public void ChangeCamera3()
Esempio n. 2
 public void Redraw()
 private void InitCamarasPosition()
     Camera1.GetComponent <Transform>().position = cameraPositions[0];
     Camera2.GetComponent <Transform>().position = cameraPositions[1];
     Camera3.GetComponent <Transform>().position = cameraPositions[2];
     Camera4.GetComponent <Transform>().position = cameraPositions[3];
     Camera5.GetComponent <Transform>().position = cameraPositions[4];
     Camera6.GetComponent <Transform>().position = cameraPositions[5];
     Camera7.GetComponent <Transform>().position = cameraPositions[6];
     Camera8.GetComponent <Transform>().position = cameraPositions[7];
     Camera.GetComponent <Transform>().position  = cameraPositions[8];
Esempio n. 4
 public void OnCamera1()
     Canvas.transform.parent = Camera1.transform;
     Camera1button.sprite = Camera1buttonSprite[1];
     Camera2button.sprite = Camera2buttonSprite[0];
     Camera3button.sprite = Camera3buttonSprite[0];
     Camera4button.sprite = Camera4buttonSprite[0];
 private void handlePositionFOV(string arg0)
     if (null != arg0 && "" != arg0)
         Camera1.GetComponent <Camera>().fieldOfView = float.Parse(arg0);
         Camera2.GetComponent <Camera>().fieldOfView = float.Parse(arg0);
         Camera3.GetComponent <Camera>().fieldOfView = float.Parse(arg0);
         Camera4.GetComponent <Camera>().fieldOfView = float.Parse(arg0);
         Camera5.GetComponent <Camera>().fieldOfView = float.Parse(arg0);
         Camera6.GetComponent <Camera>().fieldOfView = float.Parse(arg0);
         Camera7.GetComponent <Camera>().fieldOfView = float.Parse(arg0);
         Camera8.GetComponent <Camera>().fieldOfView = float.Parse(arg0);
         Camera.GetComponent <Camera>().fieldOfView  = float.Parse(arg0);
Esempio n. 6
    // Update is called once per frame
    //get the position of the camera and get the position of the robot and then
    //create the triangle for the camera and then using the radius, test if any of the
    //four points of the robot are inside the triangle
    //Questions: size of triangle?
    //how do i know what direction the camera is pointing? using rotation i think, but
    //what does rotation give you exactly?

    void FixedUpdate()
        //start off buy creating the triangle
        //checking if the area matches
        //camera1object = Instantiate(camera1object);
        //GameObject CameraObject = GameObject.Find ("Camera1");

        camera1object = FindObjectOfType <Camera1>();
        camera2object = FindObjectOfType <Camera2>();
        camera3object = FindObjectOfType <Camera3>();

        //Vector3 CameraPos;
        CameraPos      = camera1object.transform.position + 50 * camera1object.transform.forward;
        CameraPosTwo   = camera2object.transform.position + 50 * camera1object.transform.forward;
        CameraPosThree = camera3object.transform.position + 50 * camera1object.transform.forward;
        //CameraPos[1] = y1;

        bb1 = transform.position + 50 * transform.up + 20 * transform.right + 25 * transform.forward;
        bb2 = transform.position + 50 * transform.up - 20 * transform.right + 25 * transform.forward;
        bb3 = transform.position + 50 * transform.up + 20 * transform.right - 20 * transform.forward;
        bb4 = transform.position + 50 * transform.up - 20 * transform.right - 20 * transform.forward;

        bb5 = transform.position - 50 * transform.up + 20 * transform.right + 25 * transform.forward;
        bb6 = transform.position - 50 * transform.up - 20 * transform.right + 25 * transform.forward;
        bb7 = transform.position - 50 * transform.up + 20 * transform.right - 20 * transform.forward;
        bb8 = transform.position - 50 * transform.up - 20 * transform.right - 20 * transform.forward;
        //this is from the origin and this is NOT the right vecotr
        //camera1object.transform.position = CameraPos;
        //two = camera1object.transform.position.ToString();
        //Debug.Log("We are after the CameraPos[1] and CameraPos[1] = ");

        Pos      = transform.position;
        PosTwo   = transform.position;
        PosThree = transform.position;

        PosEdit    = transform.position;
        PosEdit[1] = PosEdit[1] + 50;
        //the x y and z values are floats
        Pos[1] = Pos.y - CameraPos.y;
        Pos[0] = Pos.x - CameraPos.x;
        Pos[2] = Pos.z - CameraPos.z;

         * Pos1[0] = bb1.x - CameraPos.x;
         * Pos1[1] = bb1.y - CameraPos.y;
         * Pos1[2] = bb1.z - CameraPos.z;

        PosTwo[1] = PosTwo.y - CameraPosTwo.y;
        PosTwo[0] = PosTwo.x - CameraPosTwo.x;
        PosTwo[2] = PosTwo.z - CameraPosTwo.z;

        PosThree[1] = PosThree.y - CameraPosThree.y;
        PosThree[0] = PosThree.x - CameraPosThree.x;
        PosThree[2] = PosThree.z - CameraPosThree.z;

        //maybe you dont need to make the pos of the robot the same as the changed vector values
        //transform.position = Pos;
        one = Pos.ToString();
        //Debug.Log("We are after the Pos[1] and pos[1] = ");

        //CameraPos1 = CameraPos; //+ Vector3.up * 15;
        CameraPos2 = CameraPos - 100 * camera1object.transform.forward;

        CameraPosTwo2 = CameraPosTwo - 100 * camera2object.transform.forward;

        CameraPosThree3 = CameraPosThree - 100 * camera3object.transform.forward;

        look[0] = CameraPos2[0] - CameraPos[0];
        look[1] = CameraPos2[1] - CameraPos[1];
        look[2] = CameraPos2[2] - CameraPos[2];

        looktwo[0] = CameraPosTwo2[0] - CameraPosTwo[0];
        looktwo[1] = CameraPosTwo2[1] - CameraPosTwo[1];
        looktwo[2] = CameraPosTwo2[2] - CameraPosTwo[2];

        lookthree[0] = CameraPosThree3[0] - CameraPosThree[0];
        lookthree[1] = CameraPosThree3[1] - CameraPosThree[1];
        lookthree[2] = CameraPosThree3[2] - CameraPosThree[2];

        //Physics.Raycast(camera1object.transform.position + Vector3.left + Vector3.down*15, camera1object.transform.position + Vector3.left + Vector3.down*15 + camera1object.transform.forward, 100);

        //Debug.DrawLine(PosEdit, transform.position + 50*Vector3.forward + 100*transform.forward, Color.yellow);

        Debug.DrawLine(camera1object.transform.position + 50 * camera1object.transform.forward, camera1object.transform.position - 100 * camera1object.transform.forward,;
        //Debug.DrawLine(camera2object.transform.position, camera2object.transform.position + 100*camera2object.transform.forward,;
        //Debug.DrawLine(camera3object.transform.position, camera3object.transform.position + 100*camera3object.transform.forward, Color.yellow);

        Debug.DrawLine(transform.position + 50 * transform.up + 20 * transform.right + 25 * transform.forward, transform.position - 100 * transform.forward + 50 * transform.up,;
        Debug.DrawLine(transform.position + 50 * transform.up - 20 * transform.right + 25 * transform.forward, transform.position - 100 * transform.forward + 50 * transform.up, Color.white);
        Debug.DrawLine(transform.position + 50 * transform.up + 20 * transform.right - 20 * transform.forward, transform.position - 100 * transform.forward + 50 * transform.up,;
        Debug.DrawLine(transform.position + 50 * transform.up - 20 * transform.right - 20 * transform.forward, transform.position - 100 * transform.forward + 50 * transform.up, Color.yellow);

        Debug.DrawLine(transform.position - 50 * transform.up + 20 * transform.right + 25 * transform.forward, transform.position - 100 * transform.forward + 50 * transform.up,;
        Debug.DrawLine(transform.position - 50 * transform.up - 20 * transform.right + 25 * transform.forward, transform.position - 100 * transform.forward + 50 * transform.up, Color.white);
        Debug.DrawLine(transform.position - 50 * transform.up + 20 * transform.right - 20 * transform.forward, transform.position - 100 * transform.forward + 50 * transform.up,;
        Debug.DrawLine(transform.position - 50 * transform.up - 20 * transform.right - 20 * transform.forward, transform.position - 100 * transform.forward + 50 * transform.up, Color.yellow);

        //Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + 100*Vector3.back, Color.white);
        //Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + 100*Vector3.right,;
        //Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + 100*Vector3.left, Color.yellow);

        //Debug.DrawLine(camera1object.transform.position , camera1object.transform.position + Vector3.forward + 100*camera1object.transform.forward,;

        angle = Vector3.Angle(look, Pos);
        //angle = Vector3.Angle(look, Pos1);
        angletwo   = Vector3.Angle(looktwo, PosTwo);
        anglethree = Vector3.Angle(lookthree, PosThree);

        //Debug.Log("The angle between the two is");


        if (angle <= 55)
            array[0] = 1;
            array[0] = 0;
        Debug.Log("Angle is the following: ");

        if (angletwo <= 55)
            array[1] = 1;
            array[1] = 0;
        //Debug.Log("Angle two is the following: ");

        if (anglethree <= 55)
            //Debug.Log("we are being seen by the camera");
            array[2] = 1;
            //Debug.Log("we are not being seen by the camera");
            array[2] = 0;
        Debug.Log("Angle three is the following: ");

 *    SumArray = array[0] + array[1] + array[2];
 *      if (SumArray == 1) {
 *        array[0] = 1;
 *        if (transform.localScale.x != .75 && ctr-ctr2 == 0) {
 *        transform.localScale += sc;
 *        Debug.Log(transform.localScale.x);
 *        Debug.Log("transform.localScale.x value is first");
 *        Debug.Log(transform.localScale.z);
 *        Debug.Log("transform.localScale.z value is second");
 *        ctr += 1;
 *        }
 *      }
 *      else {
 *        array[0] = 0;
 *        //transform.localScale.x = 1;
 *        //transform.localScale.z = 1;
 *        if (transform.localScale.x != 1 && ctr2 == 0) {
 *        Debug.Log("Were in");
 *        transform.localScale += sc2;
 *        Debug.Log(transform.localScale.x);
 *        Debug.Log("transform.localScale.x value is first");
 *        Debug.Log(transform.localScale.z);
 *        Debug.Log("transform.localScale.z value is second");
 *        ctr2 += 1;
 *        }
 *      }

        SumArray = array[0] + array[1] + array[2];
        //2 to 3
        if (SumArray == 3 && SumArrayOld == 2)
            Debug.Log("SumArray is equal to 3");
            rend.sharedMaterial  = material[3];
            transform.localScale = robotscale3;

        else if (SumArray == 3 && SumArrayOld == 3)
            Debug.Log("SumArray is equal to 3");
            rend.sharedMaterial = material[3];

        //1 to 2
        else if (SumArray == 2 && SumArrayOld == 1)
            Debug.Log("SumArray is equal to 2");
            rend.sharedMaterial  = material[2];
            transform.localScale = robotscale2;

        else if (SumArray == 2 && SumArrayOld == 2)
            Debug.Log("SumArray is equal to 2");
            rend.sharedMaterial = material[2];
        //3 to 2
        else if (SumArray == 2 && SumArrayOld == 3)
            Debug.Log("SumArray is equal to 2");
            rend.sharedMaterial  = material[2];
            transform.localScale = robotscale2;

        //0 to 1
        else if (SumArray == 1 && SumArrayOld == 0)
            //Debug.Log("SumArray is equal to 1");
            rend.sharedMaterial  = material[1];
            transform.localScale = robotscale1;

        else if (SumArray == 1 && SumArrayOld == 1)
            //Debug.Log("SumArray is equal to 1");
            rend.sharedMaterial = material[1];
        //2 to 1
        else if (SumArray == 1 && SumArrayOld == 2)
            //Debug.Log("SumArray is equal to 1");
            rend.sharedMaterial  = material[1];
            transform.localScale = robotscale1;

        //1 to 0
        else if (SumArray == 0 && SumArrayOld == 1)
            Debug.Log("SumArray is equal to 0");
            rend.sharedMaterial = material[0];
            //transform.localScale += sc1;
            transform.localScale = robotscale0;
        else if (SumArray == 0 && SumArrayOld == 0)
            Debug.Log("SumArray is equal to 0");
            rend.sharedMaterial = material[0];

        SumArrayOld = array[0] + array[1] + array[2];

        //SumArray = array[0] + array[1];

 public void ChangeCamera1()