Esempio n. 1
        //This needs to be called in a loop, it gets the next instruction from memory along with the associated data
        //and then figures out what todo with the data.
        public void Tick()
            //Read two bytes from memory for the opCode and advance the program counter.
            var opCode = (ushort)(Memory[PC++] << 8 | Memory[PC++]);

            //process the opCode + data and split it up into the various variables that may be needed for the opcode.
            var op = new OpCodeData()
                OpCode      = opCode,
                Instruction = (ushort)((opCode & 0xF000) >> 12),
                NNN         = (ushort)(opCode & 0x0FFF),
                NN          = (byte)(opCode & 0x00FF),
                N           = (byte)(opCode & 0x00F),
                X           = (byte)((opCode & 0x0F00) >> 8),
                Y           = (byte)((opCode & 0x00F0) >> 4)

            //Decode and execute the op codes
            switch (op.Instruction)
            //Clear Screen / Return from subroutine
            case 0x0:
                if (op.X == 0x0)
                    if (op.N == 0x0)
                        //Clear screen
                    else if (op.N == 0xE)
                        //Return from sub
                        PC = Stack.Pop();

            //0x1NNNN - Jumps to address NNN.
            case 0x1:
                PC = (ushort)(op.NNN);

            //0x2NNN - Calls subroutine at NNN.
            case 0x2:
                Stack.Push((ushort)(PC));          //You need to subtract 2 from the PC as its incremented above to the next position already when its reached here.
                PC = (ushort)(op.NNN);

            //0x3XNN - Skips the next instruction if VX equals NN. (Usually the next instruction is a jump to skip a code block)
            case 0x3:
                if (V[op.X] == op.NN)
                    PC += 2;

            //0x4XNN - Skips the next instruction if VX doesn't equal NN. (Usually the next instruction is a jump to skip a code block)
            case 0x4:
                if (V[op.X] != op.NN)
                    PC += 2;

            //0x5XY0 -  Skips the next instruction if VX equals VY. (Usually the next instruction is a jump to skip a code block)
            case 0x5:
                if (V[op.X] == V[op.Y])
                    PC += 2;

            //0x6XNN -  Sets VX to NN.
            case 0x6:
                V[op.X] = op.NN;

            //0x7XNN - Adds NN to VX. (Carry flag is not changed)
            case 0x7:
                V[op.X] += op.NN;

            //0x8XY? - BitWise / Math operations based on ?
            case 0x8:
                //Switch based on the last nibble of the opcode
                switch (op.N)
                case 0x0:             // 8XY0 - Sets VX to the value of VY.
                    V[op.X] = V[op.Y];

                case 0x1:             // 8XY1 - Sets VX to VX or VY. (Bitwise OR operation)
                    V[op.X] |= V[op.Y];

                case 0x2:             // 8XY2 - Sets VX to VX and VY. (Bitwise AND operation)
                    V[op.X] &= V[op.Y];

                case 0x3:             // 8XY3 - Sets VX to VX xor VY.
                    V[op.X] ^= V[op.Y];

                case 0x4:             // 8XY4 - Adds VY to VX. VF is set to 1 when there's a carry, and to 0 when there isn't.
                    if ((V[op.X] + V[op.Y]) > 255)
                        V[0xF] = 1;
                        V[0xF] = 0;

                    V[op.X] = (byte)(V[op.X] + V[op.Y]);

                case 0x5:             // 8XY5 - VY is subtracted from VX. VF is set to 0 when there's a borrow, and 1 when there isn't.
                    if (V[op.X] > V[op.Y])
                        V[0xF] = 1;
                        V[0xF] = 0;

                    V[op.X] = (byte)(V[op.X] - V[op.Y]);

                case 0x6:             // 8XY6 - Stores the least significant bit of VX in VF and then shifts VX to the right by 1.
                    V[0xF]    = (byte)(V[op.X] & 0x1);
                    V[op.X] >>= 1;

                case 0x7:             // 8XY7 - Sets VX to VY minus VX. VF is set to 0 when there's a borrow, and 1 when there isn't.
                    if (V[op.Y] > V[op.X])
                        V[0xF] = 1;
                        V[0xF] = 0;

                    V[op.X] = (byte)(V[op.Y] - V[op.X]);

                case 0xE:             // 8XYE - Stores the most significant bit of VX in VF and then shifts VX to the left by 1.
                    V[0xF]    = (byte)(V[op.X] >> 7);
                    V[op.X] <<= 1;

            //0x9XY0 - Skips the next instruction if VX doesn't equal VY. (Usually the next instruction is a jump to skip a code block)
            case 0x9:
                if (V[op.X] != V[op.Y])
                    PC += 2;

            //0xANNN - Sets I to the address NNN.
            case 0xA:
                I = op.NNN;

            //0xBNNN - Jumps to the address NNN plus V0.
            case 0xB:
                PC = (ushort)(op.NNN + V[0]);

            //0xCXNN - Sets VX to the result of a bitwise and operation on a random number (Typically: 0 to 255) and NN.
            case 0xC:
                V[op.X] = (byte)(new Random().Next(255) & op.NN);

            //0xDXYN - Draws a sprite at coordinate (VX, VY) that has a width of 8 pixels and a height of N pixels.
            //         Each row of 8 pixels is read as bit-coded starting from memory location I;
            //         I value doesn’t change after the execution of this instruction.
            //         As described above, VF is set to 1 if any screen pixels are flipped from set to unset when the sprite
            //         is drawn, and to 0 if that doesn’t happen
            case 0xD:
                byte[] sprite = new byte[op.N];
                Array.Copy(Memory, I, sprite, 0, op.N);

                bool pixelChanged = Graphics.DrawSprite(V[op.X], V[op.Y], op.N, sprite);

                if (pixelChanged)
                    V[0xF] = 1;
                    V[0xF] = 0;


            //0xEX?? - Handles key presses
            case 0xE:
                //EX9E - Skips the next instruction if the key stored in VX is pressed. (Usually the next instruction is a jump to skip a code block)
                if (op.N == 0xE)
                    //Check to see if the key stored in VX was pressed
                    if (Input.KeyPressed(V[op.X]))
                        PC += 2;         //Skip over the next instruction
                    //EXA1	- Skips the next instruction if the key stored in VX isn't pressed. (Usually the next instruction is a jump to skip a code block)
                    //Check to see if the key stored in VX wasn't pressed
                    if (!Input.KeyPressed(V[op.X]))
                        PC += 2;         //Skip over the next instruction

            case 0xF:
                switch (op.NN)
                //0xFX07 - Sets VX to the value of the delay timer.
                case 0x07:
                    V[op.X] = DelayTimer;

                //0xF0A - A key press is awaited, and then stored in VX. (Blocking Operation. All instruction halted until next key event)
                case 0x0A:
                    byte keyPressed = 0x00;
                    //Check if a key has been pressed
                    if (Input.WaitForKey(out keyPressed))
                        //If a key has been pressed put it in VX
                        V[op.X] = keyPressed;
                        PC -= 2;                 //If no key was pressed move the program counter one instruction back so it keep repeating this instruction.

                //0xFX15 - Sets the delay timer to VX.
                case 0x15:
                    DelayTimer = V[op.X];

                //0xFX18 - Sets the sound timer to VX.
                case 0x18:
                    SoundTimer = V[op.X];

                //0xFX1E - Adds VX to I
                case 0x1E:
                    I += V[op.X];

                //0xFX29 - Sets I to the location of the sprite for the character in VX. Characters 0-F (in hexadecimal) are represented by a 4x5 font.
                case 0x29:
                    I = (ushort)(V[op.X] * 5);

                //0xFX33 - Stores the binary-coded decimal representation of VX, with the most significant of three digits at the address in I, the middle digit at I plus 1, and the least significant digit at I plus 2.
                case 0x33:
                    decimal num = V[op.X];
                    Memory[I]     = (byte)(num / 100);
                    Memory[I + 1] = (byte)((num % 100) / 10);
                    Memory[I + 2] = (byte)((num % 100) % 10);

                //0xF55 - Stores V0 to VX (including VX) in memory starting at address I. The offset from I is increased by 1 for each value written, but I itself is left unmodified.
                case 0x55:
                    for (int i = 0; i <= op.X; i++)
                        Memory[I + i] = V[i];

                //0xFX65 - Fills V0 to VX (including VX) with values from memory starting at address I. The offset from I is increased by 1 for each value written, but I itself is left unmodified.
                case 0x65:
                    for (int i = 0; i <= op.X; i++)
                        V[i] = Memory[I + i];

                throw new Exception("Unknown OpCode: " + opCode.ToString());

            //Run the countdown timer code every 60hz or every 16ms +/-
            if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(LastTimerEvent).Milliseconds >= 16)
                if (DelayTimer > 0)
                if (SoundTimer > 0)
                    if (SoundTimer == 0)
                LastTimerEvent = DateTime.Now;