Proxy);

                WaitHandle.WaitAll(new[] { errorsOnServerSideEvent, errorsOnClientSideEvent }, 2000).ShouldBeFalse();

        public async Task Get_Echo_Latency_Test_Toxiproxy_Endpoint()
            // var to specify 5 seconds of latency to introduce into the API call
            var latency = 5000;

            // create a new ToxiproxyClient instance
            var toxiproxyClient = new ToxiproxyClient(_httpClient, _toxiproxyServerUri);

            // add the toxiproxy proxy we will use for testing
            var proxy = await toxiproxyClient.AddProxyAsync(new Proxy()
                Name     = "GetEchoLatencyTestToxiproxyEndpoint",
                Listen   = "",
                Upstream = "",
                Enabled  = true

            // create a new latency toxic instance
            var newToxic = new LatencyToxic()
                Name     = "GetEchoLatencyTestToxic",
                Type     = LatencyToxic.ToxicType,
                Stream   = "upstream", // TODO: need to move to enum
                Toxicity = 1

            newToxic.Attributes.Latency = latency;
            newToxic.Attributes.Jitter  = 0;

            // add the toxic to the toxiproxy proxy
            var toxic = await toxiproxyClient.AddToxicAsync <LatencyToxic>(newToxic, proxy.Name);

            PostmanEcho result    = null;
            var         stopWatch = new Stopwatch();

            try {
                // set the uri to test as the toxiproxy proxy upstream endpoint
                _chaosApiClient.ApiUri = new Uri($"http://{proxy.Listen}/get?foo1=bar1&foo2=bar2");

                // create a new instance of Module to test
                _module = new Module(_chaosApiClient, new Mock <ILogger <Module> >().Object);

                // test the GetDataAsync method and track the execution time
                result = await _module.GetDataAsync();

            catch (Exception exception) {
                // TODO: add logging
            finally {
                // clean up the proxy we created for testing
                await toxiproxyClient.DeleteProxyAsync(proxy.Name);

            // result should not be null

            // API call should have taken longer to execute than the latency injected into toxiproxy
            Assert.IsTrue(stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > latency);