Esempio n. 1
        private void BuildCities()
            if (Bot.Settings.CommerceGame == false || Bot.Settings.CommerceCityBaseCost.HasValue == false)
                return; //can't build cities
            var totalGold  = Bot.Standing.NumResources(Bot.PlayerID, ResourceType.Gold);
            var spentGold  = Bot.Settings.CostOfBuyingArmies(IncomeTracker.TotalArmiesDeployed);
            var maxPercent = !Bot.UseRandomness ? 0.5 : RandomUtility.BellRandom(0, 0.9);
            int goldLeftToSpendOnCities = Math.Min(totalGold - spentGold, SharedUtility.Round(totalGold * maxPercent)); //limit our cities to about half our gold to ensure we don't over-build

            AILog.Log("BuildCities", "totalGold=" + totalGold + " spentGold=" + spentGold + " goldToSpendOnCities=" + goldLeftToSpendOnCities + " maxPercent=" + maxPercent);

            if (goldLeftToSpendOnCities < Bot.Settings.CommerceCityBaseCost.Value)
                return; //can't even afford one city
            //randomize the safe range.  This makes it
            int acceptableRangeFromOpponent = !Bot.UseRandomness ? 4 : SharedUtility.Round(RandomUtility.BellRandom(2, 6));

            var eligibleTerritories = Bot.TerritoriesNotNearOpponent(acceptableRangeFromOpponent);


            var numCitiesOn = eligibleTerritories.ToDictionary(o => o, o => Bot.Standing.Territories[o].NumStructures(StructureType.City));

            //while we might be able to afford a city...
            while (goldLeftToSpendOnCities > Bot.Settings.CommerceCityBaseCost.Value)
                var fewestCities     = numCitiesOn.Values.Min();
                var cheapestCityCost = fewestCities + Bot.Settings.CommerceCityBaseCost.Value;
                if (goldLeftToSpendOnCities < cheapestCityCost)
                    return; //can't afford any more, we must have one on every spot which increases the cost.
                //We can afford it, let's build a city
                var buildCityOn = Bot.UseRandomness ? numCitiesOn.Where(o => o.Value == fewestCities).Random().Key : numCitiesOn.Where(o => o.Value == fewestCities).OrderBy(o => (int)o.Key).First().Key;
                goldLeftToSpendOnCities -= cheapestCityCost; //remember that we spent it for the loop above.

                AILog.Log("BuildCities", "Building a city on " + Bot.TerrString(buildCityOn) + " for " + cheapestCityCost + " unspentGold=" + goldLeftToSpendOnCities);

                Orders.PurchaseOrder.BuildCities.AddTo(buildCityOn, 1);
                numCitiesOn.AddTo(buildCityOn, 1);

                //Since we spent gold, adjust the remaining deployable armies so we don't overdeploy later