Exemple #1
        *  Draw a row of stars

        void stars_draw_row(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, int maxx, int y, uint32_t star_offs, uint8_t starmask)
            int x;

            /* ensure our star offset is valid */
            star_offs %= STAR_RNG_PERIOD;

            /* iterate over the specified number of 6MHz pixels */
            for (x = 0; x < maxx; x++)
                /* stars are suppressed unless V1 ^ H8 == 1 */
                int     enable_star = (y ^ (x >> 3)) & 1;
                uint8_t star;

                 *  The RNG clock is the master clock (18MHz) ANDed with the pixel clock (6MHz).
                 *  The divide-by-3 circuit that produces the pixel clock generates a square wave
                 *  with a 2/3 duty cycle, so the result of the AND generates a clock like this:
                 *              _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _
                 *    MASTER: _| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |
                 *              _______     _______     ______
                 *    PIXEL:  _|       |___|       |___|
                 *              _   _       _   _       _   _
                 *    RNG:    _| |_| |_____| |_| |_____| |_| |
                 *  Thus for each pixel, there are 3 master clocks and 2 RNG clocks, and the RNG
                 *  is clocked asymmetrically. To simulate this, we expand the horizontal screen
                 *  size by 3 and handle the first RNG clock with one pixel and the second RNG
                 *  clock with two pixels.

                /* first RNG clock: one pixel */
                star = m_stars[star_offs++];
                if (star_offs >= STAR_RNG_PERIOD)
                    star_offs = 0;

                if (enable_star != 0 && (star & 0x80) != 0 && (star & starmask) != 0)
                    bitmap.pix(y, m_x_scale * x + 0)[0] = m_star_color[star & 0x3f];

                /* second RNG clock: two pixels */
                star = m_stars[star_offs++];
                if (star_offs >= STAR_RNG_PERIOD)
                    star_offs = 0;

                if (enable_star != 0 && (star & 0x80) != 0 && (star & starmask) != 0)
                    bitmap.pix(y, m_x_scale * x + 1)[0] = m_star_color[star & 0x3f];
                    bitmap.pix(y, m_x_scale * x + 2)[0] = m_star_color[star & 0x3f];
Exemple #2
        *  Bullet rendering

        void galaxian_draw_pixel(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect, int y, int x, rgb_t color)
            if (y >= cliprect.min_y && y <= cliprect.max_y)
                x *= GALAXIAN_XSCALE;
                x += GALAXIAN_H0START;
                if (x >= cliprect.min_x && x <= cliprect.max_x)
                    bitmap.pix(y, x)[0] = color;

                if (x >= cliprect.min_x && x <= cliprect.max_x)
                    bitmap.pix(y, x)[0] = color;

                if (x >= cliprect.min_x && x <= cliprect.max_x)
                    bitmap.pix(y, x)[0] = color;
Exemple #3
        // snapshot/movie helpers

        //  create_snapshot_bitmap - creates a
        //  bitmap containing the screenshot for the
        //  given screen
        //typedef software_renderer<UINT32, 0,0,0, 16,8,0, false, true> snap_renderer_bilinear;
        //typedef software_renderer<UINT32, 0,0,0, 16,8,0, false, false> snap_renderer;

        void create_snapshot_bitmap(screen_device screen)
            // select the appropriate view in our dummy target
            if (m_snap_native && screen != null)
                screen_device_enumerator iter = new screen_device_enumerator(machine().root_device());
                int view_index = iter.indexof(screen);
                assert(view_index != -1);

            // get the minimum width/height and set it on the target and bitmap
            s32 width;
            s32 height;

            compute_snapshot_size(out width, out height);
            m_snap_target.set_bounds(width, height);
            if (width != m_snap_bitmap.width() || height != m_snap_bitmap.height())
                m_snap_bitmap.resize(width, height);

            // render the screen there
            render_primitive_list primlist = m_snap_target.get_primitives();

            if (machine().options().snap_bilinear())
                //typedef software_renderer<u32, 0,0,0, 16,8,0, false, true> snap_renderer_bilinear;
                //snap_renderer_bilinear::draw_primitives(primlist, &m_snap_bitmap.pix(0), width, height, m_snap_bitmap.rowpixels());
                software_renderer <u32, int_const_0, int_const_0, int_const_0, int_const_16, int_const_8, int_const_0, bool_const_false, bool_const_true> .draw_primitives(primlist, m_snap_bitmap.pix(0), (u32)width, (u32)height, (u32)m_snap_bitmap.rowpixels());
                //typedef software_renderer<u32, 0,0,0, 16,8,0, false, false> snap_renderer;
                //snap_renderer::draw_primitives(primlist, &m_snap_bitmap.pix(0), width, height, m_snap_bitmap.rowpixels());
                software_renderer <u32, int_const_0, int_const_0, int_const_0, int_const_16, int_const_8, int_const_0, bool_const_false, bool_const_false> .draw_primitives(primlist, m_snap_bitmap.pix(0), (u32)width, (u32)height, (u32)m_snap_bitmap.rowpixels());
Exemple #4
        *  Space Encounters

        //#define SPCENCTR_TOP_TRENCH_DARK_RGB32_PEN       rgb_t(0x4d, 0x4d, 0x4d)
        //#define SPCENCTR_TOP_TRENCH_LIGHT_RGB32_PEN      rgb_t(0xe6, 0xe6, 0xe6)
        //#define SPCENCTR_SIDE_TRENCH_DARK_RGB32_PEN      rgb_t(0x1a, 0x1a, 0x1a)
        //#define SPCENCTR_SIDE_TRENCH_LIGHT_RGB32_PEN     rgb_t(0x80, 0x80, 0x80)
        //#define SPCENCTR_BOTTOM_TRENCH_DARK_RGB32_PEN    rgb_t(0x0d, 0x0d, 0x0d)
        //#define SPCENCTR_BOTTOM_TRENCH_LIGHT_RGB32_PEN   rgb_t(0x66, 0x66, 0x66)
        //#define SPCENCTR_BRIGHTNESS_DECAY                10

        //uint32_t spcenctr_state::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)

        *  Phantom II

        //#define PHANTOM2_CLOUD_COUNTER_START      (0x0e0b)
        //#define PHANTOM2_CLOUD_COUNTER_END        (0x1000)

        //#define PHANTOM2_RGB32_CLOUD_PEN          rgb_t(0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0)

        //uint32_t mw8080bw_state::screen_update_phantom2(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)


        *  Space Invaders

        // the flip screen circuit is just a couple of relays on the monitor PCB

        uint32_t screen_update_invaders(screen_device screen, bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            uint8_t x          = 0;
            uint8_t y          = MW8080BW_VCOUNTER_START_NO_VBLANK;
            uint8_t video_data = 0;

            while (true)
                // plot the current pixel
                pen_t pen = (video_data & 0x01) != 0 ? rgb_t.white() : rgb_t.black();

                if (m_flip_screen != 0)
                    bitmap.pix(MW8080BW_VBSTART - 1 - (y - MW8080BW_VCOUNTER_START_NO_VBLANK), MW8080BW_HPIXCOUNT - 1 - x).SetUInt32(0, pen);
                    bitmap.pix(y - MW8080BW_VCOUNTER_START_NO_VBLANK, x).SetUInt32(0, pen);

                // next pixel
                video_data = (uint8_t)(video_data >> 1);
                x          = (uint8_t)(x + 1);

                // end of line?
                if (x == 0)
                    // yes, flush out the shift register
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        pen = (video_data & 0x01) != 0 ? rgb_t.white() : rgb_t.black();

                        if (m_flip_screen != 0)
                            bitmap.pix(MW8080BW_VBSTART - 1 - (y - MW8080BW_VCOUNTER_START_NO_VBLANK), MW8080BW_HPIXCOUNT - 1 - (256 + i)).SetUInt32(0, pen);
                            bitmap.pix(y - MW8080BW_VCOUNTER_START_NO_VBLANK, 256 + i).SetUInt32(0, pen);

                        video_data = (uint8_t)(video_data >> 1);

                    // next row, video_data is now 0, so the next line will start with 4 blank pixels
                    y = (uint8_t)(y + 1);

                    // end of screen?
                    if (y == 0)
                else if ((x & 0x07) == 0x04) // the video RAM is read at every 8 pixels starting with pixel 4
                    offs_t offs = (offs_t)((y << 5) | (x >> 3));
                    video_data = m_main_ram[offs].op;
