Esempio n. 1
        public bool RectTileCollision(AABB rect, Vector2 offset)
            int CellWidth  = 16;
            int CellHeight = 16;

            rect.X += offset.X;
            rect.Y += offset.Y;

            // Get rounded tile positions
            float minx = (float)Math.Floor(rect.X / CellWidth) - 1;
            float miny = (float)Math.Floor(rect.Y / CellHeight) - 1;

            float maxx = (float)Math.Ceiling((rect.X + rect.width) / CellWidth) + 1;
            float maxy = (float)Math.Ceiling((rect.Y + rect.height) / CellHeight) + 1;

            Vector2 min = new Vector2(minx, miny);
            Vector2 max = new Vector2(maxx, maxy);

            //Set range of tile view
            float MinSpaceX = Math.Max(min.X, 0);
            float MinSpaceY = Math.Max(min.Y, 0);

            float MaxSpaceX = Math.Min(max.X, TileGridArray.GetLength(0) - 1);
            float MaxSpaceY = Math.Min(max.Y, TileGridArray.GetLength(1) - 1);

            //Loop thorugh tile pos
            for (int xx = (int)MinSpaceX; xx <= MaxSpaceX; xx++)
                for (int yy = (int)MinSpaceY; yy <= MaxSpaceY; yy++)
                    if (TileGridArray[xx, yy] != new Point(0, 0))
                        //Creates a rect representing the tile
                        AABB TileRect = new AABB(xx * CellWidth, yy * CellHeight, CellWidth, CellHeight);

                        if (rect.CollidingWith(TileRect))
