Esempio n. 1
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            if (rawTerms.Length < 2)
                bot.SendMessageInChannel("Error: This command requires 2 terms. (Amount and chip code)", channel);
                int chipAmount = Utils.GetNumberFromInputs(terms);

                string chipCode = rawTerms[1];

                if (chipAmount > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(chipCode))
                    bot.ChipsCoupons.Add(new ChipsCoupon()
                        ChipsAmount = chipAmount,
                        Code        = chipCode

                    bot.SendMessageInChannel("Added code " + chipCode + " for " + chipAmount + " chips.", channel);
                    bot.SendMessageInChannel("Error on inputs for chips code.", channel);
Esempio n. 2
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            ChannelSettings thisChannel = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            if (thisChannel.AllowChips)
                string messageString = "";

                ChipPile existing = bot.DiceBot.GetChipPile(characterName, channel, false);
                if (existing != null)
                    messageString = Utils.GetCharacterUserTags(characterName) + " is already registered.";
                    messageString = Utils.GetCharacterUserTags(characterName) + " was registered for a chips pile.";

                    if (thisChannel.StartWith500Chips)
                        messageString += "\n[b]500 chips[/b] were given to " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags(characterName) + " to start.";

                    bot.DiceBot.AddChips(characterName, channel, 0, false);


                bot.SendMessageInChannel(messageString, channel);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Name + " is currently not allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.", channel);
Esempio n. 3
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            ChannelSettings thisChannel = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            if (thisChannel.AllowTableInfo)
                string tableName = commandController.GetTableNameFromCommandTerms(terms);

                SavedRollTable infoTable = Utils.GetTableFromId(bot.SavedTables, tableName);

                string sendMessage = "Table \'" + tableName + "\' not found.";
                if (infoTable != null)
                    sendMessage = "Table id [b]" + infoTable.TableId + "[/b] created by [user]" + infoTable.OriginCharacter + "[/user]";

                    if (infoTable.Table != null)
                        string tabledesc = infoTable.Table.Description + "\n";
                        sendMessage += "\n\n Name: [b]" + infoTable.Table.Name + "[/b]\n " + tabledesc + " Roll Die: d" + infoTable.Table.DieSides + " Roll Bonus: " + infoTable.Table.RollBonus;
                        sendMessage += "\n" + infoTable.Table.GetTableEntryList();
                        sendMessage += "\n (Rolltable contents not found)";

                bot.SendMessageInChannel(sendMessage, channel);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Name + " is currently not allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.", channel);
Esempio n. 4
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            ChannelSettings thisChannel = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            bool characterIsAdmin = Utils.IsCharacterAdmin(bot.AccountSettings.AdminCharacters, characterName);

            if (thisChannel.ChipsClearance == ChipsClearanceLevel.ChannelOp && command.ops == null)
            else if ((thisChannel.ChipsClearance == ChipsClearanceLevel.DicebotAdmin && !characterIsAdmin) ||
                     (thisChannel.ChipsClearance == ChipsClearanceLevel.ChannelOp && !command.ops.Contains(characterName) && !characterIsAdmin))
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Utils.GetCharacterUserTags(characterName) + " cannot perform [" + Name + "] under the current chip settings for this channel.", channel);
            else if (thisChannel.AllowChips)
                string messageString = bot.DiceBot.RemoveChipsPile(characterName, channel);


                bot.SendMessageInChannel(messageString, channel);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Name + " is currently not allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.", channel);
Esempio n. 5
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            ChannelSettings thisChannel = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            if (thisChannel.AllowChips)
                bool half  = false;
                bool third = false;

                if (terms != null && terms.Length >= 1 && terms.Contains("half"))
                    half = true;

                if (terms != null && terms.Length >= 1 && terms.Contains("third"))
                    third = true;

                string messageString = bot.DiceBot.ClaimPot(characterName, channel, half, third);


                bot.SendMessageInChannel(messageString, channel);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Name + " is currently not allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.", channel);
Esempio n. 6
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            ChannelSettings thisChannel = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            if (thisChannel.AllowChips)
                bool all = false;

                int betAmount = Utils.GetNumberFromInputs(terms);

                if (terms != null && terms.Length >= 1 && terms.Contains("all"))
                    all = true;

                string messageString = "";
                if (betAmount == 0 && !all)
                    messageString = "Error: You must input a number or 'all' to make a bet.";
                    messageString = bot.DiceBot.BetChips(characterName, channel, betAmount, all);


                bot.SendMessageInChannel(messageString, channel);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Name + " is currently not allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.", channel);
Esempio n. 7
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            ChannelSettings thisChannel = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            if (thisChannel.AllowGames)
                string messageString = "";

                IGame gametype    = commandController.GetGameTypeFromCommandTerms(bot.DiceBot, terms);
                bool  adminCancel = terms.Contains("override");

                if (gametype == null)
                    //check game sessions and see if this channel has a session for anything
                    var gamesPresent = bot.DiceBot.GameSessions.Where(a => a.ChannelId == channel);
                    if (gamesPresent.Count() == 0)
                        messageString = "Error: No game sessions are active in this channel to cancel.";
                    else if (gamesPresent.Count() > 1)
                        messageString = "Error: You must specify a game type if more than one game session exists in the channel.";
                    else if (gamesPresent.Count() == 1)
                        GameSession sesh = gamesPresent.First();
                        gametype = sesh.CurrentGame;
                if (gametype != null)
                    GameSession sesh = bot.DiceBot.GetGameSession(channel, gametype, false);

                    if (sesh != null)
                        ChipPile potChips = bot.DiceBot.GetChipPile(DiceBot.PotName, channel);

                        if (!adminCancel && sesh.Ante > 0 && potChips.Chips > 0)
                            messageString = "The pot already has chips in it. The pot must be empty before cancelling a game with ante.";
                            messageString = bot.DiceBot.CancelGame(channel, gametype);
                        messageString = "Error: Game session for " + gametype.GetGameName() + " not found or created.";

                bot.SendMessageInChannel(messageString, channel);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Name + " is currently not allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.", channel);
Esempio n. 8
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            ChannelSettings thisChannel = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            if (thisChannel.AllowChips)
                bool all    = false;
                bool pot    = false;
                bool secret = false;

                if (terms != null && terms.Length >= 1 && terms.Contains("all"))
                    all = true;

                if (terms != null && terms.Length >= 1 && terms.Contains("pot"))
                    pot = true;

                if (terms != null && terms.Length >= 1 && terms.Contains("secret"))
                    secret = true;

                string messageString = "";
                if (all)
                    messageString = bot.DiceBot.ListAllChipPiles(channel);
                    if (pot)
                        messageString = bot.DiceBot.DisplayChipPile(channel, DiceBot.PotName);
                        messageString = bot.DiceBot.DisplayChipPile(channel, characterName);

                if (all || secret)
                    bot.SendPrivateMessage(messageString, characterName);
                    bot.SendMessageInChannel(messageString, channel);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Name + " is currently not allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.", channel);
Esempio n. 9
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            ChannelSettings thisChannel = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            if (thisChannel.AllowChips)
                if (thisChannel.ChipsClearance != ChipsClearanceLevel.DicebotAdmin)
                    bot.SendMessageInChannel("Redeemchips is only functional in channels that have [b]restricted[/b] chips pools. Please try using '!addchips' instead.", channel);
                    string messageString = "";

                    if (rawTerms.Count() < 1)
                        messageString = "Error: This command requires a chips code.";
                        string chipsCode = rawTerms[0];

                        //find chips coupon
                        ChipsCoupon coupon = bot.ChipsCoupons.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Code == chipsCode);

                        if (coupon == null)
                            messageString = "chips code not found (" + chipsCode + ")";
                        else if (coupon.Redeemed)
                            messageString = "This chips code (" + chipsCode + ") has already been redeemed.";
                            //mark redeemed and add chips to the redeeming character
                            coupon.Redeemed   = true;
                            coupon.RedeemedBy = characterName;

                            messageString = "Chips code redeemed.\n" + bot.DiceBot.AddChips(characterName, channel, coupon.ChipsAmount, false) +
                                            "\n[sub]Thank you for purchasing Dice Bot chips![/sub]";


                    bot.SendMessageInChannel(messageString, channel);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Name + " is currently not allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.", channel);
Esempio n. 10
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            ChannelSettings thisChannel = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            bool characterIsAdmin = Utils.IsCharacterAdmin(bot.AccountSettings.AdminCharacters, characterName);

            if (thisChannel.ChipsClearance == ChipsClearanceLevel.ChannelOp && command.ops == null)
            else if ((thisChannel.ChipsClearance == ChipsClearanceLevel.DicebotAdmin && !characterIsAdmin) ||
                     (thisChannel.ChipsClearance == ChipsClearanceLevel.ChannelOp && !command.ops.Contains(characterName) && !characterIsAdmin))
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Utils.GetCharacterUserTags(characterName) + " cannot perform [" + Name + "] under the current chip settings for this channel.", channel);
            else if (thisChannel.AllowChips)
                string messageString = "";
                if (terms.Length < 2)
                    messageString = "Error: This command requires a number (first) and a user name (second).";
                    bool all        = false;
                    int  giveAmount = Utils.GetNumberFromInputs(terms);

                    string[] rawTermsMost = new string[rawTerms.Length - 1];

                    for (int i = 1; i < rawTerms.Length; i++)
                        rawTermsMost[i - 1] = rawTerms[i];

                    string targetUserName = Utils.GetFullStringOfInputs(rawTermsMost).Trim();

                    if (giveAmount <= 0 && !all)
                        messageString = "Error: You must input a number to take an amount of chips.";
                        messageString = bot.DiceBot.TakeChips(characterName, targetUserName, channel, giveAmount, all);


                bot.SendMessageInChannel(messageString, channel);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Name + " is currently not allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.", channel);
Esempio n. 11
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            string messageString = "[b][DICE BOT ADMIN MESSAGE]:[/b]" + Utils.GetFullStringOfInputs(rawTerms);

            bot.SendMessageInChannel("[b][ADMIN] Sending message to all occupied channels: [/b]" + messageString, channel);

            foreach (string channelCode in bot.ChannelsJoined)
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(messageString, channelCode);
Esempio n. 12
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            string tableName = commandController.GetTableNameFromCommandTerms(terms);

            SavedRollTable deleteTable = Utils.GetTableFromId(bot.SavedTables, tableName);

            string sendMessage = "No tables found for [user]" + characterName + "[/user]";

            if (deleteTable != null)
                if (characterName == deleteTable.OriginCharacter)

                    sendMessage = "[b]" + deleteTable.TableId + "[/b] deleted by [user]" + characterName + "[/user]";

                    Utils.WriteToFileAsData(bot.SavedTables, Utils.GetTotalFileName(BotMain.FileFolder, BotMain.SavedTablesFileName));
                    sendMessage = "Only " + deleteTable.OriginCharacter + " can delete their own saved table.";

            bot.SendMessageInChannel(sendMessage, channel);
Esempio n. 13
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            CardCommandOptions options = new CardCommandOptions(commandController, terms, characterName);

            int numberDrawn = Utils.GetNumberFromInputs(terms);

            if (numberDrawn > 1)
                options.cardsS = "s";

            string customDeckName = Utils.GetCustomDeckName(characterName);

            string deckTypeString             = Utils.GetDeckTypeStringHidePlaying(options.deckType, customDeckName);
            string cardDrawingCharacterString = Utils.GetCharacterStringFromSpecialName(options.characterDrawName);

            string trueDraw             = "";
            string drawOutput           = bot.DiceBot.DrawCards(numberDrawn, options.jokers, options.deckDraw, channel, options.deckType, options.characterDrawName, options.secretDraw, out trueDraw);
            string channelMessageOutput = "[i]" + cardDrawingCharacterString + ": " + deckTypeString + "Card" + options.cardsS + " drawn:[/i] " + drawOutput;

            if (options.secretDraw && !(options.characterDrawName == DiceBot.DealerName || options.characterDrawName == DiceBot.BurnCardsName || options.characterDrawName == DiceBot.DiscardName))
                string playerMessageOutput = "[i]" + cardDrawingCharacterString + ": " + deckTypeString + "Card" + options.cardsS + " drawn:[/i] " + trueDraw;
                bot.SendPrivateMessage(playerMessageOutput, characterName);

            bot.SendMessageInChannel(channelMessageOutput, channel);
Esempio n. 14
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            int      channelsNumber = bot.ChannelsJoined.Count();
            TimeSpan onlineTime     = DateTime.UtcNow - bot.LoginTime;

            bot.SendMessageInChannel("Dicebot has been online for " + Utils.GetTimeSpanPrint(onlineTime), channel);
Esempio n. 15
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            string characterDrawName = commandController.GetCharacterDrawNameFromCommandTerms(characterName, terms);

            DeckType deckType = commandController.GetDeckTypeFromCommandTerms(terms);

            string customDeckName = Utils.GetCustomDeckName(characterName);
            string deckTypeString = Utils.GetDeckTypeStringHidePlaying(deckType, customDeckName);
            Hand   h = bot.DiceBot.GetHand(channel, deckType, characterDrawName);

            string displayName = characterDrawName;

            if (displayName.Contains(DiceBot.PlaySuffix))
                displayName = displayName.Replace(DiceBot.PlaySuffix, "");

            string outputString = "[i]" + deckTypeString + "Showing [user]" + displayName + "[/user]'s " + h.GetCollectionName() + ": [/i]" + h.ToString();

            if (characterDrawName == DiceBot.BurnCardsName)
                outputString = "[i]" + deckTypeString + "Showing burned cards: [/i]" + h.ToString();
            else if (characterDrawName == DiceBot.DealerName)
                outputString = "[i]" + deckTypeString + "Showing the dealer's hand: [/i]" + h.ToString();
            else if (characterDrawName == DiceBot.DiscardName)
                outputString = "[i]" + deckTypeString + "Showing discarded cards: [/i]" + h.ToString();

            bot.SendMessageInChannel(outputString, channel);
Esempio n. 16
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            string customDeckName = Utils.GetCustomDeckName(characterName);

            SavedDeck deleteDeck = Utils.GetDeckFromId(bot.SavedDecks, customDeckName);

            string sendMessage = "No decks found for [user]" + characterName + "[/user]";

            if (deleteDeck != null)
                if (characterName == deleteDeck.OriginCharacter)

                    sendMessage = "[b]" + deleteDeck.DeckId + "[/b] deleted by [user]" + characterName + "[/user]";

                    Utils.WriteToFileAsData(bot.SavedDecks, Utils.GetTotalFileName(BotMain.FileFolder, BotMain.SavedDecksFileName));
                    sendMessage = "Only " + deleteDeck.OriginCharacter + " can delete their own saved deck.";

            bot.SendMessageInChannel(sendMessage, channel);
Esempio n. 17
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            if (command.ops == null)
                bot.RequestChannelOpListAndQueueFurtherRequest(new UserGeneratedCommand()
                    channel       = channel,
                    terms         = terms,
                    rawTerms      = rawTerms,
                    ops           = null,
                    characterName = characterName,
                    commandName   = Name
                Console.WriteLine("Channeloprequest completing");
                string[] opsList = command.ops;
                string   output  = "";
                if (opsList == null)
                    output = "opslist was null";
                    output  = Utils.PrintList(opsList);
                    output += " " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags(characterName) + " is an op? " + opsList.Contains(characterName);

                bot.SendMessageInChannel("[b][ADMIN] [/b]" + output, channel);
Esempio n. 18
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            string newStatus = Utils.GetFullStringOfInputs(rawTerms);

            bot.SetStatus(STAStatus.Online, newStatus);
            bot.SendMessageInChannel("[b][ADMIN] Status updated.[/b]", channel);
Esempio n. 19
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            ChannelSettings thisChannel = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            bool characterIsAdmin             = Utils.IsCharacterAdmin(bot.AccountSettings.AdminCharacters, characterName);
            bool characterIsTrustedForChannel = Utils.IsCharacterTrusted(bot.AccountSettings.TrustedCharacters, characterName, channel);

            if (thisChannel.ChipsClearance == ChipsClearanceLevel.ChannelOp && command.ops == null)
            else if ((thisChannel.ChipsClearance == ChipsClearanceLevel.DicebotAdmin && !characterIsAdmin && !characterIsTrustedForChannel) ||
                     (thisChannel.ChipsClearance == ChipsClearanceLevel.ChannelOp && !command.ops.Contains(characterName) && !characterIsAdmin))
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Utils.GetCharacterUserTags(characterName) + " cannot perform [" + Name + "] under the current chip settings for this channel.", channel);
            else if (thisChannel.AllowChips)
                bool pot = false;

                int chipAmount = Utils.GetNumberFromInputs(terms);

                if (terms != null && terms.Length >= 1 && terms.Contains("pot"))
                    pot = true;

                string messageString = "";
                if (chipAmount <= 0)
                    messageString = "Error: You must specify a number of chips above 0 to add.";
                    messageString = bot.DiceBot.AddChips(characterName, channel, chipAmount, pot);


                bot.SendMessageInChannel(messageString, channel);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Name + " is currently not allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.", channel);
Esempio n. 20
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            ChannelSettings thisChannel = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            if (thisChannel.AllowGames)
                string messageString = "";

                if (terms.Length < 1)
                    messageString = "Error: This command requires a game name.";
                    IGame gametype = commandController.GetGameTypeFromCommandTerms(bot.DiceBot, terms);

                    if (gametype == null)
                        messageString = "Error: Game type not found.";
                        GameSession sesh = bot.DiceBot.GetGameSession(channel, gametype, false);

                        if (sesh != null)
                            double secondsRemain = bot.DiceBot.GetSecondsRemainingOnCountdownTimer(channel, gametype.GetGameName());

                            messageString = sesh.GetStatus(secondsRemain);
                            messageString = "Game session for " + gametype.GetGameName() + " not found or created.";

                bot.SendMessageInChannel(messageString, channel);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Name + " is currently not allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.", channel);
Esempio n. 21
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            ChannelSettings thisChannel = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            if (thisChannel.AllowChips)
                string messageString = "";
                if (terms.Length < 2)
                    messageString = "Error: This command requires a number (first) and a user name (second).";
                    bool all        = false;
                    int  giveAmount = Utils.GetNumberFromInputs(rawTerms);

                    string[] rawTermsMost = new string[rawTerms.Length - 1];

                    for (int i = 1; i < rawTerms.Length; i++)
                        rawTermsMost[i - 1] = rawTerms[i];

                    string targetUserName = Utils.GetFullStringOfInputs(rawTermsMost).Trim();

                    if (giveAmount <= 0 && !all)
                        messageString = "Error: You must input a number to give an amount of chips.";
                        messageString = bot.DiceBot.GiveChips(characterName, targetUserName, channel, giveAmount, all);


                bot.SendMessageInChannel(messageString, channel);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Name + " is currently not allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.", channel);
Esempio n. 22
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            if (BotMain._debug)
                bot.SendMessageInChannel("Command recieved: " + Utils.PrintList(terms), channel);

            bool   debugOverride = false;
            string finalResult   = bot.DiceBot.GetRollResult(terms, debugOverride);

            string userName = "******" + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags(characterName) + "[/i]: ";

            bot.SendMessageInChannel(userName + finalResult, channel);

            if (BotMain._debug)
                Console.WriteLine("Command finished: " + finalResult);
Esempio n. 23
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            DeckType deckType = commandController.GetDeckTypeFromCommandTerms(terms);

            string customDeckString = Utils.GetCustomDeckName(characterName);
            string deckTypeString   = Utils.GetDeckTypeStringHidePlaying(deckType, customDeckString);

            bot.DiceBot.EndHand(channel, deckType);
            bot.SendMessageInChannel("[i]" + deckTypeString + "All hands have been emptied.[/i]", channel);
Esempio n. 24
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            ChannelSettings thisChannel = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            if (thisChannel.AllowChips)
                string messageString = "";
                if (terms.Length < 1)
                    messageString = "Error: This command requires a number.";
                    bool pot = false;

                    int chipAmount = Utils.GetNumberFromInputs(terms);

                    if (terms != null && terms.Length >= 1 && terms.Contains("pot"))
                        pot = true;

                    messageString = "";
                    if (chipAmount <= 0)
                        messageString = "Error: You must specify a number of chips above 0 to remove.";
                        messageString = bot.DiceBot.AddChips(characterName, channel, -1 * chipAmount, pot);


                bot.SendMessageInChannel(messageString, channel);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Name + " is currently not allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.", channel);
Esempio n. 25
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            int numberCharacters = 0;

            if (terms.Length > 0)
                int.TryParse(terms[0], out numberCharacters);

            bot.SendMessageInChannel("[b][ADMIN] [/b]" + Utils.GetStringOfNLength(numberCharacters), channel);
Esempio n. 26
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            int      channelsNumber = bot.ChannelsJoined.Count();
            TimeSpan onlineTime     = DateTime.UtcNow - bot.LoginTime;

            bot.SendMessageInChannel("Dice Bot was developed by [user]Darkness Syndra[/user] on 10/12/2020"
                                     + "\nversion " + BotMain.Version
                                     + "\ncurrently operating in " + channelsNumber + " channels."
                                     + "\nonline for " + Utils.GetTimeSpanPrint(onlineTime)
                                     + "\nfor a list of commands, see the profile [user]Dice Bot[/user].", channel);
Esempio n. 27
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            ChannelSettings thisChannel = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            if (thisChannel.AllowTableRolls)
                bool includeLabel   = true;
                bool secondaryRolls = true;

                if (terms != null && terms.Length >= 1 && terms.Contains("nolabel"))
                    includeLabel = false;
                if (terms != null && terms.Length >= 1 && terms.Contains("nosecondary"))
                    secondaryRolls = false;

                int    rollModifier = commandController.GetRollModifierFromCommandTerms(terms);
                string tableName    = commandController.GetTableNameFromCommandTerms(terms);

                SavedRollTable savedTable = Utils.GetTableFromId(bot.SavedTables, tableName);

                if (savedTable.DefaultTable || thisChannel.AllowCustomTableRolls)
                    string sendMessage = bot.DiceBot.GetRollTableResult(bot.SavedTables, tableName, characterName, channel, rollModifier, includeLabel, secondaryRolls, 3);

                    bot.SendMessageInChannel(sendMessage, channel);
                    bot.SendMessageInChannel("Only default talbes are allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.", channel);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Name + " is currently not allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.", channel);
Esempio n. 28
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            string cardName = Utils.GetFullStringOfInputs(rawTerms);

            List <SavedDeck> possibleDecks = bot.SavedDecks.Where(a => a.DeckList.Contains(cardName)).ToList();

            string allReturned = "";

            if (possibleDecks != null && possibleDecks.Count >= 1)
                foreach (SavedDeck saved in possibleDecks)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(allReturned))
                        allReturned += ", ";

                    int    startIndex = saved.DeckList.IndexOf(cardName);
                    string relevant   = saved.DeckList.Substring(startIndex);

                    string[] remainingCards = relevant.Split(',');

                    if (remainingCards[0].Contains('|'))
                        string[] thisSplit = remainingCards[0].Split('|');
                        DeckCard d         = new DeckCard()
                            specialName = thisSplit[0], description = thisSplit[1]
                        allReturned += d.FullDescription();
                        DeckCard d = new DeckCard()
                            specialName = remainingCards[0]
                        allReturned += d.FullDescription();

                    allReturned += " (" + saved.DeckId + ")";
                allReturned = "The card '" + cardName + "' was not found.";

            bot.SendMessageInChannel("[i]Card Info: [/i]" + allReturned, channel);
Esempio n. 29
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            ChannelSettings existing = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            string sendMessage = "[b]Added[/b] " + channel + " to list of startup channels.";

            if (existing.StartupChannel)
                sendMessage = "[b]Removed[/b] " + channel + " from list of startup channels.";
            existing.StartupChannel = !existing.StartupChannel;

            Utils.WriteToFileAsData(bot.SavedChannelSettings, Utils.GetTotalFileName(BotMain.FileFolder, BotMain.ChannelSettingsFileName));

            bot.SendMessageInChannel(sendMessage, channel);
Esempio n. 30
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            int numberRolled = Utils.GetNumberFromInputs(terms);

            string resultString = "";

            if (numberRolled > DiceBot.MaximumDice)
                resultString = "Error: Cannot roll more than " + DiceBot.MaximumDice + " dice.";
                resultString = bot.DiceBot.RollFitD(numberRolled);

            bot.SendMessageInChannel(resultString, channel);