Esempio n. 1
        public void motors_Init()                                  //电机初始化
            canObj             = new canOpenObj();                 //实例化网络接口
            profileSettingsObj = new ProfileSettingsObj();         //实例化驱动器属性

            canObj.BitRate = CML_BIT_RATES.BITRATE_1_Mbit_per_sec; //设置CAN传输速率为1M/s
            canObj.Initialize();                                   //网络接口初始化

            ampObj         = new AmpObj[MOTOR_NUM];                //实例化四个驱动器(盘式电机)
            ampsettingsObj = new ampSettingsObj();
            ampsettingsObj.enableOnInit = true;
            ampsettingsObj.guardTime    = 1000;
            ampsettingsObj.lifeFactor   = 1000;
            for (int i = 0; i < MOTOR_NUM; i++)    //初始化四个驱动器
                ampObj[i] = new AmpObj();
                //ampObj[i].Initialize(canObj, (short)(i + 1));
                ampObj[i].InitializeExt(canObj, (short)(i + 1), ampsettingsObj);
                ampObj[i].HaltMode      = CML_HALT_MODE.HALT_DECEL;                                //选择通过减速来停止电机的方式
                ampObj[i].CountsPerUnit = 1;                                                       //电机转一圈编码器默认计数25600次,设置为4后转一圈计数6400次
                userUnits[i]            = ampObj[i].MotorInfo.ctsPerRev / ampObj[i].CountsPerUnit; //用户定义单位,counts/圈

            Linkage = new LinkageObj();
            Linkage.SetMoveLimits(200000, 3000000, 3000000, 200000);

            motorsTimer          = new DispatcherTimer();
            motorsTimer.Tick    += new EventHandler(motorsTimer_Tick); //Tick是超过计时器间隔时发生事件,此处为Tick增加了一个叫ShowCurTimer的取当前时间并扫描串口的委托
            motorsTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100);;    //设置刻度之间的时间值,设定为1秒(即文本框会1秒改变一次输出文本)
Esempio n. 2
        public void motors_Init()//电机初始化
                canObj             = new canOpenObj();         //实例化网络接口
                profileSettingsObj = new ProfileSettingsObj(); //实例化驱动器属性

                //canObj.BitRate = CML_BIT_RATES.BITRATE_500_Kbit_per_sec;
                canObj.BitRate = CML_BIT_RATES.BITRATE_1_Mbit_per_sec; //设置CAN传输速率为1M/s
                canObj.Initialize();                                   //网络接口初始化

                ampObj        = new AmpObj[MOTOR_NUM];                 //实例化四个驱动器(盘式电机)
                ampsetingsObj = new ampSettingsObj();

                ampsetingsObj.enableOnInit = true;
                ampsetingsObj.guardTime    = 2000; // 防止时间过长工控机电机失能
                //ampsetingsObj.heartbeatPeriod = 1000;
                //ampsetingsObj.heartbeatPeriod = 300;
                ampsetingsObj.lifeFactor = 1000;

                for (int i = 0; i < MOTOR_NUM; i++)//初始化四个驱动器
                    ampObj[i] = new AmpObj();
                    //ampObj[i].Initialize(canObj, (short)(i + 1));
                    ampObj[i].InitializeExt(canObj, (short)(i + 1), ampsetingsObj);
                    ampObj[i].HaltMode      = CML_HALT_MODE.HALT_DECEL;                                //选择通过减速来停止电机的方式
                    ampObj[i].CountsPerUnit = 1;                                                       //电机转一圈编码器默认计数25600次,设置为4后转一圈计数6400次
                    userUnits[i]            = ampObj[i].MotorInfo.ctsPerRev / ampObj[i].CountsPerUnit; //用户定义单位,counts/圈

                //ampObj[0].PositionActual = -1;
                //ampObj[1].PositionActual = -2;
                //ampObj[2].PositionActual = -2;
                //ampObj[3].PositionActual = -1;

                Linkage            = new LinkageObj();
                linkageSettingsObj = new LinkageSettingsObj();
                linkageSettingsObj.moveAckTimeout = 2000;                // 代替WaitMoveDone
                Linkage.InitializeExt(ampObj, linkageSettingsObj);       //电机联动初始化
                Linkage.SetMoveLimits(200000, 3000000, 3000000, 200000); // 设置电机速度,加速度等极限值
                EventObj.EventNotify += new eventObj.EventHandler(EventObj_EventNotify);

                motorsTimer          = new DispatcherTimer();
                motorsTimer.Tick    += new EventHandler(motorsTimer_Tick); //Tick是超过计时器间隔时发生事件,此处为Tick增加了一个叫ShowCurTimer的取当前时间并扫描串口的委托
                motorsTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100);;    //设置刻度之间的时间值,设定为1秒(即文本框会1秒改变一次输出文本)
            catch (Exception)
Esempio n. 3
        private void Motor_Connect()
                xAxisAmp = new AmpObj();

                //  CANOpen Network
                canOpen          = new canOpenObj(); // Set the bit rate to 1 Mbit per second
                canOpen.BitRate  = CML_BIT_RATES.BITRATE_1_Mbit_per_sec;
                canOpen.PortName = "copley0";        // Indicate that channel 0 of a Copley CAN card should be used
                ampSettings      = new ampSettingsObj();

                // Initialize the CAN card and network

                // CHANGE CAN Address -> based on settings
                //X_AXIS_CAN_ADDRESS = (short) X_AXIS_CAN_ADDRESS;                  // Sets CAN address to connect to

                //* Initialize the Amplifier (Stepnet)
                ampSettings.enableOnInit = true;
                xAxisAmp.InitializeExt(canOpen, X_AXIS_CAN_ADDRESS, ampSettings);
                xAxisAmp.ClearFaults();                                             // Clear Errors

                //* Create Event Handler for the Amplifier (Stepnet)
                xAxisEventObj              = xAxisAmp.CreateEvent(CML_AMP_EVENT.AMPEVENT_MOVE_DONE, CML_EVENT_CONDITION.CML_EVENT_ANY);
                xAxisEventObj.EventNotify += new eventObj.EventHandler(xAxisEventObj_EventNotify);

                motorConnect = true;                                                                // Motor Connected Successful
                motorButton.BackgroundImage = TeamMusclesAndMachine.Properties.Resources.Start_button;
            catch (Exception ex)
                motorButton.BackgroundImage = TeamMusclesAndMachine.Properties.Resources.Connect_button;
                //DisplayErrorPopup("Linear Actuator Error", "Connection to Stepnet failed. Check that device is " +
                //                                        "connected and CAN Channel selected is correct.");
        private void Motor_Connect()
                short tempAddress;
                xAxisAmp = new AmpObj();

                //  CANOpen Network
                canOpen = new canOpenObj();
                // Set the bit rate to 1 Mbit per second
                canOpen.BitRate = CML_BIT_RATES.BITRATE_1_Mbit_per_sec;
                // Indicate that channel 0 of a Copley CAN card should be used
                canOpen.PortName = "copley0";

                //* Initialize the CAN card and network

                X_AXIS_CAN_ADDRESS = (short)getCANChannel();

                //* Initialize the Amplifier (Stepnet)
                xAxisAmp.Initialize(canOpen, X_AXIS_CAN_ADDRESS);
                //* Clear Errors

                //* Create Event Handler for the Amplifier (Stepnet)
                xAxisEventObj = xAxisAmp.CreateEvent(CML_AMP_EVENT.AMPEVENT_MOVE_DONE,
                xAxisEventObj.EventNotify += new eventObj.EventHandler(xAxisEventObj_EventNotify);
            catch (Exception ex)
                DisplayErrorPopup("Linear Actuator Error", "Connection to Stepnet failed. Check that device is " +
                                  "connected and CAN Channel selected is correct.");
Esempio n. 5
        private void MotorForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                //Initialize code here
                xAxisAmp = new AmpObj();

                //  CANOpen Network
                canOpen = new canOpenObj();
                //* The next two lines of code are optional. If no bit rate is specified,
                //* then the default bit rate (1 Mbit per second) is used.  If no port name
                //* is specified, then CMO will use the first supported CAN card found and
                //* use channel 0 of that card.
                // Set the bit rate to 1 Mbit per second
                canOpen.BitRate = CML_BIT_RATES.BITRATE_1_Mbit_per_sec;
                // Indicate that channel 0 of a Copley CAN card should be used
                canOpen.PortName = "copley0";
                //* Initialize the CAN card and network
                //* Initialize the amplifier
                xAxisAmp.Initialize(canOpen, X_AXIS_CAN_ADDRESS);

                // Read velocity loop settings from the amp, use these as reasonble starting
                // points for the trajectory limits.
                VelocityTextBox.Text = Convert.ToString((xAxisAmp.VelocityLoopSettings.VelLoopMaxVel) / 10);
                AccelTextBox.Text    = Convert.ToString((xAxisAmp.VelocityLoopSettings.VelLoopMaxAcc) / 10);
                DecelTextBox.Text    = Convert.ToString((xAxisAmp.VelocityLoopSettings.VelLoopMaxDec) / 10);

                // Initialize home object with amplifier home settings
                Home = xAxisAmp.HomeSettings;
            catch (Exception ex)
        public void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                //Initialize code here
                xAxisAmp        = new AmpObj();
                ProfileSettings = new ProfileSettingsObj();

                //  CANOpen Network
                canOpen = new canOpenObj();
                //* The next two lines of code are optional. If no bit rate is specified,
                //* then the default bit rate (1 Mbit per second) is used.  If no port name
                //* is specified, then CMO will use the first supported CAN card found and
                //* use channel 0 of that card.
                // Set the bit rate to 1 Mbit per second
                canOpen.BitRate = CML_BIT_RATES.BITRATE_1_Mbit_per_sec;
                // Indicate that channel 0 of a Copley CAN card should be used
                canOpen.PortName = "copley1";
                //// Indicate that channel 0 of a KVaser card should be used
                //canOpen.PortName = "kvaser0";
                //// Indicate that channel 0 of an IXXAT card should be used
                //canOpen.PortName = "IXXAT0";
                //// Indicate that channel 0 of an IXXAT card (V3.x or newer drivers) should be used
                //canOpen.PortName = "IXXATV30";
                //* Initialize the CAN card and network
                //* Initialize the amplifier
                xAxisAmp.Initialize(canOpen, X_AXIS_CAN_ADDRESS);

                //Code to replace vb handle statements
                JogPosButton.MouseUp   += JogPosButton_MouseUp;
                JogPosButton.MouseDown += JogPosButton_MouseDown;
                JogNegButton.MouseUp   += JogNegButton_MouseUp;
                JogNegButton.MouseDown += JogNegButton_MouseDown;

                //*  EtherCAT Network
                //ecatObj = new EcatObj();
                //* The next line of code is optional. The port name is the IP address of
                //* the Ethernet adapter. Alternatively, a shortcut name “eth” can be used
                //* in conjunction with the adapter number. For example “eth0” for the first
                //* Ethernet adapter, “eth1” for the second adapter. If no port name is
                //* supplied, it will default to “eth0”.
                //// Indicate that the first Ethernet adapter is to be used
                //ecatObj.PortName = "eth0";
                //// Specify an IP address
                //ecatObj.PortName = "";
                //* Initialize the EtherCAT network
                //* Initialize the amplifier
                //xAxisAmp.InitializeEcat(ecatObj, ECAT_NODE);

                // Read velocity loop settings from the amp, use these as reasonble starting
                // points for the trajectory limits.
                VelocityTextBox.Text = Convert.ToString((xAxisAmp.VelocityLoopSettings.VelLoopMaxVel) / 10);
                AccelTextBox.Text    = Convert.ToString((xAxisAmp.VelocityLoopSettings.VelLoopMaxAcc) / 10);
                DecelTextBox.Text    = Convert.ToString((xAxisAmp.VelocityLoopSettings.VelLoopMaxDec) / 10);

                // Initialize home object with amplifier home settings
                Home = xAxisAmp.HomeSettings;
            catch (Exception ex)