// Our exit conditions are
    // a) we reach the player
    // b) we reach the  players last known position and we can't find the player after x seconds (second half may be a new behavior)
    public override Status Update(ref Blackboard bb)
        LOSInfo losResults = new LOSInfo();

        if ((bb.LastKnownPlayerPosition - bb.Player.position).sqrMagnitude >= m_RefindPlayerDist) {
            losResults = CanSeePlayer(ref bb);

            if (losResults.CanSeePlayer) {
                bb.LastKnownPlayerPosition = bb.Player.position;

        else if (bb.ShowLOSCheck) {
            losResults = CanSeePlayer(ref bb);

        bb.LOSCheck(losResults.CanSeePlayer, losResults.HitPoint);

        if (bb.LastKnownPlayerPosition == Vector3.zero) {
            // We don't have a destination, return failure
            //Debug.Log("ChasePlayer failed");
            return Status.BH_FAILURE;

        Vector3 toDestination = bb.Destination - bb.Trans.position;
        if (toDestination.sqrMagnitude <= m_DistanceThreshold * m_DistanceThreshold ||
            bb.PathCurrentIdx >= bb.MovementPath.Length) {
            // If we've reached our destination, we're done
            Debug.Log ("ChasePlayer finish");
            return Status.BH_SUCCESS;

        // Move normally
        //Debug.DrawLine(bb.Trans.position, bb.MovementPath[bb.PathCurrentIdx], Color.green);
        Vector3 toNextPoint = bb.MovementPath[bb.PathCurrentIdx] - bb.Trans.position;
        toNextPoint.z = 0;

        if (toNextPoint.sqrMagnitude < 3) { ++bb.PathCurrentIdx; }

        toNextPoint.z = 0;
        bb.Trans.Translate(toNextPoint * bb.MoveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);

        m_Status = Status.BH_RUNNING;
        return Status.BH_RUNNING;